Summary: Adam and Eve invited suffering into the world. By disobeying God's direct command to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they asked for discipline from God. The discipline "I will greatly multiply your pain." Both for woman and man.

Intro: Gianna Jensen is a survivor of a later term abortion. Her mother was in the third trimester of pregnancy when a saline abortion was performed. Through the grace of God she survived and was taken at 2lbs to a hospital and an incubator. Because of this botched abortion she was not supposed to ever be able to raise her head much less walk. Today she walks with a limp and is a testimony to God’s grace in someone’s life. Gianna has cerebal palsey. She calls it “God’s gift of Cerebal Palsey.” In her own words, “The lack of oxygen to my brain is what caused my gift of cerebral Palsey.” What she has done is directed our attention to where it should be. God is the center of all creation not us. When all is messed up, mucked up and out of control and we scream and cry and shout we forget this universe is not about us. It is about God inviting us to be part of His redemption story. We will never understand the benefit and blessing of suffering in this life until we get this truth correct. God created all we see for us. He died on the cross to take away our sin debt. However, it is not about us it is about Him.

The question is often if God is so good why didn’t he make a world without suffering and evil. Answer he did. Remember last week Genesis 1 God looked at everything he created and called it good. It wasn’t until after man rebelled that the curtain of the curse fell on mankind.

So why does God allow the suffering?

I. Suffering and pain indicate something is wrong

Satan’s work is evil and suffering and his deception led to our death. Death is separation. So the Devil’s work was to spiritually separate us from God. But it also served to relationally and physically separate mankind. John 10:10 “A thief comes only to steal, to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance.”

The amazing thing about is that God uses the judgment of suffering to show us that something is wrong. Take for example you appendix getting infected. It causes intense pain in your body so that you know you are sick. If you are having a heart attack you get sick have cold sweats and chest pain. If you have a stomach virus your body heats up and you feel achy all over it is because something is wrong.

Genesis 1.16-19 (Read) “I WILL greatly multiply your pain in childbearing.” To Adam the ground is cursed and you will eat from it by means of painful toil. In case you haven’t noticed Adam and Eve you messed up. Suffering is a reminder of the suffering that was invited into our world by Adam and Eve.

Where did the suffering hit women the most? Where there were supposed to have the most joy. In carrying and caring for children and being the helpmate that God knew their husband would need. The suffering is a direct result of rebelling against God and basically asking Him to exit their relationships. Suffering is a direct result of what many want today a life where God is absent. Where did suffering hit man most, it hit him square in his providing and proper care of His wife. God intended for women to respectfully compliment and encourage their husbands as the husbands lovingly lead the wives.

What did both get spiritual, emotional, psychological, and relational suffering. Broken world leads to broken hearts that are more receptive to God’s grace.

II. Suffering is not always the direct result of personal sin

Job was described in Job 1 as an upright man blameless and the greatest of the men of the east. Yet God allowed Satan to sift Job. Job suffered for the purpose of revealing and God’s greatness.

Jobs world was somewhat normal kids, houses and herds. Then comes death, disaster, and disease. He defends himself to others quietly questioning God. Why is this happening? What have I done to deserve this?

The why questions that Job and we ask are usually an indication of distrust. In Job 38.1-39: 30 God questions job about his whereabouts when God created all things, and his understanding of the natural world. In the middle of it he says gird up your loins stand up like a man and get ready here I come Job. Finally job trusts God and says I will proceed no further I will lay my hand on my mouth. How could Job understand the mind and motivations of God if he couldn’t understand the natural world? He has finally realized that God alone sees the entire picture of life. Job repented and trusted God and his ability to manage creation.

Job didn’t necessarily understand his suffering but in it He discovered he could trust God. Remember the suffering is there to remind us something is broken.

I don’t understand why my daughter Madilyn was not able to go full term in my wife’s womb. But I trust that God knows exactly what He’s doing. I don’t understand why moms and dads care so little about children God blessed them with but I trust He will use my wife and I in whatever way he pleases. I don’t understand why some people die young from cancer and other more hateful people live long and seemingly easy lives. But I trust that in this world cursed and broken by sin that my Father in heaven knows exactly what He’s doing.

BW Woods tells the story of Wimpy Harper in Christians in pain.

Wimpy Harper was a missionary to East Africa who was pulled by a powerful undertow that pulled him to his death in the Indian Ocean. It was during a picnic celebration of his return that he was swept to his death. It didn’t make sense why would this happen?

His death was never explained but God’s plan was revealed. Because of the story of Wimpy Harper at least a dozen sets of missionaries came to the shores of East Africa because of the suffering of Wimpy and his family and friends.

What we want to escape or eliminate God wants to use for good and for His glory and adding others to His kingdom.

III. Suffering and pain can break bonds and chains.

We say it often but I wonder if we really believe it. God’s goal is character over comfort. In fact we are promised 2 Timothy 3.12 “Those who try to live a godly life because they believe in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

Names that come to mind are Joseph, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego, Paul, etc.

In Joseph’s life the prison manacles turned into a princes mansion, Daniels Lion den turned into leading all of Babylon.

In Joseph’s life his suffering broke his pride and prepared him to be used of God to rescue his entire family. His gentle and forgiving heart was used of God to break the hard hearts of his brother and restore a formerly dysfunctional family.

The story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego going in the flames bound but coming out free. What are you bound by right now? An attitude of anger, hatred, jealousy, an addiction to working, eating, sleeping etc. If we continue to face suffering with the idea that it is all bad then what God wants to set us free from will continue to bind us.

So suffering can be used by God to create character that wouldn’t develop without suffering. When a major injury occurs to us that requires physical therapy some of us will probably get angry and frustrated at the suffering we must go through to push through our inability from the injury.

We all have a spiritual injury called sin and rebellion. God allows suffering to break some things in us and build others. What is the most important thing that God wants to build in us as believers? Answer the character of Jesus Christ.

George MacDonald wrote that Christ “suffered unto death, not that men might not suffer, but that their suffering might be like His.”

Is there something binding you that God wants to allow you to go through fire to break you free from? Is there something that God wants to build in you that would never exist if you didn’t go through the cement mixer of suffering?

How was it Paul could say this in 2 Corinthians 4.17-18 “17 For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory.18 So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen; for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is d eternal.”

Expression deepens impression. If you incorporate your sorrows, they will multiply. And if you incorporate your blessings, they too will multiply.

Someone has said, "Sorrow expands the soul for joy." For joy? Yes - the joy of being useful and creative. God uses frustrating circumstances to prune you for fruit-bearing.

Look at David’s perspective on suffering in Psalm 119.92 Read it.

Conclusion: What is the proper response from a heart that trusts God in spite of suffering?

1) Praise – David Psalm 119.92

2) Trust – Job even if He slays me ever will I hope in Him

3) Joy – Psalm 30.5

4) These all come from a heavenly perspective.

What comes from an earthly perspective? Fear, frustration, division, anger, impatience, apathy,

How Brother Bill how can I do this? 1) Don’t surrender to the suffering surrender to your savior.

2) Suffering is result of living in a broken world peace and praise are the results of living in the blessing of God’s presence.