Summary: Would we rather hear the Truth and find eternal life; or believe a lie and be condemned? Ahab chose the latter and nearly took Jehoshaphat down with him except for the mercy of God.

To Tell the Truth

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

By Pastor James May

2 Chronicles 17-18

Jehoshaphat began his reign in Judah as a man who followed God. He became a mighty king in Judah – brought a great revival – destroyed the works of the devil through idolatry- had powerful and righteous friendships, princes among the people whom he sent out at teachers to teach the ways of the Lord to his people.

Even though he was a great king with a heart after God, Jehoshaphat had a great weakness. As I told you a few weeks ago, “All Great Leaders Have Great Weaknesses!” He became a man who liked the praise of other people that lifted him up on a pedestal. He was the king of Judah and the Southern Kingdom of the Jews at a time when Ahab, the king of Israel, was king over the Northern Kingdom. Israel was divided nation and because of the action of the northern tribes, the land of Samaria would be a source of hatred for centuries. Ahab had one great ability, he was able to deceive Jehoshaphat into becoming allies with him and caused him to sign a treaty of mutual support.

The Bible tells us that we are to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. If we are tied to those who have no regard for the things of God, then we are always inviting trouble into the midst. We will be pulling in opposite directions; with a whole different mindset of what should be important. Jehoshaphat, my joining with Ahab, was putting his whole kingdom into jeapordy. Ahab could not be trusted to fulfill his part of the bargain, but Jehoshaphat, by trying to be always truthful and do what was right, was bound by his own words to fight with Ahab whenever he was needed.

Perhaps we need to keep this in mind as we go about doing business in this world. As you know, just because someone swears and oath or signs their name on the dotted line of a contract does not mean that they intend to fulfill their part of the obligation. Cars are repossessed, homes go into foreclosure and a lot of people face liens against their property simply because they signed on the line and then couldn’t pay their debts.

When you sign a contract with the world, don’t be surprised when they don’t fulfill its provisions. But you and I, as Children of God, are bound by our word to always pay our debts and tell the truth. Satan can use our own commitment to truth against us if we aren’t careful.

Ahab had plans for the conquering of Ramoth-Gilead, one of the cities of refuge that had been captured by the Syrians, and now he was leaning heavily on Jehoshaphat to join him in the fight.

Ahab had false prophets at his command; prophets of Baal who were nothing more than yes men; who would only “prophesy” good things that Ahab wanted to hear. Not one of them dared to bring a bad report.

Jehoshaphat still had a heart after God and wanted to seek the will of God before stepping out into a war with Ahab and called for Ahab to seek the Lord before going out.

400 prophets of Ball came along with all of their chanting, mantras and incense – appearing to be very religious and pious, dressed in their priestly garments and carrying their sacred relics. They had all of the outward appearances of being prophets; but inwardly they were lying men who only valued their own lives, positions and power. They had no regard for truth; only for what was convenient.

I don’t doubt that perhaps they had even conspired ahead of time to make sure that they all had the same “revelation” from their god to give to the king. It would seem so foolish for prophets who all served the same idol to have differing points of view and varying answers to the king’s questions. Whoever did not conform would surely be marked as a false prophet and destroyed.

Like so many today, their fame and fortune was more important to them than knowing the truth. They only sought to give the answer that was best suited for the moment; to keep up their façade of piousness, while their only real intent was to keep their status in the kingdom as men to be honored and respected.

Thank God for those who know the difference and can see where lies are and still want to know the truth. Jehoshaphat asked Ahab for just one more prophet; not a prophet of Baal; but a true prophet of God. Something just didn’t set right with him with these prophets of Baal; he had to know what the God of Israel had to say.

Isn’t it interesting to note that even evil king Ahab knew exactly where to find Micaiah, the true prophet of God? Even though he didn’t want to hear the truth; he always knew where to find it.

2 Chronicles 18:8, "And the king of Israel called for one of his officers, and said, Fetch quickly Micaiah the son of Imla."

I’m convinced that this is the way it is in our world today; both the secular world and the church world. Secular humanity doesn’t want to hear the truth. They would rather hear a lie and believe that lie because it releases them from blame; but they all know that there’s still a truth somewhere; they just don’t want to admit it. To admit that the Bible is true; and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; and that every word of prophecy will come to pass; is to admit that they are wrong and that they must submit to Christ. They’ll heap to themselves educated men and women, great teachers and motivational speakers, who will tell them what they want to hear; but they won’t hear the truths concerning sin and repentance until its forced upon them.

Many in the churh love to hear “Christian” speakers and teachers who often don’t teach the Word of God at all, but only teach on relationships and prosperity. But they know there is a truth out there too. They just don’t want to hear it because they don’t want to repent of sin and walk in sanctification. I don’t call these folks “preachers” because they don’t preach the gospel of salvation.

