Summary: Jesus and Peter walk on water. You have heard numerous sermons on this event. Is there more to be learned?

The event that changed the world.

Mathew 14:22-33

How many times over the years have you heard a sermon about Jesus and Peter walking on the water? 2-3-4-More? You would think by now that I would have learned all that I could have learned about this. But is just not the case. I was helping my prayer partner study for a sermon he was to preach on this passage when he said something that just opened my eyes. I thought about it for days. This one point made me realize that I too must preach this message.

I am not going to preach the same message he preached, I will cover a few of the same things. Because we studied together I am not sure what points the Lord revealed to him and what I received. When I reach the point he made that so intrigued me, I will mention it.

I want to set the stage for what occurred before this passage so that you will have it all in context. It was a long hard day for Jesus and the disciples. Jesus had been teaching in the morning. About midday Jesus was informed that John the Baptist had been killed.

Jesus tried to get away to morn and pray, but the crowds would not leave him alone. He taught and healed until evening. Then he fed 5000 men plus women and children. As evening drew near our story begins.

Here are a few pictures of the Sea of Galilee just so you can get an idea. The Sea of Galilee is 14 miles long and 3-7miles wide 150 feet at it’s deepest. Now for a guy from Colorado this is a huge body of water. Before I went to Israel I thought Sloan Lake was big. I never saw the ocean until I went to Israel. Its location makes for frequent storms. It is 700 feet below sea level and is surrounded by hills as high as 2000 feet. The wind whips through those high hills, the shallow depth allows for big waves to form. Today this body of water is in danger of dying. It is fed by a small stream and salt water springs that flow through the sea floor. So much water is drawn off for irrigation that it is in danger of turning brackish because of the salt springs.


So look at the screen here so you can see what is happening. They are in Bethsaida and intend to go to Capernaum. This is a trip of about 4 miles, a one hour boat ride. I assume that they could walk

But I am sure going by boat is faster and easier.


Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.

V 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came he was there alone, 24 but the boat was already a considerable distance from the land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

He made them get into the boat. It was Jesus desire that they be in the boat. The disciples were right where Jesus wanted them.

Peter, James, Andrew and John are experienced fishers and boatmen. These types of storms were not uncommon for them. The disciples are not in apparent danger. This is not a dangerous storm, unlike the one previously in Mat 8:23when the disciples had to wake Jesus to calm things down. Why are the disciples in this situation? Why are they out in a storm? Because they were being obedient to the Lord. If we believe that Jesus knows all things, he must have known that he was sending them out in a storm. Yet he still sent them. They were in this storm because they were being obedient to Christ. There is a lesson for us here. Being obedient to Christ does not protect us from the storms of life. Storms affect the obedient and disobedient alike. Living in a fallen world means we will all face the storms of life. If you are a child of Christ, Jesus will watch over you when those storms hit.

Mark chapter 6:45-53 tells of the same event we are talking about here. Mark includes a detail not mentioned in this account.

Mark 6:48 He saw the disciples straining against the oars, because the wind was against them.

The disciples were on the boat and Jesus was on the hillside praying and yet, he was still watching over them. The disciples are precious to Jesus. They may not realize it but, Jesus was not going to let the disciples face a storm alone.

People are precious beyond explanation. My wife is precious to me, my daughter is precious, and life is precious. We are precious to God.

My collector car is precious to me. But my car, is here for a while and then gone. God created us to be eternal, therefore God created us to be eternally precious. His love for us is eternal. We are precious to him for all time. The things that are precious to us we watch over well, God is no different.

My car is precious to me because it is the hard work of my hands. Let’s look at some of the work of Jesus hands.

(Shows photographs from Hubble telescope.)

I showed a few of these photos in my last sermon. They just blow me away. The magnitude of Jesus’ creation is so huge. The word says his greatest creation is man. The Jesus, who made all creation, created you and will watch over you in every storm.

The trip from Bethsaida to Capernaum is about 4 miles. In good weather it could be rowed in about 1 hour. They had been rowing 8-10 hours. They could have gone back. They probably could have gone to shore in several places and waited out the storm. But that is not where Jesus wanted them. All three Gospel accounts of this say this exactly the same way “Jesus made them get into the boat” Storm or not, one thing was sure; Jesus wanted them in that boat. There is one other thing they knew for sure; there is safety in the will of Jesus. The disciples belong to Jesus, you belong to Jesus. Just like the disciples you are precious to him and are never out of his sight.

