Summary: Dispelling the myths about the Bible, and its origins

The Bible Is The Word of God


Over the centuries Christians have been screaming just give us a reason to prove that the Bible is wrong. Give a reason to prove that it’s not the inspired word of God. Give us a reason to believe that its contradictions an errors and inaccuracies’. Give us a reason proof it archeology, prove that the Bible is wrong scientifically. Prove that the Bible is wrong historically. Just give us a reason.

You know over thousands of years countless men and women have made it their mission to destroy the Bible and its credibility. The world has been gunning for the Bible for thousands of years, trying to disprove and discredit it. That it’s not the word of God. Men and women have made every breath of their life dedicated to destroying the credibility of the Bible. One of the greatest stories of this is the famous writer Voltaire in the 1700’s who claimed “in 100 years” Voltaire said “the Bible will be forgotten and I will make sure of it.” Well guess what happened… 100 years later Voltaire was long since dead when the Geneva Bible Society actually purchased his house to print Bible’s out of it. Voltaire was wrong. In 100 years the Bible was not going to be forgotten. Countless men and women have made it their life mission and focused every single breath on discrediting the word of God, Yet the Bible stands true.

You know one of the most common things I hear time after time is this whole business of translation error and I can understand this misconception. People will come to me and they will say “Kyle how can the Bible be accurate when it’s been translated from language to language to language to language to language to language and eventually to English. I mean there is no way that can be true” And I have to admit that would be a major problem. You know it’s like the telephone game. You say one thing pass it on pass it on pass it on by the end it’s not at all what you said. However it is a misconception because we have over 6000 copies of the New Testament, for example that all say the same thing. The Bible that we have today is not a translation that is worked from language to language to language to language to language to language to English. It’s actually a one-step translation straight from the Greek manuscripts that we have into English. So you don’t have that problem you don’t have that discrepancy. One version might say Jesus Christ and another copy might say Jesus. You have very minor grammatical inconsistencies over the 6000 copies. But they all say the same thing and they are a direct translation to English.

One of the reasons I firmly believe the Bible is in fact the word of God is because archeology supports it. Year after year archeological digs are unearthed that consistently prove the Bibles accuracy there is not one archeology finding that has ever flown of the face of the Bible. I mean how is that possible?

One of the main problems with the Bible for many skeptics for a very long time had everything to do with the crucifixion, because for so very long man said there is no way that Rome crucified men. We have no proof of that yet the Bible hangs on this story of Jesus being crucified then risen again three days later. How is that possible Rome didn’t do this. However in 1968 we dug up proof that the Romans did indeed crucify men. For so long that the huge criticism was there that there is no such person as Pontius Pilate, who was at the trial of Jesus. Yet in 1961 proof was discovered. The same can be said concerning Caiaphas who was a high priest. 1990 we dug up proof that Caiaphas indeed existed. We have unearth so many cities that historians have said we can’t believe the Bible because we have never even heard of this city, we have never heard of this nation we have never heard of this ruler and then Whoops! One by one, year after year dug up proven that the Bible is indeed 100% accurate. Archeology proves the Bible is the word of God. I believe that the Bible is the word of Gob because science agrees. Yes I said science. You see the Bible is so far ahead of its time when it has to do with science. I look at verses like Isaiah 51:13. It says “that the stars in the Heavens can never be counted”. Remember that this was written at a time when all of man firmly believed that with the world being flat that what we saw in the sky was what we saw. And while it would be a daunting task you could actually count the stars man thought. I mean you all have been outside on a dark night out in the country. My friends and I got out to the edge of Canada every year and we go out at night and its pitch black and the stars make the sky look dirty there are so many of them. But if that were all the stars there were, it would be hard but I could see how they could be counted and that’s what man thought. But the Bible went against that and said there is no way you can count them. We now understand clearly that the stars could never be counted, exactly what the Bible had said that flew in the face of common thinking of that time.

To man back then without telescopes every star looked the same. Every star was this white sphere of light that all looked the same. So the theory went with mankind that all the stars were the same. The Bible actually says something very different about this. The Bible tells us the stars are not the same and it tells us this in the New Testament. In 1 Corinthians 15:41 “The stars are all differently beautiful works of God.” That flew in the face counter of what man thought.

