Summary: Guidance for relationships from Lot's neglect

Genesis 13:1-13 1Then Abram went up from Egypt, he and his wife and all that he had, and Lot with him, to the South. 2Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold. 3And he went on his journey from the South as far as Bethel, to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Ai, 4to the place of the altar which he had made there at first. And there Abram called on the name of the LORD. 5Lot also, who went with Abram, had flocks and herds and tents. 6Now the land was not able to support them, that they might dwell together, for their possessions were so great that they could not dwell together. 7And there was strife between the herdsmen of Abram’s livestock and the herdsmen of Lot’s livestock. The Canaanites and the Perizzites then dwelt in the land. 8So Abram said to Lot, “Please let there be no strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we are brethren. 9Is not the whole land before you? Please separate from me. If you take the left, then I will go to the right; or, if you go to the right, then I will go to the left.” 10And Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere (before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah) like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt as you go toward Zoar. 11Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east. And they separated from each other. 12Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent even as far as Sodom. 13But the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the LORD.

Intro. What not to wear, TV show that helps participants learn what's best by showing what's wrong with what's worst. This is one example of getting positive direction from a negative example. Are there others? An ad campaign that showed young people the "uncool" aspects of smoking; the "your brain, your brain on drugs" ads; Scared Straight takes juvenile offenders into max security prisons so see the end result of choosing crime in hopes they will choose better.

Lot is a role model for relationships - in a negative sense. Who should we choose to connect to? To make our most intimate friends, examples, advisors in life? I'm talking about those we are closest to in life. Lot demonstrates the need for regular, ongoing, intimate connections with other Christians by his neglect of such relationships which resulted in serious consequences. Without real ongoing relationships like these we face the real danger of slipping into similar situations. So…

Why Not Lot?

First: He Misread God's Provision (v. 1) Abram went up from Egypt, he and his wife and all that he had, and Lot with him…

A. The Real Resource. (v. 4) Abram called on the name of the LORD.

1. Real blessing in life, whether it brings material wealth or not is found in relationship with God. Abram understood God was his source. Gen. 12:2 I'll make you great nation…bless…make name great…

a. It wasn't building flocks, agricultural methods, horse trading, land acquisitions, etc. that brought the blessing. It was being close to the Lord, calling on the name of the Lord.

2. Lot got the wrong idea – he thought the key to more blessing was more land, independence, connection with and in prosperous cities. He looked for the best he could get, then took what he wanted.

a. Our relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ is our greatest and only real resource for blessing of any sort.

Matt. 6:31-33 Don't worry, saying, "What shall we eat…drink…wear?" For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things. Seek first the kingdom of God & His righteousness & all these things shall be added to you.

John 10:10 I've come that they may have life & that…more abundantly.

b. It's not that we don't work, prepare, save, etc., but that we don't put material needs ahead of God. And it doesn't mean we'll all be rich (riches are not wrong) but the wealth of God's friendship is a treasure that can never be taken away, that secures eternal blessing.

c. Lot Lesson: Daily grow daily closer to Christ, stay close to the altar, give Him gratitude and worship for all of life's blessings.

B. The Blessing Connection. (v. 8) Abram said to Lot, “Please let there be no strife between you and me…"

1. Lot not only misread the real source of blessing, but also lost sight of his need to be with people of blessing. He allowed material gains to separate him from the blessed relationship. Thought, "If I just take my stuff and get far enough away, blessings will flow and my riches will grow. I'll do my thing and you do yours."

2. God's blessing is greatest when His people are together.

Psalm 133: 1, 3 Behold, how good & pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! There the LORD commanded the blessing…

John 17:9, 11, 20-23 I pray for them…that they may be one…not…for these alone, but…for those who'll believe in Me…that they all may be one…they may be one in Us, that the world may believe You sent Me…that they may be one just as We are one…that they may be made perfect in one…

a. Unity with Abram was where God's blessing flowed. Genesis 12:3 In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Together in unity doesn't mean we never disagree but we maintain an ongoing relationship of love. Abram wanted to keep peace and unity as brothers (let there be no strife…for we are brethren). I'm not sure Abram wanted to break off every relationship with Lot. He even let him choose how to work it out.

