Summary: Israel is filled with stones. Jesus had a lot of contact with stones during His earthly life. He walked, sat, prayed, wept, and even bled on them. Houses and roads were made of piled stones. I wonder if those stones could talk, what stories would they tel

Intro: Summary of text. Israel is filled with stones. Jesus had a lot of contact with stones during His earthly life. He walked, sat, prayed, wept, and even bled on them. Houses and roads were made of piled stones. I wonder if those stones could talk, what stories would they tell? Let’s visit a few places where the Lord Jesus came in contact with such stones.

1. Stones Around the City of Jerusalem (Luke 19:40) They talk about His Glory. Jesus was being praised but the envious religious elite were upset at it. The Lord is indeed worthy of the praise of men because of the mighty deeds He has done and for Who really He is (John 17:5).

2. Stones in the Wilderness of Temptation (Matt. 4:3-4) They talk about His Sinless Nature. When Christ’s innocent and precious blood was shed on Calvary, sin and Satan were forever defeated! Christ is still the holy Saviour now! (I Pet. 2:22)

3. Stones at the Marriage of Cana (John 2:6)

They talk about His Provision. He is still the Lord who is worthy of our trust because He is ever in control of the situation and supplies our need! (Phil. 4:19)

4. Stones at the Tomb of Lazarus (John 11:41-44) They talk about His Power. (Matt. 28:18). He has the power to raise the physically and spiritually dead as well! He can take a life ruined by sin, touch it by His grace, and make it useful.

5. Stones at Jacob’s Well (John 4:6)

They talk about His Mission. He picked the worse one in Samaria to demonstrate his great purpose. He still seeks and saves all who come to Him (Luke 19:10). His mission is also ours (II Cor. 5:18, 20).

6. Stones in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:44) They talk about His Agony (Heb. 12:2). He battled satanic attack more intense than what He previously faced in the wilderness of temptation; but He prevailed and was ultimately victorious!

7. Stones at the Garden Tomb (Matt. 28:1-6)

They talk about His Resurrection. Yes, He died but rose again on the third day (Matt. 28:6). Now He lives forever to make intercession for us (Heb. 7:25). We are glad that Jesus died on the cross for our sins but we are even gladder that He rose from the dead. Our lives are tied with His (Rom. 13:14). Because Jesus lives, we shall live also (John 14:19).

8. Stones on the Mount of Olives (Acts 1:10-11) They talk about His Return. He ascended back to the Father but left His disciples a dependable promise of His soon return (I John 2:28).

Conclusion: Stones are silent witnesses. If the stones you daily come in contact with could speak, what would they be saying about you? Would they be declaring your faithfulness to the Lord? Or would they be witnesses against your bad testimony?

Stones cannot move but if they could only speak, they would be doing the same work of telling the story of the glorious life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and coming again of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Dear Christian friend, let’s do something and get busy for God and spread the good news of His amazing saving grace! Dear unsaved listener, are you truly ready to meet the Lord Jesus Christ soon? If not, then today is your chance to get right with God. Behold now is the day of salvation! Believe and trust Jesus Christ TODAY!!