Summary: God’s use of numbers is intriguing and to understand them is to better understand His word. This message was developed after reading Dr. Rogers & Dr. Merritt and is very helpful for study.

Numbers is the Name of the Game

Revelation 1:4, 20

* Years ago schools embraced a simple form of education which was jokingly referred to as the 3 R’s of learning; reading, ‘riting, & ‘rithmetic. Remembering this reminds me of a story which my dad tells and declares to be the truth. In rural Marion County he had a friend who came over to play after breakfast one morning. The friend said, “Guess what I had for breakfast? It starts with an N.” When no one could guess he said, “It wasn’t a ‘napple or ‘norange it was a ‘negg.”

* Whether it goes by arithmetic, math, algebra, geometry, calculus, trig, or any other name, NUMBERS are foundational for our society. Numbers tells us much. Numbers describe our age, weight, BP, Cholesterol, triglycerides, and more. Have you ever considered where we would be without numbers? We’d be in chaos. READ TEXT.

* In our verses, repeatedly we read the number SEVEN. Seven is a Key number in the scripture. In fact, Dr. James Merritt suggests that Revelation can be divided into Seven Sevens;

Chapter 1- 3 - Churches

Chapter 4-7- Seals

Chapter 8-11- Trumpets

Chapter 12-14- Personages

Chapter 15-16- Bowls/Vials

Chapter 17-20- Judgments

Chapter 20-22- New Things

* These seven sevens are not by blind chance, but divine choice. God has a plan and numbers give us a backdrop or a frame of reference to see.

1. Practical Science of Numbers - God has written two books for mankind. One is the Bible and the other is “nature.” For years men have attempted to figure out & understand both books. In nature, the more tools we acquire the more we come to understand. Today we basically understand that the universe is driven by numbers. Whatever you study seems to have, in some form, numbers in it. Astronomy, chemistry, biology, botany, and more are loaded with the numbers of some kind. Just to be clear, man didn’t invent the numbers, we simply discovered them & are trying to learn the best way to use the numbers of nature. Numbers intimidate some people. A little boy couldn’t get his math so he seemed to stop trying. His teacher asked him, “Jimmy, if you have $21 in one pants pocket & $29 in the other pocket, what would you have?” Without thinking little Jimmy said, “Someone else’ pants on.

The message today is don’t be put off or put out by numbers because the Bible is replete with numbers. Jesus fed 5000, at Pentecost 3000 were saved, and the fourth book of the Bible is ‘Numbers.’ Both God’s word and God’s world are by the numbers, it’s fundamental.

2. Providential Symbolism of Numbers -

a. One - is the “Cardinal number” which signifies God. It speaks of Unity & Primacy. There is One God. Everything is divisible by ONE, it is the foundation of it all. (Deut. 6:4, Zech 14:9, Eph 4:4). While there exist many local church fellowships, there is one body, one spirit, and one God.

b. Two - is the number of “Witness & Confirmation”. John 8:17 says, “In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two men is valid.” The Bible has 2 ‘Testaments’ and the New is a confirmation of the Old. In the Old Testament there could be no capital punishment based on the testimony of one man, there had to be two. In our present day business meeting, there is a motion & a second. Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity, Luke tells us there were 2 angels at the tomb and 2 more at the ascension. On the Mount of Transfiguration there were two appearing with Jesus and, as we will see later in Revelation 11 there are 2 witnesses who testify and confirm that Almighty God is who He says He is. It is on the voice of these two that some power things happen.

c. Three - speaks of ‘deity, divinity, & trinity.’ Obviously this is seen in the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) as the three in one. Perhaps we do not understand it, but that does not make it reality. Most of us don’t understand the internal combustion engine but we still drive a car or electricity but we still use it. Think of the parts of God’s creation which have 3 parts; Time has past, present, & future. Space has height, width, & depth. The world has animal, mineral, & vegetable. A Person has mental, physical, & spiritual which is seen in his ‘mind, body, & soul.’ Even the enemy, the counterfeit of God is seen in the way. Sin manifests itself in word, thought, & deed. And we are tempted by the world, the flesh, and the devil. We are even told of the three sins which plague us; the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. However, never forget that the Holy Trinity is in control. (Matthew 28:19-20) Maybe this is why we sing like Isaiah, “Holy, Holy, Holy.”

d. Four –speaks of “Earth” or to God’s creation. Isaiah, Ezekiel, & Revelation, point to the ‘four-corners’ of earth. This was back in the day when the common belief was that the world was flat. It speaks of the four points on a compass. When Satan (Rev 20) goes out to deceive the nations in the 4 corners, it speaks of ALL OVER THE EARTH. Even a picture in heaven touches the number 4. There are FOUR Creatures around the throne. These are not weird looking creatures but rather those who have been created by God & are seen BOWNING IN WORSHIP TO HIM.

