Summary: The life and predictions of Charles Darwin teach us alot about the mindset of modern science

11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

1859: A book came out that changed the landscape of science, religion and the world. It was a book that one atheist said, ‘gave us a seat at the intellectual table’. This book put in print the reason why people could begin to act and continue to act like they wanted to.

• Statistics show that 75% of kids in church youth groups will leave after high school and never return to the church even after having children. Our culture bombards them for years with a theory that attacks belief in God and the church has been doing very little to protect our kids.

• Christians are too busy arguing about how long creation took while the theory of evolution is not primarily about time but about God or no God.


FEBRUARY 12th 1809: Two men were born that day. They shared the same day and year of birth. Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin. Many recently celebrated the 200th birthday of Darwin and the 150th year of his book.

1831: Darwin graduates from Cambridge with degree in theology to pursue career as pastor in Church of England. Instead takes a trip on HMS BEAGLE as a Naturalist. (Which is worse? A bad scientist or a bad preacher? Close call) Both are Self-serving rather than honest.)

1859 – Book ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES published:

1835-1837: A series of articles were published in the Magazine of Natural History (22 years before Darwin published his book) Darwin had copies of these magazines and parts of his book are nearly verbatim’ The articles were not written by Charles Darwin but by a man named EDWARD BLYTH. Darwin borrowed ideas that he eventually popularized. The difference is that Blyth believed in God as the Creator rather than blind forces of nature. He believed God created original species and that modern species descended from those kinds. Blyth also believed that man was a separate creation from animals and made in God’s image.


• Darwinism has provided the scientific substructure for some of the most significant atrocities in human history.

Slavery, war, abuse of human rights, racism, prejudice, sexism, immorality….all suddenly became acceptable as various out workings of a concept called ‘survival of the fittest’.

Many people loved this book: People like Adolph Hilter, Joseph Stalin, Mao in China., Karl Marx…

WW2 might not have happened without Charles Darwin because Adolph Hitler wrote in his book 1924 MEIN KALMPF his reason for the HOLOCAUST:

‘If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one…. the strongest and best who must triumph and that they have the right to endure. He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist’. Adolph Hitler

Sir Arthur Keith(militant anti-christian): ‘The German Fuhrer, as I have consistently maintained is an evolutionist; he has consistently sought to make the practices of Germany conform to the theory of evolution’.

Darwinist society keeps the best of races and recognizes the world would be better by ethnic cleansing. 1881-Darwin predicted lower races would be eliminated in the future(Hitler)

Darwins book was subtitled The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life: ‘At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace, the savage races throughout the world’.

Marvin Lubenow(Bones of Contention) ‘If the unfit survived indefinitely, they would continue to ‘infect’ the fit with their less fit genes’.

A DEMEANING THEORY: Politically Incorrect

Frued - faithful follower of Darwin. ‘Man was merely an animal and that mental disorders were the vestiges of behavior that had been appropriate in earlier stages of evolution’.

RACIALLY DEMEANING: Lower races represents earlier stages or evolution

Evolutionary Heigharchy: Whites – yellows and reds – blacks

(1925 American textbook used in Scopes trial)

( 1857 Dredd Scott Decision-property)

• Hitler used ideas against Jews and others non-Arians/used against Turks in Middle East and blacks worldwide.

Thomas Huxley: ‘It is simply incredible to think that he(lower race) will be able to complete successfully with his bigger brained and smaller jawed rival, in a contest which is carried on by thoughts and not by bites.’

H.F. Osborn(director of American Museum of Natural History) 100 years ago: ‘The standard of intelligence of the average adult Negro is similar to that of the 11 year old youth of the species Homo sapiens.’(different species!)

SEXUALLY DEMEANING: Women represent lower stages of evolution

Darwin: ‘A man has a higher eminence, in whatever he takes up, than can women—whether requiring deep thought, reason, or imagination, or merely the use of the senses and hands. We may also conclude that the average of mental power in man must be above that of women’ (Darwin, 1896).

