Summary: The Christians Praying & Sharing Together. (Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:


The Christians Praying:

notice who is praying (vs 23-24)

notice when it was prayed (vs 23&29)

notice who they prayed to (vs 24-28)

notice what was asked (vs 29-30)

notice what happened next (vs 31)

The Christians Sharing:

notice there was unity (vs 32)

there was sharing (vs 32&36)


Praying & Sharing

Reading: Acts chapter 4 verses 23-37


• An elderly Christian lady attended a Christian conference gathering;

• Similar to Keswick/Spring Harvest etc.

• For her it was really the first time she had mixed with Christians from other denominations,

• This really blessed her and opened her eyes to the richness of Christian traditions

• She especially liked it when the preacher suggested;

• Instead of using the normal greetings,

• Why not use one popularised by the early Church.

• He pointed out that the first Christians were so eagerly awaiting the return of Christ;

• That they used the word ‘maranatha’;

• An Aramaic word meaning ‘the Lord is coming’.

• The elderly lady took this on board;

• And the next day went around greeting everyone they met with the words;

• “Marijuana, brother, marijuana”.


• The first Christians not only used greetings that set them apart from their contemporaries;

• They also lived and practiced a lifestyle that marked them out as different.

• Notice as we look at the passage that it naturally divides into two sections:

• Verses 23-31: Praying.

• Verses 32-37: Sharing.

(A). The Christians pray (vs 23-31).

• As you read through the book of Acts you soon discover;

• That the early Church was a praying Church!

• In fact in the book of Acts prayer is mentioned 30 times;

• The early Church was serious about praying together!

• And in this first section (vs 23-31) I want you to notice five things regarding prayer:

(1). Who Is Praying (vs 23-24a):

“On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them 24 When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God”

On their release from prison Peter & John meet up with the rest of the Church:

• The writer does not say that they went to "the other apostles."

• He says they went to "their friends," literally: "their own."

• The point I want to make is this – praying is for ordinary Christians!


• Years ago I was the guest speaker on an Oak Hall holiday.

• Oak Hall is a Christian company that run holidays all over the world.

• On one of the trips we took a coach with 74 people to Spain;

• And on numerous occasions on the outward journey I was asked to pray

• i.e. for a safe journey.

• i.e. Grace before a meal.

• I am not sure if one of the people was serious or just being humorous;

• But one of the holiday makers asked me if I was a ‘professional prayer’.

• I guess it seemed to them I was the only one of the team who ever publicly prayed!


• The writer says they went to "their friends," literally: "their own."

• The point being prayer is an activity that is do-able by every Christian.

• i.e. in the lists of spiritual gifts in the New Testament;

• Have you noticed there is no gift of prayer?

• All Christians – whether you have been saved 5mins or 55 years;

• Have the ability to talk to God in prayer.

• So when the opportunity comes along to pray – seize it!

• And if there is no opportunity – create it!


• Because many of us struggle to pray as we should;

• Remember that you do not need to struggle on your own.

• Find a prayer partner (or two and make a prayer triplet).

• Because the Bible calls us to join together to encourage and support each other.

• Many people have found that having a prayer partner or being part of a prayer triplet;

• Is a helpful and enjoyable way of enriching their prayer life,

• Question: Is there someone here you can pray with as a prayer partner;

• Question: Is there a couple of people you could form a prayer triplet with?

(2). When It Was Prayed (vs 23&29):

23 On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them

29 Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. 30 Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

Please notice the occasion when this prayer was prayed.

• It was prayed during a period of opposition,

• Peter & John had been threatened by the Religious Leaders.

• In fact they were commanded by the Religious Leaders in verse 18:

• “Not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus”.

• Yet, as soon as Peter and John had been released from prison and the courtroom:

• They told the other Christians about these threats mentioned in verses 18 and 21.

• And the Christians first reaction was to pray regarding these obstacles;

When opposition and difficulties come into our lives:

• Our first reaction is probably anger or self-pity;

• Neither of which accomplishes anything.

