Summary: When we understand Jesus words, we will know that the Christian Church is the worlds largest fishing society. Our commission by Christ is to Go Fish! Redone January 2018

For those not familiar with an Anglican Service; there are four Scripture Readings before the Sermon. The Scripture Readings for this day were: Jonah 3:1-5,10; Psalm 62:6-14; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 and Mark 1:14-20.

Today's Gospel Text ... Begins... by marking a transition ... from the ministry of John the Baptizer .... to that ... of Jesus.

As is typical ...of Mark, ...he accomplishes this ... with a minimal number.... of words.

He simply states, ... BIBLE "After John was arrested, Jesus came..." END (Mark 1:14)

This short statement ... closes the door On John's Ministry ....and opens the door ... on the ministry... Of Jesus' the Galilean.

At first glance, ... Jesus' mission ...does not appear all that different .... from John's.

He, too, ... emphasizes the word.... "Repent," ...but Jesus gives us... a very different reason ... why we should repent.

John proclaims we are to repent a way ...of preparing ...for the coming of the Messiah.

Jesus calls on the people to repent .... for the Kingdom of God... is at hand... it has come near.

The waiting .... is over.

God has begun ... a new call ... in the world.

The fullness of time ... has arrived.

Jesus makes clear ... the meaning of his call to believe and share the gospel ...when he says, .... BIBLE "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men ... I will have you fish for people." END (Mark 1:17)

We are given no background information Mark's Gospel...regarding how quick the response was ... of the disciples.

We are not told ...if Simon, Andrew, James and John ...had previously heard Jesus preach .... if they were primed ... to make this life changing ...decision.

We are only told that Jesus saw them... called out to them, and said...... "Follow me."

And what happened? They responded.

These men seemed to understand this call.... to be an invitation... to become disciples ...of Jesus.

They had discovered ... which always leads to a decision ... which in turn ... leads to action.

Regardless of their understanding ...or lack of it, .... they made a radical and immediate decision ... that changed their lives... forever.

They left their daily work, .... dropping their nets ... And abandoned their ... established livelihoods.

The text makes it clear ...that James and John ...walked away ...from their ... family ties.

We cannot help but be amazed and impressed ...with the immediate ...and radical commitment ...that Jesus inspired these fishermen.

O' Beloved....How can we the church ...duplicate ...that.... "drop-everything kind of discipleship?"

(Slow) Jesus does not call ...any of us ... to a casual ...discipleship.

As Dietrich Bonhoeffer pointed out in his book, ... The Cost of Discipleship, ...Jesus does not call us cheap grace.

He calls us .... to a costly ... discipleship.

In a way ... there is a paradox ...of our faith.

On the one hand, ... grace is free ...(Slow) and cost us nothing. We cannot earn it.

But on the other hand, ... (Slow) it costs us ...everything.

Our Lord expects us.... to commit ...(Slow) all that we are .... and all that ...we have.

One theologian has called it a paradox between ...."absolute gift... and absolute demand."

Maybe we are too quick hear the absolute gift, ....and fail to hear .... the absolute demand. REPEAT.

We want the grace ... yet too often ... ignore ...the cost ... of discipleship.

These men ... these disciples ... immediately knew ...that Jesus ...did not invite them become spectators.

He makes this clear when he says, .... "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men...... To fish for people." (Mark 1:17)

Jesus used... wonderful terminology make ...this kind of discipleship ...clear to them.

He picked up... on the images ... of their own vocations.

"I will make you for people."

Fishing for a living the 1st century ... was a lot different ...from the fishing ...most folks know today,

And there are lessons be learned ...from this great analogy... of Jesus.

When we understand Jesus words, ...we will know ... that the Christian Church the world's ...largest fishing society.

Our commission by Christ to ...... Go Fish!

To bring men and women ...into the kingdom... of God.

Many churches ...sit around ...bragging about the days ...when their boat was full ...of fresh fish.

They look nostalgically the days ...when the main purpose of their church ...was fishing, reach others ...for Christ.

They have forgotten how to fish ... and for some they have forgotten how to show or share ... unexpected grace.

So ... what does it mean ... to go fishing .... with Jesus?

First of all, ... you are expected ... to enjoy fishing.

It is not to be something... that fills you with fear, ... Frustration... or dread.

The fishing analogy ...can help us... to experience the joy when lives are changed the power of God's love.

But ...before we can enjoy it, ...we have to get out in our world ....and go fish.

Beloved Fishing telling your story.

How Jesus brought you ...from here (Hand Down) Here (Hand up)

When we begin fishing ... then and only then ...can we really understand... the joy of the catch ...and work on becoming ...better fishers of men.

Some folks are filled with fear, ... Yet .... others are filled ...with anticipation.... of a great catch.

Yet ... all followers of Christ... need to get their net wet ...before they can understand ...what it really means... to: ... Go fish.

Beloved ... Learn to enjoy ... sharing your story.

And You begin to enjoy fishing ...... by fishing.

The second lesson is: ...we need to go ...where the fish are.

