Summary: So God CREATED Human in His own IMAGE. In other words, we HUMAN, have the ABILITY to KNOW THINGS, to make DESCISIONS, and to DISCERN the PURPOSE and PLAN of God. So we can learn to UNDERSTAND His COUNSEL, His PLAN. As we GROW in the KNOWLEDGE of God, He

Understanding the


1. What Caused God to CREATE HUMAN?

"What is man that You should think of him, and the Son of man that You should care for him?

For a little while you made him lower than the angels, and YOU CROWNED HIM with GLORY and HONOR. YOU GAVE HIM AUTHORITY OVER ALL THINGS [Subjection Under His Feet, KJV].” (Hebrews 2:6-8, NLT)

Long ago, millions even billions of years since God CREATED the Entire UNIVERSE, it was PERFECT and AWESOME. The UNIVERSE was inhabited by Angels. God set an Archangel on a THRONE, the Great Cherub Lucifer, to GOVERN them and ADMINISTER the KINGDOM of God. This Lucifer was positioned at the very THRONE of God. He was TRAINED and experienced in the KINGDOM of God to ADMINISTER a perfect LAW and ORDER. There was joy, PEACE, harmony and PERFECT LOVE. It could’ve been millions times millions that the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE was in PERFECT ORDER. It could’ve been a “Happy Ever After” story. It was a SAD story, it was a TRAGEDY!

Since, God created Angels with MINDS capable of THINKING, REASONING, making CHOICES and DECISIONS with FREE-WILL. Lucifer allowed thoughts of JEALOUSY, envy, GREED, resentment and REBELLION. These NEGATIVE THOUGHTS occupied his heart and MIND! His MIND became PERVERTED and TWISTED. Lucifer made a DECISION to REBEL! Lucifer decided to REVOLT!

Since Angels were CREATED with FREE-WILL DECISION, he persuaded up to one-thirds of Angels in the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE. He tried to INVADE and take over the KINGDOM of God. This was the reason why Lucifer was DISQUALIFIED to ADMINISTER God’s LAW. Read Ezekiel 14:15-19 in your own Bible, please. It was in him that INIQUITY was found! It was him who caused man to sin, in the first place! Man doesn’t deserve a PUNISHMENT of an “ENDLESS SUFFERING”. The PUNISHMENT was RESERVED ONLY for Satan and his demons, not man at all!

God casted him out of his POSITION and changed his name to what he became, Satan, the devil, which means COMPETITOR, adversary or ENEMY. Satan became an author of ERROR, EVIL, darkness, DISEASE, decrease, discrimination, DEPRESSION, WAR, defeat, DESTRUCTION and DEATH. This shall answer the “Gap Theory” for Theologians. “And the earth was WITHOUT FORM, and VOID; & DARKNESS was upon the face of the deep.” (Genesis 1:2). Lucifer was also transformed into a dragon (Revelations 12:9, 20:2). Satan, the dragon. caused the UNIVERSE to become DESOLATE and CHAOTIC. Out of millions of Gigantic planets in the UNIVERSE, God CHOSE this TINY, USELESS and WASTED planet called earth. God RESTORED and DESIGNED the planet earth to establish His KINGDOM as the “HEADQUARTER” to GOVERN the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE.

On the other hand, the “Absalom REBELLION” pictures the rebellion of Lucifer. Absalom tried to ENVADE the KINGDOM of God through the ADMINISTRATION of King David. In 2nd Book of Samuel, chapter 15, using NLT,

When people brought a case to the king for judgment, Absalom would ask where they were from, & they would tell him their tribe. Then Absalom would say, “You've really got a strong case here! It's too bad the king doesn't have anyone to hear it. I wish I were the judge… and I would give them justice!” And when people tried to bow before him, Absalom wouldn't let them. Instead, he took them by the hand & embraced them. So in this way, ABSALOM STOLE the HEARTS of ALL the PEOPLE of Israel. After 4 yrs., he sent SECRET MESSENGER to every part of Israel to STIR UP A REBELLION against the king. “As soon as you hear the trumpets,” his message read, “you will know that Absalom has been crowned king in Hebron.” He took 200 men from Jerusalem w/ him as guests, but they knew nothing of his INTENTIONS. While he was offering the sacrifices, he sent for Ahithophel, one of David's counselors who lived in Giloh. soon, MANY OTHERS also JOINED Absalom and the CONSPIRACY GAINED MOMENTUM.

Notice how Absalom DECEIVED the people of Israel and gained their hearts. Imagine, the CONSPIRACY took 4 years! Until, the REBELLION exploded! Then after, Absalom thought he won the VICTORY! If we continue to read the story of Absalom’s rebellion, he died in DISGRACE! A SHAMEFUL death!

This method of conspiracy was, probably, used by Lucifer! It could have taken millions of millions of years before Lucifer gained the favor of one-third of Angels in the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE! Lucifer, who is now called Satan, the devil, uses this method until NOW! The devil plants NEGATIVE thoughts, NEGATIVE feelings, NEGATIVE emotions, NEGATIVE attitudes and NEGATIVE words, LUSTFUL desires and SELFISH ambition that causes GREED, PRIDE, FEAR, JEALOUSY, RESENTMENT, ANGER, UNFORGIVENESS, etc… It will create, misunderstanding, disunity, COMPETITION, COMPARISON and DIVISION! Satan is the “Father of Lies and CONFUSION”! You should UNDERSTAND that we are FIGHTING against HUMAN, we are FIGHTING against the devil and his demons.

This method was happened first to Adam and Eve. Because of PRIDE, they BLAMED one another. Instead of REPENTANCE, they refused to ACCEPT their FAULT! Satan too, after and FALL of Man, thought he won, like Absalom! But the ORIGINAL PLAN and PURPOSE of God will never change! “I am sure that God, who BEGAN THE GOOD WORK within you, WILL CONTINUE HIS WORK until it is FINALLY FINISHED on that day when Christ Jesus COMES BACK AGAIN.” (Philippians 1:6, NLT). God will COMPLETE His GOOD WORK, His PURPOSE and PLAN, Himself. But God CHOSE us to COMPLETE it! He gave us AUTHORITY OVER ALL THINGS (Hebrews 2:6-8).

What a GREAT PRIVILEGE that the Creator of the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE have CHOSEN us HUMAN to ADMINISTER God’s LAW OVER ALL CREATION in Heaven and on earth.

“For what if SOME DID NOT BELIEVE? Shall their UNBELIEF make the FAITH of God

without effect? God forbid: yea, let GOD be TRUE and every man a LIAR! As it is written,

‘That thou mightiest be justified in thy sayings, and mightiest OVERCOME when thou art JUDGED.’” (Romans 3:3-4.)

Will the FAULT of Adam makes the PURPOSE and PLAN of God of no effect? Will the FAULT of ONE MAN leads MANY to SUFFER an ENDLESS PUNISHMENT in a “Hell Fire”? Does the UNBELIEF of some EARLY CHRISTIANS can CHANGE the PURPOSE and PLAN of God? HUMANITY was SAVED from the PUNISHMENT of sin! For, what if some do not BELIEVE? God is TRUE! Please read Romans 3:3-4 again in your own Bible. God is waiting for someone who will BELIEVE Him and OBEY His Word. He is waiting for you! That’s why you need to UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM OF GOD!

Whenever Satan thinks he won a great VICTORY, unknowingly, that will be his great DEFEAT! What’s the OUTCOME of the DEATH of Jesus Christ? Our SINS were already FORGIVEN! IT IS FINISHED!

