Summary: The ultimate workmanship of God is a human being who despite being dead in his transgressions and sins has been made alive in Christ.

“Let the Walls Fall Down”

Ephesians 2:11-22 November 30, 2008

OPEN: Ephesians is about the church. Paul is writing it to the church at Ephesus to be circulated among other area churches to show them how to be the church! He will concentrate later on- on some of the moral implications of being in Christ. He has emphasized the blessings that are found in Christ, the power that

is found in Christ; & he has reminded these Christians from whence they came– “you were dead in your

sin.” But all of this has been to show the church how to be the church! God is about building His church! But, as any good construction worker can tell you, before you can build . . . some things have to go

CONTEXT: - we are God’s workmanship – created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God

prepared in advance for us to do. The word workmanship is an interesting word in Greek. It comes from “poiema” from which we derive our English word poem. It really means “a work of art.” A poem is a thing of grace, a thing of beauty. God wants your life to be a thing of grace and a thing of beauty. The poet seeks to express Himself in beautiful terms. He works at his art until every nuance of expression is just the way he wants it to be. You and I are God’s works of art – his masterpieces. That’s what grace accomplishes in your life. Notice is says “in Christ Jesus” The ultimate workmanship of God is a human being who despite being dead in his transgressions and sins has been made alive in Christ. Michalangel was once asked what he was doing as he chipped away at a shapeless rock. He replied, “I’m liberating an angel from this stone.” That’s what God is doing with us. We are in the hands of the great Maker – the ultimate sculptor who created the universe out of nothing and he has never thrown away a rock on which he has begun a masterwork.

Ill of Scupture by Albin Polasek. – the way the world sees itself. Man creating himself. Man carving himself – shaping himself out of the cold stone into the figure he wants himself to be. It’s the height of arrogance - the clay shaping itself into its own predesigned image in total disregard to the Creator. Interesting note on this piece is that the artist was unable to find a model for the sculpture suitable to his liking so he posed for himself. One version of this sculpture shows numerous scars on the leg where the self-sculpting man made several errors. There is not way for man to shape himself into what he should be. Lifeless cold stone can’t shape anything – it needs to be shaped by someone else. The artist’s idea is only a figment of his creative imagination.

The reality comes into being though for those who have discovered grace. This passage is really all about how grace shapes us into the kind of people God wants us to be. It’s about how grace is at work in your life. Grace is the chisel that God uses as he chips away at the jagged edges of our life. Grace changes everything. It changes our destiny, our thought life, our relationships, our relationship with God and with one another. Grace changes everything.

Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those

who call themselves “the circumcision” (that done in the body by the hands of men) - remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, The passage starts out with two words that ought to be underlined in all of our Bibles: “Therefore, remember” Paul starts out this passage by saying, “therefore remember” He wants to take us back – before Jesus came into your life. Remember where we would be without grace. Remember the dramatic change that grace has introduced and accomplished in our lives. The first portion of chapter two provides a dramatic contrast. - From death to life. - From following Satan to following Christ - From living to satisfy the sinful nature to living for Christ. - From being an object of God’s wrath to becoming a recipient of God’s grace. - From spiritual poverty to possessing the incomparable riches of his grace. He says, “Remember how you lived.” Remember that you lived separated from Christ – It was as if there was a wall between you and God . And not only was there a wall between you and God, there was also a wall between you and the people of God. Paul is talking to Gentiles, here. . . (like us) Study human history and it would be difficult to find a more exclusive separation than that between the Jews and Gentiles in Biblical times. It would be hard to adequately describe for you in today’s terms the disdain that Jews had for Gentiles (& vice versa- no doubt). It was not lawful for a good Jew to aid a Gentile woman in giving birth because that would bring another heathen into the world. The divide was racial- but extended far beyond race. It was political- but extended far beyond politics. It was religious- but extended far beyond religion. In some ancient Jewish writings some Jews refer to Gentiles as being created as fuel to keep the fires in hell burning. Not only were there walls in people’s minds that divided one person from another, but there were literal walls that alienated us.

