Summary: Thefear of God makes us love Him more

1 TIM 2:1-7 Dear Father and Lord Jesus Christ, This is for all people everywhere. We plead for all people because they all need You! We pray for all people because many never talk to You! We intercede for all people because most do not know what to ask! We give thanks for all people for few express gratitude! We thank You for their lives, and we give thanks to You for all that You give them, even though they do not acknowledge You or give thanks to You! We pray for national, regional, and local leaders and all who are in high positions. May they exercise wisdom and justice so that we who follow You may live quiet and peaceable lives, godly and respectful in every way! We know that such prayer is good and acceptable in Your sight, because we know that You want everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth! In the Name of Jesus Christ, the One Mediator between God and man, Who gave His life for us, we pray. AMEN

The Fear of the Lord real conviction

REV 14:7 Acts 24:22-26

We don’t hear much talk about “the fear of God” these days, and I have to admit it’s not a “feel good” topic. I saw a program on a church service and the church was full it seemed and the people were singing and dancing. It seemed to me that they were all happy. The Bible commands Christians to be governed by a reverent fear of the Lord. Solomon said the fear of God is the “whole duty of man” ECC 12:13. Coming from the word’s wisest man, it seems sensible for you and me to place an emphasis on it regardless of how others treat it. There is blessing awaiting those living under its influence and peril for those ignoring it.

I. How is the Fear of God Defined?

We can look at fear in two ways. Fear is commended or condemned. Fear is either our friend or foe. On one hand, friendly fear equips us with a natural alarm system that instructs us when to resist, run, or relax. For example, a friendly fear tells us to run from the swarm of bees or stay away from the edge of the cliff. Friendly fear tells us to relax because the lions are caged. The fear that brings condemnation is one that lacks trust in God. It is worrying. It doesn’t believe God’s grace is enough for us when we are weighed down. Fear is awakened when we are met by anything that frightens us. It is natural to fear when a tornado is a hundred yards away or we are swimming in unknown waters. We fear things that can overpower us. We need to fear God who is much more powerful than anything in this world. As we think about the greatness of God, we know that He created every part of the universe. He knows everything that can possibly be known. His very presence fills every square foot of creation. God didn’t create the world, wind it like a clock, and then leisurely sit back and let it tick out its destiny. God is not heartless toward what He created. That should help us know why we should fear Him. There are two theological terms that help us understand why we should fear God. First is TRANSCENDENCE, which tells us God is altogether different from man. There is nothing in the universe by which you can compare Him with. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal, perfect, and holy that’s God’s transcendence. Second, is IMMANENCE, which means that God is here, and walks among us. We don’t see His physical appearance but the omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal, perfect, and holy God is here with us now! “The LORD your God in the midst of you is mighty”. That is His immanence.

God calls us to order our lives in such a way that we will “present us faultless in His presence.” We assume that we serve God because we love Him. That is not what the Bible teaches. The Bible says “the fear of God” is the primary reason we serve God. PS 85:9 “Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him.” Phil 2:12 “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” A child may deeply love his parents, but in most cases, his eagerness to obey them is fixed deeper in fear than in love.

Fear is the primary reason Christians obey their Heavenly Father. If we do not have a proper fear of God we will our lives with low standards and not be holy like God commands us to be. Solomon said, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” PS 7:11-13 “God is a righteous judge, a God who expresses his wrath every day. If a man does not repent, He will sharpen His sword; He has bent His bow and made it ready. He has also prepared for Himself deadly weapons; He makes His arrows fiery shafts.” The Bible says, ‘God is loving, merciful, and kind,’” but He does not let wickedness to go on unchecked. Listen again, to how PS 7 says God performs His wrath, “If a man does not repent.” And that’s the grace of God speaking. God isn’t talking to everybody here. He is speaking to those that continually ignore His voice and refuse to repent, those that continually reject His counsel. “If a man does not repent God will “sharpen His sword.” The words, “sharpen His sword,” form a picture phrase that indicates yet another merciful pause from God. It’s His final pause of sharpening His sword before He strikes. Have you ever strayed from God and during that time of disobedience, God warned you by giving you a “close call”? That was God showing you He was “sharpening His sword” before striking the blow. “If a man does not repent God will “bend his bow.” This represents a finished act. It’s too late, you have become the target, and He has to release the arrow. God is a God of wrath; but His wrath is never issued without warning, patience, grace, and space for repentance. But despite the warning of Scripture, some people live like they’re exempt from being judged. It only takes only one word from God to take away His protective hedge around you and nothing would ever be the same? There is story I have heard about a couple that came to a pastor they were contemplating marriage. They were living together! His advice couldn’t have been more direct: “You need to find separate living quarters and prepare for marriage in accordance with Scripture!” This was a 45-year-old man who attended church so he said, “I know we’re sinning. But we will eventually marry and then ask God for forgiveness!” The Bible says, “If you sow to the wind, you will reap the whirlwind”! Nobody can outsmart God! Nobody can escape that obvious law of sowing and reaping! God said in EZ 7:9: “I will repay you in accordance with your conduct and the wicked practices among you. Then you will know that it is I the LORD who strikes the blow.” Galatians 6:7-10 “Don't be misled. Remember that you can't ignore God and get away with it. You will always reap what you sow! Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful desires will harvest the consequences of decay and death. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone, especially to our Christian brothers and sisters.”

