Summary: What happens to us when we become a Christian?

Job Description

Matt 28:18-20

Acts 1:8

1 Peter 2:9-10

Every job should come with a job description

Without a job description employees have no idea what they are supposed to do

If they do not know what they are supposed to do, they will not know when they are finished

If they do not know when they are finished, they might keep working at time and a half


No-o-o-o they would probably go home at noon and not return until the next morning

As Christians (little Christs) we have a job description

In Acts 3, Peter and John cause a man, crippled from birth, to stand and watch

When people asked, they explained the Good News of Christ

They showed the love of God by healing the lame, and by telling the world that God loved them enough to give his only begotten son . . .

All through the book of Acts, the disciples were communicating the love of God for the world in their actions and in their words at every opportunity wherever they went.

That is what Christ was saying when he told us to “Go”


Yes, that is the job description of all believers

Did your neighbors see you leaving your house this morning and know where you were going?

Actually, that is where Peter and John were going that day . . . to worship

Just like you

And, you say, “Yes but they were special. They were empowered by Christ to “Go, preach and baptize”

1 Pet 2:9-10 tells us, “ But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; “

We are ALL priests . . . ministers of the Gospel

It is our job to show the world that Jehovah loves them enough to send his son to die so they can live forever

And, the Good News is that you and I are empowered by the same Holy Spirit that empowered Peter and John that morning

The same Holy Spirit that empowered those in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost

If you are a believer, that same Holy Spirit lives in you

He gives you the power to live the holy life

He gives you the power to know right from wrong

He gives you the power to you’re your enemies

He gives you the power to witness to others

He gives you the power to be the important piece in someone else’s puzzle

St. Francis of Assisi said, “Always proclaim the Gospel. If necessary, use words.”

St. Paul said that all we Christians have to offer the world is Faith, Hope and Love

There are millions of people out there that need those three today

They will try to get them from the government, secular humanism or materialism

All of these will fail

However, Paul says faith, hope and love will abide

The world cannot find these, unless they know where to look

That is our job description

To communicate the love of Christ to the world by our actions as well as our words

If the world sees us with faith, hope and love, the world will want to know why

What will you tell them?

Tell them about your story

Tell them where you were

Tell them where you are now

Tell them how your life has changed

But, my life is just the same, no change

Think about that


Rev. O. K. Neal