“…He FORGAVE ALL our sins. He CANCELED the record that contained the CHARGES AGAINST US. He took it and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ's CROSS. In this way,

God disarmed the evil rulers and authorities. He SHAMED them publicly by His VICTORY over them on the CROSS of Christ. (Colossians 2:13-15, NLT)

Evil will never PREVAIL! In the END, God’s PURPOSE of creating HUMAN will be FULFILLED. Keep in mind, DESTRUCTION or “Hell Fire” is not the GOOD WORK and PLEASURE of God for you!

THE WISDOM OF GOD is really hard to GRASP and COMPREHEND. God ALLOWS things to happen, even the things we DON'T WANT TO DO. Although, our THOUGHTS, even Angels’, are not the THOUGHT of the ALL-KNOWING God, but we know where to STAND! In His PROMISES, in His WORD. God, the Creator of the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE have REVEALED Himself through the Bible. Therefore, we can have ACCESS and UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM OF GOD through the Bible.

The FALL of Lucifer:

“How art thou FALLEN from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine HEART, ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt MY THRONE ABOVE the stars of God: I will SIT ALSO upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ASCEND ABOVE THE HEIGHTS of the clouds; I will be LIKE the Most High.’ Yet thou shalt be BROUGHT DOWN to HELL, to the sides of the PIT. (Isaiah 14:12-15).

Now, look! Lucifer’s REBELLION caused God to create Human out of the dust of the ground. A LOWLY creature, considered WORM! “But I am a WORM, and no man; a reproach of men, and DESPISED of the people” (Psalm 22:6). You are PREDESTINED to Administer God’s LAW! To RULE OVER ALL creation!

In the first place, God can OVERTHOW Satan whenever He wants. Since Satan is called, the ACCUSER, he is accusing God of INABILITY to perform a RIGHTEOUS and upright JUDGEMENT! So God CREATED Human in His own IMAGE. In other words, we HUMAN, have the ABILITY to KNOW THINGS, to make DESCISIONS, and to DISCERN the PURPOSE and PLAN of God. So we can learn to UNDERSTAND His COUNSEL, His PLAN. As we GROW in the KNOWLEDGE of God, He will REVEAL to us the MYSTERY of His PLAN even BEFORE the world began. Only then, we can UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM OF GOD. So that we might DEVELOP a RIGHTEOUS, a HOLY, and GODLY CHARACTER.

“According as He hath in Him before the FOUNDATION of the world, that we should be HOLY and

without BLAME…” (Ephesians 1:4).

The devil tried to hinder this PLAN of God and LED HUMANITY to DISOBEY God. The devil taught us to REBEL and became an ENEMY of God. Do you think God ALLOWED these and then HUMANITY will SUFFER an ENDLESS PUNISHMENT in a “Hell Fire”? Then, you are telling that the LOVING God is CRUEL! That God created HUMAN to be DECEIVED by Satan then live for FEW YEARS, and then, “ENDLESS SUFFERING”? Let God be TRUE and every man a LIAR! God’s LOVE, ENDURES forever and will not FAIL, no matter what!

And I am CONVINCED that God’s LOVE assures us an OVERWHELMING VICTORY! Even when TROUBLES come, or CALAMITIES, or even we are PERSECUTED, or in DANGER, or THREATENED with DEATH. One thing for sure, NOTHING can SEPARATE us from the UNFAILING and ENDURING LOVE of God!

You should UNDERSTAND that Satan cannot do whatever he wants. Satan can only do what God ALLOWS! No matter what the devil has done against MANKIND, it doesn't change the PURPOSE and PLAN of God. God’s WILL in the BEGINNING is still His WILL in the END. It doesn’t change at all! He never CHANGE at all (Hebrews 13:8)!

In the Book of Job, it reveals to us that Satan seeks the APPROVAL of the Sovereign God. It reveals that God PERMITS Satan to STEAL, to KILL and to DESTROY! In addition, Satan is looking for any reasons to ACCUSE us and use it to DEFEND his position to the Almighty God. God ALLOWS the devil because He wants you to learn to TRUST Him, and be BLAMELESS and without FAULT.

In Chess, there are many instances that when a player taught he won the game, without noticing, it’s part of the plan of the opponent to COUNTER his move, then, CHECK MATE! Also, in movies, it pictures that the “GOOD” will always PREVAIL in the END. The same manner, whenever Satan thinks he won a great VICTORY, unknowingly that will be his great DEFEAT! THE WISDOM OF GOD can never GRASP by Satan. Why? Because his mind is PERVERTED, DISTORTED and TWISTED.

The Almighty God has a GREAT PURPOSE when He ALLOWS the LIAR, the DESTROYER, which is Satan, to DECEIVE us by his ERRORS that cause CONFUSION, DIVISION and DESTRUCTION!

The ETERNAL God says, “Declaring the END from the BEGINNING… My COUNSEL [Plan] shall stand and I Will do ALL MY PLEASURE.” (Isaiah 46:10). What’s the PLEASURE of God? To live in this earthly life for FEW YEARS and then, “ENDLESS SUFFERING”? Is this the PLEASURE of the Creator of the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE why He created HUMAN? In the BEGINNING, God knew us in ADVANCE, before we were BORN, and even from the CREATION of the world!

Now, let’s go back to the Letter of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians,

“Having PREDESTINED us unto the ADOPTION of children by Jesus Christ to Himself [ETERNAL God] according to the GOOD PLEASURE of His Will… Having made known unto us the MYSTERY of His Will, according to His GOOD PLEASURE which He hath PURPOSED for Himself.” (Ephesians 1:5,9)

Please, open your mind and RECEIVE this GOOD NEWS! We, HUMAN, have WONDERFUL, GREAT PURPOSE and SUPERNATURAL MISSION here on EARTH. You have TREMENDOUS potential in this earthly life! You were born for GREATNESS and POWER! You are DESIGNED by the Creator of the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE! To GROW in the KNOWLEDGE of His PURPOSE and PLAN. So that we might UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM OF GOD.

2. The REAL Gospel was SUPPRESSED from the BEGINNING

The LORD God SENT HIM FORTH from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence He was taken . SO HE DROVE OUT THE MAN; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned everyway, TO KEEP THE WAY OF THE TREE OF LIFE. (Genesis 3:23-24).

The Gospel of the KINGDOM of God is absent from the lips of those who claim to accomplish the Great Commission and attempt to preach “SAVING gospel” that will SAVE a person from the “Hell Fire” and go to Heaven after death. That if they don’t accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, then, they’re on their way to the “Hell Fire”, to suffer “ENDLESS PUNISHMENT”. Because of this TRADITIONAL “gospel”, we were DECEIVED by Satan & put the MENTALITY of a PUNISHING God. That's why most UNBELIEVERS are anxious to attend Christian Fellowships and even dare not to open the Bible. Because they feel CONDEMNED for their selves! They thought, even Christians, that the message of the Bible is all about Heaven and “Hell Fire”, ONLY!

The HOPE of the RESURRECTION was gone! Their mindset about the SALVATION became LIMITED of ESCAPING from the “Hell Fire” and going to Heaven after death, ONLY! Will the FAULT of Adam makes the PURPOSE and PLAN of God of no effect? Will the FAULT of ONE MAN leads MANY to the “Hell Fire” and suffer “ENDLESS PUNISHMENT”? This not the GOOD PLEASURE of God for you!