Ahab knew this prophet of God wouldn’t have anything good to say; because Ahab was an evil king caught up in idolatry. How could a true man of God encourage such an evil king to continue in his ways? The only message Ahab ever got was that God was not pleased with him and Ahab just didn’t want to hear it, so he kept Micaiah away and had him watched.

Every one of the 400 false prophets encouraged Ahab to attack Ramoth-Gilead. Some were pretty dramatic even to the point of making them a set of horns of iron and, while charging around like a bull said, “With these you shall push back Syria until they are no more.” The devil knows how to put on a good show for us. He is wise to the ways of man that is easily impressed by signs and wonders; and he is quick to give them if it serves his purpose to continue or deepen the deception.

2 Chronicles 18:12, "And the messenger that went to call Micaiah spake to him, saying, Behold, the words of the prophets declare good to the king with one assent; let thy word therefore, I pray thee, be like one of theirs, and speak thou good."

The messengers from Ahab tried their best to convince him to water down his words to the king. “Come on; be part of the “in crowd”. Everybody else is saying good things, promising prosperity, speaking of great victory; and telling the king how great he is going to be. You can do that can’t you? You don’t always have to carry the message of doom and gloom; do you? Come on; we’re all on the same team. We all want the same thing. We’re all just doing our job trying to get by. Just be one of the guys. Come join our councils; worship with us and leave your sorrows behind. Be positive, uplifting, encouraging and everyone will love you for it. Nobody wants to hear bad news, or be condemned for how they’ve lived. That’s old fashioned stuff and outdated. Get with the program and speak good things. What about it? Are you with us? Come on Micaiah, you can do it just this once!

I like Micaiah’s answer, “Whatever God tells me to say; that’s what I must say and let the chips fall where they may.”

2 Chronicles 18:13, "And Micaiah said, As the LORD liveth, even what my God saith, that will I speak."

This messenger immediately knew that this wasn’t going to be the message that he hoped for. Ahab knew the message wasn’t going to be good too. Why, because he already knew the kind of man he was and what God thought of him. He never expected God’s approval; just man’s; and he only hoped to dupe Jehoshaphat into joining him.

Notice that Micaiah began by saying the same things that the other 400 prophets had said, but I can just imagine that he spoke in a mocking manner as though to say, “I’m telling you what you want to hear Ahab. You don’t want the truth, so go ahead and believe what you want and do what you want. Why are you bothering me if you only want to believe a lie in the first place.”

But even Ahab knew that the truth was inescapable. Sooner or later he would have to listen so why not now. Just get it over with. Ahab knew immediately that this prophet of God wasn’t telling him the truth. I believe that most people already know the answer to their problem, long before they call on the preacher to pray with them. The Holy Spirit convicts us, but if we ignore those convictions, he won’t stop us from doing whatever we want. Ahab knew he was wrong. He already felt that the battle wasn’t in God’s will. He already knew that his prophets of Baal weren’t being truthful. He knew it in his heart but was choosing to ignore his convictions. So when Micaiah repeated what they had said, Ahab knew he wasn’t speaking the Word of the Lord.

Truth is truth whether we want to hear it or not. Truth is truth whether we believe it or not; or act upon it or not. Truth cannot be changed. This old prophet had never given Ahab good news before; why should he start now? Something was wrong and he knew it.

2 Chronicles 18:15, "And the king said to him, How many times shall I adjure thee that thou say nothing but the truth to me in the name of the LORD?"

The world needs to hear the truth of the gospel! They know that they are hearing lies; or at least they will soon know it; then they will search out the man of God that preaches the Truth without compromise.

We live in troublesome times and it seems that the whole world is spinning headlong into oblivion. Financial meltdown, wars, economic collapse, freakish weather, natural disasters, global warming, and a hundred other great disasters threaten our existence on planet earth. There isn’t a day that goes by without another prediction of doom in one form or another. No one has an answer and people know that, but they refuse to hear the truth. They want to believe that man can solve his own problems without the intervention of God. But when it starts crashing down, no man has an answer. That’s when people turn back to God, wanting to hear the truth.

But just because they want to hear it doesn’t mean they want to change the way they live.

I believe we are coming into a time in history where people will begin searching more for truth. As disaster after disaster strikes, people will search for answers. The only answer that will count is that which comes from the Word of God. Only those who have knelt before God in prayer, searched his Word and called upon the name of the Lord will have an answer. I hope that this will cause many to come to Christ. People are going to run from the hollow prosperity movement realizing that their prosperity is gone. They are going to run from the motivational speaker because they will begin to realize that every relationship on earth will soon be gone and only those built upon the Word of God will stand the test of fire that is coming. Only the Truth of God’s Word will carry a hope of deliverance for mankind, and the day is coming when they will seek out the Truth.

