Summary: This "State of the Church" is framed in many questions...the conclusion is that the ’State of this Church" is directly related to the "State of the Member’s Hearts."

The State of the Church – 2011

(What is the State of this Church)

* This morning I begin with a true story. A man wakes up about 1am and is having difficulty breathing. He can breathe, but not take a deep breath. In fact, it almost feels Like someone is sitting on his chest. What does he do? Does He Wake up his wife & upset her? Does he turn on the lights? Does he Call 911? The questions abound, yet he chooses not to call 911 for fear of what they ’might discover.’ (After all he hasn’t taken real good care of himself in recent years.) He indulged in eating all the wrong things and now, he afraid of what might be going on in his body. Where does his mind go? Not status, not the world’s loss, not even the job which he pseudo loves, and not how much money he has….This man wonders if he will actually see another sunrise, if he doesn’t get medical help is this the end, and if he is about to face God. This is his most pressing question; ’what have I done with what God has given me?’ However, I suggest that as one’s mortality comes into close view - questions come as natural.

* Today is an interesting time in the life of the local church. Candidly, an honest read of Holy Scripture as well as much extra-biblical literature gives a picture of the average local church finding herself in the same situation as this man. While many may not like the comparison, the proof is in the facts. For years we have read & heard that between 70% & 90% of churches are plateaued or declining, but while true, this is not the complete story. Many inside the church know that some is amiss, but struggle to discover or admit the true problem. The average church can still breathe, but taking a deep breath to stretch out her spiritual wings is seemingly beyond her capabilities.

* Already some are ready to take me to task about what they presume I am about to say about “OUR CHURCH”, yet if this is “OUR CHURCH” – we have discovered the first problem. (Expound on Our, My versus His church)

* Normally on this day, I have taken the road of our governmental leaders who stand before the Legislature and Congress to ‘declare’ the state of things. Today, I am more about questions and will ask many questions.

* We’ll begin by reminding ourselves of our 5 core beliefs; 1)The Bible is our guide book, 2) God loves us & has a plan for us, 3) All people matter to God, 4) We seek to honor God in all we do, and 5) The local church is the hope of the world. Now, let’s begin the questioning. However, if the questioning is going to work, we must be painfully truthful. (Like the Court swearing in)

* With the clear understanding that Jehovah God knows my heart, I will tell the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth in my personal answers to the questions now placed before me, so help me God. (PRAYER)

* The way I sense God leading us to take this evaluation is by our beliefs.

1. The Bible is my guide book is a great directive for us to declare, but when the water meets the wheel, what does it mean.

a. The Proof for this can be found in numerous places in God’s word. Let’s look at just a couple. (Heb 4:12, 2 Tim 4:16-17) Many other places in God’s word expose & explain that God’s word is of such complete nature that it serves well as a guide, but today I turn this declaration around to ask, “Is the Bible REALLY my guide book?”

b. The Practical – If the Bible truly is my guide book, how or where in my life does it make a difference? (These are those painful questions to which we will be honest with God about).

* Does the Bible affect my behavior (that is, my actions & reaction?)

* Does it affect my tongue?

* Does it affect my family life?

* Does it affect my schedule?

* Does it affect my faithfulness (in attendance, giving, service)

* Does it affect my relationships?

* In all sports, they have a rule book. The rule book is a guide for playing the game. In God’s Kingdom, we have a rule book (no matter what the positive thinkers and preachers may say) and if we are in fellowship with God, it is because we meet Him on His terms, by His rules, according to His word. Does the Bible truly and honestly control you?

2. God loves us & has a plan for us – While most of us, in principle would say, “I do know that God loves me and has a plan for me”, in practice, our actions might convey a different message. In fact, in today culture, amid all the tragedies (I.E. 911, Katrina, tsunamis, etc) some people ask if a loving God even exist while others cannot imagine God loving someone with as much evil as they know they have committed. “How can God love me?” they cry. (John 3:16, Romans 5:8, Romans 8:35) Modern day people possess a deep misunderstanding about love. This is demonstrated in how we treat our children.

* Candidly, what we call ‘love’ today borders on ‘abuse.’

* Love is best expressed by doing what is best rather than what is want.