You look at dinosaurs. The Bible mentions dinosaurs in the book of Job way before man started even making an account of them. I love this scientific fact in the Bible: Job 26:7 says this “the Earth hangs in space.” Now we hear that today and we go “So what, of course the earth hangs in space”. But you have got to think back to when the Bible was written to make a statement like this does in the book of Job that the earth hangs in space is amazing. We know from history that humans on earth firmly believe that the earth was flat and I guess I don’t really blame them. If I was living without the science we know now I would just assume everywhere I walk is flat so the earth has got to be flat. That oceans got to have this edge that you just fall off the face of it. The world believe the earth was flat but in fact we see in the book of Isaiah way back in the Old Testament 40:22 that the earth was a sphere that the earth was round. And on and on the Bible proves scientifically that it knew things man could not possibly know. The Bible is not a book of science that is not its intent but it’s amazing as you study the Bible how much science you see in there that only God could possibly know.

I also believe that the Bible is the word of God because prophesy supports that. The Bible predicts the future. Why is this important? This is important because no other religion has prophesy’s like this in their book. You know why? Because they would be crazy to! Why would you put a prophesy in your book that might not come true then everything is ruined. It’s really really risky, yet the Bible is littered with them. There are hundreds of detailed prophesy’s concerning Jesus Christ himself. Who he would be, where he would come from, when he would be born, where he would be born. It is unmistakable when Jesus shows up on the scene. All the prophesy’s in the Old Testament alone it is unmistakable who he is. How is that possible without God’s intervention? Critics have no idea how to deal with this. How is this possible?

Let me put it this way. In order for all of these prophesy’s to become true which they did through Jesus Christ it would be like this: taking the entire state of Texas and filling it 2 feet deep with silver dollars. You take a man that’s blindfolded and walk him into the state of Texas to find one coin that you have specifically marked. That is the chance of all these prophesy’s actually coming through concerning Jesus Christ. There is just no answer when it comes to prophesy in the Bible other than it came straight from God.

I think one of the clearest pictures for believing that the Bible is the inspired word of God is simply found in its unity. Let’s put this into perspective. The Bible was written with 66 books, by 40 authors over a span of 1500 years. You have books in the Bible covering history, books in the Bible covering philosophical thinking, books in the Bible covering theological thinking, books in the Bible covering systematic thinking. All of these books written by different men over this long period of time all say the same thing. You see God’s fingerprint throughout the entire thing. And I think for me, personally, the best way that I in my life can physically see and believe with all of my heart that the Bible is in fact inspired is in fact the word of God is how God ties everything together from beginning to end in the Bible. No man could ever do this so unmistakably from cover to cover the book of Genius to the book of Revelation over thousands of years perfectly tied in. The Bible is seamless. It’s a beautiful story written by God that starts with his wonderful creation. You think about creation and the Bibles account, about 150 years ago Darwin came up with evolution and the world said YES! Finally we have proof WHAOO! And slowly the scientific secular community has been leaving evolution at an alarming pace because it’s just bad science. And while you may not create God in creating the Earth you certainly can’t believe in evolution it’s just not a good answer.

The Bible starts with the story of creation. That God created all that we see then sin entered the world with Adam and Eve. So God has to start a plan in motion for our salvation. And out of this precious Garden of Eden God does what; he disperses man over the entire earth in the Bible. God builds his kingdom of Israel and he delivers them time and time again they turn against him and he delivers them they fail him and he delivers them in the Old Testament. All the while he is setting them up for the ultimate deliverer, in the coming of a Savior, a King, a Deliverer that would save them for all of eternity and that’s Jesus Christ. The Bible in the Old testament sets up the New Testament sets up Jesus we roll into the life of Jesus. God starts the church as we know it He starts Christianity and lastly God gives us insight into our future in the book of Revelation.

You cannot just have a perfect beautiful seamless package like that if men over 1500 years wrote it on their own. Simply no way. There is just so much overwhelming evidence that the Bible is the inspired supernatural word of God. You cannot possibly criticize it with any good solutions of your own without saying “Ok I don’t understand it but I cannot prove it to be wrong.” How is that possible? Overwhelming evidence the Bible is the word of God yet despite all of this evidence that would take years and years to preach on despite it all the truth of the matter is: you don’t have to believe if you don’t want to.


