Summary: With churches declining & dying, the question should be ask, "Is the church still needed." This message gives 3 Biblical reasons why the church is mandatory.

Is the Church Still Needed?

Jerry Watts

Matthew 16:18-19

* At the beginning of the 20th century most of America was rural. For the rural population life was hard. They made their way by the sweat of their brow and their calloused hands. Transportation, for the most part was still by ‘horse & buggy (or wagon).’ One of the big traditions during those days was that on Sunday the pastor would arrive at the church building around daylight or shortly after for the purpose of ringing the church bell. The sounding of this bell served as a reminder to everyone that, ‘today is the Lord’s Day, get your chores done, the horses hitched, and come to church.’ (By the way, this was the reason that SS began at 9:45am. That was the earlier the farmers could get ready & get to church.)

* In the USA “going to church” has always been a big deal and in many cases, even expected. In my lifetime, I can recall that the church was the center of community & family life. We know, in recent years, church attendance has greatly declined and even been questioned.

* George Barna studied ‘trends’ for church & religion over the 20 year period from 1991 to 2011 exposing some troubling facts. In 1991, 46% of adults strongly believed & affirmed the Bible as being ‘totally accurate in all it principles’ while in 2011 that slumped to 38%. Those describing God as ‘all-knowing, all-powerful, & the perfect creator of the universe dropped by 7% to 67% of adults.

* Weekly Bible reading (outside church services) dropped by 5%, church volunteerism has dropped by 8%, and adult attendance has dropped by 9%. The only significant finding of something going the other direction (rising) was in the matter of being born again which showed a 5% increase. This is a little puzzling, but not surprising.

* Based on these facts the question which I ask today is found in the title of this message: “Is the church still needed today?”

* Honestly, most people don’t need just another meeting, another activity, or even another drain on their time, energy or finances. Based on the scripture we have just read, I submit to you that the “Church” is not only needed today, but if we are to salvage our culture, our community, and our country, church is required.

* Candidly no one can do what the church can do. I’m not talking in terms of social, governmental, political, recreational or community, although these things are all a part of what the church can do; what I am saying is that the church offers what no one else can offer – we offer not ‘some answers’, we have ‘The answer’ – in Jesus. From the text, I offer you three thoughts which confirm this essential need.

1. Opportunity – Most people do not see the church as a ‘field of opportunity.’ Sadly & truthfully, many churches have taken the opportunity of the gospel & turned it into oppression by the gospel. This is a perversion of the church. In verse 19 Jesus says, “I will give you the KEYS.” Key holders always are people with opportunity. The people with keys open doors and lock doors. An open door is an opportunity.

* But don’t miss this; the church holds the keys to ‘heaven & earth.’ Our Lord Jesus has given the church the power, the authority, and even the answers that this world needs. He says, “Whatever you bind or loose (open or lock down) on earth IS always locked down in heaven.” There are some things on this earth which should be locked up & things which should be opened up and God has given the church the authority, the right if you will, to do the deed.

* By the way, God has (what we call) ‘mastered this system’. Let me explain. We are in the process of changing the external locks on our facilities. Instead of those people who need to get in the different places having to carry a different key for each lock, we will ‘master’ the system, which means, while there may be an key for each lock, there will also be a master key which unlocks & lock every door.

* God has mastered this system and written it down in His Holy word. Everything we need to know for life and practice can be found in His word.

* Do you know when & how a church gets in trouble? It is when the members begin to ‘know more’ than God’s word. The principles of God’s word are enough to govern our lives, our homes, our government, our politics, and our church. When we adhere to His word, without wavering, we have the opportunity to open the doors which need to be open and lock the doors which need to be closed.

* The Bible speaks to things like family, raising children, marriage, immorality, government, politics, God, evil, death, and more. (

* When the church is ‘The Church’, we help answer questions and make a difference in the culture. The only way this can happen for us in a personal way is to be involved in the church. The concept of “Being involved in the church” is intriguing today. Compare our involvement in the church to involvement in other things & see how the church fares. By the way, God expects more than involvement.

* Notice now the second reason the church is needed:

2. Opposition – May I begin this by bursting your personal bubble? “Not everyone likes you”, ‘nor do they like what you stand for.’ Every person here has those who oppose them. Sometimes people dislike us for weird reasons; we don’t look, act, smell, think, dress, or walk like them. There are times that people don’t like us because someone else has painted an untrue picture of us. Many here get taken down or out by their opposition. Make a note: everyone has opposition.