Gustave Le Bon (evolutionist)(The Crowd; 1895) wrote that even in the most intelligent races . . . are a large number of women whose brains are closer in size to those of gorillas than to the most developed male brains. This inferiority is so obvious that no one can contest it for a moment; only its degree is worth discussion. . . . Women represent the most inferior forms of human evolution and . . . are closer to children and savages than to an adult, civilized man.

• Charles Darwin unknowingly provided permission for some of the cruelest and bloodiest events of the last 150 years. The world was waiting for someone to come along and say there were no eternal consequences for living out the most wicked desires of their heart.

Concern and care for others goes against the teaching of the survival of the fittest. Humanism has a man-centered universe where man decides right and wrong, values or no values. Not true or false but if it feels good do it.

SARX ‘ there is no meaning to life and the only meaning is to have an experience’


Evolution… A simple cell evolved to more complex plants and animals through the process of time, chance, natural selection, mutations, and survival of the fittest over a period of billion years. This theory should be able to be examined in many ways to determine if it is true or not.

Now we know we have 600 million different species.

Darwin faith says it all came from one single cell. Actually from one single amino acid.

• Darwin wrote his theories over 150 years ago. Darwin made some specific predictions based upon his beliefs which after 150 years we can examine and made some definite conclusions.

CARL SAGAN: ‘Evolution is a fact amply demonstrated by the fossil record and by contemporary molecular biology. Natural selection is a successful theory devised to explain the fact of evolution’.



Darwin recognized the fossil record posed a big problem for his theory because it didn’t show gradualism. Darwin’s admission realized his theory needed more evidence of progressive, more complex forms(plants and animals) over billions of years. ‘Why is there is there not in geological formations and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology does not reveal any such finely graduated organic change’.

Darwin’s confidence of future discoveries “The explanation lies in what I believe is the extreme imperfection of the geological record’. The scientist that come after me will discover them.

The present state of fossil records - 150 years after Darwin we have ¼ million fossil species but the situation hasn’t changed with even fewer evidences than we had in Darwin’s time. David Roth(Paleontologist)


1) FOSSILS WE DON’T HAVE: Should have million of pieces of evidence of intermediate transitions. There is no evidence in the fossil record showing anything to support evolution. A great embarrassment to the scientific community. Estimated 50,000 necessary for a transition to have occurred.

No verifiable transitions from one species to another have as yet been found. One they claim to find are not transitional sometimes the living at the same time or before in the fossil record

Michael Denton Evolution: A theory in Crisis ‘never yielded any of Darwin’s myriads of transitional forms….The intermediates have remained as elusive as ever and their absence remains a century later one of the most striking characteristics of the fossil record’.

National Geographic 1999 archaeoraptor with a tail of a dinosaur and the forelimbs of a bird? Evidence for feathered dinosaurs? JURASIC PARK CONSULTANT A Chinese paleontologist proved that someone had glued a dinosaur tail to a primitive bird.

JONATHON WELLS (Berley PHD in Geology/Physics) ‘Fakes are coming out of these fossil beds all the time because the fossil dealers know there is big money in it.’

Alan Feduccia(evolutionary biologist Univ. of N. Carolina in Discover Magazine) There are scores of fake fossils out there and they have cast dark shadows over the whole field. …I have heard there is a fake-fossil factory in northeast China.’

China fossil trade has become big business and forgeries have been sold on the black market for years now for huge sums of money.

National Geographic hired four artists to reconstruct a female figure from seven fossil bones found in Kenya. One looked like a modern African woman, another like a werewolf, another had a heavy gorilla like brow and the fourth looked like a beaked dinosaur. All renditions from the same seven bones but interpreted completely different.

Colin Patterson(senior paleontologist of British Museum of Natural History: World’s largest fossil collection of 60 million. ‘If I knew any (transitions) fossils or living, I would certainly have included them(in my book Evolution). I will lay it on the line – there is not one such (transitional) fossil for which one could make a watertight argument’.

