Summary: Sermon for Christ The King Sunday The first illustration carries the theme of "urban legends" about the King of Denmark wearing a Jewish armband in WW II. True or false? When Pilate questioned Jesus he thought he was dealing with "urban legends" that

In Jesus Holy Name November 25, 2012

Text: Acts 1:11 Redeemer

“Christ Our King Will Return”

Perhaps you have heard this story. It's a great story: Many years ago, when Hitler's forces occupied Denmark, the order came that all Jews in Denmark were to identify themselves by wearing armbands with yellow star of David. The Danes had seen the extermination of Jews in other countries and guessed that this was the first step in that process in their countries. The King did not defy the orders.

He had every Jew wear the star and he himself wore the Star of David. He told his people that he expected every loyal Dane to do the same. The King said, "We are all Danes. One Danish person is the same as the next." He wore his yellow star when going into Copenhagen every day in order to encourage his people. The King of Denmark identified with his people, even to the point of putting his own life on the line.

It's a wonderful story with a powerful point. The only problem is it isn't true. It's an urban legend. It's been around for a long time and told thousands of times over. And now with the internet we are getting a lot of these legendary stories retold. (illustration from Sweet)

When Jesus was on trial before Pilate, Pilate had a serious question. "Are you the king of the Jews?" "Is that your idea," Jesus said to him, "or did others talk to you about me?" Pilate responded: “What is truth?” Scripture provides us with no intonation or inflection, so we do not know how Pilate asked the question. But we do know that Pilate turned away. He offered Jesus back to the Jews. You see there was an urban legend that had developed around the ministry of Jesus. It was said that he was going to lead a revolt against Rome. Pilate heard the Galilean’s reply….but “some say” that he did not act upon it, as far as we know. Others said that the disciples stole his body and spread the lie that Jesus was alive. Recent books and movies proclaim that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and fathered children.

That's how these legends get started. Other people talking about what other people have said. Jesus was essentially crucified on gossip and rumor. Urban legend or truth?

In his conversation with Pilate, Jesus finally does imply that he is a king. "My kingdom," he explains, "is not of this world." Not of this world.

Pilate and Jesus. Kingdoms in conflict. Over “What is truth?” It happens to be a serious question in our culture these days.

What was the truth about the presidential election and events in Florida four years ago….? Why was Ohio, Virginia, Florida, & Wisconsin so important in this recent election? Is the president elected by popular vote or the Electoral College? Should this even be a debate? Where is truth? What is the real truth regarding General Petreus? What is the truth about the present Mid East conflict? Who really started it?

Did our founding fathers really believe in God? What was their view of God? Did they base our constitution on the Juedo-Christian ethic and the Ten Commandments? Why is it OK to display the Jewish Menorah on public property, an in public schools during Hanukah and the Muslim Crescent during Islamic holy days …..but not the manger during Christmas?

So why did Santa Monica recently outlaw all seasonal displays. Does that mean Santa Monica will also outlaw Christmas Caroling? Do they know yet? Why would a school district in Washington cancel Thanksgiving and call it a day of mourning for land taken from American Indians? (2007) Why does a recent history book lesson used in a grade school class room in Texas tell the story of the Boston Tea Party but note that it was a group “terrorist” who threw expensive merchandize over board into the Boston Harbor. (2012) Where is truth?

Recent books and movies proclaim that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and fathered children. Where is truth? Bill O’Rielly on his radio program a few years ago asked: “Why is Christianity under attack in our culture?”

The answer is really quite simple….. These two kingdoms, the kingdom of Pilate and the Kingdom of Jesus, are not compatible. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of man do not see eye to eye. They are in conflict.

“You are a king, then!” said Pilate.

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

It is a cryptic passage. There was no way that Jesus could explain to Pilate the nature of his kingdom. How do you explain to a person who is totally immersed in a material world what a spiritual kingdom is? It is like trying to explain color to a person who has never even seen light, or music to a person who has never heard a single sound.

“My kingdom is not like kingdoms in this world.” How do we, ourselves get our tiny brains around such a lofty concept? “My kingdom is not of this world.” Jesus said: “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.” He who wants to be great must be a servant to others. The kingdom of this world, the kingdom Pilate represented requires military power and it is a kingdom where celebrities are worshiped, where “self” comes first. Jesus calls those who live under his rule, His kingdom to be servants.

Christ’s kingdom is about how you live rather than where you live. In this world, citizenship is determined primarily by geography. If you live in California, you are by definition a Californian. You may not look like a Californian, whatever a Californian looks like; you may not act like a Californian that’s a line I am not going to touch. I’m just kidding, of course. There are some nice, normal people who live in California.

If you live in California, you are a Californian. You are also probably an American. Citizens of other countries may live in California, but if you were born in that state, you are an American. Citizenship in this world is determined primarily by where you live or at least where you were born. Citizenship in Christ’s kingdom is determined by how you live.

