Summary: Learning how to be the church in today's world through learning from the book of Acts.

When is it the right time to tell someone about Jesus? When is it a good time to share with someone the beautiful words of life? You know when the right time to be a witness for the Lord is? [2] When opportunity knocks. When God gives you that opportunity to share.

I think too many Christians are passing up opportunity after opportunity to share God’s love with others. Too many Christians are more worried about political correctness than they are about other people’s eternal souls. Too many Christians are silent today.

[American Idol finalist’s silence story.]

Too many Christians are passing up opportunity after opportunity to share God’s love with others. I think it’s time for us to care enough to share. And you know what, [3] God will give us opportunities to share God’s love with others. We won’t have to force Jesus into the conversation. Jesus should just flow naturally in the situations of life. That is if our mind is set on Him.

Stephen’s mind was set on the Lord when God gave him an opportunity to be a powerful witness for Him. Turn with me to Acts 6 where we’re going to see one of the first ‘deacons’ of the church become the first martyr of the church.

[Read Acts 6:7-15.]

Stephen was out doing his thing amongst the people as usual. Helping people, working miracles, and talking about Jesus Christ. A group of Jews called the Freedmen, who were descendants of former slaves, decided to argue theology with Stephen. But they were no match to his wisdom and power. So they got some people to spread false rumors about Stephen so the ruling authorities would shut him up. Their plan worked and Stephen was brought before the same council of men who killed Jesus, who imprisoned Peter and John and who had most recently imprisoned and tortured the Apostles.

But as he stood before the council they saw a man with an angelic face. Meaning, when they looked at Stephen his face and his demeanor reminded them of what an angel must look and act like. What a great testimony he had.

So here’s his opportunity to share God’s love with these people. In a moment he’ll be questioned about why he continues to preach about Jesus Christ. Everyone will be listening to what he has to say. Will he take advantage of this opportunity?

But what about us? Will we take advantage of the opportunities God gives us to tell others about Jesus Christ? You and I have opportunities almost every day to be a witness for the Lord. Some of those opportunities might be to publicly praise God for something good that’s happened to us.

- hospital praise - facebook page - receiving an award

[Tim Tebow example.]

Sometimes God gives us opportunities to just publicly praise Him for something good that’s happened to us. And that’s being a witness for God.

But sometimes God gives us opportunities to actually share the Truth of the gospel with someone else.

- helping someone, (track) - chat rooms - neighbor

[Debbie asking me how I quit smoking story.]

God will give us opportunities to witness for Him. Will we use them? When Stephen was given this opportunity, he was more than ready to share. [4] Stephen uses this opportunity to be a witness for God.

Now I’m sure he didn’t relish the fact that he’s standing before an angry mob of godless men who held his fate in their hands. But he wasn’t going to miss this opportunity.

Now we’re actually going to watch a video that I found that portrays word-for-word Stephen’s message to the council. But before we do, let me set the table for us a bit. Remember, Stephen is a Greek believer in Jesus Christ who’s been accused of blasphemy against the Old Testament. So he spends much of his nine-minute sermon showing the council his understanding of the Old Testament and that he believed it just like they did. But with one exception, that the Savior Moses and the prophets pointed to was Jesus Christ – the One they had rejected. [5]

[Watch segment from “Acts” video.]

[6] Stephen knew that simply showing them that he was down with the OT wouldn’t accomplish anything. He needed to show them their sin and that they had killed Jesus who was the Messiah. A message that they continue to hear, but continue to ignore. Their hate then moved them to kill this great man of the faith.

[Read Acts 7:54-60.]

This is one of the most harsh and yet most beautiful scenes of death in all the Scriptures. Here’s Stephen being unjustly and brutally murdered for his beliefs. But as he’s dying he sees the Lord standing by the throne of God. Standing as if He’s ready to receive him into His kingdom. And then in his final moment of life he asks God to forgive his persecutors – just like Jesus did when he died on the cross. Even with his last, dying breath Stephen was a witness for God.

