Summary: In the the prophet's day the remedy for the deceptions of false shepherds was to focus on the Messiah. Focusing on Christ Jesus is also the way not to be deceived today.



[Matthew 7:24-29]

Chapter 10 of Zechariah's prophecy gives further blessings that will result for God's people because of their turning to their Messiah. The chapter is very closely connected to the victorious conclusion of chapter 9 and continues developing the Shepherd-flock concept. O what a happy and prosperous condition results from the restoration which the Messiah will bring about when He returns as Israel's Shepherd King.

Though these promises are specifically victories granted to the New Israel, they also constitute a consummation victory for all true people of God of all generations. For Messiah's triumph over His enemies is our triumph over our enemies.

In their day the remedy for the deceptions of false shepherds was to focus on the Messiah. Focusing on Christ Jesus is also the way not to be deceived today. As these promises encouraged the poor and afflicted people of Zechariah's day so let them encourage us today with the assurance that God has laid in Zion a Cornerstone upon which we may build for eternity.






Verse 1 emphasizes that it is the LORD's provisions that bring fruitfulness. "Ask rain from the LORD at the time of the latter rain - The LORD who makes the storm clouds, and He will give them showers of rain, vegetation in the field to each man."

Verse one builds on the thought of the land being transformed in the preceding verse (9:17). God has withheld the latter rain from Palestine since the time of Jeremiah because of the nation's sin and thus the land flowing with milk and honey became desolate. [See Jer. 3:3; 5:25; 7:9;11; 12;14:4; 18:16; 26:17, Ezek. 6:14; 12:20; 33:28-29. Apparently the Mediterranean rain belt withdrew its outer edge back into the Mediterranean Sea.] The Lord again would send this latter rain that gives the land the ability to produce in answer to believing prayer (Jer. 10:13, 14:22).

This rain is certainly understood to be literal for it ripens crops, but the promise also embraces spiritual blessings (Joel 2:23 Hos.6:1-3). Rain in due season insured the productivity of the land and was promised to the nation as a reward of obedience to its covenant relationship with YHWH (Lev. 26:3-4; Deut. 11:13-15; 28:1-12).

Notice the word "ASK." God stands ready to respond to those who ask Him. The promises of God are turned into experience by the faith and prayers of His people. See Isaiah 44:3. The problem in the past had been that Israel had not acknowledged that their blessing came from God.

Latter rains are a term for spring showers that fall in Palestine in March and April which are indispensable to the maturing of crops. This rain fills the sheaves with grain. [See Baron, The Visions & Prophecies of Zechariah, footnote p 339.]

The promised "storm clouds and showers" of latter rains emphasizes the abundance of the divine response to their petitions, for our God is a bountiful giver. The torrential showers come to supply the need of every man (literally ‘to them') (Zech 12:10).

The promise of rain probably has a spiritual meaning also since rain is an emblem of the Holy Spirit (Isa. 32:15; 44:3; Ezek. 29:39; Hosea 6:3; Joel 2:23-32) It is the outpouring of God's Spirit that leads man to repentance which enables the ploughing up of our inner fallow ground needed for the renewing and the enlarging of our Christian experiences. The early rain of the Spirit in a Christian's new walk, and the latter rains that bring maturity in our Christian life are a must, for it is only by receiving the great out-pouring of God's Spirit that we will become fruitful for the Lord.

The blessing of abundant physical and spiritual blessings is "to each man." God individualizes His gifts and blessings to each of us. This promise of empower for renewed growth is given to all who ask based on the Blood Covenant (9:11).


The ‘for' (ki) that begins verse 2 provides an additional reason for living in dependence on God. "For teraphim speak iniquity, and the diviners see lying visions, and tell false dreams; they comfort in vain."

Notice the contrast between verse 2 and verse 1. Prayer asked of the Lord brings tangible results for those who do seek the Lord in faith and obedience, But not so for others. Even though they might say they represent God, their message is not from Him. Those that represent the Lord instruct people to repent of sin and to plea with the Lord that their circumstances such as drought, both physical and spiritual, might be changed. Those teraphim and diviners spoke dramatically about visions and dreams and said there is no reason to be concerned, everything is going to be fine. Therefore the people continue to wander about instead of being called to the straight and narrow path of God's mercy and grace.

"Teraphim" were small household oracle gods (Ezek. 21:21; Gen. 31:19; Judg. 17:5; Hos. 3:4) and were expressly forbidden by the Lord

(1 Sam. 15:23; 2 Kings 23:24). These idols supposedly gave "speaking" oracles of blessing to their household owners.

A "diviner" is one who practices divination or the art of obtaining secret knowledge or influencing of the future by methods employed in paganistic religions. Divination is the occult counterfeit of Biblical prophecy (Ezek. 13:9, 23; Mic. 3:6). These diviners see visions but their vision were falsehoods. God is not the only one who gives visions or dreams.

