Summary: there are two different Greek words written here in this verse that hold great value to you…and your future Ministry…these two words are…aspires…and desires. By just speaking these two words aloud…they have very little significance. But when used to

Ordination Service

Slide # 1…the perfect pastor

I’d like to begin the service this morning by reading to you the job description for the perfect pastor.

-The perfect pastor always preaches what we want, and for only 15 minutes…and…12.5 minutes of his message includes jokes and stories.

-He preaches weekly on sin but never steps on anyone’s toe.

-He works from 8 AM to 10 PM everyday...not just on Sundays and Wednesdays

-He is 26 years old and has also been preaching for 30 years.

-The perfect pastor makes $40 a week, wears good clothes, drives a good car, buys good books, and donates $30 a week back to the church.

-He is tall and short, thin and heavy, and above all…he is very handsome.

-He has a burning desire to work with teenagers, and spends all his time visiting with older generation.

-He makes 15 visits a day to church members, spends all his time evangelizing the un-churched, and can always be found at the office.


Slide# 2

Read… 1Timothy 3:1

Chuck…there are two different Greek words written here in this verse that hold great value to you…and your future Ministry…these two words are…aspires…and desires.

By just speaking these two words aloud…they have very little significance.

But when used to explain the importance of the matter at hand…they both take on very important meanings.

Chuck…these two words should hold a very special place in your heart as you daily fulfill your calling God has placed on your life.

1st Timothy 3:1 says…”If anyone aspires to the office of overseer”

The word…Aspires…means “to reach out after”

…referring to an external action (outreach).

Reaching a lost world for Christ should be the number one concern of the pastor.

I need not remind you of the decaying world that you have been called to minister in.

The Dictionary defines the word aspire as… “to long, aim, or seek ambitiously; be eagerly desirous, especially for something great or of higher value.”

Chuck…there is no higher calling in life than the position you have been called to serve in.

Not only am I very proud of the life you have now chosen to follow…but God is proud and trusting in your faithfulness to Him

Next we read in 1st Timothy 3:1 “if anyone aspires to the office of overseer…he desires a noble task”.

The word desires…means “To have a strong passion” (this passion is seen in the heart)

The day you asked Jesus into your heart…your desire to serve Him began.

The dictionary defines the word desires as… “to wish or long for; crave; want”

Separately these two have two completely different meanings’…

But when used together…these two words describe the type on man who belongs in the ministry.

One who outwardly pursues…because he is driven by internally desires.

To be effective in the ministry… a man must hold on to both…(strong passions) for his calling…while also have a (burning desire) to reach out to those who need to hear the life changing message of Christ.

We read in the Bible from Matthew 22:14… “For many are called, but few are chosen.”

There is a reason that today is a very special day…not just for you Chuck…and not just for the church…but this is a very important day for God.

God realizes that there are a limited amount of men who not only (first) qualify in meeting the requirements of becoming a Pastor…but (secondly) far too few men are willing to surrender to the call.

Slide #3 …the requirements

We see in Tim.3:1 the passion and desires it takes to be in leadership…where in Tim 3:2-7 we find the very specific … requirements that are expected by a man of God. (read)

An overseer is a man called by God himself to lead in the church.

As a person reads through the N.T. scriptures…the words “Overseer”… “Bishop”…”Elder”…”and Pastor” often appear.

All these words are used interchangeably to describe the same man …one who has been called by God to serve in full time ministry.

The Pastors responsible is not only to be a leader in the church…but he is also responsible to preach and teach…to help the spiritually weak…care for the church grounds and building…but to also help mentor other men who are being called into the service of God

The pastor should also be known for his integrity…

and his Christian virtues.

He must be a man demonstrating truth…honesty…and irreproachable character.

Paul reminds Timothy that a Pastor must be gentle by nature.

He shared with Timothy that gentleness in ministry… is not a sign of weakness but a necessary ingredient for the work of the pastorate.

He must believe in his personal Testimony and use it as a passport in reaching out to his community.

Chuck…not only do you have a responsibility to God and the Church.

But you still have the responsibility of being a husband and a dad.

This is why we read in verses 4 and 5… “ He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, 5 for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church?”

