Summary: Since our time on earth is limited, let’s live wisely as Spirit filled people.


Ephesians 5:15-17

Since our time on earth is limited, let’s live wisely as Spirit filled people.


Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house, nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.

The cookies I’d nibbled, the fudge I did taste, all the holiday parties had gone to my waist.

When I got on the scales there arose such a number! When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).

I remembered the marvelous meals I’d prepared, the gravies and sauces and beef nicely rare.

The pies and the cakes, the bread and the cheese, and the way I never said, "No thank you please."

As I dressed myself in my husband’s old shirt, and prepared once again to do battle with dirt---

I said to myself, as I only can "You can’t spend the winter disguised as a man!"

So away with the last of the sour cream dip, get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip.

Every last bit of food that I like must be banished, ‘till all the additional ounces have vanished.

I won’t have a cookie, not even a lick, I’ll want only to chew on a long celery stick.

I won’t have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie, I’ll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

I’m hungry, I’m lonesome, and life is a bore --- But isn’t that what January is for?

Unable to giggle, no longer a riot ... Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!

Between now and next week people will be making their traditional new years resolutions. They will range from losing weight, to exercising more, to quitting smoking and the list is endless. Unfortunately only a small number will have followed through on these well-meaning commitments to self-improvement.

We all want a better life. We want to be successful and get as much as we can from life.

Jesus said that His promise to those who place their trust in him would be ABUNDANT LIFE. IN fact Jesus promises an overflowing life of joy and contentment and power.

So, the question is not how can I get more of this. Rather if you are a follower of Jesus, the Question should be how am I experiencing the Life which is already mine ? What am I doing with the life and time which God has blessed me with now?

Paul exhorts believers to be ‘very careful’ to live wisely as spirit filled people. The word ‘careful’ contains the meaning of exactness or accuracy. It is hitting the mark or bullseye.

Paul is saying to these believers, “Pay attention to how you live.” There is a right way to proceed in life and there is a wrong way to proceed in life. How many of you have discovered that you don’t accidentally do it right? You can accidentally do it wrong. You can drift with the current of society and mess up your life without much planning. But if our lives are going to be meaningful and wholesome and rewarding we will have to exercise some thought and diligence.

P.S. Since our time on earth is limited, let’s live wisely as Spirit filled people..

In 2013, Paul gives us three practical ways to living wisely as Spirit filled people.

1. We need to live DILIGENTLY( 16)

making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

I wonder what good things God has planned for us in the year 2013? I look back over 2012 and realize a lot of good things happened.

My family was able to travel out west and be part of Phils graduation from Bible college. We welcomed a new daughter in law to the family as Phil and Katy were married. Sue and I celebrated 25 years of marriage.

Our church has been blessed with new families, and being able to continue to bless our community through our VBS, community Family events such as Halloween, and Christmas. Last Sunday what a thrill it was to bless several of the seniors in our community with the Christmas stockings.

It’s a real joy to sit back and think of how the Lord blessed our church, and how we were able to be a blessing to the town of Havelock.

But isn’t it also exciting to think about what God has planned for us in 2013?

In Ephesians 2:10 the Bible says, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” NIV Did you catch the significance of those last few words concerning the good works God has for us to do? It says, “…which God has prepared in advance for us to do.” God already knows the opportunities He is going to give us in 2003. He’s made all the preparations for it to happen. He is preparing us as well. We are His workmanship. He has prepared the opportunities. And what is our part?

Ephesians 5:16 “…making the most of every opportunity…”

There are three Greek words used in the New Testament to refer to time.1 Hora is usually translated “hour.” Chrono from which we get our English Chronological refers to time in general, a period or measured time. The word used here is not hora or chrono but kairos, which refers to an appointed time, a fixed or special occasion—those moments or seasons when opportunity knocks!

When opportunity knocks, don’t let those occasions pass you by. Seize the opportunities that God has planned for you in the days ahead.