Darwin complained that the complete lack of fossil intermediates in all geological records was perhaps, quote, "the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory

2) FOSSILS WE DO HAVE: Cambrian geological age Sudden appearance of every major animal forms we know of today. Included the blueprint of all the animals we have present day.

Darwin believed FUTURE FOSSIL DISCOVERIES would vindicate his theory but the opposite has occurred(Cambrian explosion) ‘Called the ‘Biological Big Bang’ because it gave rise to the sudden appearance of most of the major animals that are still alive today as well as some that are now extinct’ Jonathan WELLS PHD from Berkley in geology and physics

FOOTBALL FIELD OF TIME: 20 yard line is first fossil of microscopic single celled …nothing until you get to other end of field at 16 yard line and BOOM all these other forms suddenly appear.. Major groups of animals instead of coming last actually come first.

Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard Univ: The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips of their branches. The rest is inference, however reasonable the evidence of the fossils.

Newsweek: (conference of leading evolutions) ‘Evidence from fossils now points overwhelmingly away from the classical Darwinism which most Americans learned in high school.’

Rather than becoming creationist evolutionists have simply become more creative.

Punctuated Equilibrium(Hopeful monster) German geneticist Richard Goldschmidt. No compelling evidence in the fossil record for transitional forms so basically a dinosaur lays and egg and it hatches into a bird. Problem is must happen twice at a time since no one to produce offspring in future.

• If Darwin was right then there would not be a search for the ‘missing links’ in the fossil record but millions upon millions would be able to be found and seen just as Darwin himself expected and predicted but has not come to pass.

WELLS ‘My conclusion is that the case for Darwinian evolution is bankrupt, the evidence for Darwinism is not only grossly inadequate but systematically distorted’….

WELLS ‘I believe science is pointing strongly toward design. To me, as a scientist, the development of an embryo cries out, ‘DESIGN’!. The Cambrian explosion with no evidence of ancestors is more consistent with design that evolution. The origin of life certainly cries out for a designer.’

Darwin at end of life said ,’Not one change on record’ Life and letters.

THE CELL:(molecular biology)

In the 19th century science could not detect what was really happening in the cell. When beer, milk or urine were allowed to sit for several days in containers they always became cloudy from something growing in them. The microscopes of the 18th and 19thcenturies showed that the growth was very small, apparently living cells. So it seemed reasonable that simple living organisms could arise spontaneously from liquids.

When Darwin looked in the microscope of his day and saw a cell he basically saw a fluid center. Darwin called cell ‘simple’ because to microscopes of his day that magnified only 200-300 times the cell looked uncomplicated. A mass membrane with liquid fluid in center 50-60 years ago textbooks still said, ‘nothing but a clear fluid’.

MICHAEL BEHE (biochemist from Lehigh U)– to Darwin the cell was a black box, a mystery but now it is open Inside is 3.1 billion letters. A high tech factory with artificial language and decoding systems, central memory banks that store and retrieve information.

Regulates auto assembly of components – proof reading and quality control mechanism to safeguard against errors. Duplicates itself at bewildering speed.

Darwin could not have been more wrong.

Darwin, ‘If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive slight modification my theory would break down’

Base unit of life is incredibly complex so that our greatest computers cannot full understand it.



CELL: 239 protein molecules each with 445 amino acids all made of 10-20 atoms.

Only 20 of 300 different amino acids are used in the proteins and all 445 must be lined up in a single line and in perfect order for a protein to function.

Not once but all 239 times in a row to make a living cell.

If it could happen then you would still have only 1 cell which is supposed to have multiplied to all 500-1000 million species we see today. 60 trillion in your body


239 protein molecules must come together in just the right sequence at just the right time to function as a cell.

When written Darwin knew about cells but not about how complex. Not know it had a membrane, replicating and copying DNA, energy processing

One faith is to believe that God created all that is and another is to believe a 1 cell creature began it all. No explanation of how but only theories

PROBALITY ODDS: Chances of 20 Amino acids coming together at right time and in right sequence to form protein molecule Michael Bebe estimated at 10 to 161

Dr. Frank Coppage(Center for Probability Research): Sahara Desert – color black one grain of sand and then stir the entire desert – blindfold one man and pick up one grain and it be the right one – THREE TIMES IN A ROW - Still not life. - Life comes from 200 of those protein molecules together. Chance of chance is statistically 0.