Are you facing a storm at your place or work? Jesus is watching over you. Do you have a stormy marriage? Jesus is watching over you. Do you have no job, can’t pay your bills? Jesus is watching over you. Do you have serious health problems? Jesus is watching over you. There is safety in the boat of obedience. Stay there and wait, Jesus is coming.

V 23

After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came he was there alone.

It seemed a little strange to me that they were out in a boat at night. Then I remembered in John chapter 21 the disciples fished all night out in a boat. Being on the water at night must be a common practice.

They left before evening came. Just so we can get an approximate reference let us say 6pm. They rowed somewhere between 9 and 12 hours.

Over the years I have heard preachers speak and criticize the disciples. They seem to think that they all should have jumped out of the boat with Peter. Can’t you just see it 12 people strolling around the lake and no one steering the boat. They worked alongside Jesus all day long and now without sleep are out on the lake in a storm all night long. With all of this going on, I think they all acted well.

V 25-26

During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them walking on the lake, they were terrified. It’s a ghost they said and cried out in fear.

So here is how we know how long they had been rowing. It was the fourth watch of the night. Each watch of the night lasts 3 hours. The first is from 6-9pm the second 9-12 the third is 12-3am the fourth 3-6am. They entered the boat at sundown it is now 8 or more hours later.

In my younger days I had criticized the disciples too. What a bunch of babies! They may not have known what it was, but a ghost, come on.

At the age of 23 the Lord called me to become a missionary in Israel. After living in Israel I understood. Israel may be the most spiritually active place in the world. In those days Jerusalem was at the trading crossroads for the known world. People from all over came through there to trade. They brought their false gods with them. Good and bad spirits abounded. Just think of the number of demons Jesus encountered.

Amazingly, it is not much different today. Walking through the streets you can see Jews, Christians, and Muslims. You may also see Seeks, Tibetan monks, and Hare Krishna and more. In 1978 the mission team I was part of was about 80 strong. Two people in that group had the gift of discernment of spirits. Both were close friends of mine. Walking through Jerusalem with them was an interesting experience. I didn’t notice a thing unusual, but my friends often had difficult time traversing the city. They would get distressing feelings many times a day. Some of the places I liked best, they were unable to remain in.

I have gotten off track a little bit but it is not surprising that the disciples tired as they were, thought they saw a ghost.

V 27

Jesus immediately said to them; take courage! It is I, don’t be afraid.

Do you feel like your life resembles a boat in a storm? Jesus says take courage! Take courage. Do you feel you might just sink? Take courage. Jesus is coming. He is coming! And when he comes, you will need courage. When Jesus came to the disciples he came in a way they had never expected. They needed courage to face the unexpected. You will need courage too. When he comes for you, just like when he came for the disciples, He is likely to come in a way you would never expect.

Think about it.

Jesus often answers prayer in ways we never expect. Have you or someone you know been underemployed. Did you strain to make a go of things? Did you pray for a promotion at work and then get fired. Take courage. Did Jesus free you up to take the better job? Did something that came along two days later? This kind of things happens often, when you put your trust in Christ.

I myself was driving to a sales appointment for my company. I was sure this sale would help my financial situation. I got a flat tire. I missed the appointment and lost the opportunity. I should have taken courage, Jesus was coming. When the mechanic fixed my flat he found the rim was badly cracked. My life was in danger. A flat tire was better than a lucrative sale.

Two months after Donna became pregnant with Kamie. I had a back injury, I needed surgery. The injury did not occur on the job. We received no workers comp, no income for 6 months. As hard as it was we took courage and trusted in the Lord. We watched our savings dwindle to zero. I borrowed $500.00 from my sister to make ends meet. Just before the baby was born I got a light duty job with full pay. The experience forced us to learn better budgeting. Two years later our financial situation was better than ever. I wanted the Lord to solve all my problems instantly. He came after we rowed that failing financial boat for hours. He did come, He was watching over us. When he comes in a way you don’t expect. Take courage.

