Summary: It's easy for us to lose sight of Jesus, but in faith, we will always know his presence with us.

Several years ago the Journal of the American Medical Association published an article on the Stages of Aging. In the article, the doctor described a case study he had presented to his students when teaching a class in medical school. He described the case study patient under his care like this:

“The patient neither speaks nor comprehends the spoken word. Sometimes she babbles incoherently for hours on end. She is disoriented about person, place, and time. She does, however, respond to her name. I have worked with her for the past six months, but she still shows complete disregard for her physical appearance and makes no effort to assist her own care. She must be fed, bathed, and clothed by others.

“Her food must be pureed. Her shirt is usually soiled from almost incessant drooling. She does not walk. Her sleep pattern is erratic. Often she wakes in the middle of the night and her screaming awakens others. Most of the time she is friendly and happy, but several times a day she gets quite agitated without apparent cause. Then she wails until someone comes to comfort her.”

After presenting the class with this challenging case, the doctor then asked his students if any of them would like to volunteer to take care of this person. No one volunteered. Then the doctor said, “I’m surprised that none of you offered to help, because actually she is my favorite patient. I get immense pleasure from taking care of her and I am learning so much from her. She has taught me a depth of gratitude I never knew before. She has taught me the spirit of unwavering trust. And she has taught me the power of unconditional love.”

Then the doctor said, “Let me show you her picture.” He pulled out the picture and passed it around. It was a photo of his six-month-old baby daughter.

I like that story for several reasons. For one thing, it shows us how essential it is to have all the facts before we make a decision. But more importantly, I think, it shows us the importance of perspective. And this story reminds us that our children have so much to teach us if we will just tune in and pay attention; even as the child Jesus had some things to teach his parents; and us too if we will tune in and pay attention.

So let’s take a closer look at what’s happening in this early passage from Luke’s gospel. As Luke opens his gospel, he has made some amazing affirmations about Jesus that help us to understand just exactly who and what Jesus was. From his infancy throughout his childhood and into adulthood, Luke shows us that this is the Christ, the Messiah, our Savior. And here, we are given this glimpse of a twelve year-old boy who confounds his parents, the religious leaders, and many others, even to this day. The point of this passage is not so much to teach us how to be better parents or how to follow God’s will, but Luke has included it here to remind us that this is the Christ: to give us perspective, understanding, and cause for faith.

Have you ever misplaced something that is very important to you? You knew you hadn’t lost it, you just could not find it. Maybe it was your wallet, a pen or your car keys. You know what I’m talking about. What do you do when that happens? First off, you don’t know there’s a problem until you need what it is you thought you had. It is not until you go to pay your dinner ticket that you reach for your wallet and it’s not there. When you are getting ready to take the number down you realize your pen has vanished in thin air. Or as you hurry out the door to go pick your child up and you discover you no longer have your keys. Then what do you do? Everything stops, doesn’t it? You freeze as you think back in your mind about what you have been doing, and then you began to retrace your steps so you can find what you have misplaced.

We’ve all been in such circumstances; perhaps we have even had that experience of losing a child, or as a child losing our parents. Until the lost is found, it’s an awful feeling no matter what. And I think we can all relate to Mary and Joseph’s panic when they searched among their family and friends only to discover that Jesus was not with them. So all of this raises an interesting issue for us this morning. We need to put ourselves in Joseph and Mary’s shoes for a moment and understand Jesus to be one of our own family; this is what Jesus desires with each of us, that we would be joined with him as one family. And the question is this: if we were to discover, like Mary and Joseph, that we had lost sight of Jesus, what would be our reaction? Would we be overcome with the same sort of panic and urgency that we feel when we lose keys, or wallets, or even our own children?

Mary and Joseph had been to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of Passover, their twelve-year-old son was with them. When the feast was over they began to travel back home. They had traveled a whole days journey and made camp that evening before they had realized they had misplaced Jesus. Before you write them off as being bad parents and not keeping up with their kids understand they were traveling in a large group, the women and children generally would begin the journey ahead of the men, seeing how they traveled a little slower. By evening time when they would make camp the men had caught up with the women and children. I am sure Mary thought Jesus was with Joseph, and Joseph thought Jesus was with Mary. So it was not until that evening they discovered Jesus had been misplaced, and even lost at this point.

How far would you have traveled before you realized that you had misplaced Jesus? Or should I ask are you sure Jesus is still with you in your travels? Are you sure you have not already misplaced him? When is the last time you felt that you really needed him? When was the last time you had to call on him?

There are some here this morning who really don’t feel like they need Jesus. Maybe you feel like you are smart enough on your on or strong enough on your own. You’ll save Jesus for the BIG stuff you say. There are others that have such a shallow relationship that they think Jesus is with them but really they have misplaced him and have not realized it yet. The needs in your life have not necessitated it yet. Then there are those among us who feel as faithful and righteous as ever, but have not even realized that the business of life has actually caused us to lose sight of Jesus.

Ultimately, this is a matter of faith. As we make our way in this world and go about the business of our day-to-day lives, it’s so easy to push our faith to the back burner; our devotion time is squeezed out by lunches that need to be packed and clothes that need to be folded. Our Sunday morning worship is neglected as we choose Saturday night parties with friends. We grow secure in our jobs and comfortable with our families, and we feel like we have all we need. We don’t realize we have lost sight of Jesus until it’s too late; tragedy strikes, and we are left wondering where Jesus is.

It happened after Newtown and the Portland Mall. It happened after Hurricane Sandy and Aurora, Colorado. This question emerges, “Where was God?” It’s in newspapers and magazines. It’s posted on Facebook and Twitter. Everywhere you turn, people are asking the question and looking for answers. “Where is Jesus?” We can try and answer that question all we want, but there’s no need. Because, you see, Jesus gave us the answer a long time ago; we just need to listen. “Why were you looking for me? Didn’t you know that it was necessary for me to be in my Father house? Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?”

My friends, Jesus is never lost; God is never absent. Jesus is our Savior, who came to make a way for us to be in relationship with God. That’s what God wants for us more than anything; to have a relationship with him. God does not somehow walk away from us and allow suffering in order to punish us. God is not limited by our actions, and Jesus never leaves us to face tragedy alone. Never. Never. Don’t you know that Jesus must be about his Father’s business? The question is not, “Where was God?” for it is not God that is lost, but we that have lost sight of Jesus. Instead, we need to be asking the question, “Where is our faith?”

Do you have faith that Jesus rejoices with you and the wonderful blessings of your life? Do you have faith that Jesus brings comfort and hope in the midst of suffering? Do you have faith that Christ is the Messiah, the Savior, who makes a way for us when all else is lost? When tragedy strikes, do you know where to go for comfort and peace; do you know where to turn for unconditional love?

Christ is here. He is doing his Father’s work, preparing his Father’s house. He is making a way for us, and he is waiting for us. It all comes down to our faith in Christ. And it all has to do with our perspective. Jesus made it clear to Mary, and he makes it clear to us; this one is on us. May we never lose sight of the God who loves us and who gave everything for us.