* You teach them right and wrong.

* The love of God Is not a 21st century ‘grandparent’ love which sees ‘no wrong’, rather, the Love God has for us is a love which is willing to allow us a little pain for a greater gain! Do you KNOW He loves you?

* He loves us enough to teach us, mature us, and give us a future.

* Jeremiah begins with the wonder that “God knew us in our mom’s womb” and then conveys the very minds of God who says, “I know the plans I have for you.” Do you believe God has a plan for you? If I believe God has a plan, do I seek to discover HIS PLAN every day, in every decision, action, and plan? Do I believe God’s plan is good enough to the point I trust Him with my today?

* God does not plan for anyone to only sit & soak. His plan is a good plan, an active plan, a service plan, a plan fashioned after the life of Christ. Make no mistake, if we ‘claim to be His’ and don’t show love to our brother, don’t know what our giftedness is, & don’t have a ministry which can be identified by our friends, we have failed to trust God’s plan for us. Rather, we trust ‘our plans for us.’

3. All People matter to God – Candidly, we can ‘say’ all people matter to us, but once again, our actions speak louder than words. This is seen from the years past in the horrors of racial prejudice. We would say we loved all people and that all people needed Jesus but our actions said something different. (Jesus Loves the little Children)

* So let’s say that prejudice does not plague us any longer, so we say that “All people matter to God” with the understanding that if they matter to God, shouldn’t they matter to God’s children. Almost everyone in the building would should “yes they do matter to God and they matter to us.” So now the question becomes;

* “If they matter to us, what is it that really matters to us?”

* Does our concern only begin if ‘they decide’ to walk in the door?

* Is our concern extended to those who are both unlike us & like us?

* If they matter to us, how do they know it? In our attitude, our words?

* Do they matter enough for us to even speak a word of invitation?

* How is it that they matter? Does it really matter that, without Jesus, they’ll miss heaven and spend an eternity in torment? Does it matter?

* Some here have lived in this town for most, if not all, of your life & were you to be asked, you could offer names of people who you have known for years and probably do not know Christ. (Gal 4:4-5, Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, 2 Peter 3:9) People matter to God and John 20:21 are the words of Jesus saying, “As the Father sent me, so send I you.” If people really matter to us, how do they know & how do we show?

4. We seek to honor God in all we do – For me personally, this is a make or break with the 21st century believer & church, “Does the entirety of our lives focus on honoring God?” Jesus tells us to ‘Let our lights shine so the world might see God.” One thing about a light, its job is to shine. When a light is plugged directly into the power it shines, like it or not. Our life is plugged into the divine power that God gave to every person when He blew the breath of life into the nostrils of Adam. Take the light of our life into the darkness of this world & our light is seen. Here’s the thing; we are seen for what we are. The light of life reveals one’s character (flaws), one’s motivation, one’s loyalty, & one’s love (or lack of love) for God. When we walk in the light like HE is in the light, then we are saved and our lives honor Him.

* What is there in our everyday life that our lost & unchurched friends would see God?

* Does our conversation honor God?

* Does our work ethic honor God?

* Does our attitude honor God?

* Does our faithfulness or consistency to HIS CHURCH honor Him?

* Paul, Peter, Timothy, Titus, and others honored God by fulfilling the mission God had for him and it didn’t mean quitting ‘life’, rather it meant finding the life HE HAD for them. (remember He has a plan)

* Think through your last week and ask Him, “Did my life really bring honor to you?”

5. The local church is the hope of the world. – It’s amazing to me the number of people who take issue with this statement. Part of the reason is a perverted view of the church. It is true that “Jesus is the Hope of the World” but it is equally true that the authentic church is His bride & Ephesians 5 tells us that He came, gave His life for His bride, and one day will return for her. The church is the Lord’s vehicle to finding Jesus. The church doesn’t grant salvation but IS the only human conduit through whom the Spirit flows. So let’s ask some very pertinent questions:

* If we believe this statement, then what kind of hope exists for the world? If this community is depending on us to show them the way, then will they know? If people’s of God comes from their perception of us (words, deeds, actions), will they know Him?

The state of this church is measured by the commitment of her members.