• But when we grasp the importance of fighting these natural reactions of anger or self-pity;

• By turning to God in prayer.

• We remind ourselves that God is in control,

• And he can either remove the obstacle or give us the strength to endure it.


• North-eastern cod is popular in the United States,

• Especially in areas farthest from the northeast.

• But public demand posed a problem to the shippers.

• How to get the cod to the market place without it losing its flavour.

The shippers tried various methods:

• (a).

• At first the cod were frozen, then shipped, but that reduced much of the flavour.

• (b).

• So they experimented with shipping the cod alive in tanks of seawater,

• But surprisingly that was even worse.

• It was dearer, the cod still lost its flavour, and became soft and mushy.

• (c).

• Finally, the problem was solved.

• The codfish were placed in the tank along with their natural enemy - catfish.

• From the time the cod left the East Coast till it reached its destination,

• Those catfish chased the cod all over the tank.

• When the cod arrived at the market, they were as fresh as when they were caught.

• There was no loss of flavour nor was the texture affected.

• If anything, it was better.


• Each of us as Christians is in a tank of particular circumstances.

• It can be painful enough to stay in the tank.

• But besides our situation,

• There are God-appointed "catfish";

• Whose job is to bring sufficient tension that keeps us alive, alert, fresh and growing.

• It's all part of God's plan to shape our character so we will be more Jesus.

• That's why the catfish are in your tank.

• They are part of God's method of producing character in your life and mine.

Note the occasion when this prayer was prayed.

• It was prayed during a period of opposition,

• As we will go on to see in the book of Acts;

• It is through that opposition not only would the message of Jesus Christ spread,

• But his Church, his people would grow strong through their difficulties.

(3). Who they prayed to (vs 24-28)

• Please notice that these Christians take five verses to tell God who he is,

• And only two verses to ask what they want from him.

• Don’t miss that!

• These first Christians take five verses to tell God who he is,

• And only two verses to tell us what they ask, what they want from him.

Note: They identify God in two ways.


• They praise God for the fact he is the Creator of all things:

“Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them”.


• There is a story that Sir Isaac Newton;

• Once made an elaborate clockwork model of the solar system.

• When someone remarked on how clever he was to construct such an intricate mechanism Newton replied that the Good Lord must be a lot cleverer;

• Because he constructed the real thing!

• I think these Christians need to be reminded of who God is;

• They were following the God of creation,

• The one who created the universe in all of its magnitude and creative details,

• And so in focusing on the attributes and character of God in their prayers;

• They are not only praising God and declaring his glory;

• They are reminding their own hearts that he is the kind of God who can do anything;

• Including answering their prayers.

• So they appeal to him as the Creator of all.

• They know that if God created everything in earth, sea, and heaven,

• Then these Religious Leaders are his property and he can do with them as he pleases.


• They praise God because he alone is the one who is ruler of all,

• They quote in their prayers Psalm 2 verses 25–26;

• A reminder that even God’s enemies and opponents are subject to him.

• They also talk about when evil men killed Jesus.

• How Pilate and his soldiers were unaware of a much bigger strategy taking part.

“Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. 28 They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen”

Quote: We have a saying:

• “Men might seem to win the battle but God will always win the war!”

• That is the truth contained in these quotations.

• God will ALWAYS win the war!

Notice this prayer is prelude to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

• This prayer show us again the importance of good doctrine and theology;

• (what we believe):

• Remember this is a prayer and not a sermon;

• But it is a prayer full of biblical truth!

• i.e. The doctrine of creation (vs 24)

• i.e. The doctrine of inspired Scripture (vs 25),

• i.e. The doctrine of God's sovereignty (vs 28) were essential truths to cling on to .

• If we want the fullness of the Holy Spirit,

• We will do well to fill our minds with the truth he has revealed about God in Scripture.

