Summary: How can the empty tomb have an affect on my daily life? It more than mere possibility. The empty tomb is fact.


Read John 19:40 thru 20:1-2. You may be asking the question, “How can an empty tomb affect my life today?” Frankly, you may say, so what! I don’t understand the resurrection!

We are whipped by sin and death…. we sometimes tremble at its thought; and most of us have been affected by it in some way. It’s a double threat. Why do we not recognize that Jesus conquered sin and death?

We wish that we had some hope in our lives. Some light at the end of the tunnel. We might even feel defeated at times in life. Sometimes we feel like we want to just end the pain. But why do we not know that Jesus has restored hope and seen that He is a Light breaking through the darkness?

We sometimes lose faith in those around us! We lose faith in many things; so much so that we fail to care anymore. But why do we not understand that Jesus can build our faith?

We entertain the idea of resurrection and we rest with the impossibility of it. How could it be that anybody was raised to life again? Even in our modern world of life after death stories; we just wink at the possibility that real resurrection could be possible. Why do we not recognize that Jesus has power over death and life? Not only was Jesus the first to be resurrected; He wants to resurrect your life!

What is the reason for understanding the empty tomb? Think about the wonder of it! Clearly, we are here on a special day! It should mean something to us! I am going to recount for you today; eyewitness testimony of the power of Jesus.

Scripture Text: John 20:9 (Read the rest of the story John 20:3-16

Propositional Statement: We can use John 20:9 to help us to understand the empty tomb. It explains how the disciples of Jesus came to believe; why they should believe; and finally the stark reality that Jesus had risen from the dead, despite what they had believed.

I. “For As Yet” That little phrase on the beginning of verse 9 helps us to understand something about time or chronology. From the time that Jesus told them that He must die, until the time that Jesus would yet be risen; the resurrection from the dead would be a mystery to them.

A. Running in Unbelief: When Peter and John heard from Mary that the tomb was empty and Jesus’ body was gone, they were not only surprised, astonished, and curious; but they were in unbelief! As they ran to the tomb themselves; they were in unbelief! Are you in unbelief about the empty tomb?

1.What must the disciples had thought about the empty tomb? They had followed Jesus as faithful friends for three years during His ministry; and most of them had fled for their lives as Jesus was led to His crucifixion. John was known as the one whom Jesus loved, and Peter guaranteed: No Lord, I would never deny you…ever! Mary sat opposite the empty tomb and wept! What might these disciples had been thinking as they received the news, as they ran to the tomb, and finally as they peered, ever so cautiously inside the tomb? Wiersbe wrote that “both men deserve credit for having the courage to run into enemy territory, not knowing what lay before them. The whole thing could have been a clever trap to catch the disciples.” Could it be true that their friend was alive?

B. Peter on the Waves: The unbelief of the disciples reminded me of Peter walking on the water. While he had fixed his eyes upon Jesus, the storm around their little boat had little consequence. Not only that, the fact that men do not simply walk on water had little consequence. But when Peter saw how bad the wind was, he became frightened and began to sink. His faith gave way to his own circumstances! What do you see as your own reality? What does your faith give way to? You might say, there are no new beginnings! I tried and I failed, it is just the reality of the situation! You might say, there is no hope? But I tell you today, Hope has been restored because of the empty tomb!

Transition: Jesus told the disciples what was going to happen; but “for as yet” they did not understand. What about you today? Isn’t what happened to the disciples the same thing that happens to us? We lose trust and hope? When the possibility of hope speaks to your heart; do you ultimately say, no…. it couldn’t be true….never mind…. We lose our way? Might I suggest that we do that, because we don’t…. “for as yet” (see that on the beginning of verse 9!) understand God’s revelation for our lives? God speaks things into our lives that we cannot possibly seem to understand. Things like an empty tomb! I have to wonder about the stone itself. The words in the Greek imply that not only had the tomb just been opened; but that the covering had been “lifted up and carried away”…removed completely away from the opening. In fact, it is the same word that was used by Mary to describe what she thought had happened to Jesus before He showed Himself to her. She thought he was lifted/ or carried away. Another interesting viewpoint is that the stone was not removed so that Jesus could get out; but so that the disciples could get in.

II. Did Not Understand the Scripture. (The disciples “for as yet” did not understand the Scriptures.) Not only did Jesus plainly tell the disciples that he must die and then rise from the dead; but the Scriptures had also informed them. The Jews were students of the Scriptures. In so many passages of Scripture, men come to believe that Jesus is who he says that He is because they read about Him before He ever made an appearance. (John 1:48-49: How could have Nathanael so quickly declared the identity of Jesus? Supernatural power and study of the Old Testament.) The emphasis here in verse 9 is on the fact that the disciples had not understood the Scripture; otherwise they would have known right away that Jesus had risen from the dead.

A. Sign of Jonah. One of the passages that came to mind involves the sign of Jonah. When the Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign he said, “for just as JONAH WAS THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE BELLY OF THE SEA MONSTER, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”

B. Other Scriptures. Daniel 12:2 says, “Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt.” From Job 19:26; maybe the oldest book of the Bible, we see the idea of resurrection. “Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God;” David said, “For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol; Nor will You allow Your Holy One to undergo decay.