Surely that had to have had an affect on his murderers. There they are stoning him to death and he’s asking God to forgive them for what they’re doing. What love he had. What determination he had. He would use his every breath to tell others about Jesus.

One of those persons who was there was none other than the Apostle Paul – except it was before he had became a Christian and was the church’s worst enemy known as Saul.

As Saul left the stoning of Stephen a newly energized crusade against the church began. I think that the more the early Christians stood up for their faith the more it frustrated the Jewish leaders. “I mean, these Christians just won’t break! What’s wrong with these people?” But you know how it goes, people often hate what they don’t understand. The church is no exception.

But with the persecution that came, new opportunities came to witness for the Lord. [7] Persecution actually gives us opportunities to be a witness for the Lord.

[Read Acts 8:1-3.]

The Jews were actually doing the Christian movement a favor. With every persecution the strength and resolve of the church grew stronger. When the saints were scattered that just meant the gospel would now be brought to wherever they made their new homes. And when they were put into prison, then the prisoners and even the guards got to hear about Jesus. They thought they would destroy the movement. But instead, they strengthened it and even enlarged it. Persecution gives us opportunities to be a witness for God.

When persecution comes your way, don’t view it as an obstacle to your comfortable way of life. Look at it as an opportunity to be a viable witness for God. Listen to this true story of persecution in our own country today. (This was reported by Fox, CBS and others.)

A San Diego pastor and his wife claim they were interrogated by a county official and warned they will face escalating fines if they continue to hold Bible studies in their home. The couple, whose names are being withheld until a demand letter can be filed on their behalf, told their attorney a county government employee knocked on their door on Good Friday, asking a litany of questions about their Tuesday night Bible studies, which are attended by approximately 15 people. "Do you have a regular weekly meeting in your home? Do you sing? Do you say 'amen'?" "Do you say, 'Praise the Lord'?" the official reportedly asked.

The pastor's wife answered yes to all. She says she was then told, however, that she must stop holding "religious assemblies" until she and her husband obtain a Major Use Permit from the county, a permit that often involves traffic and environmental studies, compliance with parking and sidewalk regulations and costs that top tens of thousands of dollars. And if they fail to pay for the permit, the county official reportedly warned, the couple will be charged escalating fines beginning at $100, then $200, $500, $1000, "and then it will get ugly."

Friends, this kind of thing is happening more and more in our country. But don’t fear it. These are just opportunities for us to be true witnesses for God. These kinds of things will help us grow stronger and will even widen our outreach.

You know that bible study only had about 15 people in it when this happened. But now their study is being talked about on FOX news and all over the web. I’ll bet this gave them many opportunities to share the gospel with people they never had before.

Persecution gives us opportunities to witness. The question is, will we take advantage of those opportunities and be a witness for God. [8]

When you get an opportunity to be a witness for God, start out by telling your story. Listen, you’ve got a story to tell. If you’ve been saved by the grace of God through Jesus Christ, you’ve got a story to tell. The story of your salvation might be dramatic or it might be more cerebral. The story of your salvation might be recent or it might be something from fifty years ago. But no matter the details, if you’ve been saved you’ve got a story that needs to be told. Don’t miss an opportunity.

And when telling your story, remember that it’s directly linked to God’s story – a story you need to tell. Or better yet, let people read it for themselves. Point them to the book of John or the book of Romans and let them see for themselves the story of a Savior sent to free them from their sins. Use the opportunities God gives you to tell people God’s story.

We’ve got to get the message of God’s love to people who are lost. We’ve got to get them the message before it’s too late!

[Sunburn story.]

Friends, do we care enough to share the message of the gospel with those who are in danger of being burned? We must get them the Truth! Take advantage of every opportunity that God gives you and tell people about Jesus. [9]

[Salvation altar call, prayer.]