Summary: God expects us not only to be 'faithful', but also fruitful!

Believers who are “M.A.D.”

“A Life of Fruitfulness”

John 15:1-8

* One of the untruths which have been embraced within the Americanized church is the concept that the redeemed, born-again, and believers in Christ only have to be faithful, not fruitful. IN this age when churches are declining and disintegrating before our very eyes, this type of belief is comforting. If we are simply expected to be faithful and we define faithfulness is attending all the services, giving our money, and serving on a committee (which, in many cases, rarely meet), then we are ‘off the hook’ when the local church closes.

* May I debunk this untruth for us? According to our text (plus other text) we discover very clearly that being fruitful is indeed the divine desire for those who name Christ as Savior.

* Consider this; how many among us would spend time preparing a garden and planting seed being satisfied with a tomato plant just simply looking like a tomato plant. Isn’t it true that we expect our beans, peas, corn, okra, and all the rest to produce fruit? To finish this thought, it is equally true that God has planted us and for the believer, He has planted Himself IN us, and expects the same thing. It seems to me that authentic believers desire to be fruitful in God’s Kingdom, but maybe are unsure as to ‘how to’ accomplish this.

* Considering this truth I am reminded of a statement made years ago by Coach Tom Landry. He said, “The job of a football coach is to make men do what they don’t want to do, that they may become what they’ve always wanted to be.” It seems to me that scripture teaches us, there is no doing without the being and there is no being without the doing.

* As you know, we have been talking about Believers who are M.A.D. (that is, making a difference). As we talk about fruitfulness, let see it in 3 slices;

1. The expectations for a fruitful life – Even a cursory reading of God’s word leads us to recognize that our Lord expects fruitfulness in our lives.

a. It is a divine expectation – Look at the imagery in this text. Jesus is the vine (a healthy vine grows) and Jehovah is the vinedresser (who wants the vine to produce). Simply put, the fruit which the Father is looking for a reconnection with His crown creation. For us to gain that connection with the Father requires us to have a changed life. The fruit of Jesus is changed lives. The mission Jesus passed on to us (As the father sent me so send I you) is to be a part of the process.

b. It is a determined expectation - Keep the imagery in mind, the vinedresser works with the vine so that the limbs can receive all they need to produce good fruit. Honestly, the vinedresser is determined to have a crop. And in His determination, He has stopped at nothing to see it come to pass. In the death & resurrection of Jesus, God gave His best for us.

A Life of Fruitfulness – Pg 2

c. It is a developing expectation – Consider what this scripture teaches about being ‘fruitful’. There are distinctly 4 levels of fruit-bearing seen here, which are; no fruit, fruit, more fruit, and much fruit. There is a cost for every level of this fruit production, but God’s expectation is for His people to produce much fruit. The expectation is for much GOOD FRUIT. Everyone produces fruit, but not all is good. Jesus, in Matthew 7, clearly states that we are known by the fruit we produce.

2. The essentials for a fruitful life – If I want to produce good fruit or fruit in keeping with repentance, how exactly does this come about?

a. Properly Planted - Jesus says, “Every branch IN ME” – this is the secret. Without a close walk with Christ, a moment by moment awareness of His presence and leadership, and a desire to allow Him to change your life. This journey begins at the cross with repentance and confession. The letter to Ephesus begins with the importance of this truth (Read Eph. 1:3-13)

b. Professional Pruned – I have no green thumb, but I know that you can prune for many reasons. You can prune for safety, health, aesthetics, and even growth. The interesting thing is that you cut back the tree to allow it to reach new heights. God takes the people who is producing fruit, applies the pruning knife, and then give the opportunity to provide new growth. Here is the catch: Pruning requires a sharp instrument and most of us stay away from sharp instruments. This is what James meant when he wrote, “Count it all joy when you fall into various testing.”

c. Permanently Placed – Here is one of places where the imagery breaks down (somewhat), because God made us in HIS image, He has given us the ability to resist. And resist we will do. When the pain becomes unbearable we change our location without so much as a word to Him and many times, working through the struggle is the very pruning which makes us more fruitful with those who observe. If we are to be fruitful for the Kingdom, we have to be able to have things not go our way, work through it, forgive if necessary, and come out more in love with Him & each other. Stay put.

3. The examination of a fruitful life – Who examines my life for its fruit?

a. I – The Bible teaches us that if on earth we will (honestly) examine our life in light of HIS desires, we may well avoid being negatively judged on the other side. The issue of today has become when we look at ourselves, we tend to look in comparison to others. Our standard is always ‘HIM.’

b. Him – Scripture says, every believer will stand before the Judgment sear of Christ and there our works (our fruits) will be laid bare! The old hymn asks the question, “Must I go an empty handed.” In this land of plenty, I am afraid too many professed believers have the idea that they get to carry some of their wealth with them. Someone asked Rockefeller’s accountant how much did he leave? The response, “All of it.” HE will judge all.

A Life of Fruitfulness – Pg 3

c. Them – When I say them I’m not speaking of your fellowship believers although we do watch each other’s lives. I’ve discovered that, at times within the church family, we have a set of unrealistic expectations which we impose on others while the expectations we have for ourselves is pretty lenient. But listen, the ones who are inspecting us are the very ones we are called to touch. Here is where the water meets the wheel. With all the love I can give I submit that the reason some people will not have anything to do with the local church is that they have watched the lives of those who are members of that church. And understand it is not simply a matter of ‘blowing it’ from time to time; it is how we handle the aftermath of our struggles. What is the fruit that they see in our lives? Our Lord’s desire is for us to become fruitful, the need for us to personally become fulfilled is for us to become fruitful, and the only hope for this culture (our community) is for us to become fruitful. Then we will actually make a difference. This will only happen when THEY see HIM in us. The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control.

* Rev. Ron R. Ritchie was in an orphanage from age 11 to 19. Years later he was asked to speak at their 75th anniversary. Since he was actually expelled from the orphanage, he could hardly believe the invitation when he received it. He had to double check it to make sure it was for him. Ron had a marvelous time speaking there, but felt a lot of stress the whole time. His best friend from high school, Dale, was sitting in the back of the auditorium, reading him during the three days of the celebration. Ron wondered over and over if the friend was reading the old Ron or had he seen something new about Ron. He prayed, "Lord, please let him see you in me. The old me is dead. I'm a new creature. Let him see that." After the last session Dale came up to him and said, "Ron, it's real," then he walked away. Dale had not seen a perfect man, but he had seen enough to know there was a difference in him.

Do people see you as not perfect, but one is who different and who is ‘making a difference?’