The devil tried to WITHHOLD the REAL GOSPEL Message of CHRIST. So the WHOLE WORLD was DECEIVED. Look, we, human, having CREATED in the LIKENESS of His own IMAGE shall restore the KINGDOM of God that Lucifer tried to take over under his CONTROL. Satan tried to HOARD and SUPPRESSED the PROPAGATION of the Gospel of the KINGDOM of God, even the time of Adam, so we might not EXERCISE our AUTHORITY against him!

In the New Testament, Satan tried to PREVENT the PROCLAMATION of this Gospel. He moved to DESTROY the baby Jesus. He tried to DEFEAT Jesus SPIRITUALLY, just before He preached the Gospel of the KINGDOM of God. He even tried to INTIMIDATE the Apostles in preaching the Gospel of the KINGDOM of God! Until now, Satan still tries to keep this Gospel of the KINGDOM of God from SPREADING.

Satan is TERRIFIED when this Gospel is being PREACHED! This Gospel was REVEALED to us by Christ so we might ABOLISH the dark kingdom that Satan tried to establish. Satan creates CONFUSION so we might not concentrate in searching the HIDDEN TREASURE, the KINGDOM of God! This KINGDOM was originally REVEALED to Adam and is now REVEALED unto us by the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself.

When God DECLARES, consider it DONE! “For it is God w/c worketh in you both to Will & TO DO of His GOOD PLEASURE.” (Philippians 2:13). Notice in Isaiah 46:10, “Declaring the END from the BEGINNING… My COUNSEL [Word] shall stand [Forever]…” God Himself will do His PURPOSE and PLAN from the FOUNDATION of the WORLD. In other words, it doesn’t matter how the devil tries to hinder us from ACCOMPLISHING the PLAN of God. Keep in mind, God have already DECLARED His Will in the END from the BEGINNING. What is His Will in the END? To put ALL THINGS, in Heaven and on earth, under the AUTHORITY of CHRIST. Read Ephesians 1:10.

Just what do you think COUNSEL? COUNSEL is when you know what to do. God is looking for someone who will TRUST His COUNSEL, His Word, someone will follow His WAYS and OBEYS His LAW! “COUNSEL in the HEART of man is likeb deep water; but a man of UNDERSTANDING will draw it out.” (Proverbs 20:5). A man that UNDERSTANDS THE WISDOM OF GOD will make the COUNSEL of God CREARER for the SAKE of others.

God is waiting for those who are WILLING to go and PREACH the Gospel of the KINGDOM of God to the NATIONS. God is waiting for you! Always remember, the Creator of the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE wants you to UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM OF GOD. This Gospel is the POWER of God unto SALVATION to everyone that BELIEVES! What Gospel? It is the Gospel of SALVATION ORIGINALLY for the Jews! This is the Gospel of the KINGDOM of God! This Gospel, the “Gospel of PEACE (Ephesians 6:15)”, is the GOOD NEWS that the Lord Jesus Christ wants us to PROCLAIM. This is the Gospel MESSAGE or GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ.

The Jews are still waiting for their “MESSIAH”, the PROMISED Deliverer. “I will put ENMITY [War] b/n thee & the woman, & b/n thy seed & HER SEED; it shall bruise thy head, & thou shalt bruise HIS HEEL. Unto the woman He said, I will GREATLY MULTIPLY thy SORROW [Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth, Pain & Suffering] & thy conception; in SORROW thou shalt bring forth children; & thy desire shall be to thy husband, & he shall RULE OVER THEE [Discrimination].” (Genesis 3:15-16). Jews are also WAITING for the MESSIAH, our SAVIOR! To set them FREE from FOREIGN ENVADERS! To RESCUE them from Satan’s captivity or SLAVERY. To DELIVER them from the DOMINION of darkness. To SAVE them from PAIN, SORROW and DEATH!

Unknowingly, they are WAITING for the 2nd COMING of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom the EARLY Jews REJECTED, DESPISED, and CRUCIFIED, 2000 years ago! This Gospel of the KINGDOM of God is still the MESSAGE of God for the Jews TODAY and for the Lost Israel that was SCATTERED before Jesus Christ was born! God CHOSE the Apostle Paul to PREACH it to the non- Jewish people. And now, in these “Last Days” God CHOSE us to PREACH to the NATIONS of the world!

3. You are PREDESTINED to RULE OVER ALL Creation

And God said, “Let Us make MAN in our IMAGE, after our LIKENESS: and LET THEM HAVE DOMINION… OVER ALL the earth… So God CREATED MAN in HIS OWN IMAGE, in the IMAGE OF GOD created he him; male and female created he them. And God BLESSED them, and God said unto them, be FRUITFUL, and MULTIPLY, and REPLENISH the earth, and

SUBDUE it: and have DOMINION… (Genesis 1:26-28).

To DISCOVER the KINGDOM of God, first and foremost, we should UNDERSTAND the MYSTERY of the PLAN and PURPOSE of the Almighty God, the Creator of the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE, of creating MANKIND. As you continue to read, you will DISCOVER your TREMENDOUS Potential and AUTHORITY (Rulership) in these “Last Days”! “Even the MYSTERY which hath been HID from ages and from generations, but now is MADE MANIFEST to His Saints: To whom God would make known what is the RICHES of the GLORY of this MYSTERY among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the HOPE of GLORY.” (Colossians 1:26-27). To receive Crowns and REIGN as kings in the KINGDOM of God is the HOPE of our CALLING!

“LOOKING for that BLESSED HOPE, and the glorious APPEARING of the GREAT God and our SAVIOR Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13).

As Christians, we should LOOK FORWARD for our BLESSED HOPE, the PROMISED, MILLENNIAL KINGDOM of God, not Heaven after death! We have HOPE OF RESURRECTION!

The very reason why God created us, Human, is to EXERCISE the AUTHORITY of Christ and have DOMINION OVER ALL creation. Read Genesis 1:28 again, please. God's PERFECT PLAN even BEFORE the creation of the world is to put ALL THINGS under the AUTHORITY of Christ.

“That in the DISPENSATION of the FULLNESS of TIMES He might gather TOGETHER IN ONE ALL THINGS in Christ, both which are in HEAVEN, and which are on EARTH;… In whom also

we have obtained an INHERITANCE, being PREDESTINED according to the PURPOSE of Him

who worketh ALL THINGS after the COUNSEL [Plan] of His OWN WILL.” (Ephesians 1:10-11).

In other words, Christ will gather TOGETHER ALL THINGS in Heaven and on earth! In Matthew 11:27 (using NLT), Jesus said, “My Father has given me AUTHORITY over EVERYTHING…”

We Christians shall EXERCISE the AUTHORITY of Christ, by the POWER of the Holy Spirit. We are PREDESTINED to CAST OUT the devil, which is Satan, and his demons that TORMENT our brethren DAY and NIGHT, to the ETERNAL FIRE, the “Lake of Fire”. Our issue is not about going to Heaven after death and the “Hell Fire”. Please, ACCEPT this GOOD NEWS! You should UNDERSTAND that the “Lake of Fire” is the issue of the devil and his demons! 'Away with you, you cursed ones, into the ETERNAL FIRE PREPARED for the devil and his demons!” (Matthew 25:41). More about this ISSUE will be CLEARED later.

