Summary: Did you know that a Christian must have a spiritual diet? I was blessed to discover it in 1 Peter Chapter 2. I like peter. Peter is quite often pictured on the pages of scripture eating, or sitting at the table. Here, in chapter 2, he is not referring the


1 PETER 2:1-3

Introduction, Attention, Personal- Six years ago, my wife and I took our youngest son for a regular physical check-up and the doctor told us, “Everything is fine with him, except his growth. Last time he was doing fine, now he is thinner. What does he eat? We said. “he prefers to eat candies, ice cream, not healthy food” The doctor said “ Put aside all the junk-food, give him milk, bread, meat, and vegetables.”

Transition Analogy- Did you know that a Christian must have a spiritual diet? I was blessed to discover it in 1 Peter Chapter 2. I like peter. Peter is quite often pictured on the pages of scripture eating, or sitting at the table. Here, in chapter 2, he is not referring the material food, but the spiritual food by which a Christian may grow up in his spiritual life.

Title- I want to talk today about Christian Growth Through Spiritual Diet

Need Element- Probably you know some particular Christians very weak, thin, narrow in their Christian life. They have no power to stand up for Christ, they have no power to go and accomplish their mission, no nerve, no joy, nor energy. Probably you are the kind of Christian. You have to adjust your spiritual diet.

Explanation v.3- Let me tell you something. If you are a Christian, this message is for you. Look in verse 3. The apostle Peter builds up the whole passage on this condition. If, if you have tested the kindness of God, then verses 1 and 2 are for you. If you know God personally then the spiritual diet is for you.

• There Is no human being that never tasted God’s kindness. His kindness is seen in his creation, in his care, in the rain over all, in his protection, in his provision, and everything that surrounds us.

• There is no Christian that never tasted God’s kindness and love revealed to us in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Consequently, this message is for you. First of all, because you have tasted the kindness of God. And secondly, because you need to grow. Verse 2 tells us that this diet is for growth.

Textual Idea- Peter wrote this passage so that its receivers may know that Christians are supposed to grow through spiritual diet.

Sermon idea- The Christian is supposed to grow through a spiritual diet.

Interrogative- What are the specific characteristics of the spiritual diet?

Transition- Out text reveals two basic Characteristics of spiritual diet.

Division statement 1- The spiritual diet excludes worldly food.

Explanation- If you want to grow, you have to exclude from your spiritual diet of all un healthy worldly, sinful food. The apostle presents five specific sins that Christian must eliminate from his life. Very interesting, the bible refers to these sins by the means of food.

Word Study-

1. The wickedness, the anger that boils deep in the heart. 1 Cor 5:8 tells us that there is a leaven of wickedness; a Christian should not celebrate the feast with this sinful food.

2. The guile, literally the bit of food which fisherman put in his hook to catch fish; and means to catch others; I give you a Christmas gift so that you may give me a Christmas gift.

3. The hypocrisy; do you remember what is the leaven of the Pharisees? Hypocrisy. Again is a food. In that time the actors were called hypocrites; I love you brother, I wish I never met you.

4. The envy, the jealousy, the resentment, the rivalry; Prov 23:6 say, “Do not eat the bread of a selfish, or jealous man.”

5. The slander, which is literally, backbiting. When someone is telling you something about your neighbor, “The words of the slanderer are like morsels.” Prov. 18:8.

This is a bad food, you better stay away from it, it hinders your growth.

Illustration Biblical Example- But you know everybody does it. This is the food that everybody enjoys. The most difficult thing in a diet is discipline. Do you remember Daniel? The king’s meal was for everybody, but not for him and for his friends. They had another food to eat.

Analogy, Application- Christian diet requires discipline, to be willing to put aside all evil habits, all wrong feelings, all sinful acts. Probably you see deep in your heart anger or perfidy, or hypocrisy, or jealousy, or calumny. You cannot grow “in respect to salvation” unless you put them aside, unless you throw them out of your life. Confess and forsake them and ask to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Next time when Satan comes with similar stuff, reject him. Your growth depends on what you receive in your heart.

Transition- Here comes the second part of a spiritual diet.

Division Statement 2- The spiritual diet is based on spiritual food, i.e. the Word of God.

Explanation- Look in verse 2: “Long for the pure milk of the word.” If a Christian is to grow, then he must grow with the word of God. This is the right food for the soul. There are several things to be mentioned here:

Description, Text Study-

1. A Christian is supposed to absorb the word of God. Not novels, nor books, not even religious books, nor videotapes, not T.V or radio, but primarily the pure word of God.

2. The Christian is supposed to long for the word, systematically, just as a new born baby longs for milk. Not weekly but daily.

3. The word of God must be absorbed unaltered, not milk and sugar, not milk and honey, but pure milk. Many Christians alter the true meaning of the bible by adding sweet human doctrines so that they might accord with their desires .They say, God is good, He will understand…

4. The word is profitable to grow in respect to salvation. We are supposed to grow after being saved, not to remain baby Christians, but to grow.

Illustration- many of you have children. Do you remember the time when they were new-born babies? How eager they were to suck milk, to be fed. Five times a day, pure material milk. That’s good for growth.

Application, Description- In the same manner, the word of God is good for Christian growth. We need to take it regularly, systematically, and abundantly. The base of Christian diet is the Word of God.

Exhortation- Let me ask you today: Are you hungry for the Word of God? Do you enjoy reading, memorizing, studying, meditating on the word of God. Is the word of God the greatest pleasure you have? Is it more precious than Gold to you? Your spiritual well being depends on your daily feeding with the word of God.

Conclusion, Illustration- I used to know a man in Kenya. He was not trained; he had not even higher school education. He was simply a believer. His only joy was to study the bible and to serve God. His wisdom was well known among Christians. When he went to be with the lord, some years ago, he knew the Holy Bible word for word, even the punctuations, and he was able to wisely apply it in every situation. How is it possible?

He continuously fed himself with spiritual food from the Word of God, everyday; he took out the bible from his pocket and seized his mind with the word. There is no wander to me that he knew his bible so well.

Appeal- probably you say, “I don’t know if I can.” Let me tell you, Peter’s teaching is positive, you can. God’s power is sufficient in our weakness. Our problem is that we don’t take time to know God, to taste him, we lack discipline, and we find books, TV, or the internet more interesting than the Word of God. I challenge you today to a new life, to grow up in Christ”. If you have tasted the kindness of the lord”, then this message is for you. Put aside your sinful actions and reactions and take the word of God as your spiritual food, and you will grow.

Gospel Invitation- for those of you, who didn’t taste yet the kindness of God, let me challenge you today to look at the cross. In the person, in the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we have the most extraordinary revelation of God’s kindness. Put your trust In Jesus. Ask forgiveness for your sins, and begin today a new life with him.

By Dr. Nicholas M. Muteti, Senior Pastor Forestville Baptist Church and Professor at Apex School Of Theology, Durham, North Carolina.