How long it take to create by random chance one protein molecule at the rate of 1x10 to 161? Move one atom to other end of universe. 30 billion light years away (186,282 MPS). Then come back and get another and repeat. Move one person at a time, one car, then one house. Then move one mountain at a time. Then the rest of the earth. Then the entire solar system one atom at a time 30 billion light years away. Then the entire Milky Way galaxy. Then move all the galaxies of the universe one by one an atom at a time. That is how long it would take. Present universe on existed 1 trillionth of necessary time.

• Evolution rather believe those odds than in Creator God:

3) DNA – genetic alphabet consisting of four letters.

DNA Molecule: Source of information for the cell. Discovered in 1953. Microprocessor within cell computer. Regulates everything in the cell.

DNA – software of the cell arranged in specific sequences.

The DNA in a single cell organism if spelled out in English would equal the whole Encyclopedia Britannica. 500,000 pages of information. One square inch of DNA could encode the information in over seven billion bibles.

Your Height, build, color of skin, shape of nose information is contained in that DNA. In your life that single dot in Mom will divide into 30 trillion cells including 12 billion brains cells that have over 120 trillion connections. The set of instruction that guides you body is more than 3 billion letters long.

Every cell in your body contains that same entire DNA blueprint….you have in your body 60 trillion cells. If took the DNA strip from one cell and stretched it out, it would be 7 ft long. . And that little coil determines exactly how every single cell in your body is to function throughout your entire life. That little cell operates off the code on that coil. When uncoiled it would be so thin we couldn’t see it under a microscope. If all the DNA in your body were stretched out and connected together, it would stretch from here to the moon one half million times. If all this very densely coded information in your DNA were placed in typewritten form it would fill the Grand Canyon 50 times.

Teaspoon of DNA has the information to build every species that has ever existed and enough room left over for all the information in all the books ever written over all time

Sir Francis Crik:(co-discover of DNA) An honest man armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions that would have had to have been satisfied to get it going. There had to be a divine source of intelligence. Refused to let God be the programmer so theorized that spacemen populated our earth with spores.

Fred Hoyle invented this theory called ‘panspermia’ for ‘seeds everywhere’ after calculating that the probability of life arising by spontaneous generation was effectively zero. Just puts it off another step because who made the intelligent aliens. But it recognized that intelligence is necessary.


Microbologist Michael Denton(atheist) ‘The complexity of the simplest known type of cell is so great that it is impossible to accept that such an object could have been thrown together suddenly by some kind of freakish, vastly improbable event. Such an occurrence would be indistinguishable from a miracle’.

Biologist Francisco Ayala – calculated the probability that humans arose from single celled organisms as a possibility so small(10 to 1,000,000) that it might as well be zero. Equivalent to winning the California lottery 150,000 consecutive times with the purchase of just one ticket each time.

200 year old book - Man finds watch in field. Form by chance…just happen…springs, mechanism, case, complexity demands a creator of the watch.

Complex mechanisms require a Designer.

Not only does your body have trillions of cells and makes millions of new cells every second but each cell is irreducibly complex and contains irreducibly complex subsystems.

Darwin continually filling all his writings with tremendous doubts - sixth chapter of his Origin of the Species, "Long before having arrived at this part of my work, a crowd of difficulties will have occurred to the reader. Some of them are so grave that to this day I can never reflect on them without being staggered” Conceded such instincts as bees making a beehive could be sufficient to overthrow my theory.

Darwin said, ‘I can’t understand how the human eye works(evolved with all working parts together) but future scientists will learn more than I can see and they will figure out how this works’.

Now we know a simple housefly has 7,000 lens in their eye.

HUMAN EYE: Irreducible complexity – ball, lens, rods, cones, iris, eyelid, special secretion, connections to brain. Data dispatched and processed to different parts of the body.

