Summary: This lesson is based on a SermonCentral contributor Dan Jacques titled “Dismantling the Myths of Abortion”. I preached the sermon for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.


A. As you know, I usually like to start my sermons on the light side, but today’s subject isn’t one to joke about.

1. Let’s begin with something obvious and yet sobering: think about the fact that any of us here today under age 38 are alive because your parents chose life.

2. A different and legal choice could have been made which would have taken away our lives.

B. Today is called Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (SOHLS), and there are many preachers like myself, who will bring a message today on this subject.

1. I am prolife – this is not a political stance; it is a moral and spiritual stance.

2. I support and work with a group called Friends for Life, which seeks to educate people, especially young people, about the value of life.

3. Periodically, I preach on the subject. My records show that the last time I gave a special message on this subject on Sanctity of Life Sunday was three years ago.

C. On September 11, 2001 over 3500 lives were extinguished when those two planes crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center.

1. When this occurred the world mourned the loss of so many innocent victims.

2. Other countries joined us in our attempt to rid the world of those who would do such a thing.

3. As a country, we continue to mourn this senseless act of murder that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001 when over 3500 lives were instantly eliminated.

D. But guess what? On September 12, 2001, 4000 other lives were extinguished.

1. And again on September 13 and 14 and 15.

2. Every day in the U.S. there are over 4000 unborn babies whose lives are ended by abortion.

3. 4000 innocent victims each day, 28,000 each week, 112,000 each month and 1,460,000 each year.

4. 38 years ago the Supreme Court of the United States of America handed down their infamous decision in Roe v. Wade making abortion on demand a legal reality in this great nation.

5. That decision put into motion the destruction of over 53 million human babies.

6. I ask where is the outrage? Where is the mourning?

7. Where is the commitment to bring this kind of destructive force to an end?

D. As you know, the Central New York community has been outraged by the newborn baby that was recently found dead in a garbage dumpster.

1. The police have found the mother and charged her with 2nd degree murder.

2. She may have acted a lone, or she may have had assistance; the investigation continues.

3. Our hearts should break for the loss of this innocent life, and for a mother who would feel such desperation and confusion that she would take such measures.

4. I am not surprised by the reaction of the general public and the wrathful sentiment that this mother should get everything that is coming to her.

5. What I am surprised by is the fact that I have not heard a single person say that the irony of the situation is that this mother could have gone into an abortion clinic and eliminated the very same baby with the help of a doctor without prosecution.

6. Many states will not allow for the abortion of a baby that late in pregnancy unless there is real danger to the mother’s physical or mental health.

7. But there are 10 states that will perform an abortion at any time, no questions asked – 3 of them boarder our state.

E. So I ask you, why it is considered murder the one way but not the other? It just doesn’t make sense, but so many are blinded to the truth of it.

F. As I address this subject today, I want us to keep two groups in mind.

1. Let’s keep in mind those who have experienced abortion (either personally or in the life of someone very close to them.

a. There are likely some here today who fit into this category.

2. Let’s also keep in mind those of us who stand outside looking in at this issue.

3. My prayer is that God will speak to both groups today.

4. The message that I hope we hear loud and clear is that God hates abortion, but at the same time, God loves those who have been a part of one.

5. And as God’s representatives, we must learn to do the same.

6. A good place for us to start working on this is by dismantling the myths of abortion.

I. Myth #1 - God does not have an opinion on abortion.

A. The truth is that God is pro-life and that can be clearly seen in His words and actions.

1. First of all, we learn from Scripture that God is the creator of the unborn.

a. Psalm 139:13-16 reads: 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

2. Second, we learn from Scripture that God has plans for the unborn.

a. Jeremiah 1:5 reads: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

3. Third, we learn from Scripture that God calls for the protection of the unborn.

a. Exodus 21:22-25 says: 22 “If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. 23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.”

b. Notice that there is a fine if there is not serious injury to the mother or child.

c. But if there is a serious injury, then the penalty is to be life for life, eye for eye, etc.

4. Fourth, Our Scripture reading today states clearly that God hates the taking of innocent life.

a. Proverbs 6:16-17 reads: 16 There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood…”

b. Could there be any more innocent blood than the blood of an unborn child?

B. Every person is created by God, in the image of God. And their creation is called good by God.

1. Who are we to decide that a human life, however it is conceived, and no matter how small or fragile, is not worthy of fulfilling the destiny he or she was created to fulfill?

2. The practice of abortion breaks God’s heart. It is something that He detests because it ends a life He created.

3. Yet - even though some people might agree with what we have just said, they may still choose to abort their baby, due to their belief in abortion myth #2.