Micaiah stopped mimicking the prophets of Baal and began to speak the word of Truth that God had given him for Ahab.

2 Chronicles 18:16, "Then he said, I did see all Israel scattered upon the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd: and the LORD said, These have no master; let them return therefore every man to his house in peace."

In other words, Ahab, if you go to Ramoth-Gilead, you won’t come back. You’ll die on the battlefield and Israel will be scattered to the winds because they will have no king to lead them. They will give up and go home.

2 Chronicles 18:17, "And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee that he would not prophesy good unto me, but evil?"

Didn’t I tell you that he never has anything good to say. That’s why I don’t call on him. I don’t want to hear about God’s wrath, his judgments and such. I just get tired of the same old thing. Nothing ever changes. King Ahab, if you would change your heart and obey the Lord, then God would send a different word for you. But if you keep living in rebellion; how can God’s word change toward you?

Micaiah continued his word to Ahab in 2 Chronicles 18:18, "Again he said, Therefore hear the word of the LORD; I saw the LORD sitting upon his throne, and all the host of heaven standing on his right hand and on his left."

The prophet of God saw a vision of God sitting upon his throne speaking to the angelic host that makes up the army of the Lord. Look at the conversation that went on in Heaven…

2 Chronicles 18:19, "And the LORD said, Who shall entice Ahab king of Israel, that he may go up and fall at Ramothgilead? And one spake saying after this manner, and another saying after that manner."

2 Chronicles 18:20, "Then there came out a spirit, and stood before the LORD, and said, I will entice him. And the LORD said unto him, Wherewith?"

2 Chronicles 18:21, "And he said, I will go out, and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the LORD said, Thou shalt entice him, and thou shalt also prevail: go out, and do even so."

2 Chronicles 18:22, "Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil against thee."

Here we that God was allowing a lying spirit to enter into the prophets of Baal in order to deceive Ahab into attacking the Syrians. God did not send the lying spirit; he simply allowed the spirit to do what needed to be done. Ahab we unrepentant and evil and the time had come for his final days as king of Israel.

Of course, speaking the truth doesn’t sit well with those who don’t want to hear it and have their sin exposed. One of the false prophets hit Micaiah in the face and then mocked his ability to see and hear from the Lord. Persecution will come to those who speak the truth; always. The truth flies in the face of everything the world stands for. They persecuted Jesus because he spoke the truth and it will be the same for all who follow Jesus. We will always be counted as out of touch with reality and as troublemakers because we won’t conform to the things of the world.

Micaiah was arrested, put in prison on a bread and water diet until king Ahab returned. Of course he would never return.

Even though Ahab disguised himself, but that couldn’t save him from the judgment of God against him. An archer pulled back his bow and let the arrow fly. He was just shooting at random into the enemy soldiers and his arrow hit Ahab squarely in the back, and he died at sundown on that battlefield.

Where were all those prophets then who had promised him great success? None could be found.

God spared Jehoshaphat even though he had joined Ahab in an evil alliance. Jehoshaphat had a right spirit so in spit of his sin, God still brought him back to Judah safely and blessed his kingdom. He was blessed not to have been killed right along with Ahab. The Syrians had found him and threatened but by a miracle of God, they turned away to hunt down Ahab.

I’ve often seen Christians that get caught up in some less than truthful business deals. I’ve seen Christians join forces with people of the world who are known to be liars and cheats. I’ve seen a lot of Christians align themselves for a time with false preachers, false prophets and teachers who don’t really teach the truth of God’s Word. Some of them manage to escape with their souls intact and continue their search for the Truth and do their best to live for God.

Others, however, will likely fall as prey to the enemy of their souls because they’ve made the wrong alliances with men and women who are leading them astray. No matter how much we might believe something is true; it may not be. We must measure everything against the only real truth there is; the Word of God. Everything else is a lie and can lead to eternal punishment.

Jehoshaphat played a dangerous game with Ahab and barely escaped with his life, only because of the mercy of God.

Too many people today are playing that same dangerous game with their souls; committing themselves to ministers and churches where there is little or no truth being taught. Some may escape like Jehoshaphat; but I’m afraid that many will be led to the end of their days, being deceived and lied to, until they stand before God without an excuse.

We all are commanded to study God’s Word; to learn to rightly divide, or rightly interpret its truths. Our very soul depends upon our obedience to this command. WE cannot afford to let someone else interpret it for us. Every one of us must stand upon our own merit, whether we believed the lie or search out the truth.

Make sure that you have aligned yourself with the Truth of God’s Word. The Word of God is the only sure foundation that will bring you to a victorious and glorious end. You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free. There is no other way to eternal life and a Heavenly home.