Most Christians think, “It’s a LUCIFER SPIRIT!” when we declare phrases that start w/ “I AM.” They even criticize us as PROUD! Let me share to you the phrases that start w/ “I AM”, from w/c I started to declare while PURSUING the GREAT PURPOSE of God for me: “I AM” a Child of the Most High God. “I AM” Crowned w/ God's Glory & Honor. “I”can do all things through Jesus Christ. “I AM” full of Potentials. “I AM” Overflowing w/ Creativity. “I” have Courage, Strength & Ability. The Favor of God surrounds me wherever “I” go. Whatever “I”touch is going to Prosper & Succeed. “I AM” Blessed & cannot be cursed. “I AM” Victorious. “I AM” Well able. “I AM” Created to Excel. This is not a “LUCIFER SPIRIT”! It's the PURPOSE of God for US! The BIBLE tells us so! These statements show what God WANTS US TO BE and why Jesus CHRIST saved us from SLAVERY and DEFEAT. Isn’t it that these “I AMs” are declaration of FAITH in our Lord Jesus CHRIST? Discover that we, HUMAN, have SURPASSING POTENTIAL!

Long ago, Billions of years since God CREATED the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, it was PERFECT and AWESOME. The EARTH was GLORIOUS, full of LIGHT and BEAUTY. The UNIVERSE was inhabited by ANGELS. God CREATED them with MINDS capable of THINKING, REASONING, making CHOICES and DECISIONS w/ FREE-WILL. God set an ARCHANGEL on a THRONE, the GREAT CHERUB LUCIFER, to GOVERN them and ADMINISTER the KINGDOM of GOD. This Lucifer was a SUPREME BEING of MAJESTIC beauty, AWESOME, DAZZLING BRIGHTNESS, SUPREME KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM and POWER. Lucifer was a PERFECT CREATION of God! Lucifer was a GREAT GENIUS and SKILLED in MUSIC. Lucifer was the SUPREME MASTERPIECE of God’s CREATIVE POWER. The name “Lucifer” means, “Shining star of the dawn” or “Bringer of light”. Lucifer WORE GEMS OF EVERY KIND: rubies and diamonds; topaz, beryl, carnelian, and jasper; sapphires, emeralds, and garnets (Ezekiel 28:11-19). He had ornaments of gold. This Lucifer was positioned at the very THRONE of God. He was TRAINED and EXPERIENCED in the KINGDOM of GOD to ADMINISTER a PERFECT LAW and ORDER. There was HAPPINESS, JOY, GLORIOUS PEACE, HARMONY and PERFECT LOVE.

It could have been happened to be MILLIONS times MILLIONS that the ENTIRE UNIVERSE was in order if Lucifer remained loyal to God. It could have been a story w/ a “happy ever after”. It was a sad story. Lucifer allowed THOUGHTS of JEALOUSY, ENVY, GREED, RESENTMENT and REBELLION. When these NEGATIVE THOUGHTS occupied his mind, something happened! His mind became PERVERTED, DISTORTED and TWISTED. Lucifer made a DECISION to REBEL and try to INVADE the KINGDOM of GOD. Lucifer decided to REVOLT. Since Angels were CREATED w/ FREE-WILL DECISION, he PERSUADED up to one-thirds of Angels in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE. It was in him that INIQUITY was found! Lucifer REASONED that COMPETITION would be better than COOPERATION. It would be a REASONING to STRIVE HARDER and ACCOMPLISH GREATER things in his own POWER and MIGHT. It was a SELF-CENTERED DECISION! He became an ENEMY of God. Lucifer have said in his HEART, “I WILL ascend into heaven, I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God: I WILL sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL be like the Most High.” VISION is the function of the HEART. Notice that Lucifer’s VISION was to take over the Kingdom of God for his OWN SELFISH AMBITION. This is the so called, “LUCIFER SPIRIT”! Lucifer said these five I’s in his HEART. It’s a SELF-CENTERED VISION! I call it as the “Eye Syndrome”. It’s a DISEASE! This was the reason why Lucifer was DISQUALIFIED to administer God’s LAW. God changed his name to what he became, SATAN the DEVIL, which means ADVERSARY, COMPETITOR or ENEMY. Now he became an AUTHOR of DARKNESS, ERROR, CONFUSION, EVIL and DESTRUCTION. The DISEASE was transferred by Satan into HUMANITY when he DECEIVED our first parent.

In the first place God PLANNED to reproduce like Him by CREATING human in the LIKENESS of His own IMAGE! So that Humanity might MULTIPLY and have DOMINION over Satan and position him under our feet. That we, human, having CREATED in the LIKENESS of His own IMAGE shall restore the KINGDOM of God that Lucifer tried to take over under his CONTROL. The Devil tried to hinder these PLAN of God and LED HUMANITY to DISOBEY God. The Devil taught us to REBEL and became an ENEMY of GOD. God ALLOWED these! His PERFECT PLAN even before the CREATION of the WORLD was to put ALL THINGS under the AUTHORITY of CHRIST. That we who BELONGS to CHRIST will SHARE an INHERITANCE and POSSESS EVERYTHING."

In the beginning was the WORD. The WORD was CHRIST. He became HUMAN so that He Himself will FULFILL His own PURPOSE. Jesus CHRIST came to disarm the Devil and gave us COMPLETE AUTHORITY and POWER . So that whatever we DECLARE, it shall be DONE using His NAME. Through CHRIST, being BORN AGAIN, we became an HEIR of GOD’s KINGDOM. Wait, ONLY an HEIR, Not yet a POSSESSOR! That’s why we need to POSSESS it! Declare it to the DEVIL, “I AM a Child of the Most High God!” You need to RESIST the Devil and FIGHT for your INHERITANCE. Tell it to the Devil, “It’s Mine!” God even made us a 'god' in the eyes of the Devil and his demons. Jesus CHRIST said that we can do GREATER THINGS!

Through FAITH in CHRIST, you have received the POWER of “I AM”. The DISEASE, I mean “Eye Syndrome” was HEALED. Now God even gave us a “SHARP I”. God put the “Eyes of FAITH” in our HEARTS. Remember, VISION is the function of the HEART. We have received a CLEAR, BROAD, FOCUSED and DETERMINED VISION through FAITH in CHRIST.

Start DECLARING, “I AM” a Child of the Most High God. “I AM” Crowned w/ God's Glory & Honor. I can do all things through Jesus Christ. “I AM” full of Potentials. “I AM” Overflowing w/ Creativity. I have Courage, Strength & Ability. The Favor of God surrounds me wherever I go. Whatever I touch is going to Prosper & Succeed. “I AM” Blessed & cannot be cursed. “I AM” Victorious. “I AM” Well able. “I AM” Created to Excel.” Then BLESSINGS will COME. And be a BLESSING to others. Always remember that the FALL of Lucifer was because of SELF-CENTEREDNESS. You will also live FREE from FEAR, DOUBT, WORRY, etc… You will become VICTORIOUS and PROSPEROUS in EVERYTHING you DO. Then be an EXAMPLE, a ROLE MODEL, to others. You will become LIVING TESTIMONY. That anyone who will SEE you will also be HEALED!

DISCONTENTMENT is GOOD, It will become evil if it becomes SELFISH!