God makes the opportunity. It is our responsibility to be alert, watchful, to see it for what it is and step out into it. I don’t want to miss any God-given opportunities in 2013.

Paul said we will make wise use of our time by “making the most of every opportunity.” God gives us opportunities each day to serve Him; we have the chance to use our time wisely. However, we all only get so many opportunities—one day our time will run out and we won’t get another chance. Therefore, while we still have the chance, with each opportunity make it your best.

God provides the opportunity. It is our responsibility to be alert, watchful, to see it for what it is and step out into it. I don’t want to miss any God-given opportunities in 2003. I want to be awake spiritually. I want to pay attention to what’s happening. I want to grab the opportunity while it is still an opportunity!

It is interesting that the Bible tells us to do this “…because the days are evil.” There are evil influences at work in the world we live. If we’re not careful we can be turned aside, derailed, from our true purpose. “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation…”(Heb.2:3 NKJV)? Spiritual apathy is dangerous in the world we live. Paul is telling you and me, without some due care and diligence you can miss the will of God for your life. You can miss out on important opportunities to do good.

Some people never see opportunities. Everything is a calamity; everything is an obstacle. For them the days are evil—and that’s why there are no opportunities. In the circumstances of life they find excuses not opportunities. “I can’t serve God where I work. Nobody’s a Christian. It’s a horrible environment. I wish God would let me quit.” A different person in the same set of circumstances says, “Wow, what an opportunity. None of them know the Lord. Just think, I might get to lead everyone of them to the Lord.” One person says, “Isn’t it awful how so many people are calling psychics and studying the occult. Nobody wants to hear the truth anymore.” Another says, “Yes the days are evil but what an opportunity. Those people just may be very, very hungry for spiritual reality. They may be fed up with the inadequacy of humanism and rationalism. They may be ripe for a real encounter with the risen Christ. Lord, use me; let me have a part in reaching those people.”

In your circumstances do you see an excuse or an opportunity?

Every season of life is an opportunity or an excuse depending upon what a person is looking for. You will find what you’re looking for. The teen says, “I’m too young, there’s too much peer pressure. I can’t serve God.” Another teens says, “All my friends are wondering what life is really about. They want a cause. They want something worth living for. What an opportunity to tell them about God’s plan for their lives.”

A single person says, “I’m so lonely. I want to serve God. I would really serve Him if He would just give me a husband. I just can’t wait until God answers my prayer.” Another single says, “How can I help at the church. I’ve got some time available and I would love to serve the Lord with you.”

The young married couple says, “Our kids are too demanding. I’m lucky if I can just get to church, let alone serve.” Another family says, “Can our family put on a skit in children’s church? It would be something we could do together and our kids would learn ministry in the process.”

The middle aged person says, “You have no idea how much responsibility is on me—family expectations, work expectations—I have nothing left to give.” Another person the same age says, “I am at the peak of my strength. If I order my priorities right I can make a real difference!”

The retired couple says, “I’m tired. Let the younger generation do it. I’ve served my time.”

Another couple in the same life season says, “We have our retirement income. We don’t need money. We have time. What can we do for the kingdom of God in our golden years?”

What has God been preparing you for? How will you respond in the moment of truth? Make the most of your opportunities in 2003.

Be wise! Don’t let the devil rob you of your time.

Dr. Richard Swenson wrote the book Margin: The Overload Syndrome in which he discusses one of the major maladies of our time—anxiety and stress. Swenson says millions of people suffer from the overload syndrome. We are overloaded with our COMMITMENTS; overloaded with POSESSIONS—things we simply must have; overloaded with our WORK; and suffer from INFORMATION overload. What are we to do with our heavy load?

Jesus gave the best prescription to cure overload—KEEP HIM FIRST IN YOUR LIFE. Make certain Jesus is your number one priority—be sure your primary focus is upon eternal things and not on the stuff of life, this is how we can keep from being overloaded and letting Satan rob us of our time.