You might ask, “Then, how can we cast them out?” In Ephesians 6:10-17, isn’t it that the WORD of God is the SWORD of the SPIRIT against Evil rulers, authorities, powers, principalities and kingdom of this world? Against those powers of DARKNESS? And against WICKED spirits in the high places? Therefore, through PREACHING, PRAYER and SONG, which are INSPIRED by the Word of God, Satan is TERRIFIED! The Lord Jesus Christ is waiting for you! The Word of God longs to give you THE WISDOM OF GOD

In Genesis 3:15, Jesus Christ FULFILLED this prophecy. Jesus says in Matthew 28:18, “ALL POWER is given unto Me in Heaven & in earth.” The AUTHORITY in Heaven and on earth was given to Him. This was the very reason why He had commanded His disciples, Go ye therefore, and TEACH ALL NATIONS [make Disciples]” (Matthew 28:19). To MULTIPLY, by SPREADING this Gospel of the KINGDOM of God, the “Gospel of PEACE”, to SHUT the mouth of the ACCUSER, which is Satan. To CAST OUT evil powers, principalities and kingdoms. To OVERTHROW them by the POWER of the said Gospel.

“Behold, I have PUT MY WORDS in thy MOUTH. See , I have this day set thee OVER the NATIONS & OVER the KINGDOMS, to root out, & to pull down, & to destroy, & to throw down, to build, & to plant.” (Jeremiah 1:9-10). Every Word of God that comes from your mouth will EXPOSE the works of the devil! When you DELIVER the Word of God, evil power, principalities and kingdoms are DESTROYED. In addition, the Word of God that comes from your mouth will also HELP BUILD others UP and to INSPIRE them.

Satan never wants us HUMAN to experience PEACE, especially, PEACE OF MIND! But if we begin to UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM OF GOD, we will no longer FEAR for TODAY and WORRY for TOMORROW! So you might position the “Ancient Serpent”, the one that DECIEVED HUMANITY, below and beneath us for all ETERNITY. So that HUMANITY might have DOMINION OVER ALL creation in the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE, FOREVER.

Just what do you think DOMINION? It is an AUTHORITY and POWER. It is a SUPREME GOVERNMENT or KINGDOM. In Science, there are different KINDGOMS in every living creature on earth. Such as, mineral KINGDOM, plant KINGDOM, animal KINGDOM and of course HUMAN KINGDOM Science PROVES that HUMAN KINGDOM is the GREATEST of them all. Furthermore, God has given us the AUTHORITY and POWER to have DOMINION and RULE over ALL creation in the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE. We shall also RULE OVER the millions of millions of Angels and even Satan and his demons.

Now, when the MESSIAH, our SAVIOR Jesus Christ RETURNS, He will RESTORE and SIT at the PROMISED, ETERNAL THRONE at Jerusalem. We will RECEIVE CROWNS and REIGN with Him. It will be a WORLD RULING GOVERNMENT OVER ALL the NATIONS. The Bible tells us that this KINGDOM shall STAND FOREVER! This is the PROMISE of God to king David. And it is not yet FULFILLED, since the THRONE was CEASED. Christ, Himself, will FULFILL it at His 2nd coming.


“Now to Him that is of POWER to ESTABLISH you according to MY GOSPEL, and THE PREACHING of Jesus Christ, according to the REVELATION OF THE MYSTERY, which was


A REVELATION of God’s Word makes the PURPOSE and PLAN of God CRYSTAL CLEAR. “The LIGHT shineth in DARKNESS; And the DARKNESS COMPREHENDED it NOT.” (John 1:5). Once you WALK in the LIGHT, the REVELATION, you can easily OVERCOME DARKNESS. A REVELATION of God’s Word HELPS and gives us POWER to COUNTER the ATTACKS or DECEPTION of the devil.

If you are still DOWN, DEFEATED BUSTED, DISGUSTED and WASTED, it’s because you’re so FAR from the LIGHT. Many are still living in POVERTY, SLAVERY, SICKNESS and DISEASES, it’s because they don’t BELIEVE in the LIGHT and REVELATION of God’s Word. Did you know that POVERTY is spiritual? Yes! SLAVERY is spiritual, SICKNESS, DISEASE is spiritual too! They need to be RESISTED by the Word of God, so they will FLEE from you.

Before we forget, the Apostle Paul mentioned, “MY GOSPEL”. What is that Gospel of the Apostle Paul means? It must be INSPIRED by Word of God and CONFIRMED by the PREACHING of Jesus Christ, Himself! Then what Gospel did Jesus Preached? What did Jesus mean when He said, “WEEPING and GNASHING of TEETH”? What about, “TORMENT or UNQUENCHEABLE FIRE?” The Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, made this CLEAR, and it was REVEALED in the following chapters. Did Paul ever mention HELL? Hell, in the Letters of the Apostle Paul, was ONCE mentioned in the New Living Translation (Romans 8:38, NLT). It was USED in a POSITIVE way. NOT CONDEMNATION!

“I am CONVINCED that NOTHING CAN SEPARATE us from His LOVE. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't. Our FEARS for TODAY, our WORRIES about TOMORROW, and EVEN the POWERS of HELL CAN’T KEEP God's LOVE AWAY.”

God have already POURED OUT His LOVE to us through the DEATH of Jesus Christ on the CROSS. This LOVE that LAVISHED upon us makes the POWERS of HELL of NO EFFECT. Did the EARLY CHRISTIANS preached other “gospel” than the GOSPEL that the Apostle Paul preached? Look!

“I marvel that ye are so soon REMOVED from Him that called you into the GRACE of Christ unto ANOTHER “gospel”… there be some that TROUBLE you, & would PERVERT the GOSPEL of Christ. But though we, or an angel from Heaven, preach any OTHER “gospel” unto you than that w/c we have preached unto you, let him be ACCURSED. As we said before, so say I now again, IF ANY MAN PREACH ANOTHER “gospel”… let him be ACCURSED… But I certify you, brethren that the GOSPEL w/c was preached of me is not after man. For I NEITHER RECEIVED it of MAN, NEITHER was I TAUGHT it, but BY the REVELATION of Jesus Christ. (Galatians 1:6-9, 11-12).

The Gospel of Christ never TROUBLES nor SCARES nor THREATENS people! Never CONDEMN sinners, think of what you are before. God LOVED us when we WERE STILL sinners. It was from Satan where INIQUITY was found (Ezekiel 28:15). The Gospel gives PEACE and ASSURANCE! The Gospel of the KINGDOM of God is from Jesus Christ, Himself! Jesus came not to CONDEMN the world but to SAVE it (John 3:17)! God is not MAD to YOU!

The Gospel of the KINGDOM of God was never UNDERSTOOD, it was a MYSTERY! The Gospel MESSAGE of Jesus Christ was PERVERTED by MAN-MADE DOCTRINES or FORMULAS, by THEORIES, IDEAS and OPINIONS of man, and it was preached for centuries! But now, it was REVEALED by the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, unto us through the Word of God and by the GUIDANCE and INSPIRATION of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was PROMISED by the Lord Jesus Christ to TEACH us ALL THINGS, even the MYSTERY that was KEPT SECRET SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN.

What is a MYSTERY? A MYSTERY is like a rose bud that when it begins to sprout, the REAL BEAUTY of the ROSE is exposed. The same manner, when the MYSTERY of God’s PLAN is REVEALED, it becomes so WONDERFUL and MAGNIFICENT that catches our SOUL. You will SEE and UNDERSTAND something you had NEVER KNOWN. You will HEAR something you had NEVER HEARD about the MYSTERY of the KINGDOM of God! You are on the RIGHT TRACK!

