Summary: Mother's have such nurturing hearts of mercy, but what they reflect is God's heart and if this is God's heart then it should be in our hearts too.

One day, a little girl is sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly notices that her mother has several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast to her brunette hair.

She looks at her mother and inquisitively asks, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?"

Her mother replied "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white."

The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then asked, "Momma, how come all of grandma's hairs are white?"

Lately, it seems like I’ve seen a lot of talk about the rise in mental illnesses. In fact, this last Thursday May 6th was “National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day.” From young children to adults more and more people are being diagnosed with mental disorders. Why?

Depression, timidity, being antisocial, anxious, & and all the other anxiety related problems. There are hundreds.

I read a study that was done by 33 distinguished children’s doctors, research scientists, mental health and youth service professionals because of the concern over the rising rates of mental illness, behavioral problems and emotional distress among U.S. children and teens…& do you want to know what the findings pointed to as a major cause for the increase in mental illnesses? A Lack of Nurturing.

Nurture: The act of nourishing or nursing; tender care; education; training. Grow/Develop (physical, emotional, spiritual-feed,love,train

The brain requires these needs to be met in order to develop correctly or it leads to what we have today – mental disorders

A psychology definition: in nature, the kind of care given to the young by the female or in mankind by parental femininity. This is where we think MOM’s should come in.

The Mother’s Heart (Show Video)

When you think about what a mom goes through, from the pregnancy on, in the raising up of her children, you might think it would make mother’s hate their children, but instead they often learn what unconditional love is and love them so much they would risk everything for them.

I think about the MARY Mother of Jesus

The favored girl had to have some concerns because unwed pregnancy was a little different back then. You could be divorced and outcast at a minimum and at worse, stoned for it. I’m sure she was happy to find out Joseph, got the same message. And yes, she was going to give birth to the divine Gift of heaven, but, as any mother knows, all gifts come with some work attached. From birth in manger to hiding in a foreign land and all that took place between:

She still had to change the Baby Jesus’ diapers, soothe him as he teethed, teach him to walk & talk, wipe his nose, and clean up his skinned knees. She had to cook the meals and wash his clothes and do all the things that moms do for their children.

It’s interesting the places we see Mary mothering Jesus in the gospels — for example, at the temple sending out an APB for her boy. (After a frantic search and long walk, I believe I would have grounded Jesus if he told me that he was just doing his father’s business) Another mothering moment of Mary’s was when she was at the wedding feast apparently exasperated with her thirty-year-old (perceived failure to launch) son for not doing that “thing” he could do with the water. When Jesus seems to refuse (it’s not my time) to come through the way she knows he can, she goes around him and tells the servants to get ready to do something for him. And Jesus does the miracle. I would have loved to have been there to see the looks pass between mother and son that night.

And then we see Mary at the crucifixion. Disciples may scatter, followers may be in hiding, but a mother stays, at the risk of losing her own life, when the rest of the world walks away. In fact, Mary is a perfect picture of real motherhood: a lot of excitement followed by years of work and moments of intense pain. But through it all, she is there. A Mother’s Heart.

Unfortunately, not all moms are picture perfect. Maybe you realize as a mom that you failed in being “Nurturing” OR Maybe, your mom failed you…

The Good News is that in our need to be “Nurtured” – if we will accept God for who He is and learn to trust in Him – then He will “Nurture” us.

God’s Mother Heart

Though we usually, relate to God in the masculine form, God isn’t a human, He is Spirit, and when He created Adam & Eve – He created them in His image – they both had qualities of God. Therefore, God has both male & female qualities.

El Shaddai - paraphrased in English as "Almighty" - God is sufficient, that is, to supply all of one's needs – Hebrew root: Breasted One

Connected with fruitfulness: (Gen. 28:3)"May God Almighty [El Shaddai] bless you and make you fruitful and increase your number" (Gen. 35:11)"I am God Almighty [El Shaddai]: be fruitful and increase in number" (Gen. 49:25)"By the Almighty [El Shaddai] who will bless you with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the womb"

Isaiah 49:15 (NLT) “Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you!

