Summary: A sermon on encouraging and lifting up others in the name of Christ.

[Lynn would like to acknowledge and thank two individuals: Years ago Pastor Rick Warren wrote a Sermon Series based upon 1 Corinthians 13, and John Ortberg wrote a book entitled: Everybody’s Normal Until You Get To Know Them. Lynn relied heavily upon these two resources for this series because they deal with Relationships and Community. He would like to recognize their influence in the preparation of these messages.]

We are studying today …

about the ability … to bring out the best in others …!...

But, i’d like to begin today with a survey

of the various types of lessons that you may have had to learn,

in your lifetime:

Now this is group participation time – so please, respond w/ an up-lifted hand:

?> How many of you have ever taken some type of music lessons?

?> How many have taken any swimming lessons?

?> How about golf lessons? … ?> flying lessons ?

?> How many have ever taken cooking lessons?

?> Horseback riding? ?> Tennis? ?> Public speaking lessons?

?> Scuba diving? ?> Underwater basket weaving? …

You get the idea.

Our society believes in continuing education.

that - is one reason, why community colleges – are so popular.

But, while all of the lessons that you just indicated you’ve had,

are very good, there’s one area of lessons that most of us

have never had any public, formal training in.

yet it’s the most important area of all : relationships !

We all need lessons on relationships.

we all need lessons on loving.

that’s what we’re doing in this series:

connecting to our community..

We’ve been focusing on the 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians, which is

known as: the love chapter … and we’ve been looking individually

at the various aspects/characteristics of true love …

and in vrs. 4, we read:

"Love is kind." - 1 Cor. 13:4

?> what does that mean ?...

Former President Bush, #41, wanted a:" kinder, gentler nation."

Don’t think we got there …

?> what does it mean to be kind ? … Kindness is love in action.

Remember what Grandpa George said to Sam, in The Grace Card:

“It is always easier to receive Grace … than it is to give it away…”

Yet - Vs. 4, in the Phillips version says: "Love looks for a way of being constructive."

Please circle: "being constructive."

Love - looks for a way, of improving somebody else’s life.

it builds people up !

So today …(as I mentioned) …

we want to talk about how to be a people builder.

Romans 15:2 says:

"We should consider the good of our neighbor and build up his character."

?> How do I build up the people in my life ?

?> how can I bring out the best – in others ?


If you’ve been a teacher; a parent; a husband, a wife; a friend;

if you work with business partners; if you go to school -- all

of us have people around us we’d like to build up,

that we’d like to bring out the best in.

Today we’re going to look at four practical things you can give

people that will build up the best in them.


You build people up by kindness – not by criticism.

Kindness is giving people what they need, not what they deserve.

Jesus gave people four things, the same four things you need to

learn to give if you’re going to be a people builder,

if you’re going to bring out the best in their life:

So Please … Follow With Me In Your Notes & Let’s Look At These Individually :


Ephesians 4:1, reads: "I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."

Paul is urging people to make their life count !

He’s challenging them ! … He’s saying:

Don’t waste your life ! Be all that God made you to be !

Make your life count !

?> why does he say that ?...

Because we all need a cause, a project, a dream

that calls forth the best in our lives.

a challenge - strengthens us.

For twelve years the Green Bay Packers won only thirty percent of their games. By 1958 they were 1 - 10. They had a twelve season losing streak. Terrible team ! Along came a guy named Vince Lombardi. He was a people builder. During the next nine year reign at the Packers he had nine winning seasons, they beat their opponents 75% of the time and walked away with 5 national championships including their first two Super Bowls. He turned a losing team into a winning team. Lombardi was a people builder.

He knew how to bring out the best in people by issuing personal challenges to the players. And … as was evident 3 weeks ago today …that legacy is still hanging around as Green Bay won their 4th Super Bowl Title! But in the days before it was called: “The Super Bowl” (prior to 1967) this year boasted their 12th NFL Championship since joining the league in 1921 !!

You know people … who are just like Vince Lombardi;

when you are around them – they challenge you to do

your best; something about them causes you to want

to excel and succeed;

they have a way of instilling that desire …

We all know that there is more to life than just

living for yourself !

There must be a cause; a reason; a purpose that I’m here for,

more than to just take up space.