We each have 8,760 hour per year—just 24 hours per day. Let Jesus permeate and fill your time; keep Him first in all you do. Make the most of every opportunity, because time is running out.

Wise people sieze every opportunity to do good; once it has passed, it is gone forever. Someone once advertised,

‘LOST, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward offered for they are gone forever.’ ( John Stott)


To make the proper use of our time takes diligence. We need to give careful attention to how we use our time. To understand Gods will, involves DISCERNMENT.

So many Christians spend their time trying to know Gods will. The Bile is more concerned that we UNDERSTAND His will. This involves DISCERNMENT.

The word translated “understand” in Ephesians 5:17 carries the idea of assembling facts into an organized whole--taking all the bits and pieces of information and making sense of it all.3 Can you and I look at the circumstances of our lives and see the hand of God at work? Can we see the big picture of God’s purposes and put our immediate circumstances in that context?

You’ve heard of the saying, “I can’t see the forest for the trees”? That’s the way some people live their lives. Every event is a stupid tree. It has no context, no point of reference. It is not associated with a bigger purpose. So, a difficulty arises. What do I see? I see trouble. I’m offended that it is there. I’m discouraged. No! Look beyond the stupid tree. See the forest. See the big picture. See God working all things together for my good—orchestrating events and circumstances to build my character and faith in Him. See God conforming me to the image of Christ—something of infinite eternal value.

“…understand what the Lord’s will is.” What is God’s will for my life?

Romans 8:29 “…to be conformed to the likeness of His Son.”

I Thes. 4:3 “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified…”

I Thes. 5:18 “…give thanks in all things for this is God’s will for you…”

God’s will is primarily focused on the transformation He wants to do in us. Understand that and a lot of things begin to make sense. When we understand what God is ultimately seeking to accomplish the trials and difficulties of life are easier to deal with. When we understand the Lord’s will we can rest in His love and all sufficiency.

The New Living Bible translates Ephesians 5:17 this way: “Don’t act thoughtlessly, but try to understand what God wants you to do.” What do you think God wants you to do in 2013?

Notice the focus in our text—not what I want to do but what He wants me to do. Those are two very different orientations to life. Jesus said, “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.” (NIV) Let your focus in 2013 be what the Lord wants.

How can we know what He wants? Sometimes that understanding comes by simply knowing and embracing principles taught in the word of God. Sometimes that understanding comes as we weigh events and circumstances knowing that our steps are ordered of the Lord (the providential element of God’s leading). Sometimes we know God’s will because He tells us in a most personal way. That happened to Paul in Acts 27 in the middle of a hurricane. Dire circumstances but God comforted Paul and told him what to do every step of the way.

A key to understanding the will of God is a commitment to do the will of God once we understand it. I want to go into 2003 with that commitment in my heart—a commitment to discern what God wants and then simply do it.

We’re talking about how to live our lives in 2013. Paul admonishes us to be very careful about how we live—don’t be casual, indifferent, sloppy. Be intentional about three things: 1. Make the most of every opportunity God gives you. 2. Understand what God’s will is—with the kind of understanding that produces a willingness to obey. 3rd Be filled with the Spirit.


He contrasts that command with these words: “Do not get drunk on wine…” Why do people drink to get drunk? They are not coping well with the realities of life. They are perhaps soothing feelings of loneliness or rejection. They may just want to feel an exhilaration. They are using alcohol to bring stimulation from the outside into their lives.

The problem is artificial stimulants lead to addiction, excess, reckless living. They are ultimately destructive to the person whether the stimulant is alcohol or another drug or sexual promiscuity or gambling or something else like that. They bring temporary relief or temporary pleasure but in the end they damage rather than cure.4 Paul is saying, “Don’t stimulate your life with things like wine. There is a much better alternative. Be filled with the Spirit.”

Do you know why we are tempted toward these artificial stimulants? We are not filled with the Spirit. We are not getting our basic, internal needs met in our relationship with God—so we seek out other things to fill the need. We need to be filled with the Spirit. We need God. We need God to saturate our beings with His love, with His peace, with Himself. When that’s not happening there is a spiritual and emotional vacuum in us—and we are vulnerable to temptation.

