Summary: What we do with our money is decison of the heart and not the head. We are challenged by God's word to live by God's principles not our preferences. God's ways lead to blessing our ways lead to burderns. Which do you follow.

Intro: Last week we learned that God is lavishly generous. We know that the goal of God is to place in us the character of Christ. God’s generosity is not without purpose. Remember God is generous toward us and gives us gifts so that the body of Christ can be built up and others can experience God’s generosity and grace.

We are told by Paul again and again that Jesus came to set us free. He came first to set us free from sin and separation from God. But he also came to set us free from greed and other attitudes that will cause us to live in a prison of our own making. So what do we need to understand to live in the freedom of generosity?

2 Corinthians 9:11 “God will make you rich enough so that you can always be generous. Your generosity will produce thanksgiving to God because of us.”

I. Revelation that God owns it all (Scientists challenge God to creation contest – Get your own dirt)

2 Corinthians 9:11 “God will make you rich enough.”

A) God’s control

Why is there the struggle with finances and resources with those in the body of Christ today? Why is debt so rampant even in the church? What we do with our money is a decision of the heart not the head. (Example of President and Politicians gambling with tax payer money) What are common signs and symptoms of not allowing God to give us direction over our fiancés?

1) Living beyond our means

2) Living according to the world’s principles

Instant gratification constant consumption lack of giving

What we do with our resources reveals what we really believe about God’s ownership and ability to direct what He gives.

I can’t give. Translation: I don’t trust God that He is good enough to tell me where, how, and how much to give. The widow that God directed Elijah to had only enough oil and flower for her and her son to eat. Yet God spoke to her through Elijah she obeyed and had more than enough to sell to support her and her child.

Why trust God when he tells you to give? Because it brings freedom! And it builds your faith.

B) God’s compassion (so that you can always be generous)

Our father is always at work reminding us of the Great Commandment. Love God and Love People. He will make us rich enough so that we can always be generous. My translation of that is so that we can always under the leadership and power of the Holy Spirit act like Jesus.

I will remind you of what Mahatma Gandhi said, “If all Christians acted like Christ, the whole world would be Christian.”

C) Our commission

Recognizing our father’s ownership should lead to a great freedom of giving for those that are born again. So what is our commission as a church or as followers of Christ? First to Glorify God with the 5 functions of the church, Love one another, witness unto Christ in the world. We give ourselves and resources to God for His glory and the movement of His Kingdom. We give ourselves to each other for the building up of His body. We give ourselves to the world so that His spirit can reveal the truth of Jesus generosity.

II. Reception of our roles as stewards of what God gives

There are two sets of principles available to us regarding our finances, God’s principles and the worlds or Satan’s. Gods leads to generosity and Satan’s leads to greed. When we recognize that God is owner of everything then a light should go on. If God owns it all then he has graciously blessed me with what I have for His glory and purpose. So we have a stewardship to receive. This is why I believe Jesus highlighted money and possessions so much in His teaching. Many people’s hearts are opened by the money key.

What did Jesus point out in the parable of the sower as thorns that choked the good growth and made the seed unfruitful? Matthew 13.22 Jesus clearly explains the thorns. The worries of this age and the seduction of wealth choke it.

What do you think the worries of this world and age are? We need to identify those things that can choke the effectiveness of God’s Spirit and word in our lives. Worries can press us from the physical, financial, spiritual, emotional, relational. What is worry? It is trying to grab hold of something that we were never meant to control!! The second item that Jesus said was the seduction of wealth.

Our possessions are meaningless to the God who created and owns them anyway. Our hearts are His treasure. However what we believe and know of God is revealed in how we uses our possessions especially our money. (Personal Testimony) Tina and I shouldn’t be making it right now. The month should be longer than the money.

If we are not careful we can minimize God by ignoring the practical principles he has given us for the use of our finances. When you look at Ephesians it is broken up by Paul into positional, who we are in Christ, and practical what we do because we are in Christ.

The challenge given is walk worthy of your calling. What are we called to? We are called to Jesus. We are called to all that God has for us. Part of that calling is to be a steward.

Philippians only conduct yourselves (same word used in Ephesians)

A) Live as if God owns it all – because He does

Conduct you life as though God owns it all. What would that look like? If we believe that God owns it all then we would follow His instruction and principles on finances wouldn’t we?

1) Earning – Work is not evil. God blessed Adam and Eve with work but because of sin the ground not work was cursed. God gives us our aptitudes, abilities, and interests.

How do we do this in a generous way?

Colossians 3:23 “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people”

2) Saving – Saving is never condemned as sin in the Bible. In fact we are told the plans of the diligent lead to profit but the reckless lead to poverty Proverbs 21.5. It is always placing your trust in anything other than God is sin. Save so as not to be a burden on others but always listen for Gods call to use it for the kingdom.

3) Spending and avoiding debt

If every financial decision is spiritual than living beyond your means and living is debt is an indication of a deep spiritual problem. The Bible is clear debt is a form of slavery.

If Jesus came to set us free then why do we live by principles that enslave us?

1 Timothy 6:6 “But godliness with contentment is a great gain.”

This is following Paul encouraging Timothy to teach these things. What things?

Prayer, spiritual warfare, godliness, elders and deacons and their qualifications, widows orphans and their support, employer employee relationships, man and woman, wife and husband relationship.

Contentment leads to avoiding things we want vs. things we need.

B) Give as if God owns it all – because He does

We don’t give just because of the principles but because of the person who gave the principles

Walk makes clear that all of us not the super rich or super Christian in our normal daily lives have an opportunity to obey God and make a huge impact on others. Letting go of our possessions leads to lasting peace. The same way Paul encourages us to let go of our worry that too allows us to experience the depth of the peace of God’s presence.

III. Production of praise for God

2 Corinthians 9:11-15 “Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God. 12 So two good things will result from this ministry of giving—the needs of the believers in Jerusalem will be met, and they will joyfully express their thanks to God.

13 As a result of your ministry, they will give glory to God. For your generosity to them and to all believers will prove that you are obedient to the Good News of Christ. 14 And they will pray for you with deep affection because of the overflowing grace God has given to you. 15Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!”

Quick note, God is not required to monetarily bless you when you are obedient to give. I have found though as I obey Him in my giving financially he always supplies my needs. Then he blesses me and this church family in many and multiple ways.

A) Generosity gives opportunity for the praise of thanksgiving

B) Generosity gives opportunity to glorify God

C) Generosity gives opportunity to show obedience to God

Joyfully given is the only way giving is obedient.

C) Generosity gives opportunity for God to generously bless us.

1) Spiritually 2) Physically 3) Emotionally 4) Mentally 5) Financially

Conclusion: You see in the end giving is a heart issue.

1) God calls us to give to allow us to let go of things and experience the peace that flows from God being our source.

2) God allows us to let go of things so that we can experience the joy it brings in living under His principles that give full life.

3) God allows us to let go of things to grow our faith and trust in Him.

4) God allows us to face this struggle to see that His peace is always more precious than any physical possession we could ever have.