The Hidden TREASURE of the Gospel was found, at last! This TREASURE (read Matthew 13:44) was KEPT SECRET SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN. The Prophet Isaiah stated,

“Have ye not known? Have ye not heard? Hath it not been told you from the BEGINNING? Have ye NOT UNDERSTOOD from the FOUNDATIONS of the earth? (Isaiah 40:21). For since the BEGINNING of the world men have not HEARD, nor PERCEIVED by the ear, neither hath the eye SEEN, O God, beside thee, what He hath PREPARED [Kingdom of God] for him that WAITETH for Him [2nd Coming of Christ]. (Isaiah 64:4,).

Jesus REVEALED in Matthew 25:34, “Then shall the King [Jesus, the KING of kings] say unto them on His RIGHT HAND, Come, ye BLESSED of my Father, INHERIT the KINGDOM PREPARED for you from the FOUNDATION of the world.” This is it! The KINGDOM of God! This is what Isaiah’s Prophecy, quoted above, means. The KINGDOM of God was already PREPARED BEFORE the creation of the world! But wait a moment! The Lord Jesus Christ is not yet seated on the ETERNAL THRONE that was PROMISED to King David! He is still seated at the RIGHT HAND of the ETERNAL God.

Joseph the dreamer, pictures the Lord Jesus Christ in Genesis 41:41-44,

“Pharaoh said unto Joseph, ‘See, I have set thee OVER ALL the land of Egypt.’ And Pharaoh took off his RING from his hand, and put it upon Joseph’s hand… and they cried before him, ‘BOW THE KNEE:’ and he made him RULER OVER ALL the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, ‘I am Pharaoh, and w/o thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.’”

Notice! That ALL AUTHORITY was given to Joseph. Even Pharaoh, the king, himself can’t make a decision without the APPROVAL or PERMISSION of Joseph. He was not seated on the THRONE of the king, yet, he was made RULER OVER ALL the land! And EVERY KNEE will BOW before Joseph. Now, you got it?

The same manner, Jesus is NOT YET SEATED on the PROMISED, ETERNAL THRONE! Jesus Christ is still seated on the RIGHT HAND, not on the very THRONE, of the ETERNAL God, yet, ALL AUTHORITY was given to Him.

Stephen saw the Lord Jesus Christ, “Behold, I see the Heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the RIGHT HAND of God.” (Acts 7:56). This Gospel of the KINGDOM of God was, indeed, the POWER of God to TRANSFORM a man named Saul of Tarsus, a Christian killer, into a GREAT Apostle, to what he became Apostle Paul. He was CHOSEN, CALLED and SENT by the Will of God to preach the Gospel of the KINGDOM of God to the non-Jewish people.

Furthermore, Jesus SUFFERED a SHAMEFUL death on the CROSS for us SINNERS! Then, What happened? Go to Philippians 2:9-11.

“God RAISED Him to the HIGHEST PLACE ABOVE and gave Him the NAME that is GREATER

than any other name. And so, in Honor of the NAME of Jesus ALL BEINGS in Heaven, on earth, & in the WORLD BELOW [Dark Kingdom] will FALL on their KNEES and ALL will openly PROCLAIM that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the GLORY of God the Father.”

In other words, ALL HUMANITY, Angels, even Satan and his demons shall BOW down before the Lord Jesus Christ! Get your own Bible and please, read it again!

John, the Beloved, confirmed this in Revelations 1:7, “Behold , He [Jesus Christ] cometh with clouds; and EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, and THEY ALSO WHICH PIERCED Him: & all kindreds [NATIONS] of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen.” This will happen SOON, during the 2nd Coming of Christ, the MESSIAH. Finally, EVERY EYE, even those who REJECTED and DESPISED Him, shall be opened and SEE the KINGDOM of God where Jesus Christ be ENTHRONED. Remember, the Lord Jesus Christ is not yet seated on the, PROMISED, ETERNAL THRONE! Then, what? We who belong to CHRIST are SEATED with Him in the RIGHT HAND of the ETERNAL and ALL-POWERFUL God in Heaven. Who are we, but SINNERS, a WORM from the dust of the ground, to INHERIT the PROMISED KINGDOM?

“But God, who is RICH in MERCY, for His GREAT LOVE where with He LOVED us, Even when we WERE DEAD in SINS, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by GRACE ye are SAVED;)

And hath raised us up together, and made us SIT TOGETHER in HEAVENLY places in Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:4-6).

Oh, I SEE! God LOVED us, when we WERE still SINNER and even when we WERE still His ENEMY! What UNDESERVED Mercy and GRACE! What a GREAT LOVE that SURPASSES UNDERSTANDING. An INDESCRIBABLE LOVE and no one can FATHOM! But what does it mean when the Apostle Paul stated, “We have THE MIND OF CHRIST”? The Lord Jesus Christ REVEALED the answer and is made CLEAR as we continue our JOURNEY towards the HIDDEN TREASURE of God! Furthermore, God made us SIT TOGETHER with Christ in the HEAVENLY PLACES! I repeat, you are SEATED in HEAVENLY PLACES!

Because of Jesus Christ’s DEATH on the CROSS, God’s MERCY lavished upon us! So, through FAITH in Christ Jesus our Lord, we are SEATED in the HEAVENLY places! You are already in the HEAVENLY places right now, and you should also experience ETERNAL LIFE. Yes! Right now! By His GREAT LOVE, our God, the Creator of EVERYTHING, is RICH in MERCY and FAVOR for you. If you are really SAVED, you shall experience the FORETASTE of the KINGDOM of God, in this earthly life, which was PREPARED in HEAVEN, which is YET TO COME, during the 2nd Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is what Jesus means when He taught His Disciples to pray like this:

“Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy KINGDOM COME. Thy WILL BE DONE on EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.” (Matthew 6:9-10).

5. The HEAVEN and The KINGDOM of God

“ENTER ye in at the strait gate: for WIDE is the gate, and BROAD is the way, that leadeth to DESTRUCTION, and MANY there be which GO IN there at: Because strait is the gate, and NARROW is THE WAY, which leadeth unto LIFE, and FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT.”

(Matthew, 7:13-14).

What is the REWARD of being SAVED? Go to Heaven after death? If you think like this, you can’t help but to WORK HARD, so you might go to Heaven when you die. And then, “Once you miss, you’ll lose your SALVATION and go to the ‘Hell Fire’ to SUFFER an ENDLESS SUFFERING!” If that's the case then, CHRISTIANITY has no difference from other RELIGION. This was the reason why EVANGELISM and Gospel TRACTS had lost its CREDIBILITY and EFFECTIVITY! Why? Since other Religions, and all UNBELIEVERS of the Lord Jesus Christ believe in “life after death”. They believe that if they do “good” then, they will receive a “REWARD”, otherwise, “PUNISHMENT”.

Did you ever found a passage in the 4 Gospels about Jesus PREACHING like, “Hey, I’m gon’na SUFFER and die on the CROSS. If you BELIEVE in me you will go to Heaven when you die! Or else, you will be PUNISHED in an ENDLESS SUFFERING.” You might think of the PARABLES. You should UNDERSTAND that the PARABLES is to picture the COMING KINGDOM of God and the GREAT TRIBULATION. The PARABLES are made CLEAR in the 2nd Phase of UNVEILING the MYSTERY.