Isaiah 66:13 (NIV) As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you;

When we say it’s impossible…God says, “all things are possible.”

Luke 18:27

When we say we’re too tired…God says, “I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28-30

When we say, no one loves us…God says, “I love you so much, I’ve sent my only son to die for you…”

John 3:16

When we say, we can’t go on…God says, “My grace is sufficient…when you’re at your lowest, I’m at my best.” (II Corinthians 12:9)

When we say, we can’t figure things out…God says, lean on me and “I will direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

When we say, we can’t do it…God says, “you can do all things” through my Son who gives you strength (Philippians 3:4)

When we say, we’re not able…God says, “I am able to make grace abound toward you…” (II Corinthians 9:8)

When we say, It’s not worth it…God says, “all things will work together for good” –Romans 8:28

When we say, we can’t forgive ourselves…God says, “If you’ll confess them, I’ll forgive them.” (I John 1:9)

When we say, we can’t manage, we’re afraid, we’re worried and frustrated, that we don’t have enough faith, that we aren’t smart enough, that we feel all alone...

It is God who says, “I will supply your needs” (Philippians 4:19)

who says, “I have not given you a spirit of fear, but the power of love” (II Timothy 1:7)

who says, “Cast all your cares upon me.” (II Peter 5:7)

who says, “I have sent Jesus who is your wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption” (I Corinthians 1:30)

who says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:6)

When things are going bad and it seems like they are going to get worse before they get any better, we don’t need to lose heart. Even in the midst of the pain and suffering we experience, God is there to “Nurture” us through it. That is God’s “Mother Heart”

In our search to be nurtured, God’s plan is that He nurtures us, SO that we can nurture one another.

Everyone’s Heart

There seems to be this thought that “Nurturing” is what’s supposed to come from females – so it’s a mom’s duty, but that’s not true.

All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy.

No man does. That's his. - Oscar Wilde

No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nurture and education. - Plato

Men should be “Nurturers” too! (Men surprisingly walk forward with brooms, mops, dusters, babies, & baby stuff)

We get this idea that being a nurturer is wimpy, but Jesus wasn’t wimpy(rebel, stood against religion, whip)and yet He was a Nurturer.

Matthew 23:37 (NLT) “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me.

Jesus wanted to gather His people as a mother hen gathers her chicks

Is. 40:9-11- O Zion, messenger of good news, shout from the mountaintops! Shout it louder, O Jerusalem. Shout, and do not be afraid. Tell the towns of Judah, “Your God is coming!” 10 Yes, the Sovereign Lord is coming in power. He will rule with a powerful arm. See, he brings his reward with him as he comes. 11 He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.

You see, as manly as Jesus was, His “Nurturing” wasn’t restricted by His “Gender.” He had this “magnitude of mercy” that He used to nurture all of those He came in contact with. AND When He left He expected His people to do the same – what did He tell Peter “feed my lambs, tend my sheep, and feed my sheep.”

Lamb - His young ones

Tend - To accompany as an assistant or protector; to care for the wants of; to look after; to watch; to guard;

Sheep – The people in general

This wasn’t just for Peter, that’s why scripture mentions so many times for God’s people to encourage one another, admonish one another, care for one another, love one another…ultimately “Nurturing” one another.

You know that part of the brain that develops through “nurturing” that I talked about in the beginning? The great thing is, that part, can always be developed – it’s never too late, but it takes people to meet those “Nurturing” needs.

There is a mindset that "there is a biological tie" to nurturing. It comes "natural" to you if you are blood related. If you're not blood related then you just can't. But that's not how it should be... if it's from Jesus and it's an aspect of HIM then it should cross the blood barrier?

Because if God is in us, if Christ resides in our hearts, then not just moms and not just females, but we all should be able to tap in, to that “Magnitude of Mercy” that Jesus had and reach out to “Nurture” or “Tend” to each other’s needs.

M agnitude

O f

M ercy

Let’s Pray (We would know that God desires to nurture us, that we would be willing to trust and receive what God has to offer and then as we learn to lean on Jesus – that we will share what we have received with those around us.”