Transition: Matthew 16:21 says, “From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day.” And in another account of the empty tomb, angels questioned those present: “Why do you seek the living One among the dead?” It is as if Jesus told the disciples about what was going to happen and they had dismissed it. Maybe they had other things to think about that day? So what will be enough evidence for you to accept that Jesus is not in the tomb? What experience will you have to weather before you trust Jesus? The disciples, at the time had these Old Testament writings and traditions to help them understand the empty tomb; but wht do you have? Will the empty tomb of Jesus be enough for you to see that light has broken the darkness? In utter oppression, and suffering, and finally death; what/or Who is likely to save you?

John 20:9 says that they did not understand that He must rise. Why do we celebrate this day? Because we realize what the disciples did; that the empty tomb was a grand occasion. One in which, would mark a turning point against the power of sin and death. Jesus was risen! And those who would follow Him would also be raised to eternal life. Let’s look at this final phrase of John 20:9.

III. He Must Rise From the Dead.

A. Plan of God. We have already discussed some occurrences when Jesus spoke in advance of what would happen to Him. We learned about some passages in the Bible that help us understand the empty tomb. In fact, Acts 2:23-24 explains how it was in the very plan of God. It reads, “this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. “But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.” The phrase in John 20:9 says, “He must rise.” In other words, out of necessity, out of the plan of God…. Jesus was going to vacate the tomb.

B. Probability of Resurrection. Not only had the disciples not understood the empty tomb because of a lack of knowledge; but they doubted it could in, all probability, be true! While the two disciples were running to the tomb to satisfy their internal longings of curiosity and belief, John was the faster; but he was more cautious when he arrived at the opening of the tomb. Peter was slower than John; but he was also way more courageous…. leading him to enter the tomb opening first. Verse 8, of John 20 tells us that John saw the empty tomb and ever so nicely folded grave wrappings and (believed). What will it take for you to believe?

Transition: We might conclude that John included the story of the empty tomb so that we could come to belief. John 20:31 says, “these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.”

Conclusion: “For as yet” we might not recognize that not recognize that Jesus conquered sin and death; that He has restored hope is a Light breaking through the darkness. You might not recognize that Jesus has power over sin and death; that He can build your faith and resurrect your life. The Hebrew prophets foresaw the Messiah; Jesus taught that the empty tomb was coming; and the Scriptures all testify to it. What is the probability of it actually being the truth? Astonished at Jesus’ teachings, the disciples asked how it is possible that someone could be saved. They understood how improbable it was. Jesus said, “With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.”

You might be today as Peter and John, and Mary were when they discovered the empty tomb. You might not be persuaded into understanding the empty tomb through a message like this. In other words, I persuaded you all by logic today that you should understand the empty tomb. The message of the empty tomb is not one of prosperity or good health; but it is one of life. It stretches deeper and wider than you might think. Further, maybe you still think the empty tomb is simply improbable. Biblical characters were convinced when God revealed Himself to them.

ILLUS. John Warrick Montgomery, a Christian Lawyer and Apologist, wrote a book entitled, “Faith Founded on Fact.” In that book he carefully laid out all of the evidence for the resurrection. Upon presenting the facts he said that there is no competent jury who would rule that the resurrection did not happen. Why? It is because the resurrection is a very well documented historical event. It happened. Jesus arose from the dead.

Borchert comments that the Apostle John’s “faith was not derived from ancient prophetic texts; the fact of the empty tomb illuminated the sense of scripture (Ps 16:10 ).” In other words, John knew the Scriptures that foretold of the empty tomb; but they only became true to him when the empty tomb was realized.

I liked what Max Lucado wrote in our Bible study books: In referring to the grave clothes left behind, he explained that if friends had removed the body they surely would have taken the clothes with it. If foes had taken the body, would they not have done the same? If not, if friends or foes unwrapped the body, would they have been so careful as to dispose of the clothing in such an orderly fashion? But, if neither a friend or foe had taken the body, who did? This led to John’s discovery. He saw and believed! “Through the rags of death, John saw the power of life. Odd, don’t you think, that God would use something as sad as a burial wrap to change a life? But God is given to such practices: (God uses ordinary things as symbols of spiritual things. The cross becomes a symbol of love, mine) Should we be surprised that he takes the wrappings of death and makes them the picture of life? Could God do something similar in your life? Could he take what today is a token of tragedy and turn it into a symbol of triumph?

Jesus had spoken to John in a very unique way; and Jesus can speak to your heart today. When the Holy Spirit of God convinces you of the empty tomb in your heart of hearts; you will remember what you heard today. And when the Spirit of God works in your heart and mind; that is when you will have the choice to accept the truth that He has for you.


Order of the Events of the Resurrection

Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome start for the tomb, Lk 23:55-24:1

They find the stone rolled away, Lk 24:2-9

Mary Magdalene goes to tell the disciples, Jn 20:1-2

Mary, the mother of James, draws near and sees the angel, Mt 28:1-2

She goes back to meet the other women following with spices

Meanwhile Peter and John arrive, look in and depart, Jn 20:3-10

Mary Magdalene returns weeping, sees two angels, then Jesus, Jn 20:11-18

The risen Christ bids her tell the disciples, Jn 20:17-18

Mary (mother of James) meanwhile returns with the women, Lk 24:1-4

They return and see the two angels, Lk 24:5; Mk 16:5

They also hear the angel's message, Mt 28:6-8

On their way to find the disciples, they are met by the risen Christ, Mt 28:9-10