II. Myth #2 - Abortion will solve the problem.

A. The truth of the matter is: Abortion causes more problems than it solves.

B. First of all, Abortion creates a number of health risks.

1. There are often immediate health complications: like; infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, and convulsions.

2. Other risks include the risk of breast cancer.

a. A 1994 study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found: “Among women who had been pregnant at least once, the risk of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women.”

b. More recent research has confirmed the connection between abortion and breast cancer.

c. It doesn’t mean that if you have breast cancer, you must have had an abortion.

d. But it does mean that if you have had an abortion your chances of getting breast cancer are much higher.

3. Another health risk is the challenge of future pregnancies.

a. The risk of miscarriage is greater for women who abort their first baby.

b. Scarring or other injuries during an abortion may prevent or place at risk future pregnancies.

4. Finally and most seriously, there is the risk of death.

a. Women who undergo an abortion are 4 times more likely to die in the following year than the women who carry their pregnancy to full term.

C. A second problem that Abortion creates is emotional problems.

1. The negative emotional impact of abortion is well-documented.

2. The Medical or Psychological term for the emotional impact of abortion is Post-Abortion Stress (PAS).

3. The symptoms include: guilt, anger, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, anniversary grief, flashbacks of abortion, sexual dysfunction, relationship problems, eating disorders, and alcohol and drug abuse.

4. The mothers are not the only ones emotionally affected by abortion – the fathers and the extended family can also be impacted.

5. Fathers and extended families often experience: anger over powerlessness, guilt over having pressured the woman to have an abortion, and ongoing feelings of loss.

D. Finally, and most importantly, are the spiritual consequences of abortion.

1. Because abortion is sinful, it stands between a person and God.

2. Even after asking for forgiveness, a person may still struggle with spiritual ramifications.

3. They may fear meeting their aborted child someday in heaven.

4. They may try desperately to make up for what they have done by over-committing themselves to Christian work and service to somehow pay off their debt.

5. Guilt and feelings of shame create a feeling of distance between women who choose abortion and God.

6. This makes it harder to come to God and experience the forgiveness He offers.

7. Which leads to the 3rd myth of abortion.

III. Myth #3 - Abortion is unforgivable.

A. The truth is that abortion, like all sin, is covered by the blood of Jesus.

B. Think with me about the experience of Saul of Tarsus, who later became the Apostle Paul.

1. He was responsible for awful crimes against Christians.

2. He was responsible for tearing husbands from wives, and parents from children - sending them to jail, and even presiding over their executions.

3. The guilt he must have felt as he remembered these scenes from his past must have been intense.

4. But Paul discovered that, though his guilt was great, God’s mercy is greater!

5. Look at 1 Timothy 1:15-16: 15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.

6. This same man wrote the comforting words of Romans 8:1 – “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus...”

C. If you are one of those whose hearts has been broken by abortion I want to say two things to you right now.

1. First, There is nothing God wants more than to help you feel His forgiveness.

a. 1 John 1:9 says: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us of all unrighteousness.”

2. Second, The path to experiencing that forgiveness is not easy, but there is help along the way.

a. We would be thankful to be given the opportunity to privately pray with you and express God’s love to you.

b. Also, there is post-abortion counseling available at local pregnancy care clinics like Birthright, or New Hope Family Services.

c. These services are usually free and can be of tremendous help in identifying and overcoming the symptoms of PAS as you learn to forgive yourself, and experience the warm, forgiving embrace of your loving God.

IV. Myth #4 - There is nothing I can do to stop abortion in our country.

A. I know that the numbers are staggering, and the mentality is so engrained, but the truth of the matter is: there is a lot that each one of us can do to bring this national tragedy to an end.

B. What can we do?

1. First of all, We can pray.

a. Pray for God to work in the unseen realm to break down this Satanic stronghold in our nation. Pray that God will help people see abortion for what it really is.

b. I love the promise God made in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

2. What else can we do? We can support Pregnancy Care Clinics.

a. I mentioned the two local ones earlier – Birthright, and New Hope.

b. They often have fundraisers or are looking for volunteers.

3. What else can we do? We can love and support those we know who are caught in crisis pregnancies.

a. We can help them get the support they need or help them think through their options.

b. Rather than condemning them for their sinful behavior, we need to help them find God’s forgiveness and do the right thing by the child they are carrying.

4. What else can we do? We can support groups that are involved in opposing abortion.

a. I mentioned earlier my involvement in Friends for Life.

b. I personally would rather be involved in education, but there is a need for others to be involved in lobbying groups like the Right to Life.

c. I try to regularly attend the annual March for Life that occurred yesterday here in Syracuse.

d. I have spoken at that event and have led prayers there as well.

e. These kinds of things are peaceful ways to raise consciousness about the issue.