(4). What Was Asked (vs 29-30)

“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. 30 Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

Notice that in verse 29-30 these first Christians ask God for two things ‘in Jesus name’.

• First: that God would give them courage;

• “Enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness”.

• Second: that God would do miraculous things:

• “Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders”

• In other words they pray in such a way;

• That the name of Jesus will be vindicated.

• They pray that the enemies and opponents of Jesus;

• Will see the ‘signs’ and ‘wonders’ and discover the truth of who he is.

(5). the results that followed (vs 31)

“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit….”

• I guess it is true to say the building shaking;

• Does not happen in many of our prayer meetings today;

• Sometimes you have to shake someone to wake up when the prayer meeting is over!

• But that of course is something else!

• In this prayer meeting the very building shook with the power of God!

• Now that’s praying!

Quote: Jim Elliot:

• Jim Elliot was one of five missionaries killed while participating in Operation Auca,

• An attempt to evangelize the Waodani people of Ecuador.

• Jim Elliot died on January 8, 1956 along with Nate Saint, Roger Youderian,

• Ed McCully, and Pete Fleming:

“Forgive me for being so ordinary while claiming to know so extraordinary a God.”

• We have an extraordinary God;

• And at times we should expect him to do extraordinary things!


• As with Pentecost (chapter 2);

• The outpouring and filling of the Holy Spirit wasn’t given to just bless the Christians;

• It lead on to evangelism.

• It is fair to say that the out pouring of God’s Spirit in the book of Acts;

• Is always given in the context of evangelism!

“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”

(b). The Christians Share (vs 32-35).

Quote: John Piper:

“Two of the effects of believing in Jesus are that the heart is loosened in relationship to things and tightened in its relationship to people”.

• We see that quotation practically lived out in verse 32:

• “All the believers…”

• Don’t rush by that word ‘believers’.

• One translation puts it this way: "Now the company of those who believed".

• That's the key, that's the root of what's happening in this story:

• Everything good comes from that.

• They are losing their love for ‘things’ and strengthening their love for ‘people’.

• What we read here is not the good ideas of charitable people;

• Rather it is the spontaneous response of knowing Jesus!

And notice that their genuine faith in Jesus Christ has two effects:

(1). First effect unity (vs 32)

• The first effect is unity (verse 32)

• “All the believers were one in heart and mind”

• Believing in Jesus tightens the heart's relationship to people;

• Especially other Christians.

• When you become united to Jesus by faith,

• You become united to people by love.


• One hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork;

• Are automatically tuned to each other.

• They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other,

• But to another standard.

• Because these Christians were truly tuned to Jesus Christ;

• They were therefore tuned to each other and they evidenced it by their actions..

• When you become united to Jesus by faith,

• You become united to people by love.

(2). Second effect - Sharing (vs 32)

“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”

“Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means “son of encouragement”), 37 sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles’ feet”.

The second effect of trusting in Jesus:

• First, the heart is tightened in its relationship to people,

• Second, the heart is loosened in its relationship to things.

• Faith in Christ creates a bond of love to people,

• And cuts the bond of love to things.

• That's what these verses are all about.

• It's a snapshot of a community of people;

• Whose hearts have been utterly revolutionized by believing in Jesus.

• When they saw a need, they felt led to meet that need.


• A Pastor said to his congregation:

• "I have good news and bad news.

• The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program.

• The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets."

• Well for these early Christians the money did not stay in their pockets;

• They saw a need and they met it!

In conclusion:

• Maybe we don’t experience God’s power,

• Maybe the walls don’t shake for us today.

• Because we have it too easy – we don’t in the UK experience opposition;

• Like those in the early Church and in many countries around the world.

• Maybe we don’t truly call on the Lord in prayer,

• We may say our prayers but do we really pray?

• Maybe in our materialistic society;

• We too hold on to things at the expense of helping other people.

• If that is the case may God teach us afresh from these verses;

• That we might know the reality of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives,

• And may we be given courage to witness in a lethargic and needy world.