These diviners comfort people but with vain expectations. They falsely promised blessings for following after their god but these blessings never came. Instead of bring blessings, resorting to teraphim, diviners, and dreamers wrought spiritual and material havoc in Israel. How foolish it is to trust in vain assurances. Why not trust God's Word instead?

What the prophets were of old, Holy Scripture is now. 1 Peter 1 informs us that any vision, dream or interpretation that conflicts Holy Scripture, even if it is supposedly scientific will not bring God's response. Apparently before the end time there also will be an surge in fake prophecies, lying visions, and false dreams.

The consequence of superstitious practices are clarified in the second half of verse 2 and verse 3. "Therefore they wander like sheep. They are afflicted, because there is no shepherd. My anger is kindled against the shepherds, and I will punish the male goats; For the LORD of Hosts has visited His flock, the house of Judah. And will make them like His majestic horse in battle."

The first result of people being deceived by pagans prognosticating the future is that they wander. God never speaks anything that would keep His people from congregating, from assembling, from uniting themselves together so that they might encourage one another on the straight and narrow road that leads to eternal life.

Second, it is not because there were "no shepherds" that God's anger is kindled but because they were false leaders, deceiving shepherds (Jer. 23, Ezek. 34), misleading the people. Israel then, as the world does today, had its own faithless he-goats or leaders; their princes, priests and prophets who should have lead them to pasture but they only misled them (Isa. 14:9; Ezek.. 34:17).

How positively sad was Israel's situation during the weary years of their rebellion without the aid of righteous shepherds who obeyed the voice of God through His prophets. For their leaders, those shepherds of God's people, who aided them in their idolatry and their rebellion against God were to know only the wrath and displeasure of God for so misleading the sheep.

[Not only is man incapable of finding God by himself, left to himself, he in incapable of transmitting the knowledge of God in its intended purity. Apart from the ministering Spirit of God even God's workmen and their teachings become corrupted and distorted and called out shepherds can no longer shepherd. They thus are not shepherds. For a shepherd is one who guides or feeds or cares for a flock under the leadership of the Great Shepherd.]

Remember when Jesus was moved with compassion when He looked at the multitudes because they were like sheep without a shepherd in Matthew 9:36. They were hungry, torn, weary, and miserable of soul because of the misguidance and tyranny of their false religious and political leaders. Once the flock is wandering from the fold of God Satan can afflict them emotionally, mentally, financially, and spiritually.

The third result, given toward the end of verse 3, is that the Lord resolves to do good to His flocks so He will visit them. Those who are receptive to the Lord are transformed. Through those so transformed the shepherd of His people visits them with His Spirit, His Word and His people to look after their needs. He calls His flock the house of Judah for His flock is those who follow the Davidic King and no other.

For those who so follow King Jesus the figure of sheep is changed to a majestic horse in battle. By His special training and care He changes them into a splendid, magnificent steed, fitted and equipped in every way for the Lord of divine glory to ride upon into battle (Rev. 19:11) to execute His judgments upon the oppressors.

The LORD now acts to provide true leadership for His people. Four times in verse 4 the word ‘from them' is repeated identifying the coming One as coming from His people. "From them will come the Corner-stone, from them the Tent Peg, for them the Bow of Battle, from them all the rulers together."

Here are some of the most striking, far-reaching, and meaningful messianic prophecies in the O.T. They give us a succinct summary of the mission and character of the promised Redeemer.

From them meaning the House of Judah (Gen 49:10) will come the Cornerstone. The expression constitutes a messianic title and is one of the most important images in the Bible. The cornerstone, or ‘corner', refers to the large stone which lies where two walls meet and joins them firmly together. It is vital to the integrity of the structure, and determines the position of the rest of the building.

The first and most obvious truth in the coming Messiah is the sure foundation on which the eternal House of God, the Church of the Living God, rests. For the first achievement of good leadership is to provide stability. The safety and stability of a building depends on its foundation. The plan and material may be ever so perfect; the finishing decor ever so elaborate and beautiful - but all is of no benefit if the foundation be sand, for it cannot abide the storm or flood.

On the other hand, the materials of a building may be of more humble quality, the ornamentation may be less elaborate or plain; but if the foundation be sound, the rain may descend, the floods come, and the winds blow and beat upon that house, it will not fall for it is built upon a rock.

Now the great God and Divine Architect of the Universe has purposed within Himself from all eternity to raise out of frail, imperfect, human materials a glorious Temple for His own eternal habitation through the Spirit. When completed His eternal Temple will shine forth glories [to principalities and powers (Eph.6:19-22)] more than any material temple of this universe. In order to ensure its eternal safety He has bestowed great care on the foundation and cornerstone on which He is building it.