In the first half of this chapter Paul has already warned us against behaviors that are destructive to our spiritual well being. But notice he does not just tell us what not to do. He tells us what we can and must do to be fully satisfied and fulfilled. “Be filled with the Spirit.” Without that happening our lives cannot be everything God wants them to be in 2013.

There is a beautiful connection between the three directives Paul gives us in our text. How can we live wisely in 2013? Paul tells us to pay particular attention to three things. Be alert to the opportunities God will give you and make the most of them. We will do that best if we understand the Lord’s will for our lives. We will best understand God’s will if we are filled with the Spirit. “Be filled with the Spirit.”

The word translated “be filled” is plaroo. It is in the present, passive, imperative form.

Let me share with you the practical significance of that.

1st the imperative mode means it is a command. God is not just making a suggestion here. He is commanding us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We must have this enablement to live lives honoring to God. It is the power of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit that distinguishes us as God’s people. The command is not “try harder.” Trying harder is no substitute for being filled with the Spirit. It is His influence working in us and through us that brings victory.

2nd this verb is plural. Every believer is commanded to be filled with the Spirit. It is not just for an elite few. It is for each and every one of us. I can tell you on the authority of this scripture that God does not want you to leave this service today without being filled, empowered, refreshed in His Spirit.

3rd the tense of this verb is present. Its not a one-time thing and then you’re done. Too many of our Pentecostal believers think they’re Spirit filled because twelve years ago they prayed and spoke in tongues. Twelve years ago they were filled with the Spirit. But God’s question for every one of us is not have you been filled with the Spirit but are you full of the Spirit right now. In Acts 2 Peter was filled with the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. In Acts 4:31 he prayed and was filled again. Why, because yesterday’s experience is not adequate for today’s challenges. Peter needed a fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit in his life for the challenges he was about to face. To make the most of the opportunity before him he needed to be filled with the Spirit. We are to stay filled! We are to be continually filled. That’s one reason we come together in a service like this on a regular basis. We should always come with the intention of being filled with the Spirit. That’s not something that just happens in the corporate worship setting. But that’s a great place for it to be happening in our lives. With this imperative we should never be content to leave church empty. Amen?

4th the verb is in the passive voice. Its something God has to do in us. We can’t make it happen. But He is ready and willing. If we will; He will. God wants us full of the Spirit now. The good news is if that’s what He wants and even commands, then if we will yield ourselves to Him He will fill us.

Paul tells us that there are 4 Consequesnces of Spirit filled living

a. There is singing of all kinds

“Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.”

That sounds like a great worship service to me. There is a variety offered in the style of worship. We cannot know exactly the distinctions between these three expressions. But the Psalms was the songbook of Israel. Singing God’s word would be a valid expression of worship. Hymns are Christian compositions. Spiritual songs are probably spontaneous outbursts of inspired singing. You may wonder why we sometimes just allow the joy of God to overflow with spontaneous, unscripted songs of praise.7 This is why. Worship can and should include this kind of variety of expression. Colossians 3:15-17 is a parallel passage.

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” NIV

How does this free flow of worship happen? When there’s peace in our hearts, in our house, in our church. And when we let the word of Christ dwell in us richly. The spiritual songs do not come in a vacuum. They flow from hearts filled with the word of God and filled with the Spirit.

“Sing and make melody in your hearts to the Lord.” Spirit filled worship comes from the heart. It is not just good singing. It is not just good instrumentation although that facilitates true worship. Our worship is not designed to entertain. It is designed as an expression of joy, adoration, and love to our Lord.

Notice that the expression goes two directions: toward one another and toward the Lord. Sometimes a song is a direct adoration to the Lord and the words speak to Him. Sometimes the words are declarations of truth and encouragement to one another. Each has its proper place in the economy of God.

b. Overflowing expression of joy

Paul writes in 1 cor.14:15, that ‘I will sing with my spirit and I will also sing with my mind.’ This personal joy is expressed to the Lord! It comes from making a personal decision to be joyful in the Lord.

