Summary: A sermon on Hebrews 7 about Melchizedek and then talks about the greatness of Jesus Christ (Seed thought from Charles Spurgeon (Outline and much adapted from Harold Martin


If we were asked to name the most important people in the OT, I doubt that Melchizedek’s name would be on our list. He appeared once, in Genesis 14:17-24; and once more, in Psalm 110:4. Read both passages. Psalm 110:4 is referred to twice in this chapter of Hebrews

I would hardly call this top billing. But the Holy Spirit reached back into the OT and used those two passages to present a most important truth: the priesthood of Jesus Christ is superior to that of Aaron, because “the order of Melchizedek” is superior to “the order of Levi.”


A. We’ve been putting off this topic for a while now. Hebrews 5:10 and Hebrews 6:20

B. Hebrews 7:4 tell us to think how great he was. What makes him so great?

Great in his blessings. Hebrews 7:7. Abraham gladly received his blessings.

Great in that Abraham gave him a tithe, or tenth of everything. The victorious one, Abraham, gave to this little known King, a tithe, like an officer gives unto his commander in chief. Melchizedek was supreme over all those present on that day. By this act, all descendants of Abraham also pay homage to this King as talked about in vs. 9-10.

Consider how great this man was as to his personage or ancestry, "without father, without mother, without genealogy vs. 3": that is to say, we know nothing as to his birth, his origin, or his history. So mysterious is Melchizedek that many think that he was an appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ. They are inclined to believe that he was not a king of some city in Canaan but that he was a manifestation of the Son of God. At any rate, we know very little about him, who he was and how he fits in with the story and history here.

Great in his special office of priest. No one came before him in this office as priest of God Most High, and we have no mention of anyone taking his place in that office once he disappears. We have no record of his birth or death. Vs. 3- without beginning of days or end of life. He remains a priest forever because no one took his position after him.

Great in the combination of the offices he held. He was prophet, priest and king. Now it was common for Canaanite kings to be a priest for their god. However, this was forbidden under God’s Law. Priests only came from the tribe of Levi. Kings came from the tribe of Judah (except in the case of King Saul who was from Benjamin, never from Levites). Those who tried to be both priest and king met with disaster. But here we have one who is all 3 and the Scripture puts this in a favorable light. Evidently Melchizedek was the one true God’s priest and he was also King and this was good. The only ones with God’s blessing here are Melchizedek and Abram. The king of Sodom is ignored or looked down upon in this account.

This is what the book of Hebrews is trying to establish is that Jesus Christ is all 3. He is prophet, priest and king. This is done through the order of Melchizedek.

I don’t want to spend anymore time with Melchizedek this morning, but I want to talk about one that is greater than Melchizedek and that is Jesus Christ.

The Revised Standard Version says of vs. 4: See how great he is!

Thesis: Let’s talk about the greatness of Jesus Christ

For instances:

Jesus Christ is great as to His Eternal Being

Jesus Christ did not begin to exist when he was born of Mary. John 1:1-2: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem did not mark the beginning of a new person, but rather it marked the incarnation of the eternal Son of God who had been present with the Father and “became flesh and made his dwelling among us- John 1:14”

Jesus was not just another man. He lived in the beginning when everything was started. Before the beginning began, Jesus was. Because Jesus has always been with God, He knows all about us. He knows how we were made. He knows the secrets of our hearts; He knows our needs; and what is more, being God, He is able to supply them all.

Jesus Christ is great as to his miraculous birth

The Bible declares that our Lord’s mother was a virgin, that His conception was miraculous.

Galatians 4:4: But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman

The birth of Jesus Christ was no ordinary birth. When the Jewish virgin Mary went down into the land of motherhood, she came back holding in her arms the only baby in all the world who had never had an earthly father. No birth like this had ever occurred before; no birth like this will ever occur again.

Jesus Christ is great as to his sinless life.

A. 1 Peter 2:22: “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.”

John 8:46 Jesus asked, “Can any of you prove me guilty of sin?”

The thief on the cross admitted, “This man has done nothing wrong.” Judas, his betrayer, came with the blood money and threw it at the feet of the Sanhedrin, saying, “I have betrayed innocent blood.” Pilate, the one who sat as his judge, 3 times over declared, “I find no basis for a charge against him.” Every man has some good points but Jesus has them all!

Jesus Christ is great as to His supernatural power

Jesus has such power and mercy that when Peter drew the sword and slashed off the ear of the high priest’s servant, Jesus immediately touched the ear, and it was healed. No surprise considering he was the one who created the ear in the first place. John 1:3: Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

When He stood before the disciples on the Mount of Olives, just before He ascended into heaven, Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Jesus walked on the waves, stilled the storms, healed the lepers, raised the dead, and opened the eyes of the blind.

Jesus meets every need. He satisfied every desire. He hushes ever fear. he calms every trouble. He created the worlds. He changes the destiny of nations. He has the power over death and disease.

Jesus Christ is great as to his sacrificial suffering.

Jesus Christ is known more for His death than for his miracles or teachings. The atonement of Jesus is a scarlet cord running through every part of the Bible. His death was prophesied in the Garden of Eden. His death was pictured in the sacrifices of Israel.

The death of Jesus Christ is of supreme value. On that afternoon when the sky was darkened and the sun hid its face and the veil of the temple was torn in two and the Son of God cried out “It is finished” (John 19:30)- on that great day, the price of our redemption was paid.

It was no ordinary death that Jesus died- that was God Almighty taking upon himself the sin of all mankind. Isaiah 53:5-6: But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

A preacher was requested by family members to visit a man in a mental institution who thought he was Jesus. When the preacher introduced himself, the man replied, “Bless you, my son.” The preacher asked if he were Jesus and he replied that he was. So, the preacher excused himself and said he would be back in a couple of minutes. The preacher returned with a measuring tape and some lumber and nails. He measured the man’s arms and height, and then he began nailing the boards into a cross. The man asked what he was doing. The preacher said, “You know what I’m doing. I’m helping you fulfill your destiny!” At that, the man cried out, “I’m not Jesus! I’m not Jesus!”

Throughout the history of the world millions upon millions have died, and hundreds upon hundreds of thousands have been executed. Of those, many thousands died upon crosses. but only one individual, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, had the power to take away our sin by means of his death.

Jesus Christ is great as to his promised return

As surely as Jesus came the first time, so certain is it that He will come again. One of these days Jesus will come in all his glory, and His holy angels with him (Luke 9:26). In the 260 chapters of the New Testament the second coming of Jesus is mentioned 318 times. Jesus said, “You must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. (Luke 12:40)”

When Jesus comes again in power and great glory, the books will be opened; the secrets of all hearts will be brought to light. Those who have been faithful servants will be taken home to the Father’s house (John 14:1-3).

Conclusion and invitation:

Hebrews 7:2 says first that he is king of righteousness. 2 Corinthians 5:21: God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Hebrews 7:2 then king of peace.

Romans 5:1: Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ on the cross- Psalm 85:10: righteousness and peace kiss each other.