God has a unique purpose for each of us

… and a general purpose for all of us … which is:

we are saved to serve !!

amen ?

And in needing to respond to that … all of us

need somebody in our lives who can inspire us to be all

that we could be !

And listen:

there are people in your life that God wants to use you

to be a people builder; to bring out the best in them;

to inspire them to be what he knows they could be;

or to challenge them to reach for their finest hour !

And … ?> how do we know what God wants us to be ?...

By looking at our abilities and strengths !

by looking at how he has s.h.a.p.e.d us !!

I Peter 4:10 (LB) :

"God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them

To help each other, passing on to others God’s many kinds of blessings."

He says look at your strengths. The way you know what God

wants to do in your life, is to look at how he’s gifted you;

the talents he has bestowed upon you;

how he’s given you competencies.

There is so much transition that takes place in the job market of our society – especially the way our economy is right now – it is so competitive

… that one of the hot markets today is

the career planning market.

Seminars are offered everywhere:

temperament analysis; competency tests;

capability consultants; people are shelling out big, big bucks

to get people to tell them what they’re good at !

?> Why ?

Because we all need somebody who will issue us a personal

challenge. Somebody who will help us discover what we’re good

at, bring the best out in us. Somebody who can find a

challenge that will develop us and strengthen us and cause

us to reach down deep for our absolute best performance !

The Bible teaches that that is what the church is to do.

That’s one of the goals of Calvary Church.

part of our task is: "life development." We are here to help be

people builders, to help people discover and develop what god

made them to be. We are here to offer hope for life, and help

for living ! That is why “discipleship” is such a huge

part of the programming of our church !!

I Have Told You Often :





It is just a part of who we are … as a church:

to help you become what god wants you to be. You need people

builders. - rather than criticizing the worst in others,

they bring out the best, they challenge the best in others !

Now in each of these areas today … I want you to evaluate yourself (in your notes) on

These four qualities. From one to ten …

?> How much time do I spend thinking about challenging others?

?> Drawing out the strengths of others?

Peter Drucker has said:

"We need to build on people’s strengths and make their weaknesses irrelevant."

All of us have weaknesses - but you build on your strengths.

That means … playing team ball !!

That means … supporting others even if you don’t agree

with everything they do !

If you are going to challenge people

to reach for their finest hour;

(as we witnessed in the Media Clip)

If you’re going to be a people builder;

to bring out the best in the people around you…

you must be willing to give them a personal challenge.

SO … in your notes, please rate yourself, in this area


Romans 15:2(GN):

"We who are strong in the faith ought to help the weak in order to build them up

In the faith."

We all need confidence. When somebody believes in you - it brings

out the best in you. It gives you the courage. They say :

"I know you can do it!"

Jesus did this with Peter.

Many commentators talk about how Peter’s name "Petros" MEANT “Pebble”.

But Jesus said,

"Pebble, you’re going to be a Rock. I’m giving you a new name."

[His name was Peter Simon bar Jonah which means Son of John.

So his real name became: Rock Johnson.]

But listen:

When Jesus said that to Peter - he was anything but a rock !

He was: Mr. Impulsive, Mr. Foot-in-mouth,

MR. Hey! Let’s Do It! -- Walking On Water And Then Sink.

Jesus said: you’re going to be a rock !

Jesus didn’t tell him what he was; he told him what he could be

-- that’s potential, that’s building confidence !

Whenever you label somebody you reinforce what they are.

Lazy, Unorganized, Can’t Control Your Temper, Somewhat Simple …

… Don’t tell people what they are, tell them what they could be !

… build them up !

You remember the story in the Old Testament … when God came to Gideon … Gideon saw himself as the runt member of his family; which came from the smallest tribe in the nation … and when God finds him – he is hiding from the enemy army in a winepress – while he is threshing some wheat …

and the angel of the Lord, greets him, saying:

“The Lord Is With You – O Mighty Man of Valor !”

“Gideon … You Are A Man Of Courage ! You Are A Mighty Warrior !”

C’mon !... Gideon was one of the biggest wimps out there !

Yet God said:

"This Is What I See In You. You Can Become A Man Of Courage And Valor!"

That is what it means to build people up by giving them confidence.

to encourage them !!

to recognize their potential !!

to see them as they could be …

not necessarily as they are !!

