Summary: We are in the middle of a spiritual war that many Christians are unaware of. We need to learn to look toward heaven as Jesus did in Matthew 14.

Looking toward Heaven

Illustration: Current Event

Headline: Judge declares NDOP Unconstitutional.

US District Judge Barbara Crabb said the holiday violates the “establishment clause” of the First Amendment, which creates a separation of church and state.

Comments- have nothing to do w/whether- NDOP- constitutional or not- we can argue that point.

Warning: As Christians- guard against an emotional response- examine it as a constitutional issue.

Aside: Establishment Clause

The term “separation of church and state”- not part of the original constitution or any of its amendments.

The idea- wall of separation- came from- letter- by T Jefferson to- Danbury Baptist Association- assure them-government would not interfere w/church.


Back to the ruling that NDOP is unconstitutional …

you can interpret as want- not a Kingdom issue.

What is a Kingdom issue is that there is a spiritual battle raging today for- hearts/minds of people.

Judge’s ruling- in response to- case filed by-

Freedom From Religion Foundation- group of self-proclaimed atheist/agnostic.

Atheist- does not believe in- existence of- a god/gods.

Agnostic- believes- existence of a God is unknowable- not committed to- existence/non-existence of God.

The world is at war- people are being injured- countless lives lost in battle after battle.

The war we are in is not- Afghanistan, Iraq, terrorism- but the battle between good/evil.

It is an invisible war that began when …

Satan was cast out of heaven (Rev 12:7-9)

The war escalated in- Garden of Eden- Satan attacked- first man

Jesus fought the battle daily in his earthly walk,

the battle continued at the cross, and

we fight the same battle today.

Eph 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. NASU

We are in the middle of a spiritual war of …

angels vs. demons,

good vs. evil, and

light vs. darkness

The battle affects every area of our lives, every day depression, divorce, addiction, anger, lust, greed

No one is immune to this battle- we must all deal with the affects of this struggle- in heavenly places.

The conflict exists because Satan wants the glory that is due the Creator for himself.

In Eph 2:2, Paul calls Satan …

the prince of the power of the air …

His desire-to be seen as God/steal the glory for himself

Since the beginning of mankind, Satan …

1 Pet 5:8 … prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. NASU

He works to deceive men to praise, worship, follow, align themselves w/something or someone other than- Creator.

Satan works to divert our attention away from God.

From Darkness to Light

Jesus Christ made it possible for us to turn from-

good to evil,

darkness to light,

Satan to the power God.

Through the blood of Christ we are no longer subject to the whims and purposes of the devil.”

Col 1:13 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, NASU

God transferred us out of darkness into His army.

As warriors in God’s Kingdom we have everything we need to conquer the power of darkness in our lives.

Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, NASU

Eph 2:6 and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, NASU

Parable of the Rich Young Ruler

Mtt 19:16-26 (read 21-22, 25-26)

If the man had turned to Christ, God would have empowered him to walk away from his wealth.

Just as God empowered Abraham- sacrifice his son.

Why? … with God all things are possible.

Looking Toward Heaven

First step towards overcoming the devil in our lives is recognizing that we live in heavenly places.

If we are going to walk in victory we must learn how to access the heavenly places.

As Believers, Satan’s strategy is to prevent us from walking in victory- enjoying our inheritance.

If he can keep us distracted w/affairs of this life- whether difficulties or leisure- he is successful he dismantles God’s army one believer at a time Jesus fought the same battle

Jesus during His stay on earth found Himself in the same spiritual battle we are in today.

Mtt 14:1-12 John the Baptist beheaded

What does Jesus do in the middle of the battle?

Mtt 14:13a

Jesus set out to find some time alone w/God.

Mtt 14:13-14

People were desperate for a touch from heaven.

Mtt 14:15-18

As the day wore on- evening approached- disciples- tired- suggested- Jesus send everybody home.

Their argument was plausible/responsible thing to do-

however, God had other plans.

Jesus suggested- people do not need to go away, and furthermore, He asked the disciples to feed them.

Mtt 14:19-20

Jesus did something very interesting at this point.

He took the bread/fish- blessed it, and He looked upward towards heaven.

There was not enough food to feed the people, and yet Jesus calmly-looked to heaven-and gave them food.

Jesus is in the middle of an intense spiritual battle-

John the Baptist had just been beheaded and

now He is surrounded w/people and their needs.

What sustained Jesus? How did He know God would multiply the bread and fish?

Mtt 14:21-23

It was Jesus pattern to regularly get away and spend time in the presence of God the Father and pray.

His constant communion with the Father enabled Him to stand in the battle and care for those around Him.

As Jesus prayed/spent time alone w/God, He became increasing aware of the Father’s heart.

As a result, at that very moment, all Jesus had to do was “look toward heaven” to know- Father’s heart.

Prayer/spending time alone in the presence of God was important to Jesus, as it should be for us as well.

As Jesus cultivated His relationship w/Father He became increasing aware of the heart of the Father, and God’s plan for His life.

Another benefit- came out of Jesus time w/the Father-

Mtt 14:14

When Jesus- looked toward heaven- He was not just feeling sorry for people because they were hungry.

Through spending time in prayer He had acquired the heart of the Father for the people around Him.

His heart was filled w/compassion of God for people.

Even in the middle of-spiritual attack/needs of people- He was a vessel the Father could use.

He was able to demonstrate God’s authority and bring God’s Kingdom to people.

In faith, w/out- outward signs- Jesus thanked God for the provision to feed over 5000 people.

Today we want to work- same miracles Jesus worked.

BUT- are we ready to spend the same time alone w/God that Jesus did?

How often do you pause to “look toward heaven?”

Do you regularly spend time with God alone?

How about gathering together with other believers to pray and worship God?

Early Morning Prayer

Often during times of corporate prayer I will write down prayers that seem anointed.

Thurs morning-number of prayers-felt God breathed.

I took these principles away from those prayers as Christians we often agree more with unbelief than with the truth of God’s Word,

we plug our faith into our feelings and truth into our experiences, rather than into God’s Word We need to learn to speak faith over ourselves/others.

There is too much of a “yea but” spirit in the church.


We are all affected by this battle we are in, but …

1 Jn 4:4You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. NASU

Christ in me is greater than the devil and his hoards of demons,

the lust of the flesh, boastful pride of life, etc.

Christ in me is my hope of glory and victory.

We are not fighting for victory, we are fighting from a place of victory- we know in the end- God wins.

We do not take- enemy lightly- neither are we- afraid.

As Jesus did, if we want to be able to “look toward heaven” in the middle of our life’s issues, we need to practice taking time alone with God and spending time in His Word.

Rom 8:37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. NASU

Additional Information

Excerpt from Jefferson’s letter

I contemplate w/sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state.

The first amendment does say Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.