Summary: God will give you the encouragement your faith needs to grow


A. Acts 1:3-11


A. Jesus spent 40 days with the disciples

B. Why 40 days?

C. 40 days was a common period of preparation in the Scripture

D. God often used that time period to instruct people for their future work

E. Moses was on Mt. Sinai for 40 days and nights as God prepared him to lead His people. (Ex. 24:18; 34:28)

F. Nineveh was given 40 days to prepare for God’s wrath (Jonah 3:4)

G. Jesus was tempted for 40 days by the devil before he began his ministry (Lk 4:1-2)

H. Jesus was with the apostles for 40 days

I. In those 40 days Jesus spoke about the kingdom of heaven to his disciples


A. Jesus had already spent three years with the disciples

B. Why would they need another 40 days?

C. Well, it seems they needed a little encouraging

D. Their faith was challenged when Jesus was arrested, persecuted and crucified

E. They thought he was going to be their new king and restore the kingdom

F. When he was killed, they didn’t know what to think

G. Luke symbolically demonstrate their damaged faith when he describes where they are when Jesus hangs on the cross

But all those who knew him, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things. Luke 23:49

H. These were those who knew Jesus

1. The disciples aren’t even directly mentioned

I. Even after Jesus showed himself to the disciples following his resurrection they struggled to believe

J. The disciples needed encouragement!

K. That’s why he was with them 40 days

L. They needed to be reassured of Jesus

M. They needed to be reminded of Jesus’ goals and purpose

N. They needed his presence and encouragement


A. Sometimes we need God’s encouragement don’t we?

B. When our faith is young God gives it to us almost daily

C. I still remember an adult leader from a youth ministry share her faith

1. She said, “God kept giving me green lights”

2. Her faith needed the encouragement that young faith requires

D. When we are young in our faith, we need God’s encouragement for a young faith

E. Just the way when we were kids and we were learning something new

1. Swimming, riding a bike

F. When we learned how to swim our parents were with us, encouraging us

1. Saying, “I know you can do it,” “I’m here,” and “good job!”

G. After we learn how to swim we don’t get that kind of encouragement anymore

H. Example using Michael Phelps

1. When he gets in the water nobody says, “I know you can make it to the other side Michael. Remember to hold your breath when you put your head under the water. It’s ok, I won’t let go of you.”

a. Those things would almost be demeaning

2. When Michael Phelps gets in the water he still needs encouragement.

3. But not the encouragement he got when he was learning how to swim

4. Now he’s encouraged to blow the competition out of the water

5. To break world records

6. To do what no one else had done before

7. Michael Phelps doesn’t need that first, simplistic encouragement he had before

8. Encouragement like that would simply keep him where he is

9. It would not help him improve

I. When our faith begins God gives us the encouragement that we need for it to grow

J. As our faith grows, God’s encouragement changes so we can continue to develop our faith

God’s encouragement changes so our faith can develop.

K. We must encourage our faith to develop and grow

L. So we don’t stay where we are… we grow to better things


A. The disciples faith was still developing

B. Jesus had spent three years with them

1. Teaching, leading, witnessing, doing miracles

2. Even they had done miracles

C. But they had never met a man who was raised from the dead so they could have salvation

D. This was a totally new faith for them

E. They needed time to process what was going on

F. So Jesus encouraged them

G. For forty days he encouraged them and taught them about the kingdom of heaven

1. He walked with them

2. Talked with them

3. Ate with them

4. He gave proof of his life

H. So at the right time, as their faith developed, Jesus could help their faith grow even more

I. At the right time, Jesus left the disciples

1. He let go

2. Like a parent letting go of the bicycle seat

3. Like a swim instructor letting go of her student

a. You can do it.

b. You know what to do

c. I will support and encourage you, but from over here


A. Just before Jesus was lifted up he told the disciples two things:

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. Acts 1:8-9

1. First, they will receive the power of the Holy Spirit

2. Second, they will take the Good News of Jesus from their hometown to the rest of the world

B. Jesus never said he would stop encouraging the disciples

C. In fact, he said just the contrary

D. Jesus will continue to encourage the disciples as he calls upon them to do more

E. He will encourage them by giving them the power of the Holy Spirit

F. You see God never stops encouraging us

G. He modifies his encouragement so that we may grow and continue his work.


A. So Jesus ascends right before their eyes

B. And the disciples appear to be staring up into the sky

C. I wonder what they were thinking

1. Did you see what I see?

2. How are we going to explain this one?

3. You mean you can tell someone was raised from the dead but you can’t say they floated off into the sky?

D. Maybe it was more along the lines of:

1. What do we do now?

2. Does he really think we can do it?

3. Who’s going to help us now?

E. Like a child who gets on his bike for the first time without his dad’s help

F. Or the child who goes swimming at a friend’s house for the first time without her swimming teacher

G. At some point you’re gonna have to just do it.

H. At some point your faith is going to be challenged

Our faith must be challenged to grow.


A. Fortunately God reminds us

B. Just like he did the disciples

C. As they’re standing in what appears to be in some kind of shock…

1. [mimic staring up into space]

D. Two men, appear and give them a different kind of encouragement

1. The kind a coach gives their team

2. Why are you standing there?

3. What are you staring at?

4. Get moving!


A. And so the disciples go

B. They wait for the Spirit to come as Jesus said it would

C. Maybe you’re in that spot right now

D. Maybe you’ve known Jesus a long time

E. Maybe you’ve just met him

F. Maybe you don’t know him at all

G. But know this, Jesus has a mission for you

H. Maybe you know what that mission is... maybe you don’t

I. The Disciples had their mission

1. They were to start in Jerusalem

2. And work their way outward from there to the four corners of the earth

J. But for now, in Acts, Jesus tells them to wait till the right time

K. And they spent their time in prayer

All these [the disciples] were constantly devoting themselves to prayer

L. Right now, you might be in a time of waiting

M. This is your time of prayer

N. So you will know the mission God has for you


A. Your plan is to seek God’s mission for you

B. God will reveal his mission for you

C. You will discover it in prayer

God will encourage you.

D. And God will encourage you with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Let’s Pray