DARWIN: I remember well the time when the thought of the eye made me cold all over, but I have got over this stage of complaint and now small trifling particulars of structure often make me very uncomfortable. The sight of a feather in a peacock’s tail, whenever I gaze at it make me sick’.(looks like an eye)

Michael Behe(Darwin’s black box) living things are filled with molecular machines that perform numerous functions of life – irreducibly complex: blood clotting, vision Many things that could not have developed in the gradual Darwinian fashion but the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning.

BEHE – Darwinian molecular evolution is not based on science…no publication that describes how if did occur or even might have occurred. There are assertions that such evolution occurred, but absolutely none are supported by pertinent experiments’.

Michael Denton: ‘At the molecular level there is no trace of evolutionary transition’.

• CARL SAGAN WAS WRONG: Evolution is not proven through fossil and molecular biology

S. LOVTRUP: I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science. When this happens many people will pose the question: How did this ever happen?

• These are just a few of the many issues which are a problem for the theory of evolution that Darwin put forth.

• The question we should ask is ‘with so many problems why is there such a resistance to questions or other considerations than a system that has such significant pitfalls’


Darwinist Richard Lewontin of Harvard: ‘Our willingness to accept scientific claims …against common sense is key to understanding the real struggle. We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs….unsubstantiated just so stories because we have a prior commitment to materialism…..materialism is absolute for we cannot allow a divine foot in the door.’

Why would Darwinists not want to allow a ‘divine foot in the door’?


1) They are no longer the highest authority or not the sole source of objective truth. No longer the most revered authority figures.

2) Loss of financial security and professional admiration: tremendous pressure in academic community to publish what supports evolution. May find self out of job, out of grant money or out of favor with colleagues.

3) Admit they don’t have the authority to define right and wrong for themselves.


Julian Huxley(evolutionary biologist) admitted a popular motivation behind evolutionary dogma. Merv Griffin show, ‘The reason we accepted Darwinism even without proof is because we didn’t want God to interfere with our sexual mores’.

Biology professor: ‘I’m going to teach Darwinism anyway because it is morally comfortable’ (Said to lecturer Ron Carlson) ‘I mean if Darwinism is true, if there is no God and we all evolved from slimy green algae, then I can sleep with whomever I want’.

During the past years we have experienced a shift from evolution as knowledge to evolution as faith. The only faith in the world that leads nowhere.

1851: Darwin’s wife, Emma, was a devout Christian who was upset by her husband’s lack of faith. Emma knew her husband had doubts and worried that his scientific investigations would only deepen his doubts, therefore condemning her to an eternity alone. Then the Darwins’ beloved oldest daughter, Annie, got sick(scarlet fever /tubercolosis). And she died just after turning 10. Charles Darwin was so overcome with grief that he could not go to her burial. But Annie’s death changed things between Charles and Emma. Darwin became more willing to proclaim his theories — and his religious doubts.

• Unfortunately those doubts contributed to a book on ORIGINS that would actually lead to an end of hope for many who would also embrace, without question, the theory Darwin would offer the world.

• Jesus said, ‘And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free’.

Darwin wrote in his personal letters "I am determined to escape from design and a personal God at all costs." In some of his letters Darwin referred to his theory, quote, "As the devil’s gospel." One writer says, "His life was one long attempt to escape from the church and to escape from God."

11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

BACKWARDS: PLEASURE IN WICKENESS – not believe truth – believe false – accept deluding influence allowed by God to Judge them – hot or cold and not luckwarm THE

MOST LOST is the lost who think they are saved.

The real truth is that man will embrace an influence in his mind which addresses the desire in his heart. God allowed the deluding influence not to deceive us but to indicate to us the true condition of our spiritual lives.


I don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist Case for The Creator Answers #1

More Than a Theory The Privileged Planet Answers #2 Darwin’s Black Box

Reasonable Faith Answers #3 Face That Demonstrates The Farce Of Evolution

Christian Apologetics The Edge of Evolution The Battle for the Beginning

The Truth Project