5. What else can we do? Finally, we can vote pro-life.

a. I told you I don’t want to make this into a political issue, and so this is the only part of this issue that has to do with politics.

b. One of our greatest freedoms as a country is our privilege of voting into office the people we want to govern us.

c. What kind of people should we want to govern us? Certainly people who are competent.

d. But just as important, we want to have people leading us who are people of high moral thinking and character.

e. And if we believe that abortion is morally wrong because it takes the life of a human being, then we will want to be voting for people who believe the same.

f. Let’s use our vote wisely.


A. I want to end on a positive and hopeful note.

1. It may seem that the laws against abortion will never be changed.

2. It may seem that pro-abortion people’s hearts are too hard to ever be softened.

3. But we must not doubt God’s ability to help people see the truth.

4. Let me end this lesson with two true stories.

B. Dr. Bernard Nathanson was the leading abortion doctor in the United States in the 1970’s.

1. He had campaigned vigorously for the legalization of abortion and he himself has performed 75,000 abortions.

a. He was also for a time the director of the Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health (CRASH), which was largest abortion clinic in New York.

b. He believed his intentions were good and that he was doing a righteous thing by providing a service that guaranteed a woman’s right to control her body.

2. But something changed Dr. Nathanson’s point view.

3. It was a medical breakthrough called the ultrasound, introduced in 1976.

a. This device literally opened a window on fetal development.

b. The first time Nathanson saw an ultrasound in action, he was with a group of residents gathered around a pregnant patient in a darkened examining room watching a demonstration by a technician.

c. The technician applied a conductive gel to the woman’s abdomen and then began working a handheld sensor over her stomach.

d. As the screen clarified, Nathanson was amazed. He could see a throbbing heart.

e. When the technician focused closely on the image, Nathanson could see all four chambers of the heart pumping blood.

4. During that scan Nathanson became convicted.

a. He said that his mind immediately dropped the word fetus in favor of the word baby.

b. Suddenly, everything he had learned about the child in the womb since his entry into the medicine snapped into focus.

c. He had known what took place in the womb but somehow seeing it for the first time changed everything.

5. Nathanson did a 180 becoming a staunch supporter of the pro-life movment.

a. He helped found the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws.

b. He is often quoted as saying abortion is “the most atrocious holocaust in the history of the United States.”

c. In 1984, he made the documentary The Silent Scream, which showed an abortion from the perspective the unborn baby by using ultrasound.

d. His second documentary Eclipse of Reason dealt with late-term abortions.

e. He has written two books, Aborting America and his autobiography, The Hand of God.

C. Further ultrasound advancements speak even louder and are making a real impact.

1. Let me show you a comparison of pictures taken with the old ultrasound machines and the new 4D machine. I’m sure you can tell which pictures are from which machine.

2. These machines are helping turn the tide in one Pregnancy Resource Center, in Louisville, KY.

3. They advertize free ultrasounds which draws a lot of patients from the abortion clinic across the street.

4. Melody Oliver, a mother of two was considering an abortion after a sexual assaulted left her pregnant.

5. Oliver left the abortion clinic not having had an abortion and was asked by a staffer from the Woman’s Choice Resource Center if she would like to accompany her across the street for a free, complete ultrasound on their new machine.

6. Oliver did—and realized that even her pro-life beliefs and medical training hadn’t prepared her for the sight of her daughter’s face as presented in 4D.

7. Oliver said, “She was blinking. She was just hanging out, looking around, sucking on her thumb. It was so realistic, so lifelike. It looks like you can just reach right in there and pick up the baby.”

8. After that, Oliver knew she couldn’t have an abortion, but she was still ambivalent about what to do once the baby was born.

9. For a while, she considered giving her up for adoption.

10. But a few days later, while Oliver and her baby were still in the hospital, a nurse asked if she wanted to see her baby — and Oliver realized, to her surprise, that she did.

11. “Do you want to name her?” the nurse asked as she held her baby.

12. Oliver glanced over at the magazine she’d been skimming. A headline with the word “faith” caught her eye.

13. “Well, why don’t we just call her Faith for now?” Oliver said.

14. The nurse laughed, then replied: “We’ve all been calling her Faith for the last two days.”

15. Oliver said, “I never thought I could love or bond with a child who was conceived under such horrible circumstances, but that’s where we don’t give God enough credit. I look at her, and I don’t even see him. She’s beautiful and perfect.”

D. We must learn to give God enough credit.

1. Credit for the healing forgiveness that He offers.

2. Credit for the power to change people’s hearts and minds.

E. God hates abortion, but He loves the people who have been a part of one.

1. We must do what we can to bring this sinful, holocaust to an end.

2. May God help us to choose life, and protect all of life from the unborn to the end of life at natural death.


“Dismantling the Myths of Abortion” Sermon by Don Jaques