Summary: How do we look at Peter's example in Acts to have a spirit empowered life?

The Spirit-Empowered Life

Acts 9:32-43

Pastor Allan H. Kircher


Someone has said that your talk talks and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks!

We know what it’s like not to be able to listen to what someone says because their lives do not back it up.

• Nothing can be worse/seeing some talk the talk..

• Then seeing them stumble and bumble outside the church.

And there are those people that the more I know about them the more I respect them.

• They are real and genuine.

• The more that you know about their walk, the more that you want to listen to their talk.

This is why Paul told Timothy to watch his life and doctrine closely.

• It is vital for all Christians, not just preachers to make sure we are living out our faith in Jesus Christ for the glory of God!

• We are not going to live perfectly, but we can choose to live genuinely.

• Our lives must illustrate the Gospel's power to change people! This is no small task!

Been studying the book of Acts for some time and are in the process of going through the 9thChapter,

• Conversion/transformation/Saul of Tarsus into Apostle Paul.

* Now we're/study about the man Peter.

* Peter is a fascinating, fascinating disciple/we all are richer because of his life.

I've entitled this passage, the spirit empowered life.

* Help us focus on the very basic principles that are exhibited in the spirit empowered life of Peter.

* Here we don't see Peter like we have in the past chapters of Acts preaching to great crowds of thousands.

* We see him kind of isolated with individuals.

* Some tremendous principles just kind of ooze out of the text. So shall we look at Acts 9:32-43 thru our visual Bible.

First/see Apostle Peter/all of his pre-Pentecost weaknesses

• all the failures that help us to brand him as the apostle with the foot shaped mouth,

• Finally after Pentecost, got his foot out of it and really began to speak for God.

• He really was fired up in every sense of the word.

• His life becomes the dominate theme in the first 12 Chapters of Acts. From Chapter 13 to 28, Paul dominates the picture.

But here Peter dominates. And everything that we saw in terms of failure at the beginning in the gospel sort of passes away with the energizing of the Holy Spirit.

• We see this in our own life don’t we.

• We stumble and fall, have failures,

But at some point we finally realize God really is real…He’s moving..and working in our lives.

• Then we become energized not looking back

• We see a dynamic and powerful apostle who not only is the leader of the church/leader of the other apostles.

• He now is effective/genuine here in the book of Acts.

We learn both sides of living the Christian life from Peter

• How not to do it in the gospels and how to do it in the book of Acts.

As we look at Peter's life there are so many principles of a spirit empowered life that we can find.

I. Begin with some personal qualifications

Before you can have a spirit empowered life as Peter does in Acts 9, there must be certain things that you possess personally.

• Before you have an impact on someone, you have to have something going on in you….

• We see Peter’s heart unbarred in a very direct way.

He gives us four things that really qualified him to have a spirit empowered life.

First….Personal concern. Let’s look at 2 Peter 2:12.

Verse 12, "So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have."

• Peter concerned for those to whom he ministers.

• He cares about them.

• He is not satisfied to teach.

• He is satisfied that they learn, and there's a big difference.

You’ve not done/job when you communicated the truth.

• Done the job when somebody else has learned it so that they can reproduce it.

And Peter says, I want you to know this.

• It’s not that you haven't heard it before;

• it's that I don't want you to forget it

• So I'm going to remind you and remind you and remind you.

He has a tremendous personal concern.

Before anybody has spirit empowered life, they have to care about people and presented the Gospel.

* not that they presented it well,

* Not that they got it off, that they came off looking good,

* But that somebody learned what it was they were saying.

And Peter had that personal concern.

Second thing that he expresses is personal/urgency.

In verse 14, "because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me."

Remember in John Chapter 21, the Lord had said to Peter,

• "Peter you're going to die for me."

• He even told him that he was going to get crucified.

• Peter lived his whole life knowing he was going to get crucified.

You say well that wouldn't make a very happy life. It did for Peter

• He realized that he was going to be faithful in the end.


• It finally hit him…and he knew…and he lived it.

Remember, he had had another opportunity when he was confronted with Jesus Christ and three times what did he do? He denied him.

• He proved that his commitment wasn't really valid.

• It was only verbal.

And so finally Jesus said, next time Peter, you'll go all the way and die for me and that was good news.

• Doesn’t our Lord do this with us all the time?

• How many times does it take to finally surrender?

This meant Peter know in his heart he/make it next time.

• That he wasn’t going to fall again.

• He had confidence/Gospel of Christ at this point.

• He had to persevere.

• He entrusted in the promises of God.

• He wanted to be sure that he'd be faithful, so the Lord told him.

And so he says, I know I don't have long, I'm going to die. He knew he was going for a cross.

Verse 15, "And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things.”

• He knew/had limited time/wanted/maximize/time.

