Summary: Thanksgiving always brings memories and allows families to come together; but do we spend our entire lives being thankful, rejoicing always, and praying without ceasing? Paul's encouragement on this is clear, and God's will for your life requires it!

Thanksgiving through the Gospel

1 Thessalonians 5:12-18


- Thanksgiving is always a time of thinking back; a time of reflection for many

- It brings to some memories of family gatherings, and even some funny reunions

- For some though, it can bring sadness b/c of love’s lost or other tragedies

- But, no matter the memories, the reason we can celebrate is b/c of Jesus

- Even in the dark times; even in the bad times; we have a Savior to worship

- There is much to be said about Thanksgiving in the scriptures

- This morning, we will look at a famous piece of scripture for encouragement

I’d like to make an open ended challenge though this morning …

- Thanksgiving can be a joyous time; but is it b/c of the joy of the Lord?

- Or, are we joyful b/c of a man-made thing that we’ve created to dull the pain?

- It is something that we have to come face to face with; to draw closer to Christ

- APP: We need the joy of the Lord living IN us to be really joyful

-- Let’s talk this morning about how to obtain it and be thankful in the Gospel

-- We are going to look at three “standing orders” for the Christian to live by

- Stand and read 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18

- Pray

Point 1 – Rejoice Always

- Most of us would be willing to admit that we’d have NO problem if it read:

- “Rejoice sometimes; Pray occasionally; Give thanks when you feel like it”

- It is those definitive words that really mess us up: Always, continually, in all …

- What we see is what the Gospel really commands us to do when we don’t feel it

- APP: Christianity is either the genuine article or it’s a spiritual fake

- It is not something man can make up, and we must be totally sold out to this

- The first proof of the gospel’s power for most people will be what they see in us

- Joy does not depend on me having a job or not; or how we are treated by others

- It is a genuine reflection of what is going on inside of our hearts that others see

-- Jesus said (John 15:11), “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you”

- Consider what this means when we gather for worship.

- If we come with our problems first and foremost (as we often do), then we will judge the worship by how lifted up we feel at the end.

- APP: As long as church members focus on themselves, there will be no joy in the worship services.

- Some Christians just believe it is their duty to be miserable; to constantly scowl

-- The Bible teaches 100% the opposite of this at every turn:

-- Nehemiah 8:10, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.”

-- Proverbs 17:22, “A cheerful heart is good medicine.”

- How can we possibly show Christ’s love and joy with a frown on our face 24/7?

- Honestly, I’ve seen enough joyless Christians that I prefer friendly unbelievers

- APP: Are we rejoicing always in who God is in our life? Do we possess joy?

Point 2 – Pray Without Ceasing

- Of the three “standing orders,” this one causes the most problems.

-- What does it mean to pray “without ceasing"?

-- Should every thought and every spoken word be a prayer directed to the Lord?

-- In a sense, of course, the answer is yes.

- But, there is so much more than just a glancing blow we must realize here

- It’s like having an open connection to the Lord that we must realize

- We stay in a state where we can pray all the time, everywhere, about everything.

- There is nothing we face, no duty too small that doesn’t need prayer

- We are to pray: Consciously, Deliberately, Repeatedly, and Persistently

- Prayer is never about us; it is how we communicate with God for Him to speak

Point 3 – Be Thankful in Every Circumstance

- We know that we should give thanks when things are going well.

- It is right and good to “praise God from whom all blessings flow.”

- But if you only give thanks when you have money in the bank, when your marriage is good, when the deal goes through, when the doctor says, “You don’t have cancer,” when your kids are doing well, when the church is growing and your friends are glad to see you, if that’s the only time you give thanks, what will you do when trouble comes?

- What will you do when your company downsizes and you are out of a job, when your retirement fund loses 45% of its value, when your marriage collapses, when your daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock, when the cancer returns, or when your friends betray you?

- In those hard moments we must return to God whose love for us does not change.

- I think it is biblical to give thanks even in the worst moments. We give thanks:

- That God is sovereign.

- That nothing happens by chance.

- That God causes all things to work together for good for his children.

- That God has triumphed over sin and death through his Son, the Lord Jesus

- That God uses the worst that happens to promote our spiritual growth.

- That God is faithful even when we are faithless.

- That God’s Word will be vindicated.

- That God’s promises are true.

- That evil will not reign forever.

- That heaven is real.

- That this world is not the “real” world.

- That when we are weak, He is strong.

- That His grace is sufficient for every situation.

- That nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

- That our salvation rests on God and not on us.

- That there is no pit so deep that the love of God is not deeper still.

- That the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from every sin.

- That God delights to save sinners.

- That the Lord can soften the hardest heart.

- That there are no impossible cases with God.

- That even when we feel alone, we are never alone.

- That our Father will not test us beyond what we can bear.

- That the Holy Spirit abides with us always.

- That the Lord Jesus feels our pain.

- That the Holy Spirit prays for us when we are too weak to pray for ourselves.

- That the Lord Jesus intercedes for us so that we are finally saved.

- That God uses everything and wastes nothing.

- That our doubts cannot cancel God’s work in us.

- That someday we will be conformed to the image of Christ.

- That God is faithful to finish his work in us.

- That our hardships equip us to minister to others.

- That we are invited to come boldly to the throne of grace.

- That God’s plan far exceeds our puny imagination.

- That weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

- That we are still God’s children even when our faith falters.

- That while we suffer outwardly, we are being renewed inwardly.

- APP: By giving thanks when we don’t feel like it, we are proclaiming that God’s wisdom is greater than ours.


- Stuff happens. Bad stuff happens …

- Really bad stuff sometimes happens to some very good people.

- There is no escaping this while we live on a sin-cursed planet.

- No one gets a free pass at trials in life because life doesn’t stop for us

- However, can we not say “Thank you Lord” in every situation that we have?

- Naturally, this is in no way easy; and it certainly isn’t always popular

-- But, what is your alternative? To be miserable your whole life and unhappy?

- Is it better to walk around scowling at everyone and everything?

-- I want to submit to you that it is not, in any way shape of form

- Think of it this way and we are going to close:

- What is the will of God in your life? (Would you like to know what it is?)

- APP: Rejoice always; Pray without ceasing; In everything give thanks

- If it wasn’t, why would He give us this instruction in the Bible?

- These three items shine much brighter than the darkness around you

- And since Jesus is the light within you … why not let Him shine?

- Pray