Summary: The most important players on the church team are not always the starters... the leaders. Often it is the "behind the scenes" workers that are most important

On Being Second String

John 1:35-40

We want to dwell this morning on verse 40 "Andrew, Simon's brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus."

I don't know about you... were you ever raised in the shadow of a sibling, or a parent, or a friend, or a leader?

I was.... I remember all my life, being "Ricky, Sherrie's brother". Before that I was "Ricky, Hal's son."

It was not till I went to college that people stopped saying that, then they just said "Ricky Pendleton, that boy with the strange hair."

Andrew lived his whole life in the shadow of his brother Peter

Every time John mentions Andrew he calls him "Andrew, Simon's brother."

Like I introduce "This is Simon" and you just nod. Then I say, Simon's brother and you say "Oh, right, sure, everybody knows Simon, I didn't know that he had a Micky Mouse brother like that, but everyone knows Simon."

This must have been hard for Andrew, being second string... because before entering the ministry he was part of a closely knit quartet... Simon and Andrew, James and John.

But the other three got on the fast track and were quickly promoted to first string, and became pastors of the first churches, and chairmen of boards, and bishops... while Andrew stayed in the small church.

It was hard for Andrew because he knew these boys when.

We usually think fairly well of ourselves, but if we hear someone has done very well or become famous... and we knew them when... then for some reason, we think they can't be much.

If they were much we wouldn't have known them.

Those three made first string and he remained on the bench. How did he take it?

That is what we want to look at today.

Second string is a position that nobody wants to play... or at least few do.

But the truth is that in life like in the pros... there are few starting spots and most will be left to play second or third string.

As Christians, as loved children of God there is no second string... everyone is on the first team.

But in life... in career, in school, in sports, and even in church..... there are those who will live in the spotlight, their faces will be recognized, their names will be prominent, they will get the credit for the work of the second string, and they will get the glory.

And life will never give the credit due, but the second string is often more important than the starters.

We all have places where we play second string. some of us have places where we are starters.

Today I want to talk about the importance of and how to play second string. We will use Andrew as our example.

1. Realize that it is not what life does to you that is significant, the only significant thing is the response that you make.

Two people can undergo identical experiences, and one will be remade by it and the other wrecked by it.... one will be made more beautiful and the other unspeakably ugly.. one impoverished by it and the other enriched by it.... one broken by it and the other strengthened by it.

It is not what life does to you, it is the response you make.


Many play the old game… If I can't be first, I won't play at all.

They cannot stand to stand in the shadow of another and they become cold and hard.

They fail to see the importance of their position, thinking that only the starter is important.

They are like the runner up in the Miss America contest... she does not feel it is a position of honor... she sees it as a loss.

But a football team is only as good as its second string... because the first string has to rest and gets hurt.

A basketball team is only as good as its bench is deep.

And in the church.... the second string is by far the most important.

Usually the first string... in the public light... is the pastor and the music ministers, and the deacons.

But the second string work being done at this church is what keeps it going. Like Mrs. Bryan sitting at that desk during Sunday School keeping the records.

Like Doug, the treasurer, keeping all the bills paid and the money in order. Like Sunday school teachers who are doing the real teaching in this church. Like a member visiting a neighbor and inviting them to Sunday school

Like the choir who puts in hours of practice for every one song you see them sing.

Like Ben who comes up here and takes care of the things that go wrong with the building.

Like every one of you who is tithing or giving a gift in the offering plate... without you, nothing goes on here.

Like everyone of you who comes to Sunday School... you don't know how it helps the first string... the teacher.

Like Billy keeping the building clean for what goes on here.

We can't afford for the second string to lose heart and quit... they keep it all going. The second string often makes the first string what it is.

It was unknown, second string teachers in Sunday School that made most preachers what they are today

Andrew was only the second string but He was responsible for bring Peter to Jesus. So no matter what Peter accomplished in life, Andrew had a part in it, he didn't get the direct glory, but he was responsible. When Peter preached and 3000 were saved...Peter was in the spotlight and Andrew was backstage, but each one of them had Andrew's fingerprints on them... just as if he were the one in the limelight.

He was only the second string, in the shadow of a big hero, but when Troy Aikman, the quarterback of the Cowboys went down in the second part of the season, Steve Walsh stepped up and delivered five key wins. The Cowboys went on to win the Superbowl, and Troy Aikman was the M.V.P.... Walsh was lost in the shadow, didn't play in the SuperBowl, but he was just as responsible for the win. Because he was ready, able, and willing to step in.

It was only a shoe salesman that witnessed to a man in his shop and led him to the Lord.... just the second string. And It was only that teacher of a small boys class that witnessed to a boy in his class... just the second team. But that boy went on to become D. L. Moody a great man of God, who preached in the great revival and led millions to the Lord.

Yes he was the first string. but he would have been nothing if not for the second stringers who were faithfully carrying out their duty.

3. He didn't become a martyr.

That means he did not sit around thinking about all that you have given up for the church and believing that you are getting nothing in return.

The truth is that many of you have given more than others and have not gotten the applause or recognition.

But you will be repaid IN FULL.... GUARANTEED!!!!!

It is like the preacher addressing preachers wives told them not to become martyrs.

He said, "Don't go around thinking how much better off you'd have been if you had married that lawyer, or this doctor, or that merchant..... Looking at you casually, I think you took the best chance you had."

Then he added, "And looking at some of you more closely, I think you took the ONLY

chance you had."

You can sit on the sidelines, sulking about not being first string, and miss the fun and excitement of what is going on.

Or you can accept your role, understand it for how important it is, and enjoy what is happening.

You can recognize these sulkers... they have faces that shine about as brightly as tortured mutnm1es.


There are big men in small positions and small men in big positions. The big position can accent the littleness of the man. or vise-verse. A pygmy on a mountain is still a pygmy.

Realize that you will make the position what it is... it does not make you.


Many people never get to be themselves.

They are forever telling how much they would give IF they had the money of so and so... or how much they would do for the kingdom IF they had the gift of what's his name ... or how they would sing IF the had the skill of somebody else.

But the great test of what you would do with more is only one.... what you will do with little.... what you are actually doing with what is in your hands and heart at this moment.

Be yourself, use the talent you have, any and every way you can. Realize how excited God is with you.

Like the old woman who gave the two mites.... she did not withhold what she did have because of what she did not have.... she was not intimidated by those who had more.... she was happy and willing to be herself... to do what she could and not to worry about who gets the limelight.

Are you a second stringer? Is it cold there in the shadow of others? How can you ever learn to play the position?

1. Realize that it is not what life does to you that matters but how you respond.

2. Don't give up.

3. Don't become a martyr

4. Realize that the position does not make you; you make the position.

5. Be willing to be yourself.

6. Remember the importance of the position.

Ideas and most of the content comes from tape of Clovis G. Chappell, "Andrew: On Taking Second Place

-John 1:40 from the Union Theo. Sem. Library... tape# C467-14