Illus. Could Lot have said, "I want to be close enough so we can continue our relationship (have unity)."? I think so. Even could have said, "Look, we're letting this stuff break us apart, let's get that out of the way, but stay close to each other."

3. Lot Lesson: Our source of blessing is Jesus Christ. Close contact and intimate friendships with His body (other people who trust and walk with Him) are the context where blessing grows and continues. We need more than passing relationships with other Christians. If I only hang with Christians for 2 hours on Sunday and have no common life experience or contact the other 166 hours of week, I'm separating myself from the blessing of dwelling in unity. Who are you close enough to that God commands His blessing, growth, stability?

Second: He Misestimated God's Protection. (v. 12) Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent even as far as Sodom.

A. Alone Means Unprotected.

Genesis 14:11-12 Took all the goods of Sodom/Gomorrah…provisions…also took Lot…who dwelt in Sodom…his goods & departed.

1. Five cities were under tribute to four Eastern (Mesopotamian) kings for 12 years. When these cities rebelled, the alliance attacked and Lot was in the line of fire, all alone.

Note: (1) Abram, in Canaan, was protected by God as were Mamre, Eschol, Aner (14:13 One who escaped came, told Abram… by terebinth trees of Mamre…Eshcol…Aner…allies w/Abram. (2) Lot now lives IN Sodom and ther is no mention of his livestock, herdsmen, or anyone other than him and his family.

Illus. But, you say, Lot wasn't alone in Sodom. You can be surrounded with people and still be alone and vulnerable. This week Whitney Houston died, likely from misuse of drugs. She is just the latest example of a celebrity who, though surrounded by many people, was left alone in her personal struggles in life. Why didn't someone help her? She's too important, too famous, possibly wouldn't listen to correct counsel.

2. One of Satan's most used tactics is divide and conquer. Get a Christian out there on their own, without the safety of others as a sounding board, an accountable viewpoint, a shared experience, and then take them captive. Note: Abram wouldn't have known Lot's problem if an escapee hadn't told him. If we're not closely connected to one another in some, we don't know when someone is in trouble.

B. Safety Is In Community. 14:14 Abram…armed his 318 trained servants…born in his own house & went in pursuit…

1. Abram's household was closely related (trained, discipled) together so that when a threat came they could go after it together. Lot was saved, but could have avoided trouble if he'd been with them.

a. Abram later saved Lot from being destroyed with Sodom by praying for him. Again this was something Lot could have avoided.

Illus. I was recently reunited with a man we knew over 30 years ago in Hawaii. Back then he was a teen who, with his mom, attended a home fellowship group with us for almost 2 years. He told an amazing story of how much our family, along with others in the group, influenced his life. His father was an unbeliever who abused his family in many ways. The group exposed Sherwood to godly relationships, protected him from depression, and from falling into many temptations faced by teens, especially those in difficult home situations. It stunned me that he was so deeply thankful for our part in how his life turned out. The group protected him.

2. Lot Lesson. The community of believers (is not only a place of rescue but) offers protection. How often do we undervalue the protection of close connections with others in the body? Yes, God sends fellow Christians to rescue us when the world falls down but sometimes we wouldn't be in that place if we'd been connected.

i.e. If I hang out with believers, I may not get a DUI and land in jail. If my close advisors are Christians I may learn to avoid excessive debt and not face bankruptcy. Believing friends might protect me from a pornography addiction that damages my marriage. Certainly, with believing friends close by when calamity comes, someone knows about it and is there to help.

a. Who are your closest friends? Who speaks into your life to bring you spiritual protection? Who can you call when the enemy attacks? Who knows you well enough to love you even when you fall and help you get up?