He Himself has laid it: "Behold, I lay in Zion a sure foundation" (Isa. 28:16), for it is a task which could not be entrusted to, or accomplished by, men or angels. His "tried" and "precious" corner-stone which He laid as the basis and security of this eternal structure is His own Son Jesus Christ who is "perfected for evermore," against whom even the gates of hell shall not prevail (1Cor. 3:11; 1 Pet. 2:4-6; Mt. 21:42; Acts 4:11; Ps. 118:22; Zech. 4:7; Eph. 2:20).

This accounts for the continuance and immovableness of the Church of Christ, in spite of the many storms it has had to brave, and the insidious attacks from enemies and false friends. Let the storm rage; let infidelity assail; let men and devils do their utmost. Has it not been foretold that the same precious foundation stone upon which millions would build for their eternal safety would also become a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence against which many would stumble and fall (Isa. 8:14-15; Mt. 21: 42-44; Rom. 9:32f; 1 Cor. 1:23) [Baron, 348].

When God arises to shake this earth for the last time those that have built on the "Rock of Ages" will find their eternal refuge unshakeable. Christ the Rock is the only eternal foundation in this temporary world built on the sinking sands or time that can withstand the final storm of judgment.

Second, the Cornerstone serves not only as a foundation but a dictionary defines it as "that stone which unites the two walls at the corner". When Archaeologists discovered the original 14 ft. by 4 ft. cornerstone of Solomon's Temple they found it performed two functions. First, like the other foundation stones, it supported the building but it also faced two directions and was thus a bond of union between two walls. This cornerstone had been embedded into the rock of the ground. The Archaeologists found that it had remained unmoved in its original position where it had been for over 3,000 years despite man and nature. It is a fitting emblem of the "Rock of Ages" that cannot be moved but abides secure for ever. ["Recent Discoveries in the Temple Hill of Jerusalem" by J. King.] Read Eph. 2: 19-22. Christ is the cornerstone where the next world matches up with this world, where our natural man can be united to His eternal man. As you should not build a building without a corner stone, you should not build a life without Christ. He is the only sure foundation on which to build life and He is the One who can give direction to building life for eternity.

The second designation of the Messiah is "the Tent Peg." Yathed has two meanings. It is used for a stake driven into the ground to which ropes of a tent were fastened for support (Ex. 22:19, 35:18, 39:40). [The Tabernacle, or God's place of worship cannot stand without tent pegs, (Acts 15:16) because they pull against each other to give the tent balance and tension to hold it in place.] It is also used as a peg which was driven or built into a wall to carry the weight of the item hung there (Ezek. 15:3). Useful items were hung for convenience and valuable ones for display. Read Isa. 22:22-24. Christ is not only the sure foundation and cornerstone of God's spiritual Temple, He is the one we may hang all our hopes and valuables on for eternity. On Christ we hang our life and our hopes for its ultimate fulfillment.

The last two designations bring before us aspects of the Messiah's character which will be seen at His second coming. A third attribute of this leader is the ability to protect the realm and defeat adversaries

The metaphor of the Bow of Battle pictures Messiah as the mighty and skillful warrior. For not only is Christ the meek and suffering Lamb of God but He is also The Lion of the tribe of Judah, "the undefeatable warrior who will make blood run in rivers" (Isa. 43:2-4, 63:2-4; Rev. 19:11-16). He will shoot forth the sharp arrows of the Lord (Ps. 45), and out of Him will shoot forth God's two-edged sword that will smite His enemies (Rev. 19:15).

The last messianic designation is "from them every Ruler, all of them together." The Autocratic Ruler (kol noges yachdav) is the one that pulls together all rule. He will unite all leadership under His heaven sent perfect rule, so that no other leadership will prevail against His people. [Noges, translated taskmaster in Ex. 3:7, is an oppressive ruler in Isa. 3:12, 14:2, 60:17, Zech. 9:8. A tyrant.] Noges is always used in Scripture as one who employs force to keep others in check.

At His second coming the Messiah will gather up in Himself all rule and authority. He will not only be the Prince (nasi) or God's monarch (moshel), not only the King but noges, the absolute Ruler. The most absolute and autocratic King the world will ever see. Every thing and everyone will be under His authority and dominion.

The sovereignty of God fully exercised will be the ultimate blessing for the righteous and the ultimate terror for the ungodly. Those who have submitted to Him and give Him sole allegiance will never experience His "Rod of Iron," but only His hand of love.


Obviously we need the Holy Spirit not only to establish us, to fit us into the Eternal Cornerstone Christ Jesus, but to develop us, to build us up as His workmanship, as His disciples. It is only then that we will be responsive to and not rebellious against the great transforming work God must do to mature us, to shape us, so we will loving respond to His leadership.

Are you responding to the Holy Spirit and plowing up the fallow ground in your life? Is your heart receptive to the good seed of the Word of God? Are you being prepared to joyful, gratefully, lovingly live under the peaceful, perfect leadership of the King of kings and the Lord of lords?

Zechariah's prophecy was more than 500 years before Christ's first coming. Their Messiah would provide stability, reliability, strength, and leadership. Jesus is all you will ever need.