Summary: Christ has forged an armor that renders its wearer perfectly safe against all spiritual warfare hurled against us. Christ used it when He was led out into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. It was thoroughly tested on Christ so that all who put it

EPHESIANS 6: 16-18


[Isaiah 59:15b-17 / 2 Samuel 22:31-43]

A young football coach was hired as a scout for his college. Before his first assignment, he said, “Coach, what kind of player are you looking for?

The coach said, “Well, there is the kind of guy who when you knock him down, just stays down.”

“We don’t want him do we Coach?”

“No. Then there is the kind of guy who, when you knock him down, gets up. But if you knock him down the second time, he just stays down.”

“We don’t want him either, do we, Coach?”

“No, we sure don’t. But there is the kind of guy who, when you knock him down, gets up; knock him down, and he gets up; knock him down, and he gets up; knock him down again, and he just keeps getting up every time.”

“That’s the guy we want; right, Coach?”

“No, we don’t want him, either. What I want you to do is find the guy who is knocking all the other guys down. That’s the guy I want.”

I say amen to that. I’m glad God enables us by His grace to keep getting up and starting over every time Satan knocks us down.

But it would be better if we could avoid being knocked down in the first place. If we could avoid falling, we wouldn’t have to start over again. The Lord holds this promise out to all who will put on the armor of God.

[ Alternate introduction-- Emperor NAPOLEON once went to a very skillful workman, and inquired of him if he could make a bullet-proof jacket or under garment, one that he himself would feel safe to wear as a protection against bullets.

The workman assured him he could make just such a garment; one he would feel entirely safe to wear himself. The Emperor engaged him to make the article, requesting him to take time, and see that it was bullet-proof.

The workman took much time and pains in its construction. The jacket was finished, and the Emperor notified that it was ready for him. Napoleon, after carefully examining it, asked the maker if he still felt sure a bullet could not pierce it. The workman said he was sure no bullet could penetrate it; that he himself would feel entirely safe with it on in a shower of bullets. The Emperor asked him to put it on, that he might examine it more fully. The maker put the jacket on himself, that the Emperor might see how finely it fitted and protected the body.

After a careful examination of its make-up and apparent safety, Napoleon stepped back a few feet, and drew his pistol on the man, who cried out: "Don’t try it on me!"

But the Emperor said: "You told me it was perfectly safe," and fired. The armor proved itself bullet-proof. ]

Christ has made an armor that renders its wearer perfectly safe against all spiritual warfare hurled against us. Christ used it. He was led out into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. For forty days and nights Satan tried to pierce this armor, but all his attacks were repelled by it. It could not be penetrated. It was thoroughly tested on Christ, that all who put it on might feel safe.

Each soldier of Christ is told, at his start, to "put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil." This armor covers the Christian’s loins, his breast, his feet, and is a complete shield to his whole being against any temptation or trial he may encounter. Christ was "tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin."

Let me say to all who feel a little timid about the Christian’s armor, that it has been tested by our "Captain" and thousands of his soldiers, and those who proper wear it find it un-pierced by our enemy’s bullets. ]

In verses 16 and 17 we find the fourth, fifth, and sixth pieces of God’s armor with which we need to be equipped in order to defeat the enemy. These next three pieces of spiritual armor are distinguished from the first three. The verb type for putting the piece of armor on is consistent with the first three pieces (past, middle participle) and varied with the last three. The wording “in all these things” or in addition to all is an indication that faith is necessary with all pieces of the Christians armor.

I. The fourth piece of God’s divine armor with which we need to be equipped is:


I could not help but notice what the Bible say about this particular piece of armor. It has told us twice to “put on the WHOLE ARMOR of GOD” Now, in verse 16 Paul informs us that this particular piece of ARMOR, is most important for he says, ‘above all’ or “In addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”

The roman shield referred to (èõñåüv) is a large (four-and-a-half feet long by two-and-and-a-half feet wide) rectangular shield. [Thureos is derived from the Greek word thura, which means “door” indicating its large size.] It was constructed of wood and edged with iron. The shield was covered on the outside with either metal or layers of leather. The metal covering deflected arrows and the treated leather (the leather layers were often soaked in water) would extinguish the fiery pitch on the arrows. The large size provided considerable protection for the body and fulfilled a strategic role by becoming a giant portable wall. Interlocking hooks were attached to the sides which could be fastened together to form a wall that would help keep the line from breaking in an attack or forcing the enemy forward in an uniformed advance.

In our fight of faith we also need to unite our self in faith against the fiery attacks of the adversary (Phil. 1:27). When the church unites in faith even the gates of hell can not stand against it and it can take over the territory of the enemy (Mt. 16:16-19).

One of the most dangerous arms of ancient combat was arrows. These deadly projectiles were made even deadlier when tar or some other combustible material was attached to their point. Lite before they were shot these arrows could not only wound they ignited, burned and caused disruption.