Plainly, to me to fear God in the right way means to obey Him in all He tells me to do.

So the question before you right now are you living with godly fear. Are your choices and lifestyle based on the fear of God? God is speaking to you about your spiritual life. If you are living in the fear of God, how blessed is your life? What does God think when have our sharing time and you say nothing? Early in my Christian life, I made it a point that if any one asked for a testimony I would always be ready to speak for my Lord. I know of people who have a hard life and I believe it would be much better if they would start praising God for all the good things.

Now let’s look at what you benefit from the right fear of God.

II. The Benefits of Godly Fear.

A. First, the Bible says the fear of God lengthens life. Why do we take all those pills and potions and try to lengthen our days but spend little time with God and His word. A survey taken of Christians revealed that only 35% of those who profess to be followers of Christ read their Bibles. Of those 35%, many only read their Bible once a week. I would also put in how many of that 35% have an active prayer life. When life overwhelms, remember that that is not the time for feeble praying; it is time for bold, daring prayer. God invites it, He promises to hear, He promises to answer. When life overwhelms, it is time to cry out to God with your whole being. It is time to focus on Him, and not allow the harsh, judgmental and misunderstanding words of others to discourage you.

PRO 10:27 says, “The fear of the LORD prolongs life, but the years of the wicked will be shortened.” We have heard from the Food and Drug Administration that if Americans cut their beef consumption by 30%, they could increase their life expectancy. Guess how long this meat repressing diet extends life? Two to three months! And get this; the FDA further reported it would only affect 2% of Americans! God didn’t say in Proverbs how long our days would be lengthened, but it will surpass the FDA’s offer!

B. The fear of God also guards us. PS 33:18-19 “the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.” Christ’s enemies attempted to capture Him only to lose Him because His Father protected Him. They tried to stone Him or hurl Him from a cliff but couldn’t and the reason they were unsuccessful is because of His perfect fear for His Heavenly Father. PRO 16:7 says, “When a man’s ways are pleasing to the LORD, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him.” That’s the promise of God’s Word. I could recall many stories from 9/11 about people who did not go to work that day or were late. One man was late because his shoestring broke and he had stop and buy one.

C. But now notice that the fear of God brings special blessing.

PS 31:19 says, “How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you.” PRO 22:4 says, “Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor and life.” WE aren’t going to lose when we determine to live in the fear of the Lord. Quite the opposite, we are going to reap benefits. The fear of God should be the leading rule of your life. Remember Solomon when he said the “fear of the Lord is the whole duty of man.”

III. Finally, Godly Fear Should be our main behavior.

"I'm thankful God is not like the weather. He is as stable as a rock fortress. I can deal with a difficult situation because I know He won't change. He always listens and is at my side to help me. While others may fail me, He never will. How grateful I am for God's immutable character!" Donna Morley

Jesus is our Example and He personally demonstrated “the fear of God”? It plainly directed His life in every word He spoke and everything He did. The “fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” and that means we should make it part of our life-style wherever God directs us.

Today’s generation needs a spiritual warning. And sometimes it takes frightening, graphic, pound-the-pulpit preaching to awaken people to truth. I’d rather be scared into Heaven than for someone to tickle my ears, pat my back, and “love” me into Hell! Jesus was shockingly graphic when He discussed Hell. His narrative of the Rich Man and Lazarus is filled with fright. He described it as a place of darkness, isolation, loneliness, despair, and unending torment. That he may bring me one drop of water.

