Summary: Basics in the prison Epistles


QUOTATION: "And then the theme: Paul’s letter to the Colossians. In which he touches the very high-water mark of divinely revealed Truth, the Person and Glory of Jesus Christ" (Rev. James M. Gray. D.D.).


I. THE AUTHOR OF THE EPISTLE: The Apostle Paul, Chap. 1:1, 4:18.


This date is generally agreed upon by Biblical scholars. In addition to the date, Bishop Nicholson says, "It may certainly be concluded that he (Paul) wrote this Epistle near the close of his first Roman captivity (Acts 28:)."


1. ROME: The Imperial City.

2. PRISON: The depths of a prison dungeon.

The letter to the Colossians in common with the Epistles to the Ephesians and Philippians was written during the period of Paul's imprisonment and is therefore termed a "Prison Epistle." That these letters are prison epistles is revealed in the internal evidence found in each letter:

(1) Ephesians: Cp. Chap. 3:1; 4:1; 6:20.

(2) Philippians: Cp. Chap. 1:17, 12-19, 20-30; 2:17-30; 4:10-18, 22.

(3) Colossians; Cp. Chap. 4:3, 10, 18.


1. THE INSCRIPTION: Chap. 1:1-2. "Paul an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timotheus our brother, to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colossae."

2. THE LOCATION: Colossae was a city belonging to the province of Phrygia in Asia Minor and therefore under the direct domination of the Roman Empire; other cities not far distant and mentioned in the Epistle were Hierapolis and Laodicea (Chap. 4:13, 16). Ephesus also was situated in the same section and possessed honor as the chief city and capital of the province.

Colossae had been at one time an important populous city but in the days of Paul it was a decadent, dying place, like many cities of the past it has long since disappeared and is now known in history chiefly because of its connection with the life and labors of the Apostle Paul and the location of a notable assembly of believers.

3. THE FORMATION: How the church at Colossae came into existence we are not absolutely certain, the Epistle itself indicates several facts, however, in relation to the evangelization and organization of the church.

(1) The Apostle Paul did not directly and personally found the Church. Proof:

A. No record is given in the Acts of the Apostles concerning its visitation or evangelization by the Apostle during his missionary journeys and labors throughout that section.

B. The letter indicates that Paul had never seen the Colossian believers face to face and his knowledge of them came through the report given by Epaphras. Note: Chap. 1:4-9; 2:1.

(2) There are indications that Epaphras was the probable founder of the church. Proof:

A. Epaphras was the minister of the church: Cp. Chap. 1:7; 4:12. It has been suggested, however, that Colossae was the indirect result of Paul's labors, possibly during his evangelistic work in Ephesus and other nearby cities, Epaphras like other converts went forth with the gospel of the grace of God and likewise found converts to its glorious truths.

(3) Philemon was another laborer in the church at Colossae. It was in his home that the assembly met for fellowship and worship: Cp. Philemon 1, 2; Cp. Philemon 23, 24, and Col. 4:9, 10, 17.

4. THE COMPOSITION: Those forming the membership of the Colossian church were no doubt formerly Gentiles according to the flesh and as such were heathen, given to the various forms of nature worship.



(1) A report rendered Paul by Epaphras, Their Minister: Chap. 1:3-8; Cp. 4:12. This report concerned the state of the Colossian assembly and revealed the fact that while the assembly was in many respects in most excellent condition, a grave danger threatened and imperiled its life and usefulness as a church. This peril was concerning the doctrine to be received and believed; certain erroneous teaching crept into the assembly and threatened to set aside the divinely revealed doctrines of the church concerning the Person and Glory of the Lord Jesus, and the heavenly position of the believer (as set forth in Ephesians) and to substitute in their stead the gross errors of ceremonialism, pagan philosophy, theosophy, spiritism and Alexandrian asceticism.

(2) This report occasioned great solicitude on the part of Paul in relation to the Colossian believers. This solicitude is revealed in the expressions of the Apostle concerning:

A. Their faith and a walk worthy of the faith: Cp. Chap. 1:9-22.

B. Their continuance in the faith: Cp. Chap. 1:23-27.

C. Their growth and assurance in the faith: Cp. Chap. 1:28; 2:2.

D. Their stability and establishment in the faith: Cp. Chap. 2:3-7.

The student will note that Paul's objective was not a solicitude for their continuation in a personal faith or trust in the Lord Jesus, but for their continuation in "the faith": that is their continuance in the body of revealed truth known as. the "the faith." Cp. Jude 3.