I Thes. 5:11 (NIV): "Encourage one another and build each other up."

This is talking about the power of affirmation.

If you’re going to be a people builder you have to be good

at encouragement.

Ken Blanchard who wrote The One Minute Manager said,

“Catch people doing something right and then tell them about it.”

[good advice]


Now let me just say:

For many years now … i have kept an encouragement file.

Notes received from people – who will write a card or a letter

of encouragement … and this congregation is so good at that … and it is

greatly appreciated – because it offsets the other file I have of, entitled:


But i keep a file;

even if it’s mildly encouraging, like:

"Better luck next time!" or "Well, at least, You tried on that sermon,

And it was a good try – but keep at it !”

Anything that’s even mildly encouraging - I file it.

Because on those days when I’m discouraged and down and tired,

i get out that encouragement file and I read through some of the

letters and cards that I’ve collected across the years.

I read both of those notes over and over again ! …

(I do – read them both) - just kidding

Because all of us have those times when we know we’ve blown it;

we know we could have done better … we tried something new

and it flopped … and a fact of life is:

we all need encouragement !!

Let me illustrate:

It was the annual sales conference when the award was presented to the outstanding salesman of the year. The woman who had preformed spectacularly that year gave all the credit to her sales manager. As she stood before the crowd of 63,000 she recalled the slump she had been in for two years before. The future looked bleak and she was ready to resign. She tried to quit several times. Now she’s the Number One salesman. The supervisor kept reinforcing her confidence. Her voice cracked as she related the story, "All those months I wanted to quit and didn’t think I had a future, someone believed in me more than I did in myself. She wanted me to succeed even more than I did."



- that you believe in them more than they do ?

- that you want them to succeed more than they do ?

If you want to be a people builder you have to give people

a challenge and then you’ve got to say: "I know you can do it!"

WHETHER IT IS FAMILY, FRIENDS or EMPLOYEES … "I know you can do it."


1. When you encourage people it needs to be real. It needs to be

from the heart and not some kind of phony manipulation.

it needs to be sincere, genuine & real.

2. It needs to be regular. Don’t be stingy with encouragement.

give it out all the time. Encourage everybody -- the

waitress, the taxi driver, the delivery man …

All around you – that enables you to make it a habit

not an exception to the rule.

3. It needs to be recognizable. For it to be effective you need

to be precise. The more specific you are in encouraging

people, the greater the impact it has on them,

the more power it packs.

DON’T SAY: "I enjoyed the meal."

SAY: "I can tell you put a lot of time & effort into preparing this meal

And the seasonings you put into this - were just perfect." DON’T SAY: "You did a good job."

SAY: "I noticed you handled that cranky customer with class and tact and you really

Maintained your cool under pressure – good job!"

DON’T SAY: "That was a good article."

SAY: "I noticed that your thoughts were organized. You had really thought it out

And covered all the bases."

Be specific !

?> have you ever had a compliment and you really did not know

whether it was a compliment or not?

I appreciate the things you say to me … but sometimes I’m not sure where they are coming from … like the fella, who was nodding off during the sermon, but as he left he said to me:

"I’m sure you noticed that my eyes were closed, but I didn’t miss a thing!”

OH REALLY ! … Hard for me to boost my “self-esteem”, when I’m putting you to sleep!

Or the lady who said to me: (true story)

“When you speak I think to myself: `He’s never going to get any better!’"


Or the person who said:

“I think you are the model pastor.” … but when i looked up the definition

of “model” … it said: "A cheap, plastic, imitation of the real thing."

Now … you know I’m just having fun with you … I love this church and you are so wonderful at showing your love to me and my family … but how about others ? …

- please go ahead and rate yourself on how you encourage others:

Give yourself 1 to 10 -- 10 being best.

Another suggestion – I will give this to myself and let you hear me …

Dads, ?> when was the last time you wrote a specific note of

Encouragement to your children about the strengths that they

have? Their creativity or faithfulness or honesty?

This message has convicted me of being a more encouraging

person; of taking the time to write notes

and express appreciation.

?> when was the last time, husbands/wives,

you wrote a love note to your spouse ?

?> when was the last time you wrote a note of encouragement

to a teacher that’s doing a good job ?