I will tell you what’s been bothering me over the last year to two and half years here’s what’s been bothering me. I have been looking at the clock consistently at eleven minutes past the hour. It’s been driving me crazy. It started at 3:11 and I saw 3:11 all the time even in the morning when I woke up you know, during the day, then it moved to 7:11. Saw some 8:11 saw 9:11 and when it really got crazy it was 11:11 driving me nuts! Anybody have this problem? Maybe it’s with a different number? Yeah if you don’t see 11 after the hour you will now you’re welcome. I was seeing it all over the place and it was driving me crazy.

I want to welcome the Toledo campus to service as well as the Whitehouse campus and all of you at Perrysburg as we study this topic is the Bible the word of God. When I ask Christians that a lot “do you believe this is the word of God” the answer I get more than any is “yes I do believe this is the word of God” Well “Why do you believe it’s the word of God” “Because it says so” Ok there is nothing wrong with that and it does say so. Good that is a fantastic answer the problem with that I have is the skeptic or the critic in your life that you know that you love that God has placed there maybe through a job maybe someone you work with maybe a family member that doesn’t mean anything to them. I am well aware that many Christians would be perfectly fine with a topic like this with me coming down the stairs with me giving you a 30 second blurb on why God wrote the Bible. Then you could write it down and memorize it, then you could go use it in your life time and time again and that’s all you would need. You would be fine if I did that and I left. But I am not going to do that because we all have homework to do. Why? Because this has a commandment inside of it that says “that you and I as Christians you have got to why it is that you believe what you believe. You have got to know that. It is not good enough to say I have faith I believe it. You have to know why it is you believe what you believe to give an account when people ask you those kinds of questions.

Never let the church tell you what you’re supposed to believe. Don’t you ever let a pastor tell you what you’re supposed to believe. Don’t you ever let a priest tell you what you’re supposed to believe. Don’t you dare let me tell you what you’re supposed to believe. This is between you and God and His inspired word. That he works through your life you will find out what you believe but you have got to know. It’s so very important. In my 15 years of being a pastor here I have encountered skeptics many critics over the years that I have had lunch with you know, emailed with, and hung out with in the lobby. Tried to avoid sometimes running into broom closets. I have many encounters with many, some people in my life who are not Christians are big skeptics of the Bible and we have wonderful conversations in love about the Bible and all this kind of thing that I believe in. 95% of the critics and the skeptics that I deal with 95% of them have no clue why they believe what they believe. No clue whatsoever. The truth is it’s a lot harder to create than it is to destroy right? My God is in the business of creating most of the critics and skeptics that I have dealt with in my life can’t even begin to wrestle with things like good and evil, justice, or where they are going to go when they die. Or things like creation. You have got to remember while we are talking about this that I don’t see it anywhere in the Bible that it is our job to make sure everyone on planet earth believes this is the word of God. That is not our job. Our job is to tell everyone that this is the word of God and tell everyone what he does in our lives. But it is not our job to make them believe it. To do it in love by the way very important, to do it in love.

That’s why I love the Ripley’s theme we have going. Right! Ripley’s is this company that has made an incredible fortune on a very simple motto that goes something like this: Ripley’s Believe it or Not! So what Ripley’s is saying is, “we don’t care if you believe it, and we are going to show you something disgusting, we are going to show you something unbelievable and you can believe it or not, doesn’t mean it’s not true.” And it’s the same deal with God’s word. You have got a choice, just because you don’t believe it doesn’t change that it’s true.

Last week Lee was talking about Christianity and he mentioned that yeah we are based on faith right but not stupidity. Lee talked about the fact that we can defend Christianity with logic the very thing that is used against Christianity. You can easily defend Christianity. Who all took a logic course in college raise your hand. Yeah worst class of my life. I took logic at UT and then I dropped out of college 3 months after that, that’s not a big deal don’t worry about that that’s a whole different message for a different time. I took logic down at Seagate Center at UT and I remember sitting in that class going “what is this guy talking about” Well 16-17 years later here I stand and I have a different take on logic. I actually love studying it now, because it’s used against Christianity a lot. A lot of critics and skeptics will say it’s just not logical in the end that you got some God right, that created all things then He sent His “Son” It doesn’t sound logical that good people will eventually end up in Hell, like Lee will be talking about next week. That doesn’t make sense to me it’s not logical. Let me tell you something about logic, ok are you ready for this, logic belongs to God because God invented the universe, and all of the physical laws therefor within. God invented the mathematics and natural and the true phenomenon that occur in. Existence, existence in itself has order because God gave it order. Logic is true friends not because it’s logical but because it’s the very reflection of God’s nature. Absolute order and truth, therefor logic in the end belongs to God and can only be used properly by Him and in matter that pertain to Him.