Satan often wars against Christ, His church, and its members by firing flaming arrows of malignancy. These fiery arrows are shot at the heart, mind, and body. They come to us as thoughts, situations, and desires to sin. Satan shoots at God’s children with the flaming missiles of lies, unbelief, blasphemies, hates, doubts, fears, worries, discouragements, envies, conceits, envy, anger, covetousness, pride, despair, distrust, sensualities, and selfishness to name just a few. The bombarding with these flaming projectiles should awaken us to the scheming craftiness of our adversary’s nature and methods. He desires not only to hurt us but to preoccupy and distract us with inner and outer fiery eruptions. He plans to keep us occupied with the fires his arrows create so that we fix our attention on them instead of Jesus Christ and the advancement of His kingdom. If we do not extinguish these burning darts by faith in Jesus Christ, they will injure not only us but also our life and ministry.

So what is the shield of faith? What’s it mean to us? The definition of faith in this context -- it’s "our absolute confidence in God, His promises, His power, and His program for our lives. The shield against the blazing arrows is faith in Jesus Christ and His Word. 2 Samuel 22:31 affirms “As for the Lord, His way is blameless. The Word of the Lord is tested; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.” God is the object of our faith. He is our shield (Gen. 15:1, Ps. 33:3; 115:9-11, Prov. 2:7). Trust in the God of sovereignty, goodness, and faithfulness is the way the believer appropriates His shield. Faith (pistis) is trusting completely and unconditionally in God and His Word. You must understand that this faith is confidence in God and His Word because it is not faith that protects us but God and our obedience to His Word that protects us.

How did Jesus extinguish the fiery missiles of the father of lies? He answered each shot with the Word of God (“It is written” see Matthew 4:1-11). When a provocative thought, a hot accusation or a flaming temptation enters we must come against it with the Word of God also. Every time you truly read the Word, listen to a sermon, study the Bible, or memorize a Scripture you fortify your shield of faith. “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17).

For our Christian growth God allows some arrows to test us so that our faith in Him and His Word might increase. When those blazing missiles come, have faith in God and demonstrate it by obedience to His Word and He will extinguish them in His time.

In addition to the shield of faith there is another vital piece of armor which we need in our fight against Satan.

II. The fifth piece of God’s divine armor with which we need to be equipped is:


Next we are commanded to take up is our helmet. “And take up the helmet of salvation”

If the shield was being used properly the enemy would first attack the head. The roman helmet was made of solid metal or of leather with metal reinforcements that would help protect the head from arrows and sword blows. Blows to the head are deadly without a protective helmet properly in place. Just as a soldier is foolish not to protect such a vital and vulnerable area, so is the spiritual warrior.

Those who have enlisted in the kingdom of God are to take up the helmet of salvation Well, how do you do that? You do that by appropriating the mind of Christ in order to renew your mind. This helmet saves us from our vain manner of thinking. Believers receive the mind of Christ when they receive Jesus as Lord and Savior of their life (1 Corinthians 2:16). Yet the actual experiencing of the mind of Christ only occurs when by the mercy of God we surrender our intellectual processing of thought to Him and walk in the will of the Head of the church. Through surrender to Christ our mind not only is guarded from evil but also our mind is also transformed so that we can prove that the will of God is good, acceptable and perfect. As Paul said “I urge you brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, (which is) your spiritual service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the will of God, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:1-2). Living life by the mind of Christ enables us to perceive, comprehend, and discern the will of God in the circumstances of our daily life. It enables to understand, learn, and apply the Word of God. It renews us so that the voice of the Holy Spirit is clearer and so that we can walk in agreement with Him (Psalms 119:105).

If we study, learn, and practice the principles of Scripture we are not deceived nor detoured. The devil casts his missiles of thoughts at our mind in order to stimulate fleshly or worldly thoughts and capture our mind with his lies. If we accept his ideas and priorities he can side track our lives. The believer though, that walks in daily submission to the will of God, guards his thoughts by taking them captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Another reason we firmly put the helmet in place is that it brings security of our eternal salvation. Our mind needs divine protection so that we don’t doubt the salvation that we freely received by the grace of God is real and eternal (Romans 8:35-39). Satan casts doubts so that we question our salvation. If we walk in debilitating doubt we cannot walk in faith and faith is our victory over the world (1 John 5:4). A times Christians even think after falling into temptation and sin that they don’t deserve their salvation, and this is true, but not the complete truth. We are not saved because we deserve it. We are saved because we placed our faith in Jesus Christ and what He did for us and because by grace God justifies us. God transferred us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Since we did not earn it, we cannot un-earn it. Salvation is the gift of God not the reward of works.

We have been made positionally righteous before God. Our conditional unrighteousness cost us fellowship and sanctification, not salvation. We presently have eternal salvation, not a chance at eternal salvation (John 10:27-29). “These things have I written unto you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13).