Paul personally knew that ministry was very trying and demanding... It requires many unrewarded hours of service. This was one of the main reasons for the letter he left for Timothy

Chuck you too will be required to spend many trying hours away from your family and friends.

This is why it is so important that your spouse and your family are supporting your every move.

In Hornbeck Louisiana when I was ordained into the ministry…My Pastor (Mike Branch) shared with me these priceless words.

He said never forget the responsibility that you are being called on to do.

And no matter what happens as you serve Christ.

Remember that God must always come first in your personal life.

Your family comes second…and the church comes third.

Paul knew that Timothy was a man of Character and Integrity. This is why God called him into His service.

Chuck…in just a few moments you will be asked to come up to the pulpit and share your Testimony with God the church family here at VP.

I have personally known you now for 6 years and I can personally vogue for your Character.

When God called my family to Michigan you were one of the first men who showed up to help us unload our Penske truck.

You have always been known as a man who places God at the highest priority of life.

Uncountable times you went out of your way to personally serve God and my family in ways that never seemed to amaze me.

The church herself needs more men…men of integrity and flawless character like you possess to surrender to the highest calling.

I’m going to ask that you come up and share your testimony with the church at this time

Slide #4…Chuck –Testimony

Ordination questions…………………………….


Do you accept the Bible as Gods inspired, inerrant, indestructible, and indispensable word?

Do you understand the requirements, responsibilities and realities that are about to be placed upon you by being ordained and set apart as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ?

Do you agree to live by the requirements that are found in 1 Timothy ch. 3;4… 2 Timothy ch. 2; 4… and Titus ch 1 that explain the profile of a Godly Pastor.

Are you ready and willing to accept and assume the responsibility to preach, to mentor, and minister to the needs of those present here today…as well as those who live in this community?

Will you willingly give of yourself sacrificially and without reserve to the educating …edification…and equipping of the body of Christ?

Will you commit to be diligent in the study of God’s word…faithful in prayer?

Recognizing the sacred responsibility of your call and aware of your own human weakness, will you continuously seek the leadership and empowerment of the Holy Spirit in order that you may be a faithful minister of Him who has called you?

Pray w/ the MMT for Chuck

Charge to the family:

Chuck…if you would rejoin your family I would like to say a few words to them.

Mandy…you should be so proud of your husband! The work he has been called to do is honorable...and noble.

He needs your personal prayers… and he needs your daily support to help him in his ministry.

There will be times that you being his life partner will be the only sounding board that he can vent to…besides God.

It is just as vital that you remain committed to the call of serving right alongside of him.

Jacob…Chloe…Kayley… you too should be proud of your daddy.

Having a dad that is a pastor will open up the world to you.

You will become friends with missionaries and their children that live all around the world.

This is a big day… and it marks a new journey for each of you.

Mandy and kids…I want you to remember that when times are hard and sacrifices are being made.

It is a good work that Chuck and your dad is doing… because it is the Lord’s work.

He is going to need your support and encouragement…and all your prayers. ..can you do that?

Charge to the Church:

And finally before closing I would like to address you all…the Church.

Hebrews 13:7… says “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith”

There will be times when you may disagree with the decisions that Chuck will make as one of your pastors…but I charge you before God and these witnesses to love him and give him the respect he deserves as a servant of God.

You are responsible to lift up your pastor in prayer…asking God to protect and encourage not only his ministry…but his family as well.

The Bible also teaches the church that Godly pastors are worthy of double honor.

1 Timothy 5:17-18 “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. 18 For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.”

The Bible teaches that you… the church… have a financial responsibility toward your pastor and his family as well as a responsibility as a follower of Christ Himself.

Ephesians 4 speaks of a pastor as a gift from God.

This church is growing because of your love and compassion to Love Christ.

You are the reason that that God has called him/them here.

I would like to close this morning’s service with these parting words from Hebrews 13:17…

“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.”

In all honesty this morning…we are all very fortunate that God has called and allowed a man of God like Chuck to VP to help us in our ministry.

As I mentioned before…there are far too few who are willing to go.

Do you the church of VP promise to fulfill your obligation and duty by supporting this man and his family as he serves in this community?