Man I love honey, you guys like honey? Honey is awesome. You now you don’t put it on everything but you put it on some stuff and it’s always there when you need it. You know you go in the pantry and you have that clear plastic bear that’s just standing there with a huge party hat on right? And he is ready dude, anytime you need honey and what great about is that its always perfect when I need it. Huh That’s because honey never spoils. Never gets old. It’s the only food that never spoils. True fact, believe it or not. They have found sealed up honey in thousands and thousands year old ancient tombs and the honey is crystalized cause that’s what honey does, all you have to do is heat it up and that honey is perfectly fine or any of us to eat. Perfectly fine for you to eat thousands and thousands year old honey because it never spoils. God knows this. Listen to what the Bible says in Psalms 19 and 119. The Bible the word of God is compared to honey. Fact that it never spoils. Let me tell you what spoils, here’s what spoils. Man’s failed attempt over thousands of years to discredit what the Bible says. You have to understand that philosophies have risen up against it, trends have risen up against the Bible, right, new ways of thinking and enlightenment have risen up against the Bible yet somehow you tell me the word of God has remained just a fresh relevant, unshaken and absolutely 100% true now as it was then. Just heat it up in your heart and watch it sweeten your life. God knows exactly what he is talking about.

To the critic- I imagine there are more in this service at all of our campus’ no matter where you are sitting right now than at any of our other services. If you’re watching on the internet right now and you’re the critic you’re the skeptic I want to say something of love to you. But I want you to understand- that your ideas that you have are absolutely nothing new to God. Not even close. No matter how enlightened you think you are. Nothing new to God.

To the Christian- the Christ follower- the person here who has Jesus Christ in there heart as Lord and Savior, has surrendered their heart to Him. I want to say this: The Bible tells us to hide this word in our hearts because it’s never going to spoil. It’s always going to be there when you need it. Treat it like it’s the word of God. We don’t do that a whole lot do we? Treat it like it’s the word of God. What if we never had this, this doesn’t exist, we don’t even have church. One day you wake up out of nowhere and BOOM in your living room floor this big cloud of smoke and this thing is lying on the floor and you pick it up and this voice of God says “Kyle to youith I givith the Bibleith” God spoke in King James if you didn’t know that. “I give it to you and all of mankind” and you would be like “Thank you!” That’s not the way it works. It’s here so we know what it is so we just set it down and let it collect dust. I know it’s the word of God but man I am busy I have stuff going on, right that’s how it works. What if we actually treated it like it was the word of God, because it says that it is. Listen to what Gandhi says, yeah Gandhi, he says this “you Christian’s have within your keeping a document with enough dynamite to explode civilization, to turn society upside down, to bring peace to this war torn world. But you read it” Gandhi says “as if its just good literature and nothing else.” It took someone like Gandhi to wake Christians up on this subject. How many of us treat this like just good literature and nothing else?

But Kyle in essence the Bible was written by man. Am I right on that? I would say yes you are absolutely correct on that, the Bible says that it was written by man, but with an inspiration divinely by God. You see God not only gave the message of scripture, he not only gave the words to write but God communicated it in such a way that was understandable and believable, isn’t that amazing! Yes, Yeah I think it is! It’s amazing that a God so complex we can’t even begin to get in his brain, we have no clue we can’t even fathom what’s going on inside of his head. He wrote a book for us and he not only made it understandable but he made it believable, and I love that about him but to the skeptic he will say “Kyle I don’t really care” man still wrote the Bible.” Yes man still wrote the Bible inspired by God. I will ask this of you give me another book that man has written that can even hold a candle to this. Give me just one. Give me one that holds no errors whatsoever and has been under such intense scrutiny as this has for thousands of years. It holds up over the centuries as all of the other books than men have written have completely fallen by the way side due to folklore or fallen by the way side due to fiction or fallen to the way side due to some crazy religious book that there are all these errors and non-prophecies in anyway. This is not what we have here. Every other book has fallen aside because it’s lacking proof or it’s both historically or archaeologically or scientifically. You cannot show me another book that can hold a candle to this. Not the skeptic, no one. And people know that. So show me Kyle, show me that God wrote the Bible. Here’s what I say: would someone please show me that He did not. Anyone in this world show me that He did not, you can’t do it. And I would love to meet you; I would really love to meet you, because you would be the first human in all of history to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that God did not write the Bible exactly as it claims he did. You know for once I say to the skeptic all the time I am sick of it, why don’t you create something instead of destroy it. Create something offer a viable solution would you please. Now if your solution is this, that we are all here accidently and nothing has a purpose, we came from nothing and when we die we go to nothing, I understand that I have civil conversations with people who claim that all the time. If that is your claim, nothing nothing nothing, then I will say this, well that is great but let me tell you in the end buddy you got a lot more to explain than I do. You have a lot more to account for than I as a Christian do. Because all attempts to discredit the Bible as being divinely inspired have completely failed, they have completely failed, other than this to say in the end “I just don’t believe it.” And that’s ok, that’s your right to say “I just don’t believe it”.