V 28

Lord if it is you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water” “Come” He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

The disciples still safe in the boat of obedience, were waiting upon the Lord. They were still doing the right thing. Jesus is coming to them. Peter saw an opportunity and jumped on it. The disciples did a good thing (staying in the boat) Peter did another. It was not a good thing or a bad thing. It was a good thing and a better thing.

I would love to have seen Peter walk on the water. If we could observe his step I think we could see how fully he embraced the idea. I install ceramic tile for a living. Often my customers will walk on my floors when they are unsure if it is ready to support their weight. Sometimes they run across as if they think that if they take a faster step the floor won’t realize it was walked on. Some pick up their feet real high as if they can control the amount of weight they put down. Some do short dainty steps, dainty step must weigh less. No one who is unsure makes a step that resembles normal. Those who believe me when I say the floor is ready, walk with confidence. If we could see his step we could appraise his faith.

V 30

But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, Lord save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. You of little faith, why did you doubt?

I can not say that I specifically remember the details of any sermon that I have heard on this. I do remember criticism of Peter for taking his eyes off Jesus. Peter may have taken his eyes off Jesus, but Jesus, never took his eyes off of Peter. I think what Peter did was amazing. After being awake 24 hours in difficult circumstances, Peter still has the courage to step out of the boat. Jesus said take courage; Peter did. He was terrific. I think the reason people criticize Peter is because they think Jesus criticized Peter. Jesus said “you of little faith why did you doubt?” Because we are unable to hear the tone of Jesus voice we are unable to know how he intended it. I am sure this is not a criticism

What Jesus says is, you of little faith. Jesus likes and approves of little faith.

Math 17:20

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move.

A little faith is much better than no faith. Peter did not move a mountain, but what he did do was amazing, He walked on water out to Jesus, he slipped, got wet and then he walked with Jesus all the way back to the boat. Peter was as success. He did what Jesus did. No one else has done it before or after. The second thing Jesus said to him was “why did you doubt? Unfortunately the written word is unable to convey the feeling behind the words. I believe it is all in the tone. If Jesus said why did you doubt me? That would be a rebuke. I believe he put his arms around Peter and with a chuckle in his voice He said Peter Why did you doubt?

Jesus wants us to step out in faith. If faltering faith was a reason to get chewed out, I think I would stay in the safety of the boat. The disciples who stayed on the boat did not get a reprimand.

I don’t think Peter was reprimanded either. The disciples did nothing wrong staying on the boat, what they did was good. They just missed an opportunity to walk on water. This is what my friend said that got me jazzed up. “The disciples did a good thing, Peter did a better thing.”

V 32-33

And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him saying, “Truly you are the Son of God!”

I want to do a real quick review of the miracles that Jesus performed in the book of Mathew up to this point.

Up to chapter 4 Jesus did teaching.

Chapter 4 He Healed illnesses, diseases and cured the demon possessed.

Then more healing

Chapter 8 Heals leprosy, the centurion’s servant. More demons, more sick. Calmed a storm. Sends demons into a heard of pigs.

Chapter 9 forgave the sins of a paralytic man, then healed him.

Raised a ruler’s daughter from the dead. Drove a demon out of a mute man and restored his speech. Healed more sickness and diseases.

He did more teaching.

Chapter 12 Healed a man with a shriveled hand.

More teaching

Chapter 14 fed thousands with 5 loaves and 2 fish.

That brings us to the event that changed the world. What makes the event more significant than any others that led up to it? It is what happened afterward. They worshiped him. They called him the Son of God. It took them until this point to really get it. They worshiped him. The 12 people in that boat became the first Christians in the history of the world.

First 12 and then slowly more and more were added to their number. Those few became thousands. Those thousands became millions. And now there are billions.

Peter took a step of faith towards Jesus in a scary situation. Is it time you took a step of faith towards Jesus? Is it time for you to live your life for him? It is a simple decision to make. You do not have to get into a boat. You do not have to walk on water. All you have to do is tell someone “I have decided to follow Jesus” Tell anyone and it will be the first step of your miracle. It will be a miracle of your new and better life in Christ. After service I will be greeting people in the hallway outside. Come tell me you are going to be walking in faith, just like Peter. You and I will find a private place to pray and I will help you start your new life.