Summary: God’s Spirit seals us in Christ to serve the will of God and to bring others into the fold


I would like start out today’s message just a bit differently by jumping right into the text. So, how about we open our Bible’s and read again the Epistle for the day — Ephesians 1:3-14. READ EPHESIANS 1:2-14.

This morning we’re going to focus on verses 11-14. Specifically, we’re going to look at what it means for us to be sealed by the Holy Spirit for God’s purpose. But first, allow me to preface with this:

This one passage has dumbfounded millions of people over the centuries. We can do our best to get our collective minds around Paul’s words. But beyond our limited understanding, there’s a deeper mystery going on I’m not sure any of us can really wrap our minds around. And that’s this: God chose and predestined us before we are ever born, and set us aside — sealed us if you will — for his purposes, and the redemption of the lost.

Now, as Lutherans, we have historically tied this passage and it’s mysteries to our practices of infant baptism. For, while we do not believe baptism itself saves us from our sins; we do believe, however, a deeper mystery exists within our baptism— in so much that the Holy Spirit comes into our lives and seals us for a later confirmation of faith, and a life of holiness and service to God.

Like many of you, I was baptized into the faith as an infant. On April 27, 1969 my parents had me baptized at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. In the Lutheran tradition, the Pastor would have made the sign of the cross on my forehead and said: “Receive the sign of the holy cross, in token that henceforth thou shalt know the Lord, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings.” Now, from this point, he would have charged my parents to “diligently and faithfully.” And, here’s the list:

 taught me the Ten Commandments, the Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer

 Encouraged me to read and know God’s Holy Word

 Bring me to church on Sundays for worship, fellowship, and to provide for my instruction in the Christian faith.

 And lastly, that they would bring me up so that I would lead a godly life until Jesus returns.

Now, near the conclusion of my baptism, the Pastor would have said: “Almighty and everlasting God…. Grant unto this child now to be baptized, the fullness of thy grace, that he may ever remain in the number of thy faithful and elect children through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. That last little bit about “the elect” is the key word in the sentence.

In a more modern way, as is written in the green Lutheran Book of Worship —“Jason Bonnicksen, child of God, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever.” It is the sealing of the Holy Spirit, like that which was just mentioned, that is an absolute mystery; and here’s why I believe that.

Like most of you, my parents and the church instructed me into the ways of the faith. And like many of you, In my ninth grade year, I pledged my confirmation of faith before God and the church. However, despite all this, I ran away from God and the faith as fast as I could when I left home after I graduated from high school. I bet some of you can relate.

Yet, despite my running, God had his hand on me the whole time. No matter how much I ran, God said or did things that steered my life back to his. I could tell you story-after-story of how God did this. Likewise, I bet some of you could tell me story-after-story as well.

But why does God do this? The reasons are many. The Bible tells us God chases us because he loves us and wants us in a growing and saving relationship with him. Still, beyond all of this, the reasons I believe God chases us down is because we are sealed for his purposes at the time of our baptism — even thought we were only passive participants at the time.

As passive participants in our baptism, God is the one who actively seals us for his greater purposes by the power of his Holy Spirit. But what is the purpose? It’s this: God’s Spirit seals us in Christ to serve the will of God and to bring others into the fold.

But this doesn’t answer the question of how we are sealed and as important, how we’re to respond. So with that, let’s take a look. But, let’s first hear what Paul said about God choosing us before we’re sealed in Christ Jesus. LET’S READ VV 11-12 AGAIN.

 Paul said we are chosen and predestined in Christ. Now, For your relief, we’re not going to labor over this portion. Truthfully, we could study this until we’re blue in the face. But, that’s not going to do us any good, is it? However, we should try to understand this portion before moving forward.

 Consider the passage this way. “And in him (referring back to Christ in verse 10) you all were chosen and predestined, according to the will of the one working for the totality of everything, according to his plan.”

 Allow me to boil this down really simply. Before time was time, God the Father chose you to be reborn as a servant of the faith and an ambassador of goodwill in and through Jesus Christ. Furthermore, God chose you before time to live a predestined life.

