Summary: To invite the listener to give the stone of sin from his/her life to God and allow Him to take it away.

VIDEO: “The Resurrection” (Ending scene from The Passion of the Christ)

All across the country this morning, churches are packed to overflowing; it is Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus!

-Easter is the queen of all Christian holy days! Christmas is the promise, Easter is the proof!

-But my friends, there is more to Easter than just this Sunday – because Easter is not just an event on the calendar - it is an experience with God.

I believe that God wants us to draw from Easter a very valuable and applicable lesson for our lives this morning.

The lesson that God has led me to present this morning to you is found in the book of Mark chapter 16. Please stand with me this morning as I read to you God’s Holy Word.

Mark 16: 1-7 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. 2 Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb 3 and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?”

4 But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. 5 As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.

6 “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’”

As the women were on their way to Jesus’ tomb early in the morning to anoint his body for burial, they were asking the question, “Who will roll away the stone from the entrance of the tomb?” The stone was large. It was heavy and it was in their way.

For these women the stone was a barrier – a weight that needed to be moved in order for them to get to the body of Jesus.

I try to thank God in all things, Good times and Bad. In all situations of my life I try to think of how it can be related to a message. How is God talking to me through this event or that event?

Most of you here this morning know that I recently had surgery for kidney stones. For me it wasn’t the first time and more than likely it won’t be the last time either. But looking at the timing in which God allowed this to happen really stuck a great thought about stones.

This morning, I believe we all have stones in our lives as well. Stones of sin, and of failure; stones of disappointment, etc. They are a barrier to us in getting to Jesus. What stone is holding you back from being what God desires? What weight, what sin do you need to throw from your life in order to find the peace and fulfillment that God desires for you?

What my friend is in your way? What is hindering you from seeing Jesus? And another important question is, how can I get rid of it once I identify it? First

I.We Must Come to Jesus!

A.Although the women knew that the stone would be blocking the entrance to the tomb, it did not stop them from coming.

1.I think this is important. They discussed on their way to the tomb that the stone would be in their way, and how “in the world” were they going to move it. Yet it did not stop them from coming.

2.It doesn’t matter how big or how many the stones are in your life or in mine, each one of us has them. What matters, is do we know where to go to get rid of them.

3.The women didn’t have it all planned out. In fact, they couldn’t have removed the stone by themselves even if they had wanted to. It was not an issue of their abilities at all. And if they had moved on the basis of logic and understanding they would never have come to the tomb, because the stone was too large for them to tackle. They could only come, show up and be there.

4.Is this not true for you and for me as well. I don’t have all of life figured out. I don’t understand so many things that I have to deal with in this life, but I know someone who does. And He promised that if I would come to Him, He would lift the stones, the burdens of my life and give me peace.

5.It is difficult to rely on someone else. In fact most of us are geared to be dependent on no one but to be independent and self-sufficient. We like to keep the controls of our life in our hands not someone else’s, even if that someone else is God’s.

6.Some of you here have seen this short clip before. It speaks volume and has a powerful message that we all need to be reminded of.

VIDEO: “The Stool” (One Time Blind)

Since the fall of man, we’ve been in a power struggle with God over control. We surrender to God’s will, but when His reality interferes with our daily lives, we jump right back in the driver’s seat. How committed are we to following God’s direction in our lives?

7.With every stone in a person’s life comes an excuse as to why it can not be removed. This morning what excuse are you making to God as to why you can’t say yes to His offer of love and help? What excuse is holding the stones in place in your life and weighing you down?

8.The stones in our lives can only be removed when we acknowledge they are in the way. The women may have come to the tomb thinking that Jesus needed them to anoint His body for burial, but they left realizing they needed Jesus.

Sick people who seek treatment can get well. Sick people who deny their illness, their need, can die. Think of the many stories that you and I have heard of someone who because of fear or because they tried to stay in control of their life and diagnosed their own illness later died because it was too late. Yes they finally went to see the doctor, but it was too late. If they had only gone earlier. But not only is it necessary that we come, there is also

II. A Need for Action.

A.If the women had come that morning to the tomb and the stone would have been blocking the entrance, you and I would not be here this morning, because Jesus would not be who He said he was.

1.The question on the minds of the women was “Who will roll away the stone?” The text does not say, “Who will come discuss the situation with us? Or who will come and debate whether the stone was moved far enough.” It says, “who will roll away”; in other words, who will take the action necessary.

2.Life demands action! Decisions must be made! Sideline Christianity is dead and boring! But Jesus is alive! The tomb is empty. He is not laying around in it waiting on us. He has gone ahead to prepare the way for us and now we must follow.

3.You can live in the tomb of disappear and disappointment for a lifetime, but if you want out, you have to move!

4.What action do you need to take this morning to get your life out of the tomb out of the pit?

5.I think there is an important reminder in verse 4,

III.Keep Looking Up!

4 But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away.

A.If you and I focus on how large the stone is in our life, or how many there are, we will have difficulty seeing the power of God to move them! So look up!

1.When you feel you can’t take another step, handle another problem; experience another hurt… look up. You and I can’t but God can and He promised to help us.

2.When the boulders of life come to roll you over, look up because only God can make a boulder into a pebble.

3.But I have discovered over the years as a pastor that the story of my relationship with Jesus is not what someone else needs. They have to experience their own connection with God.

B.The women came to the tomb questioning how to move the stone, but when they arrived the focus completely changed. The stone had already been rolled away. In verse 5 it says “they entered the tomb.”

1.They had to see for themselves! The old saying is true of us, “You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink it”.

2.We can present God’s message over and over, but when it comes right down to it, it is up to the individual to actually receive and live for Jesus.

3.Perhaps you are not a regular church goer for whatever reason that may be. And maybe you come to church each year during the high Holy days such as today or Christmas because that’s just what you do.

4.I have a message for you today but it is not about me or even how I present it to you that really matters. What matters is you and the action that you need to make. God is calling to you this morning. Much like the women in our Scripture, You and only you can make that decision to enter. Your spouse, parents, grandparents, siblings, not even your friends can make that decision for you.

5.God has so much that he wants to bless each of us with but we need to open up to him in order to receive all that He has for us.


This morning it does not matter if the stone that weighs you down is only a pebble or is a boulder. It is a hindrance to you. It is in your way and it needs to be removed.

This Easter Sunday can be your victory over the burdens and worries of life or it can just be another wasted memory of passing up God’s call.

An empty tomb can be just that for some of us. Or it can be the start of a new beginning with a God who is alive. Come allow Jesus to drop the weight of sin, disappointment, and despair in your life.