Summary: Fear come to contradict the very words of God, we must have the eyes of Faith to identify the weapon the enemy uses, which is contradition.

I want to share with us today what I title contradiction and fear, I believe we must understand and grasp the concept of this very subject. Because it affects our prayer, it affects the result we expect from praying and fasting, believing God for a miracle or breakthrough which causes our believe level or faith level to drop, which in turn causes us to believe that God is not hearing our prayer.

I believe, we are not praying according to the standard or the principles lay down by God’s word. I truly believe we serve a God, who is the originator of things done the prescribe way.

You see when you get a prescription from your Doctor, you take it to the pharmacy and the pharmacist then transcribe the Doctor order by documenting the instructions on how and when the medication should be taken and also the consequence for not following the order as prescribe by the Doctor.

The word and promises of God comes with order that are broken down into instructions that must be transcribe into our daily dealings in order to obtain the promises and prophesies that are spoken into our lives.

The promises of God contain instructions and direction that need to be followed and we often times don’t follow the direction and instruction that are lay down in the scripture, when we fail to yield and hear the voice behind the promises and prophesies that are spoken over our lives. We expect God to move, and if God is not moving is as a result of us not following the lay down instruction and direction behind the promises.

OPEN with me to the Book of 2 Tim 1.7 says… Amp… For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. NKJV…For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Define Timidity…

Lacking in self-assurance, courage, or bravery; easily alarmed; timorous; shy.

indicating fear: a timid approach to a problem.

1. Power… God’s ability endowed into man to get result

It’s the ability of God in us that produces result nothing of ourselves, but God’s power in us produces result.

A lot of times we pray to God to bless us with a blessing and stuff, you see am here to let you know that, if you don’t take time to follow the instruction behind that promise you can’t birthed the promise, because God promise is anchor on following the exact order of things done God’s way for the promise to be birthed into you.

God power is release unto us, if we follow the instruction and direction of what God is asking us to do. When that power is release, it gives us the ability to get that promise.

2. God has given us the spirit of Love that means the ability to love what is not loveable.

3. God has given us the spirit of calm mind, that means, a mind that is free fear, bondage, restlessness and torment. We must always carry and maintain the spirit of a sound mind which in turn will help us to overcome the waves of distractions and trials of life.

So 2 Tim 1.7 is talking about calmness, peace, and sound mind, the ability to be at peace, the ability to be calm in all trials.

God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of Love, Power and Sound Mind and the ability to love what is not loveable.

So fear is Satan Faith x2

Every time God sent his Angel, Angel comes with comforting news, WHICH SAYS FEAR NOT. Thou shall not afraid.

If God is saying, fear not, we have no business to be afraid. You see the fear area is one avenue the enemy has gain entrance or access into our lives to dilute our faith in our work with our God.

Fear is Satan faith to cause manifestation that makes the word and promises of God of no effect in our lives.

Now let us deal with the root cause of fear.

The spirit of fear came and originated from Satan himself, because God has not given us the spirit of fear, but love, power and sound mind.




Crisis doesn’t announces the date and time it will come, but it comes as the wave of the sea to overwhelm us, but God is saying that, you have the ability, you have the power and the peace to glide over them, because you are a champion, you are an over comer.

We must stand with and by the word of God, because the waves of trials comes to contradict what God has already promised you, Satan will always use the trails to send waves of contradiction to make the word of God in you to dry up.

God says you are healed, contradiction comes to remind you of the past family members that died with the same sickness that is plaguing you, the question now is, are you going to stand with the contradiction or the spoken promise of God that you are heal.

A word of prophesies comes to you, that you’re going to be elevated to a higher position, contradiction brings is ugly head and says to you, you are not qualify, you are not experience enough, you are from the list tribe, you don’t have the flair to maintain such position, the question now is, do you believe the contradiction of the devil or the spoken words of God.

Sadly we buy into the contradictions of the Satan that makes the spoken promises of God to be ineffective.

The word of God says… this is your promise and the prescription or instruction on how to obtain the promise, but contradiction and unbelief walks in and say not so.

Contradiction mean…

Gainsaying or opposition.


A statement or proposition that contradicts or denies another.

Direct opposition between things compared;


Open To Heb 11.1 Says…1NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation,] the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

What is Assurance…?

1. Full confidence; freedom from doubt; certainty:

2. Freedom from timidity; self-confidence; belief in one's abilities:

What is Confirmation…?

Something that confirms, as a corroborative statement or piece of evidence: His birth certificate served as confirmation of his citizenship.

What is Title Deed…?

A deed or document containing or constituting evidence of ownership.

We don’t walk by what we see.