There’s a graphic drama of Paul fearlessly talking about the fear of God in Acts 24. He was on trial for civil disobedience. Paul stood before the judgment seat of Governor Felix, the High Priest, and a prosecuting attorney. With the evidence presented the Governor called for a postponement of the proceedings. During the recess, Paul somehow held an audience with the Governor and his wife Drusilla. Here was the perfect opportunity for Paul to tell how good he was to and to praise Felix. But with Paul’s life in trouble, what do you think he discussed behind the bench with the Governor? Rather than try to plea bargain and strike a deal, Luke says Paul “talked on righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, [and] Felix was afraid and said, “That’s enough for now! You may leave.” It is hard to believe that with his life in danger, Paul preached about the fear of God and it upset Felix! It is true that people who live without Christ in their heart are worried by fear. They will do their best not to consider death. They make every effort to drive out God from their minds because they do not want to think about one day facing Him. Pro 1:28-29 “They will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me. Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the LORD.” Conclusion

One day we will be gathered before God’s Judgment Seat and we will receive the sentence for our earthly behavior. No one will escape this. No one will be AWOL. Some people say, “I understand and just before death I plan to make things right with God.” But the Bible says, “Today is the day of salvation.” PS 33:8: “Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the people of the world reverence him.”

A Work In Progress. PRO 17:3 “The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the heart." One day, a couple, visiting in a small town, stopped in a quaint little shop to browse around. In the center of the store was a display of teacups. Some were small, some large, some were quite ornate, others were plain, but in the center was the most beautiful of all. The couple was overwhelmed by the dainty shape of the cup, the slight curve of the handle, the ornate and detailed painting and the delicate nature. They stared at it while they contemplated who could have made such a beautiful piece of work. As they stared, suddenly the teacup began to talk to them. "I wasn't always like this. If you had seen me in the beginning, you would not recognize me and you would never think I could ever look as I do now. But because my Master worked on me constantly, I appear before you as I am. "I started out as a piece of clay. Nothing special, I sat in a lump along with my other clay friends (you really couldn't tell us apart). He pulled me away from them it was painful. I cried because I was lonely. "He pulled me and rolled me. I screamed, 'Stop it! You're hurting me!' But He said, '*Not yet.*' He changed my shape and smoothed my form with his hands. I was happy when he was finished. I thought, 'Finally, that's over.' "But then he lifted me up and put me in an oven. It was so hot! I started yelling, 'Get me out of here! I don't want to do this!' I could see him watching me through the window and he said, '*Not yet.*' I wasn't sure if I'd make it through the oven, but I did. "When it was finished, he took me out to cool. Ahh, the air-felt good to me. I sat beside him and smiled. 'Finally, I can relax.' Then he picked me up again! 'Oh no!' I thought, 'what now!' He started painting me. I couldn't believe it. Totally changing my appearance. It smelled so bad! I kept fussing, 'Stop it, stop it!' But he didn't. I was covered in paint! I asked if he was finished, if he was satisfied with what he had done to me. He smiled and said, 'Not yet.' "And do you know what he did after that, even though I kept fussing the whole time? He put me back in the oven! He put me back, and this time it was even hotter! I cried. I begged. I pleaded, 'Please stop!' But he just kept smiling and said, 'Not yet.' "Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he pulled me out of the oven. I gasped for air. I was so thankful that it was over. He set me on a shelf and let me cool. Later he gently wiped me with a soft cloth until my surface was shiny and sparkled. When he lifted me again, I thought, 'Oh no, what now?' He placed me in front of a mirror so that I could see myself and I cried at the beauty that I beheld. I was perfect. I was clean. My form was graceful and elegant. My shape was unique. I noticed a bit of Him in my form. It was strong, but delicate. The detail of the painting was amazing. Even down to the smallest detail, He had made me beautiful. He had made me reflect Him. "I thanked Him for all He had done and I felt ashamed because I had questioned Him during my transformation. I had questioned my strength during my time in the oven. I had complained when He pulled me away from my friends. I fought Him while He tried to change my form and had refused to bend at His command. Now I beheld myself and I regretted fighting and doubting everything He had tried to do for me. "I wanted to do something for Him, but it looked as if he was finished with me. Surely, nothing more needed to be done. But I asked Him, 'Lord, are you done? Will you now leave me to sit on a shelf?' and He said, 'Not yet. I will not leave you; I will not forsake you. I will not give you more than you can bear. I will reward you for your patience; I will bless you for your persistence; I will shower you with gifts for your trust in me; I will honor you for your willingness to do my will. I will use you; yes, I will use you, repeatedly, to glorify me. Am I finished with you, Beloved? Not yet.'" "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up." James 4:10. Now we pray in the name of Jesus “Use me Father. Mold me, hold me, shape me, bend me, and stretch me to be my absolute best. I know that I am not worthy, but I submit myself to you and kneel ready to be changed. Amen.”