Summary: Study of the book of Isaiah, Chapter 7. If thinking about a coming Savior raises the hopes of a people, who were focused on the circumstances they were in rather than trusting God; how can we take encouragement from this because we already HAVE a Savior?

A Promise from God

Isaiah 7:1-25


- Lots to cover tonight – prayerfully we will get through it all with God’s help

- On Sunday we saw God’s commissioning to Isaiah and how he responded

- We discussed the importance of responding in the same manner; without fail

- Because God is our protector, we must be willing to trust Him always

- Tonight, we’ll see just how easily it is to fail in this – and see how God provides

- Read Isaiah 7:1-25 / Pray

Point 1 – It’s easy to give up (v1-9)

- The Jews, hearing that all was now lost decided to just give up; lacked faith

- Their lacking in faith is why Isaiah is being sent to them – to remind them of it

- How many today have had a crisis of faith? Or continue to have them now?

- Ahaz, out of his own fear, referred to these “attackers” as princes; as idols

- Perhaps he would have even bowed down before them to save his own skin?

- In the most simplest terms, he was about to practice idolatry … false worship

-- They were almost practicing adultary because it was practice of being unfaithful

-- They had been faithful to God, and then the circumstances changed so Ahaz looked to worship something else (Ahaz assumed a defeatist attitude)

- His lack of faith as a leader, caused a stir to which Isaiah had to correct him

- Isaiah says plainly these are burnt out stubs of wood; expelled; spent

- Ahaz is determined to surrender right them; because his trust in God is gone

- Because the Jews heard a rumor, they decided to give up everything for lost

- APP: We must be careful not to do the same thing (expound …)

- We cannot give up because the times get tough; nor can we surrender out of fear

- Remember the story of Jesus calming the storm? Go to Matthew 8:23-27; Read

-- First: We see Jesus is asleep – he is at peace, he is calm, he could be tired

-- Second: The disciples turn to Jesus out of fear; without confidence

-- Third: Jesus not only calms the storm; but rebukes their lack of faith

- Why? Because we are to live solely in the peace of God through all things

- To do otherwise is detestable to God and something we must avoid

- Isaiah is assuring these people to stand fast, hold onto the promise of God

- When the winds blow and the threats come, our FAITH is what holds us firm

- TRANS: I believe sometimes, God needs to be direct so that we will get it

Point 2 – God gives us a sign (v10-16)

- Ahaz and his court have a serious problem here … they are pretending to honor God but everything about their actions is the opposite

- These people did not trust God to provide, and this grieves the Lord

- Their distrust of God is no different than us trying to get into the driver’s seat

- Their distrust of God is no different than our attempts to control situations

- v9: “If you do not stand firm in your faith; you will not stand at all”

- Is our faith strengthened every day? It should be. Romans 10:17, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

- APP: If you live your live on sinking sand you will eventually be consumed

- If you hear the Word of God and do not let it in; you’ll never strengthen yourself

- We must, as believers, spend time hearing and doing – so that we can be strong

- Ahaz hears a rumor, and he’s already prepared to sell the farm and give up

- But God, in his mercy and grace will not be outdone and gives us a direct sign

- If ever there was a tie in that is crystal clear to the NT and Jesus arrival it’s this

- v14 “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

- Matthew 1:23, “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”

- Matthew did not choose these words; was fulfilling God’s prophecy from Isaiah

- Look at verse 16 – This verse says that before this Messiah is able to reject the wrong and the right, the land of the two kings will be laid waste

- Isaiah 8:4 discusses this later also … “Before the boy knows how to say ’My father’ or ’My mother,’ the wealth of Damascus and the plunder of Samaria will be carried off by the king of Assyria.”

- Turn to and read Jeremiah 49:23-29

- Jeremiah sees the identical vision years later and also proclaims its destruction

- Interesting enough … where is Paul journeying too when he encounters Jesus?

- The OT and NT tie-in again is spectacular here; and centers around God’s desire

- A Messiah is promised to us to deliver and bring us out of judgment and wrath

- This same messiah is given to us so that we can rejoice and be reconciled to God

- But are we living 24/7 in a state of thankfulness because of it – or something else

- Isaiah speaks that He will grow up like other kids, eat the same diet, enjoy the same things – yet when He is older and is able to distinguish right from wrong He will follow in the ways of God and refuse the evil path

- God gives a promise to all, even though Ahaz rejects it, and hopes are raised

- APP: So, if thinking about a coming Savior raised hopes of these believers; how much more should ours be raised if we already have a Savior!

Point 3 – Encouragement to Live (v17-25)

- This is a key admonition for the church as well as an encouragement to church

- v17 is a warning if we will not move forward, then we will incur wrath

- There is a threat of plagues, a barrenness to the land, and a choking out of life

- Agriculture will cease to exist and sorrow will come upon those who neglect the salavation that is provided by God.

- If we remain unfruitful under Grace, the Lord will remove the ability for fruit

- Revelation 20:15 says, “If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”

- The rejection felt by those who deny God will be unreversable

- The challenge though is for those God calls to answer Him to avoid this

- The deeper challenge is not only to choose to live for Him, but to have peace in the knowledge that God provides security

- Remember the rebuke Jesus gives the disciples in the boat – it is the same as the beginning of chapter 7 with Isaiah telling the people NOT to worry

- Pray