Summary: God has already supernaturally provided for every situation that we will ever come up against, all ready been there, summed up the situation and made provisions, for you to be standing with your chest out and you’re head held high, when it’s over!

"You can trust me" Go ahead and Jump!

I don’t think that, there’s any parent that has not said those exact words to one of their children, be it by a pool side or something else that required them to jump, as the form of their only exit.

All the while patiently standing there to catch them, with open arms!

It’s the same way with God and the wonderful, amazing Grace that He extends to each of us!

I remember on more than one occasion, having to convince a young child to let me throw them up in the air, out in the open water in a swimming pool.

And only after they felt both the thrill of the moment and the safety of my presence, did they say these three words repeatedly, "do it again"

Until the point I became exhausted.

It’s the same way with God, He really wants to help and take care of His children, only He never grows tired of hearing those words, asking Him to do it again.

That’s where a lot of people fall short in their relationship with Him, oh they trust Him most of the time, but He wants you to know and I think most of us, all ready know,

That there is so much more available to us, when we live in that trust all the time, knowing that whatever may happen, it’s all okay, because He’s always right there to catch us, when we fall!

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

When you rely on the Grace that God freely gives, the grace Jesus is talking about here,

There is a peace that comes with it and there’s nothing, I repeat in this world that can compare with it, it’s beyond understanding, it’s no wonder it’s called amazing! Amen?

it only comes by trusting God, with everything you have and its a sad reality but some people never completely experience it,

and yet for some people in their life, its just seems to flow freely.

one thing is for sure, once you’ve experienced it and you have enjoyed the completely stress free wave of inexhaustible favor and grace that He has available,

For those who will walk in it, accept it and believe it,

one thing is for sure, once you’ve tasted it, you don’t want it to ever stop!

Why would you? It’s what the whole world is looking for, through everything that you can imagine under the sun, but can’t seem to find it!

Guess why, because it can’t be found in the world!

It can’t be found in, people, places or things. Though some people spend their whole lives looking in all the wrong places, for something that doesn’t exist, trying to find it!

People, will let you down every time

Self effort, always comes up short, every time!

It can only be found in God and a trusting relationship with Him, through His Son Jesus!

And you know a lot of people, they know they should have one, but they don’t seek God for guidance, or help, unless its an emergency, unless its totally something that’s beyond their control!

They just keep marching out of His ordered steps, of the abundant life that He has for them, to the beat of a different drummer.

And that guy, thats playing the drum, he can’t even keep the beat!

their lives and the way that they act is ruled by everything, by the drama that happens around them, instead of by the one who they claim lives in them!

Always the victim, seldom the victor! That’s not the abundant life that God had in mind for His Childen.

Sometimes I think Christians and for that matter, all people need to be reminded, that as long as God is on their side and in their life,

there is nothing that come against them, no matter how bad it may seem.

The old adage is, don’t sweat the small stuff, and God wants you to know, it’s all small when you lay your burden down at Jesus feet!

The key, is to not only lay it down, but to walk away and leave it there! Amen?

God has already supernaturally provided for every situation that we will ever come up against, all ready been there, summed up the situation

and made provisions, for you to be standing with your chest out and you’re head held high, when it’s over!

we need to grasp ahold of and lock onto the grace and peace of God and hang on to it at all times, good or bad and realize with God, it’s all good, no matter what happens!

Sometimes we like to dwell on how big the situation seems, what we should be dwelling on is, on what the word of God says,

and what we know to be true, always how much bigger God is then our situations.

He’s the only constant that sustains us through the roller coaster of life, whether we’re up or down, He remains the same, praise God

When it comes to Gods Abundant Grace in our lives, Whether we think we deserve it or not, it remains constantly available to us, because He loves us!

The devil doesn’t want us to think about it, realize it, or remember it, because there is so much power in its constant availability to us, you know the "do it again Daddy" scenario

And that’s exactly how God wants us to be with Him, He wants us to know, that we can have that Daddy, that loving father relationship with Him at all times!

The devil knows that better than anyone, that’s why he has been fighting it for 2,000 plus years, that’s why he continues, even though he has read the back of the book and knows who wins!

The answer is found in Jesus and the miraculous Grace, life changing message that He introduced to the world at the cross, and guess what?

He did it for you and me, what cost Him so dearly, what cost Him His life, He has made bountifully available for free for all who ask, that’s how much He truly Loves us.

Now the accuser will tell you a different story, He’ll tell you, surely you can’t feel like He did that for you, the way you act and carry on,

Let me tell you that’s condemnation and He’s good at it, do you know what condemnation is?

It’s damnation from a con, thats what he is, he’s the biggest con man ever, like he is even worthy to point his scrawny little finger at you,

Jesus whooped him good, when He stormed the gates of hell and took away the keys to his domain forever, Praise God!