Take up the helmet of salvation in Christ Jesus. Believe His Word that declares that if you have been saved, you have been eternally, irrevocably saved. Protect and sanctify your mind through systematic studying, meditating and memorizing of the Word. What you learn, put into practice and the peace that pass all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus, our Lord (Philippians 4:6-9).

The soldier’s thinking ability was the most important factor in determining his victory or defeat. He must protect his mind and its thoughts, keeping all thoughts in agreement with his Leader, the Lord Jesus Christ

Following (1) the belt of truth, (2) the breastplate of righteousness, (3) the shoes of peace, (4) the shield of faith, and (5) the helmet of salvation there is one more essential piece of armor we need in spiritual warfare.

III. The sixth piece of God’s divine armor with which we need to be equipped is:


If you would win spiritual battles you will need the next piece of equipment. “And the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.”

The Greek word translated sword refers to near razor sharp double edged, short sword (about 18 inches long) (Mt. 26:47; 10:34). Roman soldiers practiced frequently with this sword because their life depended on perfecting it’s use. The fencer must become strong, quick and dexterous to use this weapon intended to thrust and penetrate.

All the armor previously look at is defensive and, except for the shield of faith, the experienced warrior basically only needed to put it on properly. The sword of the Spirit is both defensive and offensive and like whatever sword, training is needed to use it effectively. It is the only offensive weapon of the armor, but no other is necessary. There must be no doubt that the divine Word is adequate because it is without error or fault, perfect and impeccable.

The Greek word use here for word is rhema and not logas. Paul is definitely referring to the written Word of God. It was the written Word that Jesus applied to defeat Satan when He was tempted in the wilderness. Three times Jesus reached into his scabbard and in a loud voice replied to Satan “it is written” and then quoted from memory a Scripture (Mt. 4:1-11). If you wanna know what the sword of the spirit is, open Matthew 4 and watch Jesus do battle with the enemy. And the enemy comes and says, "If you’re the Son of God, turn these stones to bread." It is written, "Man won’t live by bread alone, but by every word” - rhema- “that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

Yet on the same occasion Satan altered and misinterpreted Scripture. This practice of misusing Scripture is still used today by various groups. The Christian must know the Word and be trained in how it is to be used for it is his spiritual weapon. The better you know the Word the easier it is to detect the lies of Lucifer, reject his temptations, and win spiritual victory for yourself and others.

MARTIN LUTHER learned to use the Word to defeat the devil and proclaimed its value in his hymn “A Mighty Fortress is our God.”

“And tho’ this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us,

We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph thro’ us.”

The better we know and treasure the Word of God in our heart the better we can use it as Jesus modeled for us. Though difficult, the study and memorization of Scripture is necessary for each disciple. As you study and memorize the Bible you will discover that, “The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

If we are reading our Bibles every day, finding verses to meet the conditions and needs in life, and claiming promises that counter our trials and temptation, the devil will become discouraged with us. He can’t do much with people who keep stabbing him with Scripture.

As an added note, be sure to speak or read the Word out loud. Remember, Satan can not read your thoughts. Demons will need to hear the word from you mouth before they will understand and obey what God is commanding them to do (James 4:7).

The sword of the Word of God is different than any other type of sword. A material sword is used with physical and mental power. This sword is the sword of the Spirit. It is the Spirit of God that trains us and gives us the ability to use His Word properly and effectively. The Word is taught and brought to remembrance by the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). The Spirit resides in believers and enables us to understand and minister the Word. The teacher and administrator of the Word must be the Holy Spirit and not the flesh or the old man.

No physical or intellectual ability has anything to do with success in spiritual warfare (2 Cor. 10:4). It is the authority and power of the Lord that sends malignant spirits running (Mt. 7:22-23). The power is the Word of God spoken in the power of the Spirit. If the Spirit does not control us, we will not use the Word of God as it was intended to be used. It is the Spirit that makes the sword invincible in battle.


Spiritual attack is an unseen reality. Satan continues to seek ways to divide, debilitate and destroy. All we have to do is look around to realize there are a lot of wounded Christians! They have perished because of being grievously wounded in the battle. They failed to put on the ‘whole armor’ of God.

We are involved in a spiritual battle for the souls, hearts and minds of people. This war is a spiritual battle and will not be won by flesh and blood means.

Jesus is the One who must defeat Satan but we can stand against our adversary in Christ. We can successfully resist him in Christ. When we put on the spiritual armor of God we are protected for the conflict against evil and the evil one. God has given us divine armor. It only remains for the believer to make proper use of what God has provided. When we do, we overcome the attack of the enemy and victory is secure.

Will you take hold and use what God has already given you at such an un-calculatable cost? You have the armor will you take a stand with Christ?