Our faith is assured, that we carry the conviction of that thing we are believing God for, that we have the title deed, that give us the guarantee, that if we God in praying for a specific thing and allow contradiction from Satan into our believe system, The Assurance, the Title Deed and the Confirmation now produces that thing you are believing God for,

Read Heb 11.1 Again…

Been the prove of things we do not see X2

That means, we walk with the eyes of faith, we are not move be the circumstance, trials and afflictions, but because of the title Deed, but because of the Assurance, but because of the confirmation, I believe and stand by the promise of God. That thing and believing and praying about, I now see the reality or the finish product of what I believe, and I have the Conviction of the REALITY. Seeing with the eyes of faith.

When you are believing God for Healing, promotion, whatever it is you are believing God for,

When you pray and believe, that means, you have the conviction. To see your Healing, to see your promotion, to see your breakthrough. The eyes of Faith x2.

Watch This x2

I am beginning to see now, that, when a promise is spoken over you, or you want a confirmation or a clarity of a prophesy.

Watch This…x2

I look at the patriarch of old, God spoke to them directly and we today are reading there accomplishment.

You see, when you lay hold on that promise, having the backing of confirmation, title deed and assurance, been the prove of your conviction, having the scriptures that affirm that promise is yours.

You Meditate x3

You affirm x3

You declare x2

Heb 11.1... Faith is the assurance, the title deed, the confirmation and conviction of your promise, been the Hope or reality of the things you’re believing God for.

When you lay hold of a promise, you need to hear the voice behind the promise.

The voice behind the promise is what activates that promise to come alive.

It is the voice behind the promise that births that healing in your body.

It is the voice behind that promise that moves you from obscurity to prominent.

It is the voice behind the promise that promise that says purse, overtake, I have given you the land.

How to I hear the voice, the voice is the voice of God, you can only hear the voice when you go on a search, going on a journey of waiting to hear the voice, which is embedded in the word of God.

Watch This..x2

When you can hear the voice behind that promise, nothing can move you; nothing can change your mind to disbelieve that voice. Contradiction will have no power; Doubt will have no power with you.

Nothing can move you, because you held the voice of God behind that promise, which activate the power to get that promise.

It is OK to hear from Men, it Ok to do all that, but there is a difference when God speaks to you directly

Heb 11.1.. Quote.

Faith operate in the Law

Fear operates with the same law.

Now what is fear: A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil or pain

Whether the threat is real or imagined. The feeling or condition of being afraid.

When the Kitchen sink is thrown at you, Fear come in.

Fear comes to contradict the very word of God.

Fear is a moment of Doubt, What happens when you fear. ?

FEAR AND FAITH operate with the same principles, when you operate in fear you will produce a result or display the manifestation.

If you operate in Faith in the principles of faith you will reap the result or the manifestation of faith.

If you also operate in fear you will reap the result and manifestation of fear.

What is FEAR…Gainsaying or opposition, Denial. A statement or proposition that contradicts or denies another. Direct opposition between things compared: inconsistency.

We must operate in the spirit of a sound mind, being at peace in view of the crisis.

Watch this x2…

We can’t have access to God without faith.

Satan can’t have access to without fear.

When you operate in fear you can’t access God

If you operate in faith, Satan can’t access you.

The choice is yours. The principles you operate with, display the fruits.

One of the attributes of God is that, He is the originator of things done the prescribe way, His word is the same since creation, if you follow its instruction it will birth conviction, if you don’t follow, you will be in obscurity the rest of your life.

God’s promises in his words are so simple, yet many can’t find or birth what is promise to them, You see, anything you do, you will birth a result, because you are a walking warehouse of seeds.

Manifestation is a kind of appearance of event coming into sight or light.

When you operate in faith you display it fruits and you manifest the spirit of faith.

When you operate in fear you display the manifestation of fear.

God is saying here in 2 Tim 1.7... That. If you have a conviction of that promise and you stand by that confirmation, which produces that prove that you have that promise, you see it with your faith eyes, that it is yours. No this Satan and his co host can’t get to you.

John 10.10 Says the thief does not come but except to steal, kill and destroy.

One the ways Satan works is that he uses your past failures, weaknesses, shortcomings and flashes them at you.

The enemy will always back at you, but don’t have the teeth to bite. That is why you must understand what God is saying 2 Tim 1.7, that you can’t move from your stand anytime trouble comes, you can’t shake and lose hope when the enemy throws the Kitchen sink at you, when the enemy bluffs with is threat, because all the enemy wants is for you to doubt the word of God, and when you do, you give more energy to the contradiction of the enemy.

Am I truly heal, is that promotion mine, but I don’t know people in high places.

You now begin to feed your doubt and starve your faith.

Watch This… Satan will bring your past limitations, histories of failures and weaknesses and flash them at you, JUST TO CAUSE DOUBT THAT BIRTH CONTRADICTION WHICH PRODUSES FEAR AND FEAR KILLS THE PROMISE, BECAUSE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO ACCESS GOD WITH FEAR.

The assignment of the enemy is to question the promise of God over you, and when you, the promise holder begins to question the very word of God, that promise IS DEAD.