In the temple in the 1st century there was a literal dividing wall which separated the important part of

the temple, the Court of the Israelites, with the Court of the Gentiles. Signs were posted in Latin and Greek warning Gentiles not to go any farther into the temple precincts under penalty of death!” Then there was a series of three steps going up to the next level and all the Israelites could proceed, but, ladies, that’s as far as you could go. Next was the Court of the Women, another barrier they could not pass. There were another ten steps (I guess because the men felt like they could really look down on the women) but the Israelite men went ten steps higher at this wall then they would enter the Court of the Israelites. Then, men that’s as far as you could go unless you were a priest, then there would be another wall, another barrier and you had to walk up six steps to go to the Court of the Priests. Then from the court of the priests was a double wall that went around the Holy of Holies –separating everyone from presence of God. The Temple was just a series of walls separating groups of people and Jesus was saying, “When I came and when I died on the cross, I died so all of these walls could be dismantled and torn down.” Ill - In each section there were “innies” and there were “outies” People were classified like bellybuttons.

The Wall of Separation Meant Living Without:

They were without Christ remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, (vs12). The city

of Ephesus, was completely wrapped up in the worship of the goddess Diana, whose temple was the greatest feature of the city. Ephesus was the religious center for the worship of the fertility goddess known by the Greeks as Artemis and by the Romans as Diana. Her temple on the outskirts of the city was one of the seven wonders of the world. Part of the cult of Diana was the use of ritual prostitution whereby the worshiper became “joined” with the goddess through her priestesses, ensuring her favor throughout the year. They knew nothing of Christ, and the amazing forgiveness and freedom that is found in Him. In Ephesus, they had a culture of religion, but they had no relationship with God.

They were without citizenship. excluded from citizenship in Israel, Paul says they were aliens. In Roman culture, being a citizen was of utmost importance. While the people of Ephesus were citizens of the Roman empire, they were not part of the Kingdom of God. The Jews had always considered themselves God’s people, they saw beyond the national identities of the world, but up until Jesus came, Gentiles were not part of that heavenly citizenship.

They were without promise. and foreigners to the covenants of the promise Paul says that we were “strangers from the covenants of promise” – God had made promises to the children of Israel that had not been made to any other people – he established covenants that were irrevocable. But the promises and the covenants only applied to God’s people.

They were without hope. without hope Paul continues, “being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope…” They had the best the physical world could provide at that time – amazing architecture, technology, wealth and peace, but they were without hope. The people of Ephesus, before they met Jesus, were desperate for something to give them hope for eternity, even worshiping their emperor as a god, and “joining themselves” to the goddess Diana, but it left them hopeless.

They were without God. and without God in the world The Roman and Greek world was full of gods and goddesses…because the people were desperate for something to fill the spiritual void of their lives. They had a god for everything, and priests and priestesses who were willing to exact a high price for peace with that god. In Athens, the capital city of Greece, it was said that it was easier to find a god than a man! They had so many gods, and were so consumed with pleasing all of them, that Paul discovered a monument in the city that was designated “to an unknown god.”

- In one way or another, every problem in their life could be traced back to the wall. Whatever the issue – strife, discord enmity, hate, bitterness, fighting, war, conflict, disunity, division – The wall is a manmade wall – two kinds of mortar that holds the bricks together – Pride and Prejudice. (sounds like a good title for a book doesn’t it?) Pride is when we lift ourselves up above others. We have an inflated view of ourselves. Prejudice is when we look down at others. We have a lesser view of others.

In Christ the Wall of Separation Has Been Removed. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far

away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. This is what the saving grace of Jesus accomplishes. Nearness. Note that little three letter word – “but” Everytime you see “but God” in Scripture you know something good is going to happen. God intervenes and brings change. You who were far away from God now have a way to draw near. How does that happen? Through the blood of Jesus Christ. The only thing that had the power to break down the wall of separation was the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary.