The reason many fishermen ...have an empty net or hook they do not go ...where the fish are.

Too many people ...try to fish sitting in the boat ...with No pole ...No net .... and expect the fish...... to come to them.

It just does not ... work that way.

We have to go to the fish. Yes, we must Go ... we must Go Fish!

And Beloved ...we have to use ... the right bait.

Now the fishermen in Jesus day ...usually used a net, ... which probably has some valuable lessons well.

But most fishermen today ... like to use... a bait of one type or another.

If you are fishing for crappie, ... you would not use ... a top water... crank baits.

If you are fishing for bass, should not use stink bait ... that is best for catfish ...cruising along the bottom.

Now we have to be careful ... with this bait analogy.

We are not trying to trick people, .... so, we can feed on them.

Rather we have to find ... what it is ... that interests others, ...and use that a means ...of encouraging them... to come and see.

We are not trying to lure people their death .... but to lead them a new life Jesus Christ.

We must meet people their needs.

Which could be as simple... as showing grace ... or extending friendship.

To be someone ... who cares.

It is taking the time... to build a ... new relationship ...or to deepen a relationship ...with those that God ...has placed .... in your life.

Jesus called his disciples to: (1 Finger) Follow him. (2 Fingers) And to Go fish.

We are quick to hear the first part...... to follow him, ...but not the second. ... Go Fish.

This story may help illustrate ... our calling ... by Jesus.

On a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks often occur ... there was once a crude, ...little, station.

The building was just a hut, ....and there was only one boat ...... but the few devoted members ...kept a constant watch ...over the sea.

And they went out ... day and night ...tirelessly searching ... for the lost.

Some of those who were saved, ... and various others who lived in the surrounding area, ...wanted to become ...associated with ...the station.

They all were willing ...To give of their time, ... Their money ...and their effort ... to support the work.

New boats were bought ...and new crews were trained.

The little life-saving station grew.

Some of the members of the station were unhappy ...that the building was so crude ...and poorly equipped.

They felt ... that a more comfortable place ...should be provided as the first refuge ...for those ...saved from the sea.

They replaced the emergency cots ...with beds and put better furniture the enlarged building.

In addition, ...the life-saving station ...became a popular gathering place ...for its members.

They decorated it beautifully... and furnished it ...exquisitely.

Fewer members ...were now interested going to sea ......on lifesaving missions, ... so they hired crews do ...this work.

The life-saving motif still prevailed in this club's décor, .... and there was a symbolic life-boat the room ...where the club initiations ...were held.

About this time ...a large ship ... wrecked off the coast, ....and the hired crews ...brought in boat loads ...of cold, wet ...and half-drowned ...people.

They were dirty ...and sick ...and some of them had black skin ...and some had ...yellow skin.

The beautiful new club ...was in chaos.

So, the property committee... immediately had a temporary shower ...erected outside the club ...where victims of shipwreck ...could be cleaned up ... before coming inside.

At the next meeting, ... there was a split... in the club membership.

Most of the members ...wanted to stop the club's life-saving activities ... because it was a hindrance the normal social life ... of the club.

Some members though.... insisted upon life-saving.... as their primary purpose ... for they were ...still called ...a life-saving station.

But they were finally voted down ...and told that if they wanted to save lives, .... they could begin... their own life-saving station ...down the coast.

Which They Did.

As the years went by, ...this new station experienced ...the same changes... that had occurred the old.

It too, ... evolved into a club, ... and yet another life-saving station was founded... further down the coast.

History continued to repeat itself, ...and I am told ...if you visit that sea coast today, will find a number of exclusive clubs ... along the shore.

Sadly, ... far too many Churches ...especially in the developed nations ...have become ...this way.

It is as if...... we reason ......that Jesus did not really mean it ...when he said, ..."Go fish."

If we are to be conformed... to the image of Christ.

If we are going to be mature in the faith ...we must .... "Go Fish".

We must have ... a heart for those that are shipwrecked.

If we are conformed to the image of Christ can we not ... reach out ... to those who are drowning!

How can we... not: ... Go Fish?

There is a very old Christian fable ... that tells of Jesus encounter he reentered ...Heaven.

As the angels talked with him, ...Gabriel, noticed ...that Jesus bore the marks of the cross, ...and being inquisitive, ...said to Jesus:

"Master, must have suffered terribly... for those people ...down there."

"There was some suffering," ...Jesus said.

"And", ... said Gabriel, ... "Do all of them know .... how you loved them ....and what you did for them?"

"Oh no," ... said Jesus, ... "Not yet."

"Just a few Palestine know."

"So, what have you done," said Gabriel, ..."to let everyone know?"

Jesus said, ...."I have asked Peter, James, and John and a few others... to tell others ...about me,

And the others tell yet others ...and others, ...until the world has heard... what has been done." (Pause)

Gabriel... was less than convinced... that this was ... a workable plan.

He said to Jesus: ... "What if Peter, James, and John and these others ...get tired ...and fail?