• He wanted to cram as much as he could into the limited time that he had.

• Peter said I want to use every moment to get through what I need to get through.

Third thing characterized Peter/spirit empowered life--that would characterize anybody is personal experience.

Verse 16, he says, "We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty."

He says I'm not giving you secondhand information. This is experienced in my life.

• We tell people what Jesus has done for us.

• How He delivered us from a sinful life.

• What is He doing is He moving in your life.

--You can only witness to someone as much as Jesus is in you!!

--Experience not coordinated with the Scripture might not be valid,

So he moves to verse 21. "For the prophecy came not at any time by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."

Peter says/look at my own life/four things needed.

Personal concern, personal urgency, personal experience, and then personal knowledge.

If you have those four things you’re ready for a spirit empowered life.

Now let’s go back to Acts 9 see how effective it was.

Let’s see if we can pull out some of the keys that made his spirit empowered life effective.

1. Gospel Opportunities Sought (v. 32). Read

• As Peter is going throughout the cities on his journey, he is looking for chances to minister and spread the Gospel.

• In fact, that is the purpose for his journey in the first place!

• He was involved in ministry on purpose.

• He was intentional in his service for God.

• Peter was seeking out chances to glorify God.

• We are called to intentional service of God.

The places you go do not have to change,

• If you are not going there for the purpose of spreading the Gospel first

• Building God's kingdom for the expanse of His glory

• Then you are going for inferior reasons.

You are just like Peter: seeking the lost at all cost, no matter where you go, home, work, shopping, fast food rest.

--Every trip, every occasion is a mission for God.

2.Gospel Opportunities Found (v. 33). Read

Whenever we go seeking an opportunity, the Lord always sends them to us!

* In Peter's case, he found Aeneas/been paralyzed for eight years.

* Ministry opportunities come in all shapes and sizes.

* Do not assume that because you are not an apostle like Peter and because God does not use you to perform miracles that this example does not apply to you.

• Opportunities you are given may look different from Peter's and different from mine.

• You must simply learn/sensitive/God's Holy Spirit as He prompts you to help hurting people.

• Many times the ministry/God has in mind for you/not the kind of ministry you/picture in your mind.

• Jesus served tax collectors and sinners.

• God will use us for His glory if we learn to have spiritual eyes for people to serve!

Have you ever noticed that some Christians seem to get involved in everything that God is doing? You know why?

It's a lot easier/handle/steer/operate somebody that's going somewhere.

When God's got a job to do, He doesn't go up to the dusty shelf of the non-functioning Christians and say I think I'll dust off Joe and give him that job.

• He wants you to initiate the process……

• God uses people who are already to move in His direction.

And that's why some people have abundance of ministries while other people are sitting around saying I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. See?

3.Gospel Demonstration (v. 34). Read

Jesus Christ heals you arise, and make your bed.

And so he says, "you make your bed."

• That guy got up and made his bed. Obedience.

• The cure was total, it was complete,

• The man would make up his bed for good.

• That whole part of life was done away.

Hey, he never slept in that bed again…amen.

• Once the bed is made, the addiction/cure/old ways healed

• You never want to go back to that bed again.

The point that I want to make is this statement, "Jesus Christ makes you well."

That is a great statement. Not only for what it says, but for what it doesn't say.

All useful service we perform/God/defined as doing only what God can do by the power/God supplies.

• God may not lead you to heal a paralytic

• He will lead you into situation after situation where you must learn to depend on His strength, power, and wisdom.

You must learn to do what only God can do in your life.

That’s by tapping into the power and resources of the blessed Holy Spirit! Amen….

For instance, as the world watches you suffer for the glory of God with joy, they will see you doing what only God can do!

• Satan cannot take a sinner and make him face trials with pure joy!

• Only God can do that!

• God used this healing to demonstrate the power of His Gospel through Peter.

What will you do today that demonstrates His power?

The little principle the rich get richer can apply in terms of spiritual richness.

• when you get into rich empowering spirit you'll find that

• first of all, you'll bear fruit

• Then you'll bear more fruit and then before you know it, you'll bear much fruit.

I believe if you ever want to be fruitful in the empowering spirit of Jesus Christ, you're going to have to get in the mainstream of what God is doing.

Start where you are. So many things needful to be done,

• to pray, to teach, to minister to others needs,

• To use your spiritual gifts.

• When you begin to do this…….

• God will enrich you….bless you…supply you…

• And He will sustain you in His loving arms.

It will get to the point/you sit down/night/say God I don't know/I can handle all the stuff you've given me to do.

• God always comes back with the power of the Spirit

• Never gives you something to do that He doesn't give you the equipment to do.

Go in some direction. Get active in what God is doing.

Be involved in what it is that the Spirit of God is doing.

Don't be sitting around. Some people are idol.

• They're just twiddling their thumbs.

• They have no sense of commitment to the empowering spirit.

• Their priorities in life are everything else.

If God is third/fourth on your list, believe me, you're third or fourth on His too.

And the sad part of this thing is that you miss all the joy of a spirit empowered life.

• If you're faithful over little, he'll make you what? Lord over much.

• But you've got to start where you are.

I imagine God's got a gigantic file that says “some day.”

You know, somebody says, Lord when I get done with this, I'm going to serve You. Well, that's another one for the someday file.

4.The Results (v.35) Read

When we allow God/work through our lives/we are living in utter dependence on Him, and the results are always the same. People glorify God!

• They saw Aeneas, they saw God’s power at work, and they turned to the Lord.

• This is our main purpose for living!

Jesus told us/Matthew 5:16 let our light so shine to the world that they might see our good works and those good works will cause others to glorify our Father in Heaven!

The stakes are so high! Your life can illustrate the Gospel!

5. Spiritual Reputation (v. 36-38). Read.

They knew/seek/Peter/he had a reputation for being man of God.

• When you begin to live consistently for/Lord over a period of time without wavering,

• You will gain a reputation for being a true follower of Jesus Christ and someone worthy of giving spiritual help.

We need people today who are filled with the Spirit of God

• Who are busy doing God’s work.

• Who people recognize God’s work in their life.

• I want to be that kind of man.

• Don’t you….isn’t that your yearning

Do you want a spiritual reputation?

One of the blessings of God's designing people in His own image and for His own glory is that people are strangely attracted to holiness!

6.Special Restoration (v. 39-41). Read.

Peter prays for Tabitha and God causes her to come back to life! This is amazing! God's power is truly astounding!

• I never prayed/someone/dead/seen them come back to life,

• But I prayed many/spiritually dead/seen them come to spiritual life! Amen.

• Peter really raised a dead woman to life.

Again, the key here is that Peter does what only God can do by being a conduit for God's glory-flow through Him.

Are you showing the fruit of the Spirit?

• Then God is doing what only He can do through you!

• Are you enduring trials with joy and grace?

• Then God is doing what only He can do through you!

• Are you living for God and others instead of for yourself?

• Then God is doing what only He can do through you!

7.The Results (v. 42). Read.

You earn a reputation for being godly by being godly.

This-cause people-see-glory-God and God will use your life to increase His kingdom!

What more can we ask for? Being used by God is the greatest privilege of this life!

• I crave to be used more and more.

• I want to be used by God more than I want to live!

It is the desire of my heart, is it your desire as well?

No spirit empowered life ever has true fruit that is not set for the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ.

• Moment that you begin to think that you can do it,

• You have disqualified yourself from fruit and fruitfulness.

We need to be so constantly reminded of our call.

• Our stupid pride and our self-generated ability

• Our(other)activities get in/way of what God wants to do.

Whatever is being done to His glory is being done by Him.

You know what Paul says in Ephesians 6:10? He says, "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."

• You have no strength elsewhere.

• Only through the power of His might.

A really effective empowered spirit filled life is based upon a total absorption and preoccupation with the exaltation of Jesus Christ.

• A commitment to His word, prayer.

• Your calling of ministry. Everyone has one or two.

• We must follow the promptings of the Almighty.

• Get up and move for the kingdom of God.

If you want a spirit empowered life, just do two things,

• Get involved in what God's doing already

• live a life to Jesus Christ.

8. The Rest of the Story (v. 43).

The Walls/Peter’s lifelong prejudice came tumbling down.

• First, the conversion/spirit filled Samaritans

No Self respecting Jew had any part of them.

Peter was forced to welcome them as brothers.

• And soon, Gentiles enter the church.

Now, Peter is to stay with a tanner.

• Despised by Jewish society/dealt w/dead animals

• Considered unclean occupation.

• Simon would have been shunned by synagogue.

Prejudice is devastating to any ministry.

• In too many Christian circles, those who don’t fit the mold are rejected.

• Any bigotry is blight on the cause of God.

God does not show partiality. Amen.

There is no place/spirit empowered life in prejudice.

Peter knew/principles/empowered life/ lived them out.

Because of that/Lord blessed his ministry.

And it would be through his ministry to another individual, Cornelius, that the final barrier would be thrown down.

Gentiles would be admitted to the church.

Let's pray.

Father, we pray that You'll help us to remember these principles.

But we thank You for just this brief look at the principles of the empowering spirit in the life of Peter.

Father, this word call us to a spirit empowered life.

May we be so effective that we might touch the lives of others May we be involved.

May we give our lives into the mainstream of what You're doing.

And may we live and breathe for the exaltation of Jesus Christ. In His name we pray. Amen.