Someone has described Jesus like this:

1) To the hungry he is the Bread of Life. Do you provide food for the hungry? (We are collecting canned goods for the Fresno Rescue Mission… have you brought any?)

2) To the sick he is the Great Physician. Have you been able to drop someone a card or care for them? (One of our members just volunteered to spend the next month helping a friend recover from knee surgery in S.F.)

3) To the lonely he is the one who comes and sits beside, often in silence.

To the lost he is the Good Shepherd who goes out seeking his lost sheep. Do you welcome those who have been lost?

4) To the Prodigals he is the parent waiting at home, watching, ready to throw a party in celebration of the return home.

Does that describe Christ in your life? Do you live in his kingdom? That kingdom is determined not by where you live, but by how you live. That kingdom is determined by where you place you ultimate allegiance. It is determined by your ultimate role model, by the One you worship.

What is truth? What is the truth about Jesus? Is He God? Is He the One who can remove our guilt? Is He the One who can offer eternal life beyond the grave?

The Rev. John Stott in his book “Basic Christianity” writes”: “the person and teachings of Jesus have not lost their appeal… He breathed love and peace wherever he went. But it takes great effort to investigate the credentials of Christianity.” The journey towards faith in Jesus is not always easy…. Pilate did not or could not make that journey, although we know that some within the palace did.

Very few people deny the existence of Jesus. They accept him as a great teacher, a man of history. The question is “NOT” did he exist on earth? History documents the fact that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. He grew up, worked, rested, slept and eventually died on a cross in Jerusalem. We weekly confess this truth…. When we speak the words: “crucified under Pontius Pilate.”

Why then did God send His only Son, who was totally innocent, to be nailed on the cross? Very simple! God did this because He loves you. God knows the very depths of your heart. God is aware of the many mistakes that you have made in the past, and, in spite of all this, God still loves you. Yes, in spite of all the mistakes that you have ever made in your whole life, God still cares about you very much.

When Jesus died, creation experienced a gigantic cataclysmic upheaval: huge rocks split open; darkness covered the earth; and the dead came out of the graves. The significance of this event is recorded in the gospel of St. Matthew. The large curtain in the temple in Jerusalem, which separated the people from the presence of God, was now torn wide open.

When Jesus died on the cross, it was the most crucial happening in all of history. And in the same afternoon, yes, even during the very hour of Christ's death, several other bizarre events also took place. In the Word of God, we read that tombs or graves in the local cemetery were opened. People who had died and had been buried years before, were now raised from the dead. After Jesus' resurrection, they came out of the tombs; they walked out of the cemetery; they walked into the city of Jerusalem and appeared to many different people.

This is what the death of Jesus Christ has done for you and me. We are no longer separated from God by religious laws and rules. The barriers have been removed. Sins have been forgiven. Heaven’s door is open. He is coming again.

Pilate had a good question. But the better question is: “Did Jesus exist before the creation of the world and is He alive today?” “Is He God?” So often when we speak of the life of Jesus, we generally think of that period of time between Bethlehem and Calvary. This earthly existence was only one “small segment of His life.”

Let me explain. Many of you have been to the coast, some of you to Hawaii. You may have visited the beach where the ocean waves meet the shore. Maybe you have visited a light house from which you can see miles and miles of ocean water. In either place you may say: “I have seen the ocean.” But in reality you only saw a few miles of it….for it extends for hundreds of miles around the world.

So it is with the life of Jesus. We read and study the gospel stories though out the “Church” year. We read about Jesus teaching in the temple courts. Walking on the Sea of Galilee. Healing people in the streets of Capernaum. These events from the life of Jesus are recorded in the Bible to confront us with the question: “Who is Jesus?” (Matthew 8:16: 23-27)

Is Jesus a special unique man or is He God? This is the fundamental question. For if Jesus was not God, in human flesh who died and then rose from the dead then Christianity is only another religion with beautiful ideas and noble ethics. Another urban legend!

People are still seeking answers not only about Jesus, but about their own eternal destiny. A number of years ago I was on a flight, traveling across the country, and a woman from Seattle who saw my ring, which has a cross in it asked: “Are you a religious person? Did you graduate from a theological school? Well, a year ago my father died and I often get depressed… and have panic attacks. He appeared to me in a dream and said everything was OK… What do you think?”

What is truth? She wanted to know.

Jesus is the visible presence of the invisible God. He is the only one who can offer forgiveness. He is the only one who can offer eternal life. He has opened the gates of heaven to all who desire to enter through faith.

Hebrews 9:27 “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that face the judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

I love the way the late African-American preacher S. M. Lockridge once put it: “The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him. But they found out they couldn’t stop Him. Pilate couldn’t find any fault in Him. Herod couldn’t kill Him. Death couldn’t handle Him, and the grave couldn’t hold Him. Yea! That’s my King.” And He is coming Back! (Story from