What would happen ...if many years from now ...people just do not tell others... about what you have done?

Are there other plans? ...Is there a back-up strategy?" (Pause)

Jesus replied: ..."I have made no other plans.

(Slow) I am counting ...on them!" (Long Pause)

The same call Jesus extended to Peter, Andrew, James, and John,

He extends to all ...who have received... His call.... to salvation.

Beloved....Remember who you are in Christ.

You are a Fisher of Men ... You are a Fisher of People.

I am convinced ... the opposite of Love is not Hate, .... it is Fear.

Is it fear ... that is keeping you from stepping out and saving the drowning.

Is it fear ... that is keeping you from loving the lost and portraying unexpected grace.

Remember our Lord's words: (Very Slow)

BIBLE "Fear Not"! ...I am with you always ...even to the end of the age." END (Matthew 28:20)

Jesus shares with disciples and with us this day ... that you should Love one another ... Just as I have loved you.

That makes sharing your life in Christ ... That makes Fishing much easier.

Love gives us the desire introduce others our Lord and Savior.

Love gives us the desire to shower grace on others.

Love gives us the Desire ... To allow the grace and love of God ... to flow ... from our very being.

Love gives us the capacity to see others through God's eyes.

To seek opportunities ... to show unexpected grace. (Long Pause)

Beloved ... Grace wins every time!

How do I allow this Grace permeate my very being?

How do I allow God's Love to flow from me?

For those gathered here ... who would like to travel down the road of Grace together ... we are initiating a ten-week session ... of sharing God's love using ... Notes of Grace.

You may ask ... What are notes of grace?

Well thank-you for asking?

Grace Notes ... is a simple tool ... that God gave me a number of years ago ... which I implemented in my own life.

Which helped me see more clearly ... the opportunities God gives me ... to share unexpected grace with others.

It is simple ... yet it changed me ... dramatically.

The staff has put together 66 ribbon wrapped boxes (Hold up a Box) which contain 20 cards ... 20 envelopes ... and 20 stamps with the directions ... on the inside of the lid.

Each week you are to personally write a note ... to two people ... that God has placed in your life... that week.

That you do not already have a strong personal relationship with.

For instance:

1.If Someone shares with you that they... or an acquaintance is sick, a death in their family, an employment issue, a financial issue.

Of course, pray for them ... but also send a note ... with your prayer ... fully written out.

2. Share grace in a joyous event -- a birth of a child or grandchild, Birthday, engagement, an Anniversary).

3. Thank someone who has been kind to you ... who has been gracious to you.

You may be thinking ... who can I send a note too.

After all these years ... most if not all my friends are Christians.

And there is some truth to that.

Yet I am sure many of you may still go to the grocery store, doctor's office, dentist office, hair salon, gas station, gym or a restaurant.

And most employees ... at these establishments ... will share their first name .... or have a name tag on the uniform.

Share Examples....... Grocery store ... Restaurant... Send a note attention ______ (first name) to their place of employment.

4.Another act of Grace ... that I found very moving ... Is to Make a donation to the Church or some other organization ... in the name of someone ... it lets them know you care... and that you are thinking of them.

Most of the mail that we find coming to our homes ... at least my home ... are bills, catalogues or junk mail.

How would you feel if you went to the mail box and received a note of grace?

Well others will feel the same.

We will formally begin "Notes of Grace" the week of February 4th .... but those who take them over the next two weeks ... are free to have a jump start.

In the Vestibule there are boxes of Grace Notes with a signup sheet that asks for only your name and email address.

You will receive a reminder each week ... from me ...and I ask that you hit ... reply all ... and share at least one story with the others during the 10 weeks.

Be aware ... it is very common ... at least during the first 4 or 5 weeks ... when you receive that reminder ... you may hear a voice saying ... you never should have agreed to do this.

I can promise you ... that voice ... is not ... from God.

Even though I live in Chardon Ohio ... I will personally commit ... to sending all 20 notes ... to people in the Coply area.

Beloved ... Be assured ... Grace ... wins every time.

It is time to .... Go fish.

Jesus is calling ... Jesus is counting ... on all who call him both Savior and Lord ... to love ... and to share unexpected grace.

Jesus is calling and counting on his disciples ... on his followers to head his words... and ... "Go Fish".

(Very Slow) Beloved ... Jesus is calling and counting on you!

Amen and Amen!

Help: I retired in November 2017 and am attempting to supplement my income by sharing on Sermoncentral. If this Message has been helpful to you, please consider a nominal donation: Send to The Rev. Jeff Smead 11725 Regent Park Drive Chardon Ohio 44024. Blessed To Be A Blessing

I would like to add a paragraph or more relating the Game Go Fish into the Message (Not sure where I would put it). Open to suggestions. Blessings Jeff.

Dear Reader: So I can better help you, if this Homily was not helpful and you rated it low, Please let me know what it lacked or why it was not helpful. You can search by contributor Smead" (Constructive Criticism is very helpful) and contact me there. Blessings Jeff.