The salvation of the Colossian believers was already an accomplished fact and concerning this, fact as an eternal imputation and gift, the Apostle lost neither time nor grief, but he was deeply anxious that those who were already saved should also live constantly in the knowledge, power and walk of such a salvation and finally be presented "perfect and holy in Christ."

The salvation of every believer is a present and an unchangeable eternal fact resting not upon the weakness, walk or worry of the believer but upon the perfect, mighty and unchangeable finished work of The Lord Jesus.

The presentation of every believer as one separated unto Himself, fruitful, strong and rich in spiritual graces and power rests in its glory upon our apprehension of that body of revealed truth or doctrine termed "the faith."

(3) Their apprehension and comprehension of "the Mystery." Cp. Chap. 1:9; 2:3. By the word "mystery" is meant, the unfolding of a Divine secret, the Divine secret purpose hidden through ages and generations but now revealed to the church through the Apostles and Prophets by The Spirit (Cp. Eph. 3:1-11; Col. 1:26).



(1) Doctrinal Correction: The peat objective of the Epistle was to hold the Colossian believers true to the doctrines unfolded in Ephesians concerning the Person and Glory of Christ and the consequent position of the believer as a member of the body of Christ. The Colossians were in danger of imbibing the errors of gnosticism, spiritism, ceremonialism, false mysticism and asceticism (Cp. Chap. 2:8-23), and would thus find themselves robbed of that knowledge and truth out of which issue truest fellowship, holiest living, keenest enjoyment, fruitful service and delightful anticipation; blessings that form a part of the Divine plan for the life of every believer and found only in the apprehension of the Divine truth as revealed in the doctrines of the Church Epistles.

(2) The Person, Work and Glory of The Lord Jesus Christ: The remedy for all error is found in the Infallible Written Word of God in The Person, Work and Glory of The Lord Jesus Christ; Who Himself is the Infinite Living Word and it is Christ The Living Word whom the Apostle here presents in The Written Word.

Note: How Christ is set forth:

A. Christ is Titled, "The Lord Jesus Christ." Chap.1:2, 3.

B. Christ: The Redeemer. Chap. 1:14.

C. Christ: The Incarnation of The God-Head. Chap. 1:15.

D. Christ: The Pre-eminent One. Chap. 1:15, 18.

E. Christ: The Creator. Chap. 1:16.

F. Christ: The Eternal, Primordial, Supreme One. Chap. 1:17.

G. Christ: The Head of the Church. Chap. 1:18, 2:19.

H. Christ: The Perfection of God. Chap. 1:19; 2:3, 9.

I. Christ: The Reconciler. Chap. 1:20, 21.

J. Christ: The Indweller. Chap. 1:27-29.

K. Christ: The Despoiler. Chap. 2:14-16.

L. Christ: The Risen Lord. Chap. 3:1.

M. Christ: The Ascended Lord. Chap. 3:1-3

N. Christ: The Coming Lord. Chap. 3:4

O. Christ: The Believers Life. Chap. 3:4.

P. Christ: The Believer’s Security. Chap. 3:4.

Q. Christ: "All, and in All." Chap. 3:11.

(3) The Position and Privilege of the Believer "in Christ." According to Colossians:

A. Christ is in the Believer (positionally). Chap. 1:27.

B. The Believer is in Christ (positionally). Chap. 1:28; 2:10; 3:3.

C. The Believer's Position in Christ is Complete, Perfect. Chap. 1:28; 2:10.

(A) Reconciled by Christ. Chap. 1:13, 14; 2:20-22.

(B) Died and Risen with Christ. Chap. 1:20-22; 3:3.

(C) Exalted in Christ. Chap. 3:1-4.

(D) Filled by Christ. Chap. 1:9-11.

(E) Complete, Perfect in Christ. Chap. 2:10.

(F) Heavenly Life Made Possible by Christ, Chap. 3:1-4.18 Hours Ago