Teachers always hear about it - when they’re doing a bad job with our Kids …

They don’t get “Kudo’s” – very often.

?> when was the last time you wrote a note to encourage a friend

who’s had a major impact in your life ?

I encourage you to write it down. Be specific.

a note says you took the time to care.

and developing this discipline as a habit of life …

… will greatly enhance and increase the number of

meaningful relationships you share … because …

all of us need encouragement !!


There is no progress without learning.

there is no learning without feedback.

and the fact is: we all need honest feedback !

Since none of us are perfect our perception gets off base

and we need people who love us enough to say: "You’re off base!"

We all need people who will lay it out on the line

and be honest with us. All of us have limited perspective,

and we need occasional correction.

Proverbs 27:17 (GN): "People learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron."


Look at this next verse, Pr. 24:26 (GN):

"An honest answer is the sign of a true friendship."

A real friend will tell you when you’re making a mistake.

a real friend will level with you. They care enough to correct,

and confront. They’ll lay it on the line. - even when it’s painful

they’ll tell you the truth:

"I think you’re off base here. You are going to regret this decision.

You’re wasting your life – you’re capable of so much more."

They don’t just let people waste their life in silence.

Pr. 27:6 (GN): "A friend means well even when he hurts you."


But please catch this:

Correction is a very powerful but dangerous principle.

Correction done the right way builds people up.

but correction done the wrong way can scar a person for life !

So then, when you correct somebody it’s very serious.

you must do it the right way.

?> What is the difference ? …

bottom line: it’s your attitude in correcting !

If your attitude is: "I’m Going To Point Out This Weakness In Your Life

Just To Be Pointing It Out Because It’s Wrong!"

If that is your attitude - forget it !

don’t do it !

People don’t need to have their faults pointed out.

we’re all very well aware of our faults for the most part.

if all you’re going to do is point out somebody’s faults,

don’t do it … and who are you … to assume superiority and

point out other’s shortcomings … because you have your

own illustrious set of them – as well !!

The purpose has to be: not condemnation - but correction !

It is to help them make appropriate change in their behavior.

You need to ask yourself: "What’s my motive in this?

Am I correcting them for my benefit or for their benefit?"

A lot of times we want to correct people - just because …

they’re being jerks and they’re hassling us !

WE THINK: "If they stop being a jerk my life would be easier."

That’s the wrong motive !

you don’t correct people for your benefit.

you correct them as an honest friend, for their benefit !

?> how do you know if it is for the right motive ?...

Ephesians 4:15 … "Speak the truth in love."

That’s the right attitude !

love means giving the person what they need

not what they deserve.

The motive has got to be to correct - not to condemn …

and you do so … in sincere love !!

?> How ?...

the key to proper correction: you affirm the person,

as you correct the behavior !

Whether it’s a friend, a child, a husband, a wife, a boss:

affirm the person - correct the behavior.

One of the greatest basketball coaches that ever lived, year after year of consecutive NCAA championships for the Bruins, was an incredibly successful man. One of his final seasons, a couple research psychologists went to study his coaching techniques. His technique was what he called: “scold-instruct”. He would say to a person, "Don’t do it `this’ way, do it `this’ way." Then he would demonstrate it. He’d show them how he wanted it done. The purpose was never to say, "You’re blowing it. You’re doing it the wrong way!" The purpose was always, "No, it’s not like that. It’s like this." He always demonstrated what he wanted. So the focus was on improvement not punishment.

[let me give you a personal example]

When I was just a young elementary age boy … we had a little corner market … several blocks from our home … and there was this (what seemed to my little point of reference) this HUGE aisle that was filled with all sorts of nickel and dime candies.

And it was always such a big treat – to be able to go to the corner store with my Dad, because we always ran immediately to the candy aisle … and he would allow us

To get a treat …

… but I remember one time … we were in kind of a hurry … we stopped by, my Mom did not even want me to get out of the car – but I pitched such a fit … she let me go inside. My father was running in just to get one or two items … but I went in after him, and found the candy aisle before I found him.

I stuck some candy in my pocket … not really thinking about it … then I found him … did not mention to him that I had some candy … he was in a hurry … we went home, and when I got home – he discovered that I had candy I had not paid for.