Just what do you think Heaven? What is Heaven like? What did Jesus mean when He taught His disciples to Pray, “Thy WILL BE DONE on EARTH, AS IT IS in HEAVEN (Matthew 6:9-10).” Please, read it again in your own Bible. What is the Will of God in Heaven that can be done on earth? Or, what is in Heaven that can be DONE here on earth? Think of the HAPPIEST MOMENT you've ever experienced, think of the GREATEST THING you want to experience, think of the most AMAZING and AWESOME places you’ve ever seen, AMPLIFY it millions times millions! Think of an ENDLESS LOVE, JOY, PEACE, and PROSPERITY. A place where there is harmony, no hatred, no jealousy, no greediness, no selfishness, no disease, no pain, no loneliness, no fear, no doubt, no self-pity, NO CONDEMNATION, NO PROBLEM! This is the HEAVENLY LIFE.

If you really UNDERSTOOD what Heaven is like, you would begin to CHANGE all your NEGATIVE thoughts, NEGATIVE feelings, NEGATIVE emotions, NEGATIVE attitudes, NEGATIVE words, LUSTFUL desires and SELFISH ambition. Now does it make CLEAR that we can also experience Heaven down here on earth?

Now, if you really belong to CHRIST and not of this world (of the devil), you should have the DESIRE to turn from committing SIN, then obey God’s LAW and follow His WAYS! You should WORK OUT for your INHERITANCE, the PROMISED, ETERNAL KINGDOM! The WAY to the KINGDOM of God is NARROW! “Because strait is the gate, and NARROW is THE WAY, which leadeth unto LIFE, and FEW there be that find it.” (Matthew, 7:13-14). This passage is often interpreted as Heaven and hell. It puts in our mind that the ETERNAL, LIMITLESS and ENDLESS Heaven has a NARROW GATE. That if you can’t ENDURE, then, you can’t enter Heaven after death. Or else! You will SUFFER an ENDLESS PUNISHMENT to the “Hell Fire”? The Prophet Isaiah wrote,

“And an HIGHWAY shall be there, and a WAY, and it shall be called THE WAY OF HOLINESS;

the UNCLEAN shall not PASS over it; but it shall be for those: the WAYFARING men , though FOOLS, shall not err therein. (Isaiah 35:8).

Only those who can follow God’s WAY OF HOLINESS, God’s LAW (not MAN-MADE DOCTRINE), can ENTER the KINGDOM of God. Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY and the TRUTH that leads us to the PROMISED, ETERNAL KINGDOM.

The passage, Matthew 7:13-14, is mistakenly used to illustrate that the GATE is NARROW towards Heaven and the WAY to the “Hell Fire” is WIDE. In other words, many are on their way to the WIDE GATE that LEADS to the “Hell Fire”. What’s the result of this heresy? That you should WORK HARD so you can enter Heaven after death. If this be TRUE, well, meaning, our God is so CRUEL! That He created Human and live a FEW YEARS, then, many will SUFFER an ENDLESS PUNISHMENT to the “Hell Fire” because the way to Heaven is NARROW. This heresy DECEIVES us and makes us think that FEW CAN GO TO Heaven. Is this THE MIND OF CHRIST? To SAVE us from the “Hell Fire” and go to Heaven after death? Did you find this in the Bible? What’s the POINT of RESURRECTION?

The WAY to the KINGDOM of God is NARROW, not to the ETERNAL, LIMITLESS and ENDLESS Heaven! The KINGDOM of God is exclusive! Only few will be QUALIFIED to ENTER! I repeat, the WAY to the KINGDOM of God is NARROW!

During the time of Exodus, God Promised Canaan, a LAND with flowing MILK and HONEY. In the national history of Israel, Exodus is a very significant event. Exodus is the ESCAPE of God’s people from the Egyptian bondage (persecutions, POVERTY and SLAVERY). The WAY towards the PROMISED LAND was NARROW! Their LOVE, OBEDIENCE and TRUST towards God were tested! Many FAILED the TRIAL! Because of Distrust, Disobedience and Defiance or REBELLION against God in spite of God’s PROVIDENCE and PROVISIONS, they WANDERED in the wilderness. God ALLOWED them to wander for 40 years to DISCIPLINE them.

It only takes few days towards the Promised Land (a place of PEACE and PROSPERITY). They were DOUBTERS and always QUESTIONED the Will of God. ALL the UNBELIEVERS died in the wilderness without experiencing PEACE and PROSPERITY in the PROMISED Land.

The same manner, the UNBELIEVERS and DOUBTERS cannot ENTER the PROMISED, ETERNAL KINGDOM of God. God ALLOWS us to wander in the “Wilderness”. This “Wilderness” symbolizes TRIALS. Sometimes, God ALLOWS UNDESIRABLE things and UNWANTED situations that come on our way for our OWN BENEFIT. God had to take us through the “Wilderness” to GET RID of every NEGATIVE emotions, NEGATIVE feelings, NEGATIVE thoughts, NEGATIVE attitudes and NEGATIVE words. To GET RID of some things that is NOT GOOD to us. In order for us to shed some excess so we can become more FOCUSED and DETERMINED to PERSEVERE in PURSUING our PROMISED INHERITANCE. It sounds like the song, “TRUST and OBEY for there’s NO OTHER WAY…” Because the WAY to the PROMISED, ETERNAL KINGDOM of God is NARROW!

Our PROMISED INHERITANCE is the PROMISED, MILLENNIAL KINGDOM. God had to lead us towards the “Wilderness” in order to CLEANSE, REFINE and PURIFY us, so that we will be QUALIFIED to ENTER the PROMISED, MILLENNIAL KINGDOM. “Many shall be PURIFIED, & MADE WHITE, & TRIED; but the wicked shall do wickedly: & none of the wicked shall understand; but the WISE SHALL UNDERSTAND.” (Daniel 12:10). Blessed are those who UNDERSTANDS THE WISDOM OF GOD for they shall UNDERSTAND their PROMISED INHERITANCE. Begin to ask the Lord to give you this kind of MIND. DESIRE for it and SEEK the FACE of the Lord. Meditate the Book of Law, the Word of God as much as possible. Try to ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS (Worldly Addictions, Selfish Ambitions, FEARS for Today & WORRIES for Tomorrow). So that “You will RISE AGAIN to RECEIVE the INHERITANCE SET ASIDE for you.” (Daniel 12:13, NLT).

You should feel like a SOLDIER saying, “No Guts, No Glory!” and a BODYBUILDER that encourages himself, “No PAIN, no GAIN!” In other words, it takes COURAGE towards your GOAL. What is the GOAL of a Christian? Go to Heaven after death and receive “CROWN”? I think this was made CLEAR earlier. Our GOAL should be the COMING KINGDOM of God when Jesus Christ COMES BACK! This is our BLESSED HOPE! And He is COMING very SOON! You need to BELIEVE!

We will REIGN with the Lord Jesus Christ in the PROMISED, ETERNAL KINGDOM of God. I repeat you need to BELIEVE! You will RECEIVE what you BELIEVE, according to your FAITH! Then WORK hard to POSSESS that PROMISE. Because “Faith without WORKS is DEAD!” (James 2:17). It’s in the PROMISED, MILLENNIAL KINGDOM where we will receive CROWNS if we don’t QUIT in seeking and following the WAYS of God and God’s LAW, not Heaven after death! It takes PERSEVERANCE and DETERMINATION while LOOKING FORWARD to that BLESSED HOPE. This shall answer the controversial, “Salvation by Works”.

