Summary: Many misinterpret second coming prophecy because they do not know its purpose. It is not to inform us about events. It is not to identify the anti-Christ. It is to inspire us to obedience.

The Purpose of Second Coming Prophesy

2 Thessalonians 3:4-13

Thomas Fuller was born in Africa about 1710. He was sold as a slave in Virginia in 1724. There is some disagreement about whether someone taught him to count to 100 or if he taught himself. He never had a day of formal education.

He taught himself to figure in his head how many shingles were needed when roofing a building and how many fence posts were needed to enclose an area. Eventually, he learned to figure the building materials for any construction project in his head quicker than 99 of 100 engineers with paper and pencil. He could observe land surveys and calculate the area. He went on to more complicated mental calculations. His abilities were not just urban legend. Among those who wrote about observing him was Benjamin Rush, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

One documented problem for testing him was about a farmer with 6 sow pigs. Each gave birth to 6 sows in a year. They all gave birth to 6 sows the next year. This continued for 8 years. With no education about sums of geometric progressions, exponential rules, or even exponential notation, he correctly calculated, that with no deaths the farmer will have 34,588,806 sows.

The first 6 give birth to 36, total 42. To do it on a calculator, enter 6 then multiply by 7. Multiply by 7 again for the second year, again by 7 for the third, until you calculate 8 years. Thomas Fuller did it in his head.

Near the end of his life, he was asked if he regretted not having a formal education. He said, “No, it be best I got no learning, for some men of great learning be great fools.”

“Some men of great learning be great fools.” This is often apparent in regard to the Bible. Interpreting for deaf college students for decades, I heard biology and anthropology profs mock creation. I heard English profs discuss the Bible as a product of primitive, human inspiration, as remarkable as the inspiration of William Shakespeare or Louis La’mour, but no more. Actually, I don’t remember them saying Louis La’mour was inspired but you know what I mean. Men of great learning can be great fools about the Bible.

Sometimes, preachers and teachers who know the content of the Bible can miss the point. I have noticed this particularly in regard to the second coming. Many people and groups get bogged down trying to interpret the signs or identify the anti-Christ. Many are guilty of the Thessalonian error.

Our passage follows teachings about the end times in chapter 2. Apparently, some thought the second coming would be so soon that they did not have to work. They confused the immanent coming with an immediate coming. Immanent means Jesus could come again at any time. An immediate coming means Jesus is coming again and he is coming now. Those who thought they did not have to work misunderstood the purpose of second coming prophecy.

The Thessalonian error was misunderstanding the purpose of end time prophecy. The purpose is not to identify the anti-Christ or to inform us of evens.

Others have misunderstood the purpose of second coming prophecy. Many people have been identified as the anti-Christ. Early Christians suspected some of the Roman emperors who persecuted them. Victims of the inquisition suspected some leaders of the Catholic Church. Some of you may have heard sermons comparing Hitler, Mussolini, or Hirohito to the anti-Christ. In my lifetime, I have heard or read speculation about Henry Kissinger, Prince Charles, and, more recently, Barack Obama.

Do any of you remember a booklet, “88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988"? Matthew 24:36 says no one knows the day or hour. The writer ignored that by pointing to a 3 day period, the feast of trumpets, in October, 1988. He said we can’t know the day, but we can know the 3 day period. He was wrong.

The most famous group for setting second coming dates may be the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Charles Russell believed Jesus would return in 1874. In 1877, he taught Jesus returned invisibly, contrary to scripture that says “every eye shall see him.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses later predicted that in1914 Armageddon would end. It had not even begun.

They said 1925 was a date firmly established in scripture, that they had more reason to believe the kingdom would be established in 1925 than Noah had to believe there would be a flood. Jesus did not return in 1925.

Jehovah’s Witnesses again expected Jesus to return in 1929. Before his return, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would be resurrected to announce his coming. A house called Beth-Sarim was built for them to live in when they came. Judge Rutherford, then President of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, graciously offered to live in the mansion and supervise its maintenance until they arrived. They did not rise and Jesus did not return in 1929.

I have heard testimonies of ex-JWs who believed the prophecies of Jesus returning in 1975. They talked about going door to door in affluent areas, picking the houses they wanted to live in when Jesus came again. Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught only 144,000 will make it to heaven. Other faithful Witnesses will be resurrected to live forever in paradise on earth. Many thought nice houses left behind by people who were not Witnesses would be free for the taking.

Sometimes, men of great learning be great fools, and sometimes they suffer for it. Listen to this.

"In view of the short time left, a decision to pursue a career in this system of things is not only unwise but extremely dangerous... Many young brothers and sisters were offered scholarships or employment that promised fine pay. However, they turned them down & put spiritual interests 1st," (Kingdom Ministry, July 1969, p 3).

Some Jehovah’s Witnesses, graduating high school, turned down scholarships. Some graduating college turned down promising jobs. Why? Because their leaders told them Jesus was coming in 1975. When their leaders were proven wrong, again, those scholarships and jobs had been given to others.

"Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end.” (Kingdom Ministry, May 1974, p 3).

Some Witnesses sold their homes and quit their jobs. They lived off the money from selling their homes while going door to door teaching a false gospel. In 1976, when their leaders were proven wrong, again, they had nothing left.

Many people and groups have committed the Thessalonian error. They misunderstood the purpose of end time prophecies. Sometimes, they suffered for it.

About 30 years ago, I read “The Bible & the Future.” Anthony Hoekema wrote something I had not heard about secondnd coming prophecies. It was a simple thing, but I had not heard it. Preachers and teachers I heard consistently stopped too early when dealing with the end time. The simple thing was that passages about the anti-Christ or signs of the end times consistently contain commands for Christians.

After the lessons on the end times in 2 Thessalonians 2, we have a full chapter telling us to keep busy. Let’s look at some other verses following end time passages.

1 Thessalonians 5:11.

When we see signs that the day of the Lord is coming, we should comfort and edify one another. We should encourage each other and build each other up.

2 Peter 3:11, 14.

There will be scoffers in the last days. When we meet scoffers, people who doubt Jesus and his return, we should continue to be Godly, to be holy in our conversations, in our way of life.

Luke 21:36.

When we see the signs Jesus tells us about in Luke 21, we should watch and pray.

Matthew 24:44-46.

We should be like the wise servant, continuing to do our job until our master returns. We should continue to fulfill our calling faithfully until Jesus comes again.

When Mt. Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, the city was buried for 1700 years. When it was rediscovered, artifacts left a detailed picture of what was happening in the city at the time. For example, archeologists could identify the time by the clothes people were wearing, the produce that was in season, and the stage of wine fermentation.

The most interesting artifact to me was a silhouette. The article I read was not clear if it was a scorch or a stain, but it was very detailed. It could be identified as a Roman soldier standing guard.

For hours, days, maybe weeks in advance Vesuvius was belching steam and spitting ash, but when the end came, the soldier fulfilled his duty faithfully. 1,933 years later, we do not know his name, but we know he did his duty. 1,933 years from now, God will know our names. Will He also know we were faithful to our calling when we saw signs of the end?

Passages about the end times consistently contain commands for Christians. Prophecies of the end are not given to identify the anti-Christ or to inform us about events. They are given to inspire us to obedience. When we see them fulfilled, they are to motivate us to keep busy, to pray, to be watchful, to lead holy lives, to encourage one another, to build each other up, to fulfill our calling. End time prophecies are given to inspire us to obedience.