Summary: Life is comprised of small particles of time, what we do with these particles either makes life valuable or wasted. What are you doing with your life?

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Introduction: In our text, Solomon gives us 28 examples of segments of time.

Life is comprised of small particles of time, with each particle being filled by some action or activity.

Solomon shares, beginning in verse 1, that there's a plan for each life referred to as a 'season. There is also a time or 'the moments of life' for each purpose under God's vision.

Beginning in verse 2-8, Solomon now gives to us some of the events that are used to fill our life or season, and moments or time.

What time is it?

1. There is Death and Destruction (vs. 2-3).

A. Solomon says, there is a time to be born and to die, to plant and harvest, to disagree and agree, to tear down and build.

B. Solomon reminds us that everyone faces the prospect of death. Literally, all of us are born dying. The difference is that believers recognize the best way to die, and that is into the arms of God Himself (2).

C. Planting food we watch the plants grow, but then we must ultimately harvest or destroy the garden we have assembled.

D. We also know that at times we have emotional barriers to relationships, in which we may even have a disposition for others, but then when we come to our senses, we understand that life is wasted by anger and hate, we thus, learn to love and get along.

E. Also, we build great structures, such as a nice garage, which at first is exactly what is needed. Later, as our need increases, we must tear down that structure in order to befit the need at hand (3).

2. There is Joy and Sadness (vs. 4).

A. Solomon gives us 2 examples of sadness and 2 examples of joy in this verse.

B. We do spend some of our life both weeping and mourning. Not all the events of life are happy, but each event has a purpose, with which God builds our character. Paul told the Romans in Romans 8;28, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Notice all things work together for our good, not that every thing in life is good. Examples could be, a broken bone is not something to laugh about or an illness is also not a good event. Yet, when these events are mingled with other events in life, we can see God's will at work.

C. We also spend some of our life laughing and dancing. There are events in life that give us reason to rejoice. The birth of a child, graduation from school, and marriage are events considered to be times of rejoicing.

D. Just remember, that the good, bad and even tragic events of life spell "God's Will"! (4).

3. There is Gathering and Discarding (vs. 5-6).

A. In life we amass many 'things', we build a fondness for some of them, and others we ultimately discover that they are unnecessary. Understanding what we ought to hold onto and what we should throw away becomes a challenge for all of us.

B. Solomon says there is a time to cast away stones and to gather them. A builder must be cautious which stones are kept to build a structure and what stones would make the structure unstable, therefore should be thrown away (5).

C. Relationships are also important, but we must also pick and choose our friends. The people we surround ourselves with, will mold and make us into the person God wants or they will influence us to turn away from God and His word.

D. Therefore, there is a time to embrace and a time to refrain or stop doing this action. When you think about your possessions, how important are they? Are they more important to you than God? What helps us to serve, we should get and keep, what hinders our walk we should lose or cast away (6).

4. There is Pride and Humility (vs. 7).

A. Most oftentimes missed or ignored, our words become more powerful as our position in life changes. As a student, you spoke some in class, but as a teacher you mold the lives of others. As a church member you comment, but if you are the Sunday School teacher or the Pastor, people hang on your every word.

B. Solomon speaks of rending and sewing, which also speak of our words. Our words can hurt or heal, they can destroy or uplift. The way we use our words also reveals the pride within our heart or the humility. I can say the same words, but with a different attitude, and receive two different responses. I can say something that reveals to you that you must improve, but I can say it with pride or being puffed up and you would easily get angry and tune me out. If I said a word with humility or in a manner showing you I truly care, you will respond and accept what I say.

C. There is a time to keep silent and learn, there is also a time to speak and teach. Learning when to keep silent and when to speak poses another challenge to the believer. God gave us two ears and one mouth, if we would think about that, it would appear that God wants us to listen 'twice' as much as we speak (7).

5. There is also Acceptance and Rejection (vs. 8).

A. Jesus certainly wants us to learn to love people, even our enemies. In Matthew 5:43-45a, Jesus said, "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven." We must cultivate a burden within our hearts for souls, and then love will become the only option.

B. When we resolve to get along with others, even if their personalities conflict with ours, we will learn the way of peace. Paul told the Romans in Romans 12:17-18, "Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men."

C. We also need to understand that there is also a time to show our disapproval for some things. Our founding fathers were men of God, but they still had to engage in warfare and denounce ungodly actions. We must come to the point where we hate sin, not the sinner, and that hatred for sin should compel us to witness to the lost, so they will choose Jesus over their sinful lives.

D. We must understand that we are in a war, a spiritual war with Satan. Man is not our enemy, and Paul told the Ephesians, that we "...wrestle not against flesh and blood..." (Ephesians 6:12). Remember our enemies are Satan and Sin, not the sinner (8).

Conclusion: What about your life? Are you wasting your life with unwise choices, surrounding yourself with the wrong type of people, and are you leaving God out of each day of your life? Please review the seconds, moments, hours, days, months, and years of your life. To every thing there is a purpose and moment, but let us spend our lives and each moment bringing glory to Jesus Christ.