“And, behold, I come quickly;and My REWARD is with me, to give EVERY MAN according as his WORK shall be.” (Revelation 22:12).

This was illustrated by Jesus in His PARABLES to picture the KINGDOM of God. Jesus Christ will come AGAIN and EVALUATE us and give the REWARD according to our WORKS. The REWARD is not to go to Heaven after death at all! We have the HOPE of RESURRECTION. Now, if you insist that the REWARD is going to Heaven, you can’t help but to WORK HARD, so you might go to Heaven after death. And then other Christians will CRITICIZE you with “Salvation by WORKS”. No other different from other RELIGION and PAGAN beliefs! Remember, you are CURRENTLY SEATED in Christ in the HEAVENLY places!

In addition, “WE ARE CITIZENS of HEAVEN, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are EAGERLY WAITING FOR HIM [The 2nd Coming] for Him to RETURN as our Savior. (Philippians 3:20, NLT). YOU ARE ALREADY IN HEAVEN! If you are a citizen of a certain nation, then, you belong to that nation. And you live in that nation. The same manner, if you are a CITIZEN of Heaven, then, you belong to Heaven. In other words, if you are a Christian, therefore, you are living in Heaven, where the Jesus Christ lives, TODAY!

The real Gospel message of Christ about the PROMISED, ETERNAL KINGDOM of God was not UNDERSTOOD and was kept SECRET. It is a MYSTERY that should be REVEALED! Blessed are those who WAIT on the Lord Jesus Christ’s 2nd Coming and HOPE for the PROMISED, MILLENNIAL KINGDOM. “And He [Jesus] said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the MYSTERY of the KINGDOM of God… all these things are done in PARABLES.” (Mark 4:11, Luke 8:10, Matthew 13:11) And is now REVEALED by the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, in these “Last Days”! “That it might be FULFILLED which was spoken by the Prophet, saying, I will open My mouth in PARABLES; I will utter things [Reveal] which have been KEPT SECRET [Mystery] from the FOUNDATION of the world.” (Matthew 13:35). Some PARABLES concerning the KINGDOM of God were REVEALED by the Lord Jesus Christ and are discussed later.

Moreover, “We are EAGERLY WAITING for Him” (Philippians 3:20). Jesus Christ is COMING SOON! He will come to SAVE us! But what it means that we are SAVED by GRACE on the CROSS? That’s what we mean “God DECLARES His Will in the END from the BEGINNING.” Yes! SAVED from what? He will certainly DELIVER us and SET us FREE from this evil world, and even from DEATH! This is to make CLEAR about the HOPE of RESURRECTION. “For the WAGES of sin is DEATH; but the GIFT of God is ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23). Each of us will RECEIVE a GLORIFIED, HEAVENLY body that will never die and will not PERISH.

“ALL CREATION anticipates the day when it will join God's children in glorious FREEDOM FROM DEATH & decay [Perish]… And even we Christians, although we have the Holy Spirit within us as a FORETASTE of FUTURE GLORY, also groan to be RELEASED from PAIN and SUFFERING. We, too, WAIT ANXIOUSLY for that day when God will give us our FULL RIGHTS as His children, including the NEW BODIES He has PROMISED us. Now that we are SAVED, we EAGERLY LOOK FORWARD to this FREEDOM. For if you already have something, you DON’T NEED TO HOPE for it. (Romans 8:21, 23-24, NLT). Oh I SEE, now that we are SAVED, it’s not a HOPE no more, because we’ve RECEIVED it already through FAITH in the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember? “When God DECLARES, consider it DONE.”

We will certainly RECEIVE our FULL RIGHTS as His children, including the NEW BODIES He has PROMISED us (Romans 8:23). We will have GLORIFIED BODY and no more weeping, no more sorrow, no more pain, and no more DEATH! “Our EARTHLY BODIES, which DIE and decay, will be DIFFERENT when they are RESURRECTED, for they WILL NEVER DIE… When they are RAISED, they will be SPIRITUAL BODIES. For our PERISHABLE EARTHLY BODIES must be TRANSFORMED into HEAVENLY BODIES that WILL NEVER DIE.” (1 Corinthains 15:42, 44, 53, NLT). Yes, we who die in Christ will also also be given NEW LIFE after the RESURRECTION. “What I am saying, dear brothers and sisters, is that FLESH and BLOOD CANNOT INHERIT the KINGDOM of God. These perishable bodies of ours are not able to live forever.” (1 Corinthians 15:50, NLT). Oh, I SEE.THIS IS THE HOPE OF RESURRECTION!


What about KINGDOM of Heaven in the Gospel of Matthew? Just what do you think, KINGDOM of Heaven? The term, “KINGDOM of Heaven” occurs 31 times in the Book of Matthew. But we should UNDERSTAND that KINGDOM of Heaven is the same as KINGDOM of God. Read your own Bible and you will find that Matthew’s KINGDOM of Heaven exactly PARALLELS to the KINGDOM of God in the Gospel of Mark and Luke. KINGDOM of Heaven is not the same thing as Heaven. KINGDOM of Heaven is something you can find in Heaven. This shall make CLEAR that the KINGDOM of God or the KINGDOM of Heaven is the KINGDOM that Jesus mean when He said, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, INHERIT the KINGDOM PREPARED for you from the FOUNDATION of the world.” (Matthew 25:34). Yes, the PROMISED, ETERNAL KINGDOM of God was PREPARED in Heaven.

Now, when Jesus COMES BACK the RIGHTEOUS and the OVERCOMER shall, “RECEIVE the INHERITANCE SET ASIDE [For those who will ENDURE the NARROW WAY].” (Daniel 12:13).

When we HEAR the word, Heaven, first thing that comes first in our MIND is ETERNAL, INFINITE, NO END, BRIGHT, HOLY, a PLACE where God lives! John, the Baptist, began to PREACH, “And saying, REPENT ye: for the KINGDOM of Heaven IS AT HAND.” (Matthew 3:2). In the New Living Translation, it is translated us, “TURN from your sins and TURN to God.” Why? Because ONLY the RIGHTEOUS and HOLY are QUALIFIED to ENTER the PROMISED, ETERNAL KINGDOM of God.

From that time Jesus began to PREACH, and to say, “REPENT ye: for the KINGDOM of Heaven IS AT HAND.” (Matthew 4:17). Then in the “BEATITUDES”, Jesus DISCUSSED about who shall INHERIT the KINGDOM of Heaven. “When the Son of man shall COME in His glory, & ALL the HOLY Angels w/ Him, then shall He SIT upon the THRONE of His glory: And before Him shall be gathered ALL NATIONS [World Ruling Gov’t]: & He shall SEPARATE them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And He shall set the SHEEP [Overcomer, the Righteous] on HIS RIGHT HAND, but the goats [Doubters and Quitters, the Wicked] on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on HIS RIGHT HAND, Come, ye BLESSED of my Father INHERIT the KINGDOM PREPARED for you from the FOUNDATION of the world.” (Matthew 25:31-34). Who are the BLESSED of the Heavenly Father? Those that are mentioned in the “BEATITUDES”, found in Matthew 5:3-11. Notice, when the GLORIFIED Christ will COME AGAIN, ALL of the HOLY Angels will COME with Him. It also tells us that this EVENT shall occur here on earth, then, ALL NATIONS will GATHER before Him. Why? Because the KINGDOM of God will be a World Ruling Government, being ADMINISTERED by the KING of Kings, which is Jesus Christ, Himself.