Additionally, we will see the “4 horsemen of the Apocalypse which sums up the power of the WORLD AT WAR. Finally, the multiples of 4 can deal with testing, trials, and tribulations. Think about Noah preaching 120 years & the abuse he took. Moses was 40 days & nights at Mt. Sinai for the Law. Jesus fasted 40 days & nights before he was tempted.

e. Five –speaks of fullness or completeness & can be compared to the number 7. A person is deemed to be complete if they have 5 fingers, 5 toes, and 5 senses. By extension we see multiplies of 5 in the number 10. We discover the Decalogue is complete at 10 as we have 2 hands & feet. Understanding this number assists us in interpreting & understanding Revelation 13 when we read of the 10 horns. In scripture horns symbolize power & a crown symbolizes authority. When the anti-Christ rules the 10 nation confederacy, he is seen to have complete power & authority. No one but Jesus the Messiah can stand against Satan’s superman! Rev 2:10 tells us of a complete & full tribulation. (There are some difficult days left on earth, for the church before the rapture & for the world after it). One final thought, Jesus told the story of 10 virgins. Half of them were asleep & the other half were ready. Consider the state of Christian & Churches today seeing that His story gives a complete picture.

f. Six – is considered the number of man. He was created on the 6th day, was told to work 6 days a week, and tradition holds that Jesus died on the 6th day. As an aside, Goliath who represented the best man had to offer, stood 6 cubits, wore 6 pieces of armor, and the giants of HIS race are said to have 6 fingers & toes. If you can let you mind think in this way you’ll discover that Revelation 13:18 (18 Here is wisdom: The one who has understanding must calculate the number of the beast, because it is the number of a man. His number is 666) displays God’s numbers coming together. Watch how it works; “3” X 2 = man trying to be perfect like God. Yet, 6 represent ‘perfect imperfection’ which is a perfect description of man. Try as he will, man can never attain the perfection of God. Here’s the formula. 3 + 3 + 1 = 7. That’s perfection.

g. Seven –is the number for perfection. It is THE KEY, if not the most important number in the Bible. Take the divine number (3) plus the earth’s number (4) and it comes to 7. Only when the earth, the created gets in harmony with deity will perfection be achieved. Earth is ‘crowned’ with heaven. The Hebrew word for 7 means ‘full & satisfied.’ Verse 1 in Genesis has 7 Hebrew words and the Hebrew alphabet have 28 letter which is 4 X 7. We could go on & on as we will see seven many times in the Revelation, but suffice it to say that Revelation 1:4 speaks of the Holy Spirit’s completeness for all that is needed. Everything He gives is perfect (I.E. message, ministry, mission, etc).

When you see 7, think of God.

h. Eight – This speaks of new things and new beginnings. In seeing creation tied together, I think of music. It is the 8th pitch where a new octave begins. In the Old Testament, circumcision was performed on the 8th day of life as an Old Testament sign of ‘salvation.’ To read the New Testament is to discover that significant events happened on the 8th day (I.E. Transfiguration, Resurrection, Appearance to disciples, Pentecost & Even John’s experience). While being the first day, it is also the 8th day.

i. Twelve – represents God’s governmental number. We remember the 12 Sons of Jacob & are reminded of the 12 tribes which correlate to the 12 thrones in Revelation. We take earth (4) X the divine (3) and we get 12 which correlates to the rule & reign of God. Think about the 12’s; 12 hours in a day, 12 months in a year, 12 apostles, Jesus could have called 12 legions, & Jesus was 12 when He was taken to the temple (He said, “I am doing my Father’s business). Think about the New Jerusalem with 12 foundations, 12 gates, with 12 angels, and 12,000 furlongs squared. Consider Revelation 4:4 with the scene of 24 thrones & elders. Could it be that we see the merging of the Old & New Testaments which symbolizes all of the redeemed of all the ages?

3. Personal Significance of Numbers – All of this is not just info, but a spiritual message reaching to you and me.

* One tells us that there is a God, One God, & the God – and He is concerned about you, your sin, & your punishment.

* Two reminds us that God has been confirmed to us in creation. We are told that to look around is to see God’s divine hand working around you.

* Three shows us what we could never understand; the simplicity, complexity, and divinity of God. He is 3 in 1 & is all that you need.

* Four is a reminder that the world is God’s. He created it & desires to redeem it because as it is, this world is headed for Judgment.

* Five tells us that God will COMPLETE what He starts. Philippians 1:6 is scriptural proof that God will see it through.

* Six pictures us an imperfect. We need something. We will never become perfect, holy, and complete on our own.

* Seven speaks of God perfect character demonstrated by His love for us. He demands perfection but cannot deliver so – He provided us a way to

* 8 – Be born anew. “If any is in Christ, he is new.’ This is our call.

* Mark Twain said, “Most people are bothered by those scriptures which they cannot understand. The ones which trouble me most are the ones I DO understand.”

* Closing thought: God has your number. He sees, He hears, & He knows.