* I have heard it said that you can ‘Tell the character of a man by those who oppose him’ & I guess that this is true. But every person shares a common enemy. He was the snake in the garden, he was the voice in the wilderness tempting Jesus, & he was the beautiful angel in heaven who rebelled & was cast out of heaven; he goes by many names (I.E. Satan, the devil, Lucifer, etc) and he is your enemy. In scripture, his way is referred to a darkness, death, and evil. He is your enemy & is the church’s enemy. Jesus has given the church the ability to stand up against hell itself. Jesus said, “Even the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”

* As far as I can discern, the church is the only organization or institution which has been so empowered by our Lord Christ. He has given the church all she needs to stand in this evil day. Jesus came to establish the church, He died for the church, and He empowered the church to stand against the devil death, and hell itself. By the way, one day He is coming back for the church.

* It is from within the church that the forces of evil can be pushed back. If there is to be a culture worth living in, it will be the church that pushes back the darkness. If there is to be a government worth having, it will be the church that pushes back against the evil found in government. If there is to be a community worth living in, trusting, and enjoying, it will be because the church has come out of the closet and pushed back the evil which is permeating the darkness. As I think of opposition, I think of an old golfing buddy of mine. During our time of playing golf together, it was obvious that he had limited or no relationship to God. He was one who didn’t need the Bible, God, or Jesus. (As an aside, he was soured on the church & God because of ungodly people in the church he attended as a boy.) For me it was intriguing to have a serious conversation about the source of his morals. He simply said, “He knew what was right and wrong.” My response was, “Since you’ve made up your code of morals, what happens if 4 years from now your 15 year old BEAUTIFUL daughter decides to move in with her boyfriend without getting married?” His response was, “I hope she’ll know what to do.”

* We need the church to lock the door of immorality & hurt, because immorality always leaves hurt in its wake. We need the church to open the door of healthy, life-long, and enjoyable relationships. This is just one reason we need the church.

* Another reason we need the church is that the church is the only group which has been given the responsibility of opening the doors to heaven. We do this by presenting Jesus. Jesus said, “I am THE way, THE truth, & THE life, and no one gets to the Father but by me.” This narrows the way - & the church holds the key.

* This leaves on final thought as to why the church is needed. It is first in the text.

3. Ownership – Jesus says, “I will build my church.” The church is to be His. It’s His, not ours. If we owned the church, then the answer to the ‘title’ question could well be ‘no’. But we don’t HE does. My observation is that this ONE ISSUE has all but destroyed many local congregations today. When the ownership issue is in question, then the mission and purpose is blurred. Paul affirms the words of Jesus in Colossian 1:18 – “He is also the head of the body, the church.” The church, which is needed today, is HIS! HBC belongs to Jesus. In human terms, he is above the manager, the president or the CEO; He is the founder, the owner, & the SOLE PROPRIETOR. Our goal, as a church (& believers) is to please Him, fulfill His mission, and respond to His wishes.

* He decides (actually has decided and already lay forth) what the church is to be, how she is to function, and most importantly, who can be members.

* At this point, we know the answer to our question is yes!! This culture needs the institution that is owned by God Himself because of what she brings to the table.

* Let’s end by answering the question, “Who can be a member of His church?” Membership is by ‘invitation only.’ Everyone is invited. Here’s the deal: The Bible tells us that we are all sinners – anyone have to tell you that? The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death – this mean physical & spiritual. The Bible says, “Jesus died once, He was the godly who died for the ungodly” which means when He died on the cross, He paid the price for your sins. He died for you & me that, “He might bring us to God.” The Bible tells us that whoever dies in their sin, this means without your sins being forgiven will ultimately go to this place called hell. The Bible also says, “That God is not willing for any to perish (I.E. go to hell).

* The invitation to be a part of His church is extended today – and I don’t get to extend it. The invitation is more private than an email – and is being extended in your heart right now. When one hears about sin and its penalty and that Jesus is the answer – God’s spirit begins to work in the heart. It called conviction in this He points out that you are guilty & deserving of death thus convicting you like a jury.

* But God doesn’t want to leave you like He found you. He offers you a new heart, a new mind, and a new life – IF you will admit your sin, confess your need for Him, and trust Him to save you. What will follow will be a life of connected to the Father and through this action – you’ll become His child & a part of His church. Will You?