The RIGHTEOUS and the OVERCOMER shall INHERIT the PROMISED, MILLENNIAL KINGDOM of God that was PREPARED in Heaven. They will REIGN as KINGS with Jesus Christ, the KING of kings. What will happen to the WICKED? They will face the GREAT TRIBULATION. This is what Jesus mean when He mentioned, “Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth”. WEEPING means, intense SORROW, intense SUFFERING, intense FEAR, etc… While GNASHING of teeth means, intense ANGER and HATRED. More of this in the following chapter. “For God has RESERVED a priceless INHERITANCE for His children. It is KEPT in HEAVEN for you, PURE and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay.” (1 Peter 3:4)

6. Just What do You Think: ETERNAL LIFE?

“For God so LOVED [before] the world that He gave His ONLY Son, so that EVERYONE who BELIEVES in Him will NOT PERISH but have ETERNAL LIFE.” (John 3:16, NLT)

This passage is commonly used during EVANGELISM. They say that this is the HEART of the Bible. Yes, everybody AGREE. But it is mistakenly used to preach the TRADITIONAL “gospel” of Heaven and hell. Did you ever read in this passage that you will go to Heaven after death if you BELIEVE in Him? Or else, ENDLESS PUNISHMENT in a “Hell Fire”? If you BELIEVE like this and PREACH it, you are PREACHING that our Creator, the LOVING God, who LOVED us, even BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN, is so CRUEL! What’s the point of PREACHING the “Prodigal Son”? Have you ever read Romans 5:6-10? The Apostle Paul explains that when we WERE utterly HELPLESS, Jesus Christ came just the RIGHT TIME and died for us. God LOVED us even when we WERE STILL SINNERS and considered an ENEMY of God.

Just what do you think SAVED? Most of us BELIEVED that, being SAVED is going to Heaven when we die. Yes, it’s TRUE! But this is just a THEOLOGICAL definition of being SAVED. I just want to tell you that, “Just knowing about God and the Bible is not enough. EXPERIENCING the UNFAILING and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and OVERFLOWING GRACE of God is what really matters.” Jesus came for SINNERS, WEAK, POOR, OPPRESSED, etc…

Jesus Christ came to SAVE us from our evil master, Satan, we were once a SLAVE of sin! Jesus Christ became human to TEACH us the WAY that leads to ETERNAL LIFE! So that we might experience HEAVEN! This was discussed above. Again, what is in Heaven that we can experience in this earthly life? PEACE, JOY, LOVE, PROSPERITY, etc… Because God wants you to experience ABUNDANT QUALITY of LIFE! A VICTORIOUS and SUCCESSFUL life! Now, If you are SAVED you are FREE (free of doubt, worry, fear, guilt). Should not live in POVERTY and SLAVERY. These are spirits of this world! WORRY is a spirit! FEAR and TIMIDITY is a spirit! POVERTY is a spirit! SLAVERY is a spirit! The Lord Jesus Christ has given you the AUTHORITY and POWER to CAST out this UNCLEAN spirits in your life, in your family, in your neighborhood, in your NATION and in ALL the NATIONS of the earth!

If you’re TRULY a Christian who LOVES God, you should live like you are in Heaven. You should also experience the ETERNAL LIFE! Just what do you think, ETERNAL LIFE? It is the HIGHEST QUALITY of LIFE you can’t even IMAGINE. An ABUNDANT QUALITY of LIFE you've never even DREAMED of. You will UNDERSTAND that you are part of God’s PERFECT PLAN from the FOUNDATION of the world. You will become WHOLE again, no matter what the devil had DONE in your life. When you face UNDESIRABLE things and UNWANTED situations, God turns them into GOOD and use them for your OWN BENEFIT, as long as you TRUST His PURPOSE, His PROMISES, follow His WAYS and OBEY His LAW. God will cause ALL THINGS (even bad things) for YOUR OWN BENEFIT. Now, that you already have ETERNAL LIFE, you should not FEAR and WORRY for tomorrow. You are already SECURED in the ETERNAL PLAN of God.

Those who don’t have ETERNAL LIFE always WORRY for tomorrow. That “GENTILE THINKING”! I mean, “SLAVE MENTALITY”. But you are SONS of God! God never FORSAKE those who LOVE, OBEY and TRUST Him. You should no longer “WORKING for a LIVING”, instead, “WORKING for a GIVING”! Earning money to be a BLESSING! And we should NO MORE WORRY FOR TOMMOROW. Why? Simply, you already have ETERNAL LIFE, the SUPREME HIGHEST QUALITY OF LIFE IN THIS WORLD! You have already ACQUIRED the ETERNAL LIFE through FAITH in our Lord Jesus Christ. You will live as if you have already EXISTED from ETERNITY to ETERNITY.

In addition, you are also SERVANTS of God. Think of a HOUSE MAID, isn’t it that all of needs are PROVIDED as long as she STAY in her master’s house? What more, if you are a SERVANT of God. God is the God of EVERYTHING. He is the source of EVERYTHING and he PROVIDES EVERYTHING you NEED. “Now you are FREE from the POWER of sin and have become slaves of God. Now you do those things that lead LEAD TO HOLINESS and result in ETERNAL LIFE.” (Romans 6:22, NLT). Be HOLY! What makes us HOLY? Nothing but the BLOOD of Jesus! This shall result to ETERNAL LIFE, not Heaven after death at all! Since, we are already a CITIZEN of Heaven. And we have the HOPE of RESURRECTION. During the RESURRECTION, we will RECEIVE GLORIFIED bodies that will NEVER DIE, this is to make the ETERNAL LIFE CLEARER. Many of us are DECEIVED of BELIEVING that ETERNAL LIFE is the same thing as Heaven where we go after death. So they WORK OUT to go to Heaven after death. This is the reason why the Body of Christ cannot be RECONCILED because of this. We really need to WORK OUT to RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE. The WAY is NARROW! “The WAY of HOLINESS; the UNCLEAN shall not PASS over it;” (Isaiah 35:8). This is to make CLEAR that we still need to WORK OUT to INHERIT and POSSESS the ETERNAL LIFE.

Similarly, the WORD of God is our AUTHORITY and POWER against evil rulers and authorities of this world, against those powers of the kingdom of darkness and against WICKED spirits. And this WORD is Jesus Christ. This makes CLEAR that the Lord Jesus Christ is SPEAKING to us, REVEALING the MYSTERY of God, through the WORD of God. Furthermore, the WORD of God gives ETERNAL LIFE and it leads us towards PROSPERITY and BLESSEDNESS! It GUIDES us towards the KINGDOM of God which was PREPARED in Heaven! “As well as RECIEVEING ETERNAL LIFE in the WORLD to COME.” (Luke 18:30, NLT).

Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, “To whom shall we go? Thouhast the WORDS of ETERNAL LIFE. (John 6:68). Yes, Jesus is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE (John14:6). He is the ONLY WAY towards ETERNAL LIFE. He is the TRUTH that TEACHES how to INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE. “I assure you, those who LISTEN to my MESSAGE and BELIEVE in God who sent He have ETERNAL LIFE. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from DEATH into LIFE.” (John 5:24, NLT). This is the HOPE of RESURRECTION! “For the WAGES of SIN is DEATH, but the FREE GIFT of God is ETERNAL LIFE through Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23, NLT).