If you tolerate fear you will contaminate faith that is what we do so well as believers.

We tolerate fear

We tolerate doubt

We tolerate lack

We tolerate sickness and live with sickness

We tolerate poverty and live with poverty

We tolerate every kitchen sink the enemy throws our way, we comfort ourselves, well that is LIFE.

We tolerate the things we see, which now contaminate our faith.

God is saying don’t tolerate them, walk in absolute power which is in the inside of you.

Don’t allow trials, temptations, past failures to be lord over you. Allow God to be LORD over them.

The present of fear in your life, will allow Satan to be lord over you.

You must catch these principles.

The promises of God is that, trials, temptations, and kitchen sinks will be throw your way, but He says, AM WITH YOU ALWAYS:

That means we can only obtain the promise after qualifying and passing the test.

The origin of all mother of fear, contradiction…

Gen 3.1…OPEN





The enemy will always come with a plan B, and convince you why his plan is better, reason is plan is better. When you buy into the contradictions, it create doubt, doubt is a moment of fear,

But there are times you ask a question to get clarity on the promises of God.

Look with me in the Book of Luke 1.30-34…

Mary responded by asking a follow up question, saying How can this be. She ask a question to get understanding, so there are times we need to get understanding by asking question in faith not unbelief.

Another example is John the Baptist asked a question in unbelief.

John sent his Disciples to inquire from Jesus, if he is the One, or they should expect another messiah.

Now John, Baptist Jesus and he was right there when the heaven open up, and a voice declared, this is my beloved Son in whom am well pleased.

Jesus asked John disciple to tell John that the Dead are raise, the blind can see. Praise to God and blessed is the one, who do not take offence in me.

Contradiction will always come, but where do you stand on. Will you stand on the contradiction of the or on the truth of God?

Gen 3.1… continues to Read.

Remember, before this time, Adam and Eve has never seen or been confronted with two side of a matter before, so having options and choice to make for themselves sounded just right in the eyes of God.

Gen 3.1…

The enemy says, if you eat the fruit, you will not die, God has told them, that, the day they eat of the fruit, they shall die.

Fear will always lead to bondage, Explain…

The end result of fear is bondage.

2 Tim 1.7 Says…Love, Power, And Sound Mind.

Doubt leads to fear, Having Faith in the contradiction will question the very word of God.

You know what the word of God says concerning your situation; you know what you have believed or what you believe God for Right now.

But having faith in the sickness, having faith in that circumstances, having faith in that report, Question the very word of God that you have believed. You have given access to the enemy given room the contradiction shorts God promise out the door.

Faith and Fear operate will the same law.

Faith comes by hearing the word of God.

Fear comes by hearing, feeding and giving room to the contradiction of the enemy

Contradiction Means... It Denials the truth.

Open To Luke 4.1…

Bill Cosby Explain…

That is exactly how the enemy wants you to belief, behave. He wants you to belief in that sickness, He wants you to belief in that report, and He wants you to belief in your location.

He wants you to belief; you can’t breakout from that family, that bad business.

But I see you breaking out.

Luke 4.1…

Remember what the word says concerning Jesus. The heaven open up, God Spoke and declare this is my beloved Son, in whom am well pleased.

The enemy came to Jesus, because of his circumstance, he was hungry, and the enemy will always come at your weakest point in life, just to question the truth, question your identity, and question the God in you.

The question, If you are the son of God x3

Command this stone to be bread.

This is where 2 Tim 1.7 Comes to play.

Jesus use the power, the weapon of a sound mind to dismantle the attacks of the enemy and the weapon is the word of God; He protected his promise and assignment.

Feeding the contradiction of the enemy will lead you to question or disbelieve the very word of God, which birthed anxiousness and anxiety which the lead us to pray, the prayer of unbelief.

One of the greatest fears is that, we fear that the promise of God will not come to pass in our lives, because of that we are very afraid.

If you as a believer, and you pray base on fear, and are motivated to pray on your feelings of anxiety, anxiousness. Your Prayer then is motivated by fear.

You must stand on the truth.

Open to Phi 1.28…Read with me…

When the enemy sees that, your joy is still strong in the lord, after major attacks and the entire kitchen sinks thrown your way, but you’re still standing. It just messes them up.

All the enemy wants to see is that, after all the trials, one purpose, is that you lose faith, complain,

And question the word and the promise.

Matt 6.25… Read…

If God is saying take no thought of your Life, take no thought of that thing you have been laugh at, take no thought of that circumstance that you were lied on, but in all things, stand on the promise stand on that voice that said, am with you always.

Matt 6.22…Open

What do we worry about most…?

Phil 4.6 Open AS WE RAP UP.

Life issues will come, Phil says do not worry, don’t fret, don’t have any anxiety over it, but by definite prayer but by definite request, make it know to him.



Making my request know to him day by day, by praising him and dwelling more on thanks giving than on the issues.