And he scolded me and said:

Lynn, what are you doing!? That is not like you – did you realize we did

Not pay for that candy? You stole that candy, Lynn. That is stealing when you take something that has not been paid for. Now, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt – but you are going to have to go back with me and apologize to the manager of that store – and personally pay him for this candy!

I felt about as humiliated and low … as any little boy full of guilt could …

But I never forgot that lesson.

What amazed me is … how my father disciplined me – without “ridiculing” me at the same time. I felt humiliated; I knew I had done something wrong … but he did not make me feel stupid or worthless – he was correcting me without destroying me.

And then years later, I read about a child psychologist named: Aldrich, - who worked with delinquent children. Now my father, never read from this psychologist … but let me read to you – what Dr. Aldrich says: & I quote:

Let’s say your child, as most children do at some point, engages in some petty theft. Perhaps a pack of candy. If you say to him, `Now we know what you are. You’re a thief. We’ll be watching you from now on.’ It’s quite likely he’ll steal more and quickly graduate from stealing candy to stealing cars. On the other hand, if you react with both firmness and gentleness by saying, `Son, that wasn’t like you at all. We’re going to have to go back to the store and clear this up. But we’re not going to make a huge thing about it because what you did was wrong and you know it was wrong and I’m sure that you’ll never do it again. After that kind of treatment, most kid’s stealing is going to end.




But here is the point:




Rate yourself on this one, one to ten. How good am I at correcting without condemning?


If you want to be a people builder;

bring out the best in the other people in your life …

you must give them full credit.

Praise the growth and the changes you see in their lives !!

Look at this next verse, Ro. 12:10 (Ph):

"Let us have real, warm affection for each other and a willingness

To let others have the credit."

One of my favorite quotes is this one:

"God can do great things through the person who doesn’t care who gets the credit."

I know you’ve met people … who are good at giving away credit,

and who are by nature genuine people builders :

?> How do you do on that ?

?> How quickly do you share the credit ?

Usually (for most of us) we like to share the blame but keep the credit !

God says the mark of maturity is to accept the blame and share the credit.

Which is the exact opposite !

Okay then …

When you look at these four things on how to be a people builder:

Give them a personal challenge,

give them complete confidence,

give them honest counsel and full credit -- that’s a lot of work.

It is ! - and you won’t always feel like doing it.

kindness always costs !



But catch this:

There’s a price tag for being a people builder.

it requires time; effort; money; energy; lack of privacy.

it always costs to be kind !

most of all - it costs unselfishness !

It takes unselfishness to be a people builder.

usually we’re so caught up in our own thing we don’t have time

to build anybody else up. We focus on me, myself, & I.

It is part of our fallen, natural human tendency to not focus on

anybody else – but ourselves … but it takes unselfishness to be

a person who builds others up !!

it costs to be kind !


Next verse on your notes – Hebrews 10:24 (LB):

"In response to all God has done for us, let us outdo each other in being

Helpful and kind to each other."

God’s been kind to you … you owe it to others !

The Romans, back when Christianity was being born, after Jesus

Christ came to earth, used to confuse the word "cristos" with

"crestos". Cristos means christ.

crestos, in Latin, means kindness.

what a great confusion !

If anything ought to be synonymous …

it ought to be kindness and a Christianity !

Christians ought to be the most kind people in the work force.

Christians ought to be the most kind people at school.

Christians ought to be the most kind people in our society at large !

?> what does it mean to be kind ?...

You give people personal challenges; you raise their confidence;

you offer honest counsel … and you give them the credit.

that’s what it means to be kind to people, to look for ways

of being constructive, and building them up !!

So … ?> how do you rate as a people builder ?

?> how many people do you know would say

that you do this for them ?

I want to challenge you:

I want to give you … a new objective for life:

Whether you live another year, five years, ten years …

or a hundred years – I want to challenge you to make

as your primary objective in life that:

"I will commit myself for the rest of my life of being a people builder."


THAT …"Starting today, I’m going to commit the rest of my life, no matter how much it

Is, to bringing out the best in people that I come in contact with. I’m going to

Dedicate my life to actively looking for constructive ways to building people up."

It is amazing to me what a bad “rap” Christians have today !!

many people in this world we live in … see Christians as

judgmental Pharisees … instead of …

kind, loving, attractive people !!

