Summary: A message to challenge believers to hear the voice of God and respond in obedience and unbelievers to respond in faith to God’s salvation.

OPENING ILLUSTRATION (D.L. Moody: listen to audio recording)


The Bible makes it clear that God has given to us two sets of ears; physical ears with which we can hear physical voices. And he has given us spiritual ears with which we can hear his voice.

In our Bible reading for today from Hebrews 3:7-13, the writer of Hebrews was talking about that spiritual voice and those spiritual ears when he wrote these verses.

This passage warns us of the danger of refusing to hear God’s voice.

Someone has said there are only two questions in life: One, "Does God Speak?" and two "What does He say?" Yes, God does speak. There has never been a time when God didn’t speak to us in some way. Sometimes it was through nature; sometimes through dreams and visions; sometimes through conscience; and sometimes through his prophets and priests and kings; … and today he speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways (Reality #4 from Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby). And, His one clear message is, “Come to me and follow me.”

But while God speaks, we don’t have to respond.


When Jesus was here in the flesh, everything obeyed his voice. Humanity alone has been given the ability to say "no" to our Lord. (Expanded on recording)

This privilege isn’t without peril. The writer of Hebrews tells us of three HAZARDS OF REFUSING TO HEAR GOD’S VOICE:

The first hazard of refusing to hear God’s voice is that...


The writer expresses this danger with the use of three words: in verse 8, the word "provocation" comes from a root word that means "to irritate" or "to exasperate." In verse 10, the word translated "grieved" or "angry" means "to feel indignant." And in verse 11, the word translated "wrath" comes from a word that suggests a passionate anger or indignation.

This warning is taken from an experience in Israel’s history. (Expanded on recording)

To their doubting hearts, the giants looked bigger than God did, the obstacles outweighed the opportunities, and their fears were greater than their faith.

So, instead of obeying God, they turned back into the wilderness where they would wander for forty years. The Lord was so grieved and angered at their disobedience and lack of faith that he swore they would never inherit the land.

The lesson and the warning here is, if we refuse his voice, as they refused his voice, we risk missing his blessing forever. If we commit this same sin, we can expect to suffer the same fate.

I simply remind you, those ignorant of history are in danger of repeating it. Today, if you hear God’s voice: if you hear him call you to repentance and faith; harden not your heart. Believe him, accept him, follow him.

The second hazard of refusing God’s voice is that...


Even if God never became angry when we refuse to obey him, our hearts would eventually become hardened. Twice in this passage, the word "harden" is used. First, we are told in verse 8 not to “harden our own hearts.” Then we are warned in verse 13 not to "let them be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”

Which is it? Do we harden our own hearts or are they hardened by sin? Actually, it’s both. (Expanded on recording)

The word "entice" is a fishing term. A fisherman doesn’t drop a bare hook into the water. He baits the hook to interest and entice a fish. The fisherman hopes the fish will pass nearby and will be unable to resist the bait and will be hooked before he knows it.

Temptation always follows that same overall process. Notice how it works: The bait is dropped; the inner desire is attracted to the bait; we yield to the temptation and we sin. Like the fish, we end up hooked and cooked. That’s the tragic consequence of sin.

So, through deceit, we are led into sin. And, the more we sin the harder our hearts become. The second time we do a thing it’s easier than the first time. And every time we do it, it becomes easier than before.

You would think the more we sinned the more we would be aware of our sin. But the opposite is true.

On the other hand, God comes to convict us of sin. Every time we ignore his conviction, our hearts become more hardened and callused to the truth. God’s voice grows fainter and fainter until we can hardly hear it.


When our family moved to East Point, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta, our house was in the flight pattern for Atlanta’s Hartsfield International Airport. Every few minutes, all day and all night, large commercial jets would take off and fly over our home before veering off to destinations unknown.

Those first few nights in that house were miserable. The first night we would wake up somewhat startled with almost every passing plane. For the next few nights, every time a plane passed over we would be aware of it. But, we were no longer startled by it. We would just roll over and go back to sleep. After a few days, we became so accustomed to it so that the planes could come and go without our even noticing it. The reason? We’d heard the same sound in the same way at the same place so often without responding to it that we no longer heard it at all.

As with the physical ears, so it is with the spiritual ears. As it is with planes, so it is with the voice of the Holy Spirit. If we hear His voice often enough and we don’t respond to it, we become insensitive to it. Our hearts become hardened. He can speak and we do not hear it at all.

The same sun that melts the ice also hardens the clay. The same voice of God that would call you to repentance and faith can be a means of hardening your heart if you don’t listen and respond.

The third hazard of refusing to hear God’s voice is that...


Twice in this warning, the writer uses the word "today." He warns in verse 7, "If you hear his voice today," we should “not harden our heart." And he admonishes us in verse 13 to encourage one another, "while it is called today."

The word "today" literally means, "while time lasts." The fact is there is a limit to the offer of God. The offer of salvation is only for as long as you live. When your life is over, the offer expires.

It was better when we used hourglasses to keep time. Clocks with their revolving hands create the illusion that time goes on forever. An hourglass reminds us that time is running out."

That’s the warning here. You may never run out of excuses for not trusting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. But you will run out of time to trust Him. That’s why we must answer his voice today.


On Sunday evening, October 8, 1871, Dwight L. Moody preached to the largest congregation that he had ever addressed in Chicago … (Expand) (William R. Moody, The Life of Dwight L. Moody, pp. 145-146).

I tell you this ... When I preach Jesus to a congregation, I want to always preach as though all eternity depends on it ... because it does! WHY? Because when you hear God’s voice, He wants you to respond to him NOW. Now is the time! Don’t let your heart be hardened to his voice calling you to repentance and salvation. Now is the time! Refuse his voice no longer ... while you still have time. Will you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today!