Third: He Misunderstood God's Priorities. (v. 10) Lot…saw plain of Jordan…well watered…(before the LORD destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah) like garden of the LORD…like land of Egypt as you go toward Zoar.

A. What You See Isn't Always What You Get. (v. 13) The men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the LORD.

1. Lot was so fixated on material gain, investment, increase that he only saw the potential for wealth (well watered plain, similarity to Egypt where he likely saw great wealth, commerce, etc.). This was his golden opportunity, the sky's the limit, etc.

a. He didn't see the underlying decay, the compromises he would have to make, the affect it would have on his spiritual life.

II Peter 2:8 That righteous man (Lot), dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds.

b. Abram accepted what God showed him and gave Him. The Hebrews writer says he saw a city built by God. Dwelling in Sodom, Lot's desire for Sodom's goods grew and his faith weakened.

Expl: Some interesting observations. After being rescued from captivity, Lot went right back to Sodom to vulnerability and isolation. Remember that initially he wanted the plains for his livestock, but once over there he moved into the city, even apparently became active in civic government (at the gate). When he was captured and when he was rescued from Sodom at the end, there is no mention of herdsmen, livestock, etc., only Lot and the women.

B. Vision Narrows When We're Alone.

Genesis 19:18-20 Lot said, “Please, no, my lords! You've increased mercy… by saving my life…but I can't escape to mountains, lest some evil overtake me & I die. See…this city…near…it's little…let me escape there…(isn't it little?)

1. Surrounded by Sodom's culture, familiar things seemed indispensable and doubly precious. Lot only saw his own desires, needs, etc. He had no will to escape and had to be literally pulled out before the city was destroyed and even then begged not to go where God wanted him to go. "No, Lord! I know you've saved me, but don't send me to mountains, I'll die there. Let me go to this city. It's small, it's not too much to ask, please" Apart from godly friendships and advice our faith rests in what we see and in what relates only to me. Did Lot think about his wife and daughters? Would his wife have looked back if they went to the mountains instead of to another city like Sodom?

a. Even in calamity, when we are closely connected with others our first thought isn't always for ourselves and we are more open to hearing what God says. We grow together.

b. Later on Lot is gripped by fear, looks around and thinks, "We better get out of Zoar." So what does he do? He further isolates himself in a cave which leads to more destructive behavior by his daughters who had been horribly schooled by the culture of Sodom.

Expl: Christians who don't have some close friendships in the church will often tend to pull away when problems arise in life or severe difficulty comes against them which is just the opposite of what they should do.

2. Lot Lesson: Close relationships with other Christians help us focus on God's priorities by providing the dialog we need to keep His priorities before us and to make choices based upon those priorities and think not only of me and my wants, needs, fears, etc.

Concl. So if I were to pick a role model would it be Lot? NOT! It is from him that we certainly learn what NOT to do. So our best choice is to do just the opposite of Lot.

1) Recognize the greatest blessings God offers are in a growing relationship with Him and the best way to cultivate that is a close association with others who are in love with Him. Find out how to draw nearer to other believers, how to build intimate connections to God's blessing.

2) Value the security that surrounds consistent participation with others growing together in this life of faith. We're in dangerous territory when we don't have Christian's with whom we discuss issues of faith, life experience, accountability, etc.

3) Learn to pursue God's priorities – loving God, loving others and understanding how those with whom we surround ourselves can influence our choices in life.

I'm saying we need a circle of faithful people we can "dwell" or share life with. As much as we need to gather for worship and corporate fellowship, we need a tight group with whom we live, stand, fight, and grow. Without them we're alone, vulnerable to whatever the enemy can throw at us. Can you name 6-10 Christians that you call close friends? People that you know love you so much that you can be open, honest, and candid? We want to help you find that kind of connectedness. Today let's pray that God shows us how to do that as a body together.