Instead of playing “The Grace Card” …

they see Christians as narrow-minded, legalistic people .

God help us !!

So listen: Here - is a Practical assignment on how to get started on this:

Get alone by yourself; take some time; take out a sheet of paper;

write down the name of that person you want to build into.

THEN STOP AND PRAY – The Bible Says:

"If any man lacks wisdom let him ask of God."


“Lord, What Do You See Are The Strengths In This Person’s Life",



"What Do You See Are Their Abilities? In The Past, What Have I Seen That Excited

Them? That Made A Difference? That Brought Out The Best In Them? Where

Have They Excelled or Succeeded? Was It In An Area Of Creativity, Organization,

Being In The Public, Behind The Scenes, Variety Or Routine.

What Did I See, That They Felt Good About?"

Write it down. Write their strengths down.

ask the person to do the same thing.

then get alone with them and say:

"I’ve been thinking about you because I really care about you. I wanted to give you,

From my viewpoint, what I notice are the strengths in your life because the strengths

In our lives determine what God wants us to do in our life. – And I just wanted to

Encourage you … and let you know that someone else is noticing!

You really are good at … [thus & so] …and you explain what you see as

Their strengths and you encourage them as you build them up !”

Probably very few of us have ever had anybody do that with us.

but I dare say there are many of us – who wish we had somebody

to help evaluate our life; to say to us : This Is The Direction You

Ought To Go. Because I See How You Are So Strong In This Area, And I

Believe In You – I Believe You Could Do This And Really Excel !

THAT’S WHAT IT MEANS TO BE KIND ! (that is a major aspect of it)

You can be a home builder, bodybuilder, reputation builder,

Retirement nest egg builder ... But none of those things are

going to last. Yet - there is no more worthwhile endeavor in life

than to be a people builder …that is a trait that will last into

eternity – because it is a characteristic of “love” !!

Relationships are more important than accomplishments !!

Imagine the impact that our church family could have

in this community and within the walls of this church … within

our own family … imagine the impact we could have …

if we would commit ourselves to being people builders !

Everybody we come in contact with, we’re going to try to bring out

the best in them, help them to develop what god made them to be.

First by sharing Christ, the good news, with them … and then …

by helping them grow and become and recognize their

strengths !!

That could revolutionize this body of believers !!

Because we are all about relationship and life development !

We are here, to help people grow and become

all that god made you to be !!

And if we will do that …

if we will live our life – focused on others …

intentionally seeking to build them up … rather than

tear them down,

then we reap a blessing as well …

Look at the last two verses in your notes:

Proverbs 11:17 (GN): "You do yourself a favor when you’re kind."

NIV, says it this way : "The kind man benefits himself."

When you help other people succeed … you succeed !!

When you help other people win … you win !

Any successful corporate executive … will tell you that is true !

You make other people successful and it makes you successful !

because … you reap, what you sow !

That is one reason why … our focus at Calvary Church …

is not to build a great church … but to build up a great people !!

Indeed – that was a good bit of the rationale behind “The Grace Card”.


this movie was intended as a statement to our community; to help

bridge the divide of racism and prejudice; to help Memphis play

The Grace Card and repair estranged relationships.

But god took this to a whole new level and made it a statement to our society at large!! - not just our own community.

Bit it is still about repairing broken relationships;

about making a difference for God’s kingdom;

about being “people builders” !!

So … i challenge you, to make it a personal goal, and to say:

“I’m going to become - as my life objective - a people builder,

No matter what else I get done."

I want to be a people builder !

I’m committed to bringing out the best in you and helping you

discover and develop what god made you to be !

Kind people are happy people; fulfilled people.

unkind people are miserable & crotchety. People who think

only of themselves; people who always want more & can’t be

satisfied with what they have; but no matter how much money

they have — they are the most miserable in the world !....

It’s the people who give their lives away

that really enjoy life !

And … in order for us, to truly connect to our community around

here …i am praying these lessons of scripture … will take root

and transform our lives … and consequently reach our

world and our community …

with the awesome love of Jesus Christ !!

I’m praying …that we are facing … our finest hour !!

Will you please bow your heads w/me – for our closing prayer: