Summary: What happens when God is on your case and wants you to repent? Pharaoh shouts "Get out!" to God as well as Moses. Egypt shouts "Get out!" to God as well as Israel. The Passover is forever linked with that night of grief and the ensuing exodus.

Exodus 11,12 - Get out!

In Exodus 11 the biggest plague comes to Egypt with the death of the firstborn sons of the Egyptians. Warning is given, but Pharaoh’s heart is hardened. It all occurs as Israel observes what is known as the Passover. At that time they sprinkled the blood of a lamb on the doorposts and lintels and God spared their firstborn sons. A cry of grief comes from Egypt as their firstborn sons die that night. Pharaoh in his grief tells Israel they can leave and so Israel finally begins their journey out of Egypt.

I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose my son. When he and his wife were living in New Zealand, we went to visit them. On my return I dreamed that he had died and woke up in tears. I quickly rang him to say how much I loved him. He must have thought I was losing it, but my grief was real and I needed to hear his voice.

How many warnings must I get before I will listen to the voice of God? Sometimes my heart is hardened to His voice and I presume upon His grace before I come to Him and humble myself before Him. Pharaoh’s arrogance is a sad reminder of what can happen when someone stubbornly makes a stand against the living God and steps out from under the umbrella of His grace. Your firstborn son may not die, but certainly your life will be characterized by a spiritual death that brings grief to God’s heart. He desires none should perish but that all should come to repentance.

Pharaoh shouts "Get out!" to God as well as Moses. Egypt shouts "Get out!" to God as well as Israel. The Passover is forever linked with that night of grief and the ensuing exodus. Parents in Israel ever since that day have been obligated to teach their children it’s meaning. Children listen in awe at the story of how the blood of a lamb protected them.

Jesus is the perfect lamb of God who had to die to save us. We are saved by applying His blood to our own hearts by faith. When I make His Word and His Truth penetrate my life, I am saved. Leaven or yeast is a picture of sin in the Bible and Israel was told to cleanse their houses of leaven. The unleavened bread speaks of a life free of sin because of what Jesus had done on the Cross. I trust the blood of the lamb or I trust in myself. My arrogance and rebellion against God only produces death. My trust in His death for me gives me new life. Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose life in Christ.

God bless you Church as you choose life today.