Summary: This sermons discusses the prayer of Jabez

We have gathered here in the house of God, one more time to do as we were instructed to do in 2 Timothy 2:15. Now to the matter at hand is there a word from the Lord? With today being the last Sunday in the year of 2012 you will find me in 1 Chronicles 4:10. When you get there you will find these words: And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.

When we here this prayer from Jabez we would assume that he was being selfish. Why would we assume Jabez was being selfish? The reason being is because Jabez is praying a pray that is focused just on him. If we were to really think about this prayer that Jabez prayed it would really make sense to you and I. Jabez was given his name because his mother had bare him with sorrow, we find these words in 1 Chronicles 4:9.

Jabez was a man that would be known as a man of sorrow, but Jabez also knew who was in control of blessings. Ladies and gentlemen you see Jabez knew that God was the man that was in charge of all blessings. What does this have to do with you and me? God is a man who loves to bless his children and who is blessing his children daily. Young people if you are looking for a blessing from God, all you have to do is ask God for a blessing. Let us not forget God hears and knows all things. God even knows what blessings he has in store for us. Even though God knows these things God still wants to hear from you and me.

The second thing that Jabez would ask God for would be that God would enlarge his coast (territory). Even though Jabez’ name meant sorrow Jabez did not want his life to be a life of failure and defeat. So when Jabez is asking God to enlarge his coast (territory) he is asking God to be victorious in all of his endeavors and that his life would be one of increase, and not decrease. You see ladies and gentlemen no matter what your life may be like, right now, or what your past may be like you can always ask God to turn your life around.

Now I must tell you this when you ask God to enlarge your coast (territory) you must be ready. One reason is because he (God) will take you to a whole new level in life. Secondly, God will give you a chance to tell your very own testimony. Finally, God will bless you with the ability to see how far he (God) has brought you from. We all know that in order for us to grow and mature we will have to be tested from time to time. So you know the devil will be trying to get you to look back, and to take you back. Just to pull you away from God. That is why it is important that you ask God to give you the strength to keep moving forward and not backwards.

This is probably why we find Jabez asking next, that thine hand might be with me. You see Jabez must have known that he needed some guidance from God to go onto this new coast (territory), and also that he needed strength from God to be on the new coast (territory) that God had in store for him. Ladies and gentlemen God will take you to a new level but if we do not ask for his guidance and strength we cannot be victorious on the new coast (territory).

Along with praying for God’s guidance and strength we must pray for God’s protection. We must do this so that we will not fall to the many temptations of the devil while we are trying to reach our new coast (territory). This is why we find Jabez asking God for one last thing in this pray. That last thing that Jabez ask God for is that God would keep him from evil. Yes ladies and gentlemen we must ask God to keep us from evil, even when we are trying to live right, and head in the right direction Satan is always trying to get us to look back. Let us not forget back the words found in John 10:10a For a thief cometh, not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.

As I prepare to come to a close today let us not forget about the prayer of Jabez. Yes Jabez prayed to God for himself, but sometimes we have to pray for ourselves, before we ask others to pray on our behalf. Even though Jabez might be looked upon as a selfish person, he was man filled with sorrow and had to let it out. God granted Jabez his prayer and God will grant your prayer too.

If you want change in 2013 PRAY TO GOD LIKE JABEZ DID! Now let prepare for 2013!