Illus. In 1949, following the defeat of Nazi Germany in WW II and the re-organization of Europe, the nation of Germany was divided into East & West. In the East a communist government was set up under the influence of the Soviet Union. In the West a free, democratic government was set up. The city of Berlin became a crucible where these divided philosophies would literally divide the city. In 1961 the East German government built the Berlin Wall. The wall stood for almost 30 years as a very real and symbolic divide between the East & the West. I still remember a speech given by President Reagan on June 12, 1987 at the Brandenburg Gate- a section of the Berlin Wall in West Berlin. At the height of the Cold War, the President used the opportunity to encourage freedom and a new peace. As he spoke about the wall behind him which separated West Berlin from East Berlin for decades, he was standing behind two panes of bulletproof glass protecting him from potential snipers in East Berlin. About 45,000 people were in attendance as he challenged the strongest communist nation in the world. “Mr. Gorbechev, tear down this wall!” Just a few short years later in November of 1987 Gorbacheve allowed Berliners to destroy the wall that had separated West and East Berlin for 28 years. The wall was quite literally torn down. Now it is gone, a thing of the past.

The cry of humanity since the fall in the Garden has been “can anybody tear down this wall?” And that’s what Jesus did on the cross.

Now We Have Remember these are all things that have already been done for us. We’re not trying to establish any of this – it has been accomplished already. These are the things that God wants to put on display to the world through us. This is the workmanship he wants to place on display through our lives.

Peace With One Another For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed

the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace,

The only source of peace is Jesus. The only peace that can survive is the peace that Jesus gives. So we have two totally divergent and diverse people, Jew and Gentile - each trying to draw close to God - each failing miserably. One tries to establish his righteousness by obeying the law – he fails. The other tries to draw near by ignoring the law and creating his own law and his own religious system – he fails. Both existing apart from God, both hating each other. Jesus takes both groups breaks down the barrier and and the dividing wall and makes something brand new. No more dividing wall.

Ill. I heard the story about a guy who was driving a school bus in Australia which carried whites and aborigines. Tired of all the squabbling, one day far out in the country he pulled over to the side of the road and said to the white boys, “What color are you?” “White.” He told them, “No, you are green. Anyone who rides in my bus is green. Now what color are you?” The white boys replied, “Green.” Then he went to the aborigines and said, “What color are you?” “Black.” No, you are green. Anyone who rides on my bus is green.” All the aborigines answered that they were green. The situation seemed resolved until, several miles down the road, he heard a boy in the back of the announced, “All right, light green on this side, dark green on that side.” In the words of that great amphibious theologian, Kermit the Frog, “It ain’t easy being green.”

The bus driver had the right idea – what was needed was a new race which both groups could belong to – but he couldn’t pull it off. Only Jesus can do that. Ill of starting the ministry in Mass. One of the great barriers that had to come down was the racial prejudices which most denied existed but was evident in so many conversations. People would walk in a you’d look at them and think “they are Black, Hatian, Jamaican, Indian” After awhile though those distinctions faded away. They congregation became so multicultural those kind of distinctions didn’t matter.

Peace With God and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which

he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

Reconciliation. Reconciliation is a rich term which holds the idea of turning from hostility to friendship. It means to bring together – to restore. The idea is that two persons who should have been together all along are brought together; two persons who had something between them are restored and reunited. If two people need to be reconciled it is apparent that one (or both) are angry. And that anger needs to be dealt with somehow so that the relationship can be restored. The cross of Christ put to death the enmity between men and God. * In order to live at peace with others – we must first have peace with God.

Access to God The cross preaches the same message to all men – whether you were far or near. The wall is down – the way has been made clear. Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:29-30) That’s his invitation to you and to me today. Enter into his rest and find peace for your weary heart.