Let me explain this to some of you if you don’t know this, in the new testament there are countless men and women who walk and talk with Jesus Christ himself even relatives of his that loved him, hung out with him they saw him perform miracles that only God could do. They heard teachings from him that only God could know. They walked and talked with Jesus as you know a woman touched his robe and was healed and as he healed the blind with mud. They saw everything he was doing, they were right there guys rubbing shoulders with Jesus Christ the Son of God. And in the end the Bible says they didn’t believe. Even though they were walking and talking with him they didn’t believe he was the Son of God. This is nothing, nothing new to God. Because kings and kingdoms have risen up time and time again against it and guess what, it has not budged one inch, not an inch that’s the team I want to be on.

Here’s an opinion that I have, just an opinion, I get fired up about this but I am sick of it. I think that far too many Christians are playing it safe. That is just my opinion. Far too many Christians are playing it safe and they have sort of just turned into human punching bags. For what? For worldly ideas and worldly philosophies that in the end offer no proof of their own. So many Christians are getting beat up by worldly philosophies and ideas who offer no answers on their own, other than “wow we sure are lucky this just happened to come together so intricately right? Thanks to a bang and fish turning into a monkey. Somehow turning into the most intricate of all things that we see in the design universe, accidently resulting in something as crazy and unexplainable as the human eye, man we are lucky, thank you” What an incredible accident. Are you kidding me! Is this what we are up against? Christians are getting beat up over that all the time, are you kidding me, you tell me what sounds crazy. Guess who doesn’t want me to preach this message, guess, Satan. Why, because the last thing Satan wants is a bunch of Christians who are on fire, running around defending what this says in the face of these claims that hold no value of their own that is not what Satan wants. But it’s so simple to do. Look, look into the universe at night. Astronomers see order in the universe and don’t know how to explain it. I see order in the universe; I see order in the human anatomy. My wife is in nursing school and she is almost done and I see some of the books she is going through and I don’t understand any of it you know but I am amazing constantly how much order is in the human anatomy, I see order in that. Guess what I see in the Bible I see order and God says over and over again, “I am behind it.” “That’s my finger print on the universe on the intricacies of your body. That’s the fingerprint of my book its order.” God says prove me wrong. Yet we cower in the face of criticism. We are the only ones with the answer why would we cower?