When it comes to Jesus gift of Grace, you see it doesn’t matter wether you feel like your worthy to receive it, thank goodness it’s not based on the way you feel,

it’s based on the fact He’s already qualified you as worthy to partake and receive and inhabit His Grace and Favor, the moment you became born again! Praise God!

Hebrews 13:9

9 Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them.

When were occupied with anything but Gods Grace, it won’t be profitable, so why would we want to even go there in the first place?

There are a lot of different ways and things out there and people who will try to tell you how to live and why you should live that way,

Everyone has and is entitled to there opinion you know, but that doesn‘t make it right.

Gods word on the subject, that’s what’s right!

That’s what has kept so many, from receiving everything that God has for them,

God says: that it is good that the heart be established by grace and once it is, it will totally revolutionize your life.

God doesn’t want you to be fearful and worried by everything that happens in life, that you come up against.

He wants your heart to be at rest and established by His grace toward you.

When you make it about what you think you can do, which is what human nature wants to do, on a daily, almost moment by moment basis,

It will be full of worries and anxieties, because you are the one propping it all up!

Its a false sense of security, similar to a house of cards, ready to crumble, without any notice, totally unsustainable, under the pressures of life

But when you depend on God’s grace, that is, His undeserved, unmerited favor, the opposite happens, your heart becomes established by it.

When you know that the only thing that qualifies you to receive God’s blessings is faith in the finished work of Christ, your heart becomes established by it.

It’s a free gift, but you still have to accept and apply in your life! It’s like having free electricity in your house and not knowing it,

it doesn’t do you any good, until you realize it and turn on the power!

God wants you to know and realize on a continuous basis and get it down in your heart,

get it down into your being, so that it becomes the very fabric of your soul,

So that you know, that you know, that you know!

that His righteousness, healing, protection and prosperity,

His unlimited everything, every promise He ever made, is yours all the time, all paid for by Jesus, finished work at the cross.


God’s blessings are always available in your life because they are not dependent on your ability to do and live right,

If they were, we would never receive any of them!

Thank goodness, they’re only based on your ability to believe in His Son Jesus and that fact alone!

Will there be still be sin, yes there will always be sin, there is only One who never sinned and His name is Jesus,

and because of His selfless act of Love, when He died on the cross, He established once and for all, that there would be no sin greater than Gods Grace!

The Grace of Jesus Finished Work, covers you completely, and you have been forgiven forever!

Allowing you to focus more on Jesus and less on yourself! And that’s what it’s really all about, More of Him and less of us in our lives.

So that when God looks at you, He sees the beauty of Jesus Grace and doesn’t dwell on your sin, and neither should you,

If your going to dwell on something, dwell on Jesus instead of yourself and your sins.

Because the more you focus on Jesus and His Grace, the less you will want to sin and the more you will strive to be like Him,

And isn’t that what we really should all be striving for anyways?

To be more like Him!

It’s not a license to sin, thanks be to God, it’s a license to live, to live the abundant life has had planed for you, since the beginning!

A life that is so wonderful, it’s hard to believe that it really does exist and is just waiting for just one thing,

You, you are the one, go to the mirror, that person looking back at you, is the one who decides if you want to live there.

It makes you wonder, why more people don’t? God only knows the answer to that one,

Isaiah 55:2-3 NLT

2.Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good?

3.“Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life,

I will make an everlasting covenant with you, I will give you all the unfailing love I promised to David.

Jeremiah 29:11 NASB

11. For I know the plans that I [h]have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope

God says, “Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life, you will find what your looking for, He won’t disappoint you!

God has so many good things in store for all of us, in our lives.

The most grand life we could ever imagine, is not out of His realm of possibilities

But unless we’re willing to step out of the old life and into the new, It will never happen,

Too many of Gods people hear about the plans He has for them, but are unwilling embrace, accept and apply them, to their own life.

They know that they work, because they see them in other people’s lives working,

But at the end of the day, they just continue trudging on through life in mediocrity, doing what they know, what their capable of,

instead of trusting in what God can do and longs to give them!

The skies the limit and they chose to only have the pie in the sky, that they think they can reach themselves.

Don’t look to you faith and understanding, always look to Jesus and all the endless Possibilities, trusting Him can bring into your life.

Hebrews 12:2 NKJ

2. looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

And when you know the author, you can be sure that He wants to be involved in every detail of the story,

that’s being written about you, with each chapter, being greater than the one before!

"You can trust me" Go ahead and Jump!

Maybe God is speaking to your heart today, maybe the title of the next chapter of your life will read,

I trusted, I jumped, do it again "Daddy" do it again!

Amen, lets pray.