 Now, this does not mean we are God’s robots, as those autonomously under his control. No —God gives us freewill.

 However, what this does mean is that God chose us to live our lives and to make an impact for him in the communities in which we live, according to the way he made us.

 Truthfully, some are called like myself to serve as pastors. God calls upon some to serve as doctors, teachers, moms, construction workers, shop owners, etc etc. The why God has done this — is as Paul wrote — for the praise of his glory — or stated another way, so that his plan for the totality of everything is fulfilled.

 But how is this plan fulfilled? I believe the answer is this: when God seals us in the power of his Holy Spirit, he guides us by giving us spiritual gifts and things to be passionate about. He gives us born and learned abilities, a specific personality, and unique life experiences — that when combined can only equal you. Friends, that means you’ve been chosen, predestined, and sealed to touch the lives of countless people for his glory and will in a unique way.

 With that, let’s look at what it means to be sealed in Christ.


 Our being sealed in Jesus Christ by the power of God’s Holy Spirit at our baptism, or upon our belief in God (which ever may come first) is nothing short of a mystery.

 Now, God’s word tells us that he has chosen and predestined us before time. But, when we are sealed is another thing all together. Are we sealed after we have heard and believed -- as some translations indicate? Or, is it possible we can be sealed before we hear and believe -- like in the Lutheran tradition?

 For our benefit, I wanted to make sure I understand Paul’s original intent behind his message. And because of that, I labored for hours looking at the Greek, and this is what I believe it says. And what I believe it says allows for God to work on us in continually until we accept his perfect will for our lives. Let’s hear it again… stated another way:

 And in him you all have actively heard the word of the truth — the good news of his salvation. In him, you have believed, and you were sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise.

 Unlike some translations, there’s nothing truly to indicate a sequence of time. For truly, God is outside of time and can work in ways that our outside our limited understanding.

 With that, let’s look at what this word “sealed” means:

 The word “sealed” in the original Greek has four different connotations. Let’s take a look at those with the greatest correlation.

 The first ways was a means that provided a security measure. We see this specifically when Jesus’ tomb was sealed with a stone in the Gospel according to Matthew 27:66.

 The second way means “to mark with a seal as a means of identification.”

 Eph 1:13 says: “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.”

 We are sealed in Christ for goodness and to build one another up, NOT tear each other down. With that:

 Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:29-3: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

 The last way the word seal applies in this case means that like “a seal of approval” — as something that is certificated as truthful. We see this in the Gospel according to John 3:33 and 6:27


But what’s this all mean for us? Why are we chosen, predestined, and sealed? God chose us from the beginning of time, predestined us to live a life in Christ Jesus, and to be sealed by his Holy Spirit to live a life of purpose and influence for His glory and his plans. In short, we are chosen, predestined, and sealed so that others can be saved by God’s grace and fellowship with the community of believers -- just like us.

When we boil this all down, what Paul is saying is that because God chose and predestined us in Christ Jesus, and because we are sealed, we are to build one another up with our words and actions, and bring others into the fold. God desires for us to joyously love others in relationship and invite others into our lives and Christian fellowship without grumbling. While the message is subtle, our being chosen, predestined and sealed means we cannot just come and be passive participants in our faith or church, and grumble when things do not go our way. Instead, Good friends, we should be honored that God chose us before time to be in relationship with him.

We should feel privileged and joyous that God has a specific plan for our lives and has tasked us do carry forth his mission. And when we feel that way — when we’re truly grateful for all that God has done for us and realize how special we are that God set us aside for him — then we should want the same for others and should want to reach out to give that away.

Friends, let’s make it our New Year’s pledge to give Jesus away and to share the hope and joy we have in Jesus Christ with others. Let us strive to each reach out to one family that doesn’t know God this year, share our lives with them, and to invite them into our community. Friends, you were chosen, predestined, and sealed for such a time and place as this -- let’s make our election in God secure by diligently and faithfully acting on our faith this year.

Amen. Let us pray.