Summary: Don’t be so busy preparing for Christmas that you miss Christ.

The Leaders Who Missed Christmas

December 9, 2007 Morning Service

Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK

Rick Boyne

Message Point: Don’t be so busy preparing for Christmas that you miss Christ.

Focus Passage: Luke 2:21-38


The leaders of the temple were so busy doing the “work of the Lord” that they missed the coming of the Messiah. The temple was the busiest place in all of Jerusalem. They knew the law forwards and backwards. Yet, when the Messiah was born a mere 5 miles from the temple, no one visited the manger. They waited a week and still no visitors. When they went to the temple, they didn’t get a grand welcome. They could have almost slipped away without being seen, except that there were two who knew.

I. You must be willing to wait.

a. Simeon was old, Anna was 84. God promised they would see the Messiah.

II. You must trust that God will keep his promises.

a. God promised a Savior

b. Leaving heaven for Jesus was like the garbage dump in Manila.

III. You must be willing to proclaim what God has done.

a. Simeon broke out in song.

b. Anna praised the Lord.

c. Neither kept it to themselves.