Unity Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and

members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone An alien is a person living in a strange land this is not really their home. They exist – but don’t really belong. There are no outcasts in God’s kingdom. It makes no difference what position you have in life. In this sanctuary we are equals. Every barrier between us has been removed. From the richest to the poorest we are equals. The world have keep its status symbols which serve as barriers between us, but if youa re in Christ they have all be smashed down and removed. The verse says not only are we fellow citizens but we are all also members of the same family. God becomes our Father. We are all brothers and sisters in one family no matter what racial, national, physical distinction we may possess. This is underlining a deep intimacy than just being equal citizens of a kingdom. Family represents a more tender and satisfying relationship to one another. Three is a sense of belonging. There is love and concern and help and provision and protection and companionship and intimacy. Three are also shared responsibilities. Every person of a household has duties to perform so service for the sake of the family. We are responsible to love and to care and to provide for one another. To reach one another. We build up and strengthen one another. We have responsibilities as part of the family.

Remember We Are All a Work In Process In him the whole building is joined together and rises to

become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. God is still building us together to become the people he desires us to be. Give yourself and others room to make mistakes and practice forgiveness. Everyone has pieces of jagged rock that still needs to be chipped away. The house of God is where He comes to dwell among His people. You’re a block in the building of this house and so am I. Each block is an important part for the whole plan of God. Don’t underestimate your value to God. Can you imagine a whole in the foundation of home where there is a missing block? You wouldn’t want that, neither does God. Allow the Lord to do the work in your life that is necessary to place you where he wants you to be. A bricklayer has to shape some stones as he is laying them. Give God the time he needs to shape you as he prepares you to serve in the place of his choosing.

Don’t Allow Walls of Separation to Be Rebuilt.

I am told the only manmade object on planet Earth visible to the naked eye from space is the Great Wall of China, built 200 years before Jesus was born. It took almost a century to build. It was originally 3,000 miles long. Today there are about 1,500 miles remaining. It varies in height from 15 to 50 feet high and the average width is about 12 feet. The cost of constructing the Great Wall of China was staggering not in terms of money, but in terms of lives. They used slave labor and thousands upon thousands of the slaves died building the wall. In fact, in China there is a saying, “Every stone in the Wall of China represents one life that was lost in building that wall. I think it is an interesting commentary on mankind that from Heaven, the only thing is visible to the eye is a wall man has built because you see that’s what man loves to do build walls, because walls are always built to separate. One of Satan’s strategies is to re-erect what Christ has done away with. Brick by brick he attempts to separate one believer from another. Brick by brick he attempts to re-erect the wall of separation. How does he do that? He disrupts the peace that has been established in Christ. He works overtime attempting to cause disunity and division between friends, between husbands and wives and family members and between brothers and sister who are one in Christ in the Church. Once Satan attempts to place a brick of anger between you and another person - kick it over. When he tries to place a block of bitterness in your heart – tear it down again. Remember what Christ has already done on your behalf. He’ll do his best to build of wall of separation between you and others. One of his chief strategies is to isolate you from others and God. Don’t allow it.

Protect the Unity Jesus Has Established

Ill – During the days when it was a legitimate sport to raise roosters to fight one another, people would often focus on breeding chickens which were particularly ferocious at fighting. This one guy was successful in breeding a particularly vicious breed of roosters. There were almost invincible in the pit. This guy took great pride in the reputation he had gained as a result of his efforts. Each day he would walk out and admire his fighting birds. One day he went out to inspect his roosters and much to his surprise and horror he found the pen littered with feathers and all his roosters were lying dead in the coop. He had never allowed the roosters in the same pen together because it was impossible to keep them from fighting each other. But some one had put them in the same pen and sure enough they fought to the death. When he asked who had done such a dim-witted thing, one of the workers confessed. When asked why he did it, he said, “I figured out they would all know they were fighting on the same side.” But of course the birds were too stupid to recognize the real enemy.

Unfortunately there are times when we in the church hardly perform on a more intelligent level. We often forget who our real enemy is. Our real enemy is the power of darkness that holds people enslaved to deception and sin. Protect the unity that Jesus has established by his grace.

CLOSE: Remember you are God’s workmanship. And that God has already put you on display as an example of his best work.

Are there bricks in your life that need to be kicked over?

* PowerPoint slides may be available for this message. Some slides I use have copy write restrictions on them - others are slides, which I’ve created. If this sermon has slides I’ve created, I’d be glad to pass them on to you for your use. Please feel free to email me at: