Summary: BIG IDEA: By His Spirit, God has uniquely gifted us to live a life of significance!

Outline, Devotional, Audio and Video available at

Numbers 2:26-30 (NLT) Don’t complain to God, or about God, because He WILL keep His Word, answer your prayer, reach you where you are and provide what you need!

Significance through giftedness...Eldad and Medad! (vv 26-30)

• All believers are uniquely gifted by the Holy Spirit. (vv 24-26)

1 Corinthians 12:4-11

• Our gifts are to be used to equip and build up the church, the body of Christ - sometimes in a unique way. (v 26)

Ephesians 4:1-13

• When we use our gifts, people see our uniqueness. (vv 27-30)

Romans 12:3-8

Another example of a uniquely gifted man…my Dad!