A third expression of Spirit filled living is Thanksgiving.

c. Thanksgiving

“always (not just when we feel like it) giving thanks to God the Father for everything…” What has God done for you in 2012? May thanksgiving and gratitude fill our hearts for His goodness and mercy toward us.

A grumbling, critical attitude is contrary and incompatible with Spirit filled living. The Holy Spirit teaches us that God makes all things good ( Romans 8:28) and so enables us to be thankful wholeheartedly at all times.

The final consequence is probably the hardest. In fact unless you can lerarn the lesson of living thankfully you will find it difficult if not impossible to live in submission to one another.

d. Mutual submission

This is something that cannot be a put on. It comes as a result of first of all living in submission to Jesus and so allowing His Spirit to flow through you.

What does it look like to be in submission to one another in the body of Christ?

It means we do not assert ourselves to get what we think we deserve

It means we do not try to control or manipulate others or insist on getting our own way.

It means that we trade pride for humility and strive to put others ahead of ourselves.

It means we make a deliberate decision to live for others, in humility, gentleness and above all PATEINCE.

I had to chuckle when I read the story of a A truck driver who sat down to eat at an all-night restaurant. The waitress had just served him his meal when three guys riding Harley’s showed up and swaggered into the diner. One grabbed the man’s hamburger; another took a fistful of his French Fries; and the third picked up his coffee and began to drink it.

The trucker responded with great patience. He calmly got up from the table, picked up his check, walked to the front of the restaurant, put his money on the cash register, and headed out the door. The waitress watched as the big truck drove off into the night.

When she returned, one of the bikers said to her, “He wasn’t much of a man, was he?” To which she replied, “He’s not much of a truck driver either. He just ran over three motorcycles out in the parking lot.”

The Fruit of patience can only come from the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. He alone is the source and supplier of patience because He is the God of all patience. Only as we are filled with the Spirit, and stay connected to the vine will we be able to know and experience His patience. Just as we can’t manufacture love, joy or peace on our own, we certainly can’t pretend to have patience when we don’t.

There are two lies which Satan feeds believers that has devastating affects upon individuals and churches.

The one lie, says, I can have what I want, when I want, and it doesn’t matter who tries to stop me. It is my spiritual heritage. Folk, there is a word which the world uses to describe such a person. It is being a BULLY.

There are spiritual bullies even in the church. The Bible says, you cannot be spirit filled and act like a spiritual bully at the same time.

The second lie from the dievil says, ‘I don’t need the church or anyone in the church. I can live my own life for Jesus. You and I were not meant to live in isolation. From the very beginning, God ascertained that it was not good for mankind to live alone. You and I need one another, and if the devil can convice you to live in isolation of the body, guess what you will become bait for his trap.

Folk it is the holy Spirit who makes us one. HE is the One who fills us and enables us to fulfill the great commission TOGETHER.

Folks it’s simple—without the Spirit of God in your life it is impossible to live your life for God. You cannot know God’s will for your life apart from His Spirit living in you and making it known.

If you allow the things of the world to have the first place in your life—if you give yourself to the influence of wine and pleasure, then you will not know or live according to God’s will. Without the Holy Spirit, your life will fall apart. Instead of submitting to one another, you will be quick to look out for number one—quick to fight for what you want.


Someone has said that there are two great enemies of time.

1. Regrets about the past. “O I wish I had never said… or I wish I had done more for…

2. Anxiety about the future. “ Will I have enough ….

The way to overcome these enemies is to focus on today. Since our time on earth is limited, let’s make the most of the time we have left. It’s fine to wish each other a Happy New Year today but let’s allow God to fill us with His Spirit .. That can happen as we choose to

Be Diligent with your time; Be discerning about Gods will; Be deliberate to live a Spirit filled life.