Back in high school the best test you could possibly get from the teacher was the open book test. It’s like why? I don’t even understand your giving me, I mean what kind of teach are you? Cause I was a jock and I never studied and I had like a 1.4 or something in high school. It was unbelievable it was horrible. Why am I telling you guys that, I have no idea. But I was awful and I have the grade cards to prove it. But when the open book test came I was like THANK YOU. Here is the problem with that though, if you’re going to do well on that one you have to know what’s in the book and you better know where to find it, yeah you better know where to find it. All this time the last 2 year or 3 years I guess it was, seeing the clock at eleven after the hour driving me crazy, I decided that I had enough of it. I looked it up online and there are all these stupid new age answers as to why you see the number eleven or eleven eleven, it’s all garbage, so I decided to conduct an experiment on my own right, even though I didn’t go to college. I decided to change the number from eleven to sixteen. For no reason what so ever other than sixteen is five better than eleven I have no significant attachment to the number sixteen I just wanted to change it so I changed it to the number sixteen guess what happened, guess what happened when I changed the number to sixteen. Yeah I started to see sixteen after the hour all over the place and I kept seeing eleven so don’t do that. That sucks, sixteen eleven now what then I am seeing my birthday 8:27 STOP. What is it about that sixteen, then I realized the answer to this problem if you have been suffering from this as well, here is the reason it’s not rocket science, uh your just looking at the clock way to much. I am not kidding you’re looking at the clock way to much right because the more you look at the clock the higher the percentage is that you’re going to see something, now compounded on that is that your actually looking, a cognizant decision, you know for a number you’re going to see it when you’re looking a lot you’re going to see it when you’re looking for something. So it goes with the word of God if you’re not looking for something you’re never going to see anything. It’s no wonder the critic the skeptic can’t see what we see in the Bible as Christians as Christ followers, those who have Christ in their heart. It’s not a blind faith that we are chasing after it’s the Holy Spirit inside of us, illuminating us with its light that we can follow. They are not going to see the same things. You’re not going to see anything in this that is going to change your life if you’re not looking, let alone looking for something, what are you looking for. Answer that what are you looking for?

Friends beyond all the science that we saw up there beyond all archeology, philosophy, theology and prophesy, beyond it all screams this order and divine intelligence throughout the scriptures throughout it all comes this laser like focus straight to the heart of God almighty who shakes the very universe to its core when it resounds in our hearts in those moments of our life with the human element in our deepest desperation when we fall to our knees and we cry out to him. We cry out God can you hear me? Can you know me? Do you see me? Will you please save me? If you read the Bible like it’s just another religious book you are going to miss the God connection that starts in creation and moves through salvation that has your name on a dotted line the entire way through it. You are going to completely miss the personal aspect of the Bible. The Bible reminds us friends that amongst all the imperial evidence that we see as proof in the scripture that in the end that’s not the purpose of the Bible. Right, even though it’s all in there the purpose isn’t to just take this big book of facts and roll it up and hit someone over the head. It’s all in there, but that’s the purpose of a manmade book. When man writes a book he says “Here are the things you must follow and this is what you will do.” When God writes a book something completely different happens. He has this way of showing us that he completely understands exactly who you are. Amidst it all He knows your name. He knows your name. Out of all the big theological words and all the seminary classes you can take and big stuff that will confuse and confound them throw all that garbage out, I will tell you what this means to me. This shows me that He knows me period that’s it period. You want proof it shows me the He knows me, that He has a plan when sin happened in that Garden of Eden so long ago between Adam and Eve. God put a plan into motion that very moment that would pay the highest price His son Jesus Christ to come for a ransom for my sin. Are you kidding me? God has a plan, and He is never going to let you go. Friends it’s God’s very words that shape that course of human history written so that you and I would have absolutely no doubt whatsoever in our minds that this is for us.

Would you pray with me-

Heavenly father is a very intense subject. One that kind of blows our minds that amidst all the unbelievable things that we see in your nature and your creation and how complex something’s are that we just have no explanation for amidst it all you love us and you know us. God I know that that criticism rises up against Christianity is nothing new you have dealt with it for so long, so my prayer right now is for the critic or the skeptic that is in our midst right here right now either at Perrysburg, or sitting in a seat in Toledo or Whitehouse, in this moment watching online the critic the skeptic that you will just start to infuse their heart with peace that surpass’ all the understanding they are desperately trying to grab hold of from this worlds philosophies and philology’s my you give them an open heart right now, an open mind to the one true viable answer. God for the Christians who are here who have been punching bags for so long, I pray that you spark in courage not to go slaughter the hill for you but to go out and lay claim to what is right fully yours. The people that you came and died for that we would start showing that love. That we would start defending you, in the same way we would defend our own children. Because you gave it all. Give us that kind of courage. We want to do it for you not for our gain but because you deserve it and we owe it to you so please get us searching the scriptures and please fill us up so that we may give an account for what we believe. God all the while in the end we are going to keep smiling and keep rejoicing because we realize that the awesomeness of you. We can’t even phantom but you know exactly who I am, you know who we are, you know our names no matter who we are what we are going through in life the hardships that we are encountering in the end God you know exactly who we are. That gives us peace and joy